Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Oct 1950, p. 7

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b NE WTON VILLE wold commullnion Service",as jer onSuan)dty evening w.ith thepaSs- tor pueaching a fine sermion on~ "Ye Are 31y Fliends"'. M.and Mus. Don -Vinkle acm panied Mr. Rosis Jones on a 'mio rIp rÉe Shaitbt Lake ovcr the Zeek end. Mss Dorothy BrownPm rbruh ait fome on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster and Dor-eila are asuay ona few days mtoe trip. Mu, and 'Mr. Jimi Payne weze vsi tocrsith iMr. Giýilmer Smiithi. Mr. Keith Burley ijured lis shioul- ier practisin~g vith Kendlal baltai o)n Friday eveing. MrBru-wn O'f Weston, is visiting lirmotherý , Ms. John An)deus n.ý MIr. aid MrS. Jiack Glocver '111 fan- "Ivy ledt -wilitliteir trailer to St.' Thosa-îs wher-e he miiiI be emýployed, Untilfueeze-up. Mrs. Lawu-ence Gilýmer and boys ofý Niagas-a FaJls, are spending a f ew,, aswith Mr. and Mus. Frank Gil- 2ur. Kenidal luoks quite natty in Eis! 11ew uniifoumi. fle lias joinied the Osdi-, awa Polie Force. Mur. and Murs. Allen~ Jones, Torot,)i[ V.ndMr. and Murs. Water Jonesý of Vancouver, visited Mus. G. W. Jones,; ,ýn Plidiay. Mr.aa Ms. Albeirt Thrasheu have bOuglit a hoine in Haniliton. Ms.ý Tha we ent Sunday and lier hus-i ban,-d and furniture, on Monday. Thank y you for thesplendid re- Bpneof the "Light Up Club". Per- naps a few mocre wi1I notice the ie-! apovm n d fail iinto line. We nIýeeded -no flasbui'ght to go 4,0 ehurch ;Sunday eveing. The" uewlI be no servie in the N.~urdh cwg to lth-e Aniiiversat'ySr vices hi tb4e Preshyteri-an Churi, e t MISS Fa JonIes, Peterbo)rougiiand M9iss Mairgaret Ovoas of Toronito, were in their respecti-ve homnes on the ,wieerd. Mur. and MVIrs.-Banion spent Sunday "nToronito with bis motiver. Mu. ai Mrm KIichen and two ah ain i Miss Marg-aret Lancas- cr, il of Toroi-to, spenit Suniday i Mr. Wilm-ler Zeland of Dtot visited bîs cuiMus. Cccii Buriey on cMonday KIRBY Mur. ind Musý. Wit. Rtefr sýPern lt he ekind -with Mlu. and -Mus. AM. Davis, ILakeýfleld, and ateno Bobonygeon Fair. M-s. To',ponan-M.and Murs. O.Chama7s1 Sunday etAro. We are pleaseïd ito see Mu-s. S. Chaian homep froni Toronto lies-ý pltil --nd Mu. Hre Morgan homez fulorni Oshaw'a Hsio Mui s. Ja s. ThomYipson, Cadmus, spe ttelst coupý of wekswit Mu. innd Mrs. Wmi. Wnnan a-ind Ms Patiterson. Ms aVes re-tUrd, home w 01hh 1 o Sundfay. The Kii-oby W. A. ane oldng aSp Peuer d Bazron Mondnly Pveninjg,ý Getober 9th. There mii be aprons, fenciy wcork, kiitted goods, -ady1 d fna de ,cannllewick bedspread mis-cellaneonj auièesfo, sale e cannite uqùests t hat thej ladies lea ehir bazanu oondtribu- iaon!S at Kil"by by SnIÉ-Lrdaýy if pos-ý ~tsMoinnon, Jan, and Chrlistne *tie(d in the nglho0 on.o Sac, - urdey. Theil ,11 rothers are fillli',ilos ï-nthe omn'y GongrtulelJo~ to Mur. S.Ca n -winning flrst pise on hisý e. bLindstayand Port Hope Fairs. MIDLAND REGIMENT LIOLD IREuNION,, (Cntne rOmn page one) £'enSae- hO prove his sttatenient. 'FiE Midland Regîmejiut mwas enin ýi IsrecruitedleDauhmVito A Ltnwrtnt trti Durirlg the hour ment Our aiml is in our- power to den. RARTLIEY I FIJNERAL Phone 18r 7 Oroni Ili COWANVILLE nrtei 1~nben rt. *.. . nd iMrs. A. T. PGrvrnKiby, - Mr. Thos. Vmpiew, inther, and1 DURIAM1 FARMERS URGE USE -s of your berçave- t1iree sopns of Toron to were vLsitorsi 'PLACE NAME SIGTNS' todo everything at A. G. iieon, Sunday. j Iightlen your bur- Murs. Glaude I{epry, Toroito, -ýisit-1 (Continued frenm page one) ed V-ih Mnu nd Mms.Sid RHalbw-iell wa e-ùtvýyapibdt itr Ia4stweek ma tuatv1l ppittd thr Gonraiulatinsto Mu .and Mus.i the Durhlimin surance district wt jîaines Sipo on Lhe birtli odf a Wso fen.isn .libtoj attended Churcli service xill1 ie held at 2.P0 the uetent mneetiing, and lie was told Ff DA~RLOW ' ç>.m. ext Slnd v ilh Rev. Tre by the Co-Operatve nlune rep-' le ]iI Jed 1pr.eaiingt Thianklsgiving service. The resentative the formalities lie ol DIRECTOR follosviiisg Sundaty, October 5th, Rev. Ivl t ndro eor o ol Okie off We.come 'wàIl ho the speaker. be coi!sideued a bonafide Co-Op,, in- 0, Onit, Phone 18 r 2 Phans have bei mae forthe san- e get niv esauy service àvich ,wil11 h id PresidZ, t Mel ] pln presiding atl io 0toheu 22nîd. The ooig the Uoniday meetbing, suggecsted that! and Lndsa and ventallyWedniesday, October ,5th, Croe his home near 1Orno be used fo-,-the-_ ard hsday nd wre venuail ofthi Royl Gi~aian net Durhuam Feder-atÀinmeeting- -.0 ughýit togther Sfor a toirofduyMounIted Pýolice wilillSpeak and Sh hch i tsnatveypJ1aaed l, r in ttaa, i0ure. 'heciii~un lreespciaîyThurmday, Ortobev 5th--(The Ca na-1 Laher -hey journe-yed t1» SaIlint OongratuGIations itç Rev. R. E. Moû - O Johin, New B1"runs\wiek, and many 13,ton ho was imarried Septeniber 20.' Torniadoos s onmetimes ra Sse and otter -point ii- Canada \vheze they We L '11o conignratula-,te Anniie Ge3tlick fali. Tjhis accournts fr eireun r etrshed ant ex-elent record. w* was marnied last Snturdy in ty of their dama;ge-patteru. ÀÊA ux ib A F C HEVROLET TRUJCK, SALES PROVE IT - beyond shadow of c doubtl Every day, more and more operators, large.and small, are making their truck choice Chevrolet - for every job. Now more thon ever before, Chevrolet is the leader in popularity- ini sales - right across the land. And no wonder! For the reaison Chevrolet Trucks Iead in sales is simply that Chevrolet Trucks Iead in valýue all along the ine!I Botter than ever hefore, they're more powerful and more versatle. They're built to Dowmanv'Ille pay bigger dvd n s . finish runs so oaner,.ek p fuel bills ow, maintenance costs down, Se your Chevrelet Truck dealer now - get the fuli Story onaý the leader -- Chevroliet Trucks. Ou% r TAYLOIR's BUS LuNE INTERNATIONAL PLOWïING MATCH OCTOBEli both, Ilithi 2th, i3th-195E4 LEAVE A.M, RETUTRN FARE 8.45-Z ion 9 ..,..,25 TO ALLISTON Please Reserve Seats Not tater Than Monday, Octber 9th, 1950. W» H-. TAYLOR & SON Phone -Bowmanville 2806 ROY1 W. NICHOLS s s s s 1 For ise to

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