Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Oct 1950, p. 5

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1 Calweil, CaImp Dnis whlio -try to stopkdde Xîr. lierbelt Gai- uignd leIý> apwï,1 Èe le, anId M r. -andle(Itgcnyaen icdwt h anOSt d M-S. 1new anedIcal opinIîon that suga-,r Iýs * fot the ma1.in cýause of vjtot decay. Armecl Aggression must be met witli Traîned'c Unit eci Strength srve . Cainadcaý with "-Act at once-You owe týit to yOuýrselU to find out about tis opportunity 3i- Canada's cx- panding Air Force. Do your Part t* help Canada do her porteJ Royal Canadic n & r Force Please e!il me, u 0wit 1;"i'b:gatn, ,1p a rtie ulars a- aszei- AT N#ow- en equrmet fdoennnow avin uth AF C O N S U T T If C 4 R t à C O U N E U O R N AM E (Peas e Pri n).. .. . .. . . ........ . . . . . AT Y(X/R NEARE5T ~ STREET ADD)RESS..................... RECRU......... NENTR or mail this couJpon IY...............RVN S EDUCATION (by graýdc a nd roic.......... .A F. 2 Tlinksgliving Suggestions 1Pumpkin Me Spice, pkg. .. ý..... 10c, Crauberries, Eatiuor, Fancy, lb pkg-s each .... ... ..............25c, JelIê JeUly Pow4ers, 3 for....... 25C. Puiinpldn, Faney Quality, 28-oz. tinls.for.......... ...27e. .MeLanen's Olives, Stuffed, 8 ozs.. 55c. Old Oxford Cheese, Cneamy, Tangy, '2 b. for ... .32c. -CRICKE-NS - Onden your Thanksgiving Cliiek- ens. now (Boîing Fewl, Cholice, pouind for .......ý........ 45C. Roasting Chiekens, pound ... 55c. Chek These For Value Nucoa Margarine, reg. 39f' lb, nlow 2 ILb.for..........69c.' Potatoes, dlean and fim, 10 lbs... 19c. Tide, for a no rinse wash, 2 large pkgs. plus coupon ...........62c. Knox's Clover Uoney, 4 lb. p..... 79c. 2 IL pail for........45c. Lynn's Coffee, vacuumn packed to in- sure f reshness, lb. ........99c. Crown Brand Corn Syrup. Be pre- pared to win $25.00 in grocenies, 5 lb. for............ ... .. 69e ~2 lb. for........... ...... 30c. Strawyberry Jaïn, 24 oz. jar ....46e. llubbard Squash, each ..... 25c. Watermelon, each.......35c. >6 1- Miss Viola GlilaToronto, spent the week-end at it her home. Mise' Annma Mùrip 1Rail is attLeingý 'Pusines--,Colege in RewuanlvnNillýe.1 ~M_- and Mns. Stan Paym&ne retnedý visit V Biflo dfavs witb Mr. and Mrs. Kenîneth Fra- lick and famii1y at P2-ince Aiboit. Mr.an'd m. C.DiiyNnma- litqt, visqited Mi-,adMa' Stan. Paiyne ovýe- the week-end. Mr. Wm. Ro-wiaind, T,,orito. vi,sited his parents, 'Mr. mi MrF.s oel M-rs. Muir spent a few days in Taunton -wi.Vhlier damg1ter, Mrs. Fmaak Tho,,pipson. Mr,.*Dean rýWest, z,,ho r!eceîtly iac- cepted a ps-iitionawith VtheG. E., at Peýj-ýbOrough, vb4iteýd huile parents over thewoknd Mr. and M'as. Moorey ofi Massey, hav~e been victin«g tlhr daughtei, Mrs, Cý . SMLareri, 1 Mi% are eind foenily PLOWINC MATCH PLANS ARE NEAR C0MPLETION Wdtlh the bigIenatopPown Maitdh i ?arnmad4~yDun tration o(nily tao ,vweks aiwsyplans for its oeaiinare Tsiely ornp1et- e-d, according Vta J. A. Garll,Stecre'- tay mage ifte Q0nVlrito i>lw nen'îs Assoeiation. 3ïtst back from tite National FPiewieg YMatches amI ConserýKtvation ,D'av-, at Urtama, Ohio, Mr. Clarrofl waai fi!oufew ideuas fýr this vears, and rtuiure matches, but at th e sarrie thnre feit tulleý big On- tauiiio e,ýeant eunpre avorably wit'h thue Anuerican eveut. Onie oufthe things w imirpresses Mr. Carroll about the Oillo mtche wnis the degase YItoldhi coserviaon wvaus tied unp wilh the plowing nituautch. He (ýaonservation eao-dfers.see-m to feel good plowing is an impsortant pat 01 the good f armîng wic1h is neesary in aconservation piilgaamî. At [his event they hoidd both theirp eelland plowuinug and contour pbew ing naths TFhen along wîuth the grýowinug of cil ps. Tydio rot hv nearly as many plowving ciptiin as are helM ai h ntrutoa u there are Ilelde o onedtuc aroýund wdhhave 'been paîtdtoý cropsfor dmonucïatio puro ses. ý These were psniilaýr Vo ile potato de-j ni4 ~ 1ý nsriton Ittlis r's Tten tnabut mui rj- ore extensive. Thn tVo enaibiet1ne visitors tVo 'cee- thedemnstatinsand fo learin the- purpce ouf ihethterore org1nnized Whneach idemnonstration le'mch ed, oficîihsav o h 'nd oexl it 'o tie vusiltrs. in altheune wereý 11~utar'o's anlngri'ber tired wa- gons uedfor taking peopfle 0on these tours, 'o îthere was eve-ry -p-p01ointy to sese tdoingswhieh int1erested thie vistor niost. M!r. Crrcl)-ato". ayc ne thiing of thiýs kindi s pla11nnd fo'r thlis yer' nt+ermtiona.iL hough 11i'tvwill There wi1I be tractorc wth m gois on bad tVhi mi park1îing lots toi Verýs aea and posbyV'othier pointýs (oufSintereeýt. So foras contor plowulng lY con eeii ",M. CrrithonTglit the finie vonalbd cone when cuutorplowing conseutltins ould foriro parf the rormof thse Internautional Plow- ing Matých, oevr lie said it was gsaerailly ngueed th-nt a man -wvho wasC a godf plow]maT in le'vel lard work wmod abco be a gond ontour pow. 1-11in and uth hsMain parý1t Of he work for srch a coimpetition wo-ald fali on the engineers in laying out th1e' fie!ids for Contour piowing. Comning back Vo this Year's Inter- natiunial Ploasl,ïng Match and Farrný Maeldinery Demonstration, Mr. Car- roll hiad a word for tho)sý planning on1 Comppeting. Consaritiours- wh wanit te hiave eiltlher a travtlr o teaui provided niiit nsaie their ap- pcio , t l-tise i hlc'unvteb These are net onfly beautiful to look at but display eqi Corne in Io day and ses thern. Also a numiben of odd Chests of Dravý Dnessers to enhance the funnishing of your R. R. ýBARLOW Plions 18 r 7 ORONO, ONT. Phonés ARMSTRON ~ii '-v MIJSTARD PICKLES 16 oz. jan 29c- It's Luxurious ItsLong-wearing! lt's the coat yout want - be- cause you kuow you'Il always look your best in it . .. . and it wili give you rnany happy sea- sons of Wear. Ses Our new group flow. Sugar, per cwt .........$ 10 ., Jeilo or Jello Puddings, 3 New Peels and Glace Cherni, just arrived. Chickens for Thanksgiving Order Early Eclipse Pastry Flour, 21 lb. bag.. .... ...... ....$1. 2"s Hfandsome Bei. Oun Walnut-veneer, XMaple roomn Suites are packed with The O ymi'lÇki, for New Zealand ithis auttn w11bee in 1842, was Canad the fm Omo e oultry to. ososroudo tl use wee Prin4c. t Ta1l1eLsit catarac,(t in th world is l e i ts St a! N~~w Zealaiid's ~S1,the-Aand Fa lswihwlp vd iri:tn a droip of 1,900) feet. n'tr-savdars Mercu~ lethe tallest 1a:net i"il P -u has ýtheb dii- the sodar system. M'nais-. ey owc TAYLOR BUS SERVIC Orono - Bowmani»vi*lle Os 1Leaving Oronto 1.1, arrive Bowmanville 1.3( awa 2.30. Leave Oshawa 4.55, Bowmanville 6, rive Oronio 6.20. A Minimum Charge will be made on ail pa brought f ran Oshawa CHARTERED COACHES A SPECIALTY ýS-PECIAL RATES FOR WORKMEN F For Information Phone Bowmainville 28( W. H. TAY. Lined 0

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