Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Oct 1950, p. 6

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h anildbag. lchshe ,e puirse- and ladle a suic- ,laljit3t of bouise- jng.,0henI was a ic shle said she lice this was part now lber rproper- mpleio tk onle she ,gaveth iren. They ple ted out whiat it's a ftvW intes rig oom Wa ontnd 1notes wor- o ff thte Devon) ci ot a-iser- tried before IClioueoftht pIilnde2r couldi ti onc of tht en isaid a euil] ont of the petosClîmb la police eahdthe cavern andc itht stolen roerybut 3W htthe caverui waFL hie enorgromei 155to mkthirip. lg ilt ,n + O, ilt I iiuti hlafctitt5, woorîh mii- ssl1vý watciiec ie th uge irst pize t'o aria.T duti to inijury, it -was rufled rbest bonnet couild s- judges, A.Too.. Box oý-pener and eesuîng poti ie <omined ià thie gadget for oap b)oxes,ý Plas'tic opener 1presos nu box, op'eing top and pountrin-g ponit, then mea[sures cenolgh soep) or adipa of sulds et uevery tu, s said to sýave- up to 50 per cenlt. nSoeip; docs away with Pryinig peubxan plin op Ntw attey o marelias gid Mee ' wh11ich maker daimis Ee 1 !)Cpr Ucent moe rsistance o overcharge, sinf0be ttreet :s igecause" of 'bttery failure, Dthr atresof hattery inictudeC îsa-terial' said t e nsulre snaip sterts io li tthr ard rubb)ýer coni- amt i 10 peýr cent tilier Watts ýo safegîsar-d agaînelt container feu- Ire; flt eang compotmý1d to l latts enld pr-eývent lectrolyte ie ak- Ige.~"llt Batre oein four grouip * - '1 Thresan oid adage voý 10Adîît bust recauitteactWrdngta is adesdto foiks onith make It is to- thet4efeet that when ou'r Clilimbing up the 11i11 of Suiccts i is advisable 1omd0 ormanr anld not cnkyu tgtaon toolmucli. W hy? "eas h folks5 you paýss on your -oay to tht- top are the very oiies youl'Illpass when yvoticoeùe tuiiinig £4o1n again." ieWe hveoften tought ofthM adlage when -certain inivdul camne tumbnliiing dW-iioar commrercial tycoonis and tht like who didn'f hlesitate ftb troW their Wdehaasundwn they were Up tâme. TheyalWas seeMad'0s u- prised thiat other7 folkýs(idn't tak suich a .rourniful view of tht tuiiible athey did thiemlselves. Exýpecting syiat e ttlest thecy gotý was advice 30 go and loukbnder dhe letter "S" in thteitoay NOW that atadage coules to mind when Wt conisider tht pruesn p iit of'a aIcj of football 0'utfitFs wllo, jut abouit tellnmoniths ago, ~ere thet ýtel)op temris in)Canada. -f0 wit, the Ottawa 1Rouigh ider ndtht Calgary Stampedçrs.ý1- tht Riders or tht Stamplleders hed tu be toid tbey were good. Thley WOl reely admlit that they wr,c% if you asked themi,. or even ]if you dîidn'f. Ir, fact, over a fairly icngthy stretch cff watchiiing hetsin tht procese of Winnïing or losing. We 1cen recail feW -teamliis Who created'a mlore unlfrïcid'ly feling og tht general public by thecir atosoff thteiid; althougý.h, in ailfarss ifm et Saidthiat a gnru meesure of that iii feeling wray have been de io a horde or Avud moothed supporteSrsiwo carred enhsamto tht point p h oilusnes S. Anywy, hil thtCaiaryand Otta ýteenis imay Jhave been igh- iy populer -In thecirOW back yrs tey wue Ufe rmOat ammeongth of Course, aI present i ing are nut de'fititely ofolli >1ilBuit anyoneel WhO WlwtBCetl dtht pusingaroun tey took from tht ieArgos-the ean ail ce eperts picked to inih cithier tird or fot h-tht other= Saturday wotild be boath towae miore than a picaynnt o)it their chiances ,f %ininrg tht ig Four again.(Apicayune, ifyou Must kno0W, WSa acoin they uised 10 .have arouind si ad a quairtcens. Asfor tht SÈtanîpedrs-wlI, fnr theni tht sbîp las definitey saiitd. Aboupt ail thiat is left for thenýMitis 10 h),prr-ow Ctht lir aagmnsOf losinig 1basebaîl chlbs feed b ctht fans anid say, "Next year wt'rtý go-, ;ing to have a USLIGbal YVes, inideed, thaï. olIlaaen aiided f0 afthte sfar n'W scha bàd ontfor- feanîsl, as sveil as îîsdi- v tduls, 1 te ho heaF "iwy r-iieember that the f'Oiks yOu pjass on your way to tht op are htsam OMeS youmllPaus On tht way dtn~ And We hope hWtthtcagr Stamlpedeurs and tht ('OhtawaRougî Riders armelinAg pny s«rry fo fer altheir 1ment al ';acs and brie.Yes, the(yd bether, b 1ecauise outside of their ownsupportes, nood tse appeafs to hle, NoJid toesm îav C reasec their eealpplaiyb th1eir act'ionls ineadhoacul of eepy tnne ninîbrsof the Argonuts. ith Ngrots starring on Bg Lau aeaiteailso, and on Co)llge fotbl lveusý, south Stte Ngro jjurciig aNoe 4-such tree'let oftt crace h ere iný Caaais s-ickenlliing, f0put l veryC it is' a facfthallt ist uts ont f ttcoIl dgleime i questou, as aradilerrprbnie rôndaftef i liasentcld Buit is Big Fourp'yildS ol bave been tru te cure imo thant. Cther Çoblitl h at grolnd up 1y 1binig carr-ied offthtl t;ed itb a aly 7twistced kucer Lut YifIlse Curtis xvas thte dirtiest player 7whio ever stlpped 0on a Canadien gridiorn-Whlich hie WaS a grea-t imany miiles fromn beig- even tatioldni't excuse the kind of filthy abuse tha; was hurled at hint by üinc, at least, -f'tt RougI-91 Ridt rs WhaS ývseen1 rs a tht action caf a member of 1-t Ottawan wiaîagemelt in bacýkingut'i -nstead ifreuditig- hbis players had dont. 1îIf tas -What profe.ssional sport ilu Canada is cOmning to, thtsonr1t ttiio althouIIgh not-t an excuse. As poor old Jack .johuslon ocesaid lit ourhar îIjg, ,"tfs fujuiyhoxv îty nt, icer evorred abut mybad imocrals tl affer l11 cppdittce miusi. M5elybt, if Ulysses Curtis blad bjeen just anl ordinery ru--t-ml player,istedo ni outtndn stalr, thoeseprouidOtaaswudt havt cared WiîetITr is ýsku svas hlack, whto khttpu Tuf .FÀRM 4FRoT Notv 1 hnpe tat affer reading this you Wn rush madly tc, se-ll ail yoi- lvestocktgthrWI meoi of yurharesgmainr anld so forthi, u i-iorder limake a citais up býy puttIiug ailyouir acres ulnder -gras. h11 i f thtc follosig infomatin is truc aîd I haveMn reason to dobt t-her my couse a da-y xl.enw lal be groevn grasýs, flot asý a filler for caýttie, but ats al' foodfor, hunlian ingSr e thinigs then lth1at aehapnd Wh1yjus h ohrday, bliei or notIsw en-gdladt gel 1p and offer os sea t ba lady o eomeudd fne olfCourse étips garnshe ~vth awncuittiingsanld Ye tdy cîit j sagre-CUt that grass may pocapîae o h worid's rsigfndpolns Duriîeg tht war FBritLisîs ov I e n t c h e i s î s S i n v es, tig ai t e d t h t f o o dl possibîiities cffreh Ouîîg grassý and a tt eihtof tht U cboat menace, ctuailyset up a haos Deeîtroops uiiiLibya ndti- Sany anee eaiizdtnley Wre eatin exprs ital grass nt gate Saus ues anie ade fromgrass 'À ve xpei"i iidsitha ey way, Since hetbaley, oat sie nd mize ail beiong amlong th ,500) varieties nE tise grea'tgas famlily, h e 1sis not sur-prisifg. Sugar canes, sorghum and eveu bamboos ;a i hntat 11resh vaiaios in grass utrition. Bll ut fr-hWild grass-tlature's waste prclc-is, of course, the focus of curcy- Anjaiysts confirm that an unselc of grassprovidesit timesmore vitamnin B than equlivaIlent 1toma- îoes, fouIlrtýe tuin tiims Imor'e vitamn A, plus invigratig Mboro- phyl i-aid vailuable inlerai sadts. Carotele, the vitamin A snbetattc whic couterats ailinig teesight, is yie1lddy grass ilS in tir etiun thtC riuanitity availabie frolm the commiion source, cros Again, in probing gasposii ijties, therapeutisýts hiave discovere iîas overcome parutage îeobiems ili rats anld rabit Bt perhaps thtý trend( of crrent rescarchuis best iilîîtrated in thtexp lieus of David Tuilis, al poutltryexrt Aware. that yocunig grassý conitains hormnones and proteic s whîch nmake ià an ideal fond forihens, he se out to overcome thtý outtanndling sýnag, the fact thiat hens tqcannot di-1 ce it.Heofed a Bockt on powdered grass withotut resit, and 111l, n tied remiioving ail the !)et~i ire but stI in v-aln. Gecse tan digestgas hno hcens? Durinug 15 yas ftien exNperiment, heisoatd(igstv juices tihges have bit !heu8 iacký, awd sccedd inmnactur- iug teu sntetcaiy On beingfe grass liets mied wit -tese js.ices, oi anld cIbldrt lte over Briain arefeed!ing theirbrs cniiylonpllet gas.P et ae been puitting con as inuch as ih oumnCes in a weeký, whlefulrow grass--fed hensweigh;naerg Pound more thbntpose raîsedon thrfoodsl. Egg yild, to, are up Gondbirs have laid f245 egs xear, ail], fceof about cent of tt ioisureto bee xîraIcted partice of foodi value, M/batiS, more, «o oucdfvitami El e- trýacedfromgras mis Auffiien t need fr a 1y. . WHY SUFPIERILS FÀSH ION NOTE FOR JUNIORS '%1' 1MINIUM R ItOi-N4 'J' , 11 foot leneiles. Frites eivrd t) etshmpes iceaues t. vie . C. ESLI'&',. LMITE TOIilTfil2, ONTAi II) A -uIAT tSeNlS $3,3 1Tl17 e Iele' kinM shles a re mSf ET 0S. cf urmay ooin- advspaî brgins. Ai0lb.Bt hnls8.1 6 ieo $4 30ger 00 suarefret ~~~~~' ~ ~ ' Thc Islte iln;BErk o C- der Grain desigonly1345 etsqure M0l.td o re GaieRoftg,8.1 Above ntes F0.B..I)faml, gradelstock. ALUItINUII CORTS[IDS3gE only 38.68 cor ~~10, .fe.Ieiee r- AERT P-A NSLNIBEIT cO. Supyi opay Llie, ebyrntro RATIE fabbts or eat pets nd ool Wrt o aicel t ctlo itigvalu borein pîtes SCOr ALSCl. L BANISI due orment odry cma rashe and weping 5r rebes PeisEce meSavill 0f iapofl 'Oi 1-niingýe, 1calngh.,,or e, i g lua aciie ring,,wýorm imlsand a Strt'e fot ,, yil i esteôind read$ý Iy t fe "i' ileUsedories 1 ntmeu. ireladleS cof iho 'vtub1ro i ýr PKIIE J.O0 PERUA Set .PMIt Frel..Receit 0f Pric PQSTS REMEDIES OL U E 11VEHTAIME TABLETS GIVEWNEE l KEJLIMI8- E1 For Catarrh oi stouaacil, Sp nl Ii- B-2For lRheumatiç Pains. li- 3 For Si* n xhuion, akahe B- m ForPile. lt~ 6 For Bile Bl- b For Stomlacb and netia lei- bu. Irgary.WHl.crasepaas a=3 Promote Slep Noa prtDu e B-.t1For Ge ýti eroulsCniin il e seILt f ou.posýtagefredietl MATL RSEACHLI-MITEDY ASILEU, vol. NCItSERY STOCK $5,0.£tdeaoRapberyPlanits $100 pel 0.IedLleand PioneerBie Huntevlie.Ont. growins ChineseElm lteg, 32 Ineeswhr sipod.Planfo'd 00e foot aparit: 33 for 338.Gian Exibition Faeoiesred.phie orpinl, 3for $,9 Tuli Bos-2l for $1,73 or 100 for $1.3 Gade:uide witbee rer. mu" omeae BE A HAIRDRE8SERý SOIN CANADAS LEADIG SCHOOL GatOppornity'Learn laidressng P1leasantdînle profession, good waee Tbiousands 0 f scesflMarvel graduait A"mas Greatet Sstee tllusqltatedCataý-logue Free Wlre or Cil RJKing St.. Itenltop h1 ideau sf.. Ottawal tent SolicitoE, s~ablied 185, 3»Q Bey tr*eet, Tomont.O tokee nfra tion Onreqcet perencd an 0 wrkon ruee nd forrgtmnCveeibSitnssd Uhea 5oînd feel lthe relief steal ove the tachinig beenc fameus for over 6 yearsGo for dan&df nd soln isdeit. Get botje oday itep it ISSUE 4 -1950 .Ctassi'fied Advertî'sing. AGENTSWNT>LAOOFEE OIILS GRESESTIRES, Bleis AORR a esac etsrn Paints, Electrie Motors. Stove, ,Riios, 1-1,y nIlald haveone for nxt serin tRigrtr Faut Freezers and ?ibirl orsonr It.Fo Box 383 Ota Co0Q)e rs. Rounf Coatingo, Permannt ,-Anti- OpIItalo. (7-cciese irffl 011 Ltd., Toronto,___________________A___ - --- n Ii BYcrciXs - --l DIXON'S REMVEDY-For NeuIT- 1PIV 1 Il, tblt our 'peial brer lics tis and Rheumratic Pis hu s.àtisfy til InGt xatina bro11et-secial- lands sat-*sfîed. Ist 85 t 1at they uone er"',for r ùe, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, Alo hihefo lyee. wedl Cict 335 Elgin, Ottawa- ______________________ -$1.25 Express Prepaid. brede prmp eh9mni.Ednr ud CEs" BUNMON SALVEforaN z ing O)VEINO ,C1AND CiLEANINO oue nevesfat. GrC5.t or sml are gL1cl te anîswer our îonestiones. - t e p.vi, igr.Rsh $1, for tris patnn ,Pre'sD ye Wn o rk Lt lmited package. 1,:Lare ecnm sie. $2. llooey BOORREPINOtNWANTED IAIR ~OOIKEEPNG ad .A....ting Srvc. wiI Sc-elar-msrkable seer 7r', -S'J.21 Nsit Sret f ille age. Sc- ela cetaine ne barm ,orc 1to1fui iegedienti. sd i i ei'" Wrey il,9e ii TUIPBLBS 0cDOEN67 at'ile ree 13 is 1' 1 ; gL'l',-ý' 110, buý i :, 1$4; of mixe zu-1er BC shades wiligire lrge fowere b1oomm GAIiNO IrT? iendexTarhelp FAItMS FOR0 SALRtin ' ý, l -ntelý4 "ýGý PO-Z'CEA AY

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