WEE LY TiMES Vol. 14 No 56 ORONO, ONT., THU[RSDAY, OCT, 5th, 1950 Su bscription C-orner Stone -Ceremonies Held At Orono Uni'ted.Church, Fie Autumi easther stiiîmulted the îmospere of thankfulncss asý tie cornier tone o'fVie Orono Unitedi Chnhwann mbedded mithin the mail cf the Loliyedifice 0on Wcdnesday af- lemniopa, October 4rlti. Thougits cfS Vie idehunch wene'e praetica'lly eiased _n tils day for Vie t.iend f -miedita- tion-j wais toiwards' the expectaitions, Vil teciigsanil l'eadershiWp o be l-ad from mwitli-the ic maIs f ils rn.ew, structure. it mais apparent thait ThIe chracter of the biliig Iiibeý finciby sitrog as willle litsgA&d ance. Rev. A. E. E'-ustace oicne the ccenoiswiVth a short prayer, iVe wh'ich Rev. W., C. SmiiVh rend a pas- 5ý-îge -of ser-ipture. 1ev, M. C. Fisher, oreide th e OiaaPreshytcry, nfficially laid the corneýr stone mhi has Vthe ameof the churceh apon il,. 1'he former naime cf Park tre lnVdChunchwiI miI onlyrecalI thel buLil'ding hilcb mas desýtroyed 1iv fire s Vie unem struee lA MAIedthe Oniouno UnitedCha(Trclu. 1ev. eog Telfoi-1, cf St. Ani- shcrt adrss ta whlen tie 1aew aifie i opee it nnany'Mi qhri net1n isfrûe i a sed la hbulding, for l t msm npo'nAte.Thcmennig of these stonels.he staîed.mrenumerous.AI fnmna o Viose wh'o lIad lost VheI' .,~,. ives o Of l thers can re-mnin fr-ee, useo lt would srve s 'a igrI pcst po'ÀIùting Vie rond fl -,ightfuni living. The coumre with whîch the peopje ethVe loss off ticir Cdurci lis bee an inspiraVion o al Vie Presbyîtery,. stied 1ev. S. R.Hendenson, Ttma apaet aicd Pcv. Henders,ýon, tha Vecongregation iwas aware 4cf the, trucimportanice of sucin a building aa conmunity'. The tre nlizaitionî cd theie chanc, lic sèd, pubit Vat ie ýqop cf Vhe ist. Thc i'eward for g itg Vothecpint of salit'sacrifiice, hec 1-c'ined, mas both tanglible nnd ini- angible. TPhe greateat joy is from 1ev. A.. ,Eustace, on beiîf oft Vtue Orono coagregation, thanked tJioýse cli the Pebyey iemee 'r~n oihclp with thie aying of the conrstoýne, ieing Rev. D. T. Lan- esster Neoavlle 1ev. S. R. in dereaBow'anill; 1ev. W. C. SmtPort Ferry; 1ev. George Tel-i fedSt AmdemsOshamavr, aid' _Perý. M. C. Fiier f rooklia. The Hoistein Breeders Fromi Five Coueies Show At Lindsay The HlVl hw idlacm'esc ed 83 ilead iegltot bysene- hibitons mcm the dounties c itr ia, Petexrtoîl,, Dunlham, York and Hialibuirton. Gebca fttie, ine eat- er aiad a lge iingaiîde oonbin'ed Vo produce ia goed MC'S of Bliack and Whites. Judge D. S. Dmon rnitn f ound 'both his SnorafGrantid and Resenve Sno adGadchannlpion f'euaies l inte uîkigAged GC thssVe Glanld sar,îýd oingyte A (Continued on page four) vimrn "TIcclilurcli 's oefd<onn " is snng, fei'iiomd by Vie benedie- tien. Betmeen 14 and 2010 wibitnassed tic l'aying c, f Vie cornler stone. Tici el- lowving articles merre piýa-ed wiVin Vie~~~~~~~ cotie ic a inlaVi atone(: Tic Orone 'inces et'Feba- nr-Y 23nd, .1950, Vi te finst issue aitteýr Vliefne tih N~Ve N ocf Vie iiiuc duwioi thVe chianci I binag, î'ihe fronitt page'etie TîonoStar 'oit October 2Lnd, 1950,showiag Vie Vrend loi t teiis, cliîppinig o(ftVie UaIited lChluri Obse(:rver, Au-g. 15Vh, 19,50, slolag picture et' Dr. DeviitV amuiD. Slemionresatngacheque Vo O. . RoîIpi, W. J. Riddelli and Recv. A. E. E ustnce.i, iiecanaireport cf Orono Changefoýr 1949, Vie oçer, et' service of t iùe reeication cf ie OonoChurcin on' Octoben 9th, 19'49,ý twoc piotos oi t Ve"old chanci, cine et' ile eneiviem and tVIe 'other cf tee ciueých as.l redecorated foin VIe reýde-' dlicaitiion ' on Octoîber 9th, 19-1q, 2 ph-otos 'of tl<ie chanrcI bu'nain'g, al Vie 1d (oins taken eutoith'Viecorner atdmoncf fie ld clun-ci, alomg ite 1. 5125 aind 50 ent pieces al dIated 1ý950, plia'ced hy Mns.Baaal mIro mlli oleiiatc hier f9te 'brthday on Octobar i- a nd' meam bthe -for- mer cblmrch Ibcdng hinlt; nto lkenrand alier oiuriy W. J. Riddeli,,-a simali 5-cent place by Mns;. Jas. ,vLcett anid a dolar 'gold piece dated 18518, hy Mns. JausDickson. After V tinecercnony uwaa conicluded e mnisenspîeset moremeter- VýinMrd atVie pa thîa e iehome ci( t W. A. c'f Orono ,Unlited Caucib Sjucc essful Reunion Held By Midland Regiment -'we llleytVIls meiiil s ory oft tieVwlo _pave ilienselIvee Vinat me -u cemlet on a i-niig 1like tVils in ake freedoning" aid Rev. padne cf Vie iddland Regîaient inaa l'iut stilV-rniag 'en]em-fbrance -,,,ie pt VUn eit 02h1onSniurday nousmiScpteunher 91h Moie Van1O0 .vetwiians of Vhe Finsit Baitniinoi t V i ldland Regi- mant twuned (eUt for Vilsserieand VIe renion mici feiîo',vod iii tic a- untne on S'ilun1dny\. Witb Vie akiri -aet'b Ia-ppipes frinm Ve Bommanii vole giour Pipe Bný,nd Iwiich led Vieparade, ti'ey maude a noble siglit s tlie mard imu SicocStree Colors Lit'ted Proudly on)-cce morc e c uons cf Vie e- men emre liftet proudly on V1ie, brepeze heaume by TedA Broindbenit, foin- mner Seýrgeat ihth Ve regiment. Charlie Mwna former bandamn --e-, eently lidtVe mreth nat Vhe fout .A5tter Vthe bVolet'service, Vie veter- n n amched hnck o tVie aumoaies, wemcle' y were d_;missed by L- ici.J. C. Gamcy,'M.M., E.D., formierý eounamaumdhm-g officein. Tien t'ie mcai cfai] anikçs ailed nid fienda in tic, regïcimèlU11t,3iro bd caute f nom-- as fan' as ýBritish il iuinibin 'aund Neiw -B)uns- 'wod at Vie renionî. 'Tiey recnlled Vie ,id baVVes und aventsvw'ilcil hey ils ard t-lgetier fliathre services. Repesautîtires Sceýt<ty" G ra y (Toronto),Dick Liti Biwuaviie Elmmr Lewis (Lidsayiý, Gond IPein- benrton ('Poit Hoîpe),B're Quinn (Canipbellftorcl), A. Alexander(s- olaC. A. Gallaniti Coou 0) . Hlendarson (Hapliiuteni), B. Raper Aanier cf ltos oern t'rom enieawh-)ould noV attend but sent t!ieiir beast mlshes. Reportsi oit' fermer memnibeis coitbptic negiment who ie eon Vie sick liat moeneaiv- cd. Atrticbuin ssesion Vie vet ornauls spendthVe reat of tlicday redcis- cocingold ionda n eiaslg Tliey had minci te discuas for' ai- thni'll1e reglment nsa mica edid nloît sec on overas micr Vin 25#0"itoi litmelnîberIs more drama as reinoncunens fr ants venýseas. Tiese ýiu'oreensS ction la evcriy Euw opean tibentre oitlVie mn Tiere mae-i>(m-embe-ra mieo mýent thirougli Vie -alaand ,iciliauna- pa ig,, nîhtens landed la France onr D)- Dny ,and %al en t iroug llHollaald anidGrany 52 Fouglit At Hong Keag,, FiittyVwo meniers thIe labtalion meure mýith VýiellftVed Gainadfian coin- tingenit ir. ong Konga3nd most cf tiesle spent moist of 111e marin l Jap- anege pr!2*n ca<mps. £wrgwers zillled and thet- fflnoooy wasco. miem<orated aitthe ispeelial servce Ireld It tfire ceiniotaupi. "Th's regimauniE mais considered secon Vo'none ia its\vanueor, sVaVied Lieut-Col. J. C. Gajimey and olîl-ffenied lVon ualnspeclor-Gener- eal Gnipcba LVelVe Col. J. L. Rab tokn5 Canaidiamr iai ofr t'De- (Coatînued on pag-e sevea) AfterReoon Aexiliary Celelirate ý Sixty-fiftk Anniversary A very !pci eeting of tlie Af- ternon 'uxl'iry f theUnle Tuesay fteroonlaw I. t was the nng aa ihe celeibration of the, Slxy-lf~hAaiveaaJyof thie Aux- il ia ry. MI-S. M,' H. SapePresi- dent, voas in the clair, cnducýtinig a very suitable wrlipservice. -Al very' cordial mlcm was given, by Ms A. E. Euita-ce to thene nunher of gue-ýts' presenit fmri eKLIy, Ken- d'ail and Nwate Mu.Chas. Wood revýipewed the Citoil,'of the G5 yeiaýrs, mentioning liriefly the golden aaniversary il-, 133,and the OOVýh àanniversary cele- memorihle ccasin M. GeO. Car- somn and M..Rapim'onid ChlIpma bohfaviorccd with vocal soloSdsrngý teeatron accompanied by Mrs;. Miss Moore, R.N., -who zlpent seven 'yan in a W.M\,.S. H1oapital ia Southl China and who içs, ait presert, au- singla Ohamwa HolSpikl, was the~ hy Mrs. N. F. Porter. M ýi o re galve herlsteer a very clear Pl(c tuire 'i oditions ýin South Chiina. Thý,eeIre no damiiin athe chur-ch, but ilmsioaie ndi Chinese Chrisiians are part of tute Chnhof Ch istiCia and al- ltouholy ý1% ýof Ciais GCinl-ý ian, tLhey n1l w"ork tgte oad~ vance thie Kingdom.y There aretwo) ho itas aSouth Cinone normal schoîoi: wheýre niative tenchiers are'ý traboed a theoogical college and ileszidien-ce la Canmton' Nursiag ina Cina wi*s started by! Chuisian Msinais inurses, ayi, teacîlers 'workiiig together to) bing The goispel te patien-ts. Nursig hais adîvaaced la spie oit' ars anid political poleî.Hospitals nom oire taken over by the c,.om4unsts- bust churches stlhavie religious free- doni and some, missioitaries are be- inig ivîited back to Chinia. The ChIinese ole , 85% of who-,a lare peaisant farmers, poor aa Id oppressed hy gre-edy 'a'lrs have taken V ComIrUnIism, ndlan y cases COD- ditions are ipoe.Th'is '.S a challengte te Ste native Chistiani and o ailt hi ;intvryhr o- as4stia, everly wypo'ssible iàthese difficult times.1, Mrs. HanoI1d Allenem, President et'f FrkRicklard, Presideunt of Nwni ie Auilary, thnne Vie tnocný, Auxiiiry anld MiýsaMoore Fer tVIre ai- terae.ea's prograime. Tich eni, i 1ý uxiin meunIers srv'a v loveiy lun.ch teL)ail pro.seat, hmlca mas icinppreciatûd by Vtiem.1 Solina Champions 0f Clarke- Darlington Football League Coinpiting Vheir lgular league sciedu(u1Peil] fcurtlh pince Position, tac, iusluySolina Soîcer enin Vnltrmued VIe ounicesoccar tVenin 2 Vo la tic, sewî-Jfinnl pliayanaî ler Vince close conte!sa iti Mapie Gr inve laVe finals, nerged manier i, Vite Dan-J iagtn-Clarke Football Lnu nomý Broch Troily.Feýr llrec con-1 iceý footba),ll club caýptunred top ioni titied Vhem Vito ie permanent pe se s nd fldacastd-ine dntoft al seco(nd 1Breslia Tnop1iy, mn by Se- lin :Lthis year. Tic tinlg o- ClneFootball engu is compoaed i t en1ns freor -ýono, Tynoný1e, Enis- killen, Zion,,Hmpton', Aiiple G ive Couiceanad Vie Solun campon Dance To Be lleld in Orone ThisFriday Nightý Thc Ornne Jater-mediate Sottba-ll Club ancr odiga daince a inte Towa%!ishuip Hall, Oaoiao, VlsFrlday cengOctoiber 6Vi, This is 111re ifist dane c f btic season ardn arg l'iuieofet dancers are expected te ie present The imusic l'or Vie eveait w1*U b. supîplied lay Roy Forrater's piopuliar dance bard!,' aad Vie admiis-1 sion mwill be SOc, per pension. Tie boys of tVils InteumneideutClb nleeds youn suppcrt at Vils dance. Tic e 'ieproceada frona Vie dance milI goViadpaying Vie expeases in- cureýd during tee pi aoffs"It' Il eam. Coenet inàd--ive tinaun your sappor. Services 'field ,St.Saivionr;s Chanci mas beuti- t'nly, decotittid for HanivesV T]ials- rIuits, vegetables, cernil anîd tay Aicaves eot'grain mare ditiyan- nanged againast Vitmidm and dîna- tel, 'affoi-dnîg an idde-d appeal Vo Vhe quiet iovpIimasis cf n amine %mIiih for Vie parýt sevea nmeis msbas ffered svanictuary V o tli e cengregaton eof Pauk :St. United Cluiuch as mc s ts 11ev. Eaut Sipgs ea of St. John's OhumelBoiamavile, as Vie visllt- ing uinister 'it evenso(n-, wmille Mns. E. 'C. Wolkin, e'Boonflc pneided at Vine ongan .owing Vo Vie illi-ealin cf ic regý,ular orni, Mr.J. H. MorrIis. Messins. W. C.IH. Mvlitdieil ityd Colin Taylor assis ted tic choir mitb a nmuci apprcciaited vocal duet. KendaI L.OI. Dance And Draw A Huge Success Tic sale oft ick(Vis on -aidram, sies dby tic Orange Tdgcon- ciuded onl n eveingi,, Sept. 29t i, mhin a capacity c-oîwd t;ttended Vhi dance lie Oralnge ,Hall, Kendal. Tic 'dnce usie, sîpp'lied by Vi'e penl[ed 5o young and -od ilke and mas astr 'ot cremoiosfor Vhe dramnd six smani l ifldu*en enaci dremvý a ticket m'ilci rasnlted ns fol- lat pn-ize, radio, ticket No. 1569, jprize, Pres-to cceticket36, Genald tvioiwliCrooiked Creel; 2nelecýtnic keitle, ticket -197, 'Velama Lomwery, Kinby; 4th, iectic iron, ticket 4013, Baib- Quick, 1M1 ParIçksidp Driveý, Joýonto); Ste, $1M0.0Q griceiryj výoucher,iceket 3192, L auna Bnea Oronoc; 6th, electiecicock, ticket 2044, Gondon 'Wilson, CaaInpbeI'lcI'ott. The Building Comte iches, Vo express teeir appreciaition Vo ail those mie sold tickets, those mino a'- tended tee daniice and boothi manage mnt for ma thVe uniderta-kinig a grand succesa. Tic commýiittee -,'i tend te iold ýa series eof dancas dwuing tie ceaing mentis miti tichem ecistra ilantteidance, wmiteIl Vie first dance beiig licld on Wedny,,,, evcning, October liti. -Ai1ppnoceeds, theehl unet , ceniveiie'nt aad Kendal Wins Durham Hardball Ch3lnpionshil TIe final ay ov,,ff ganie bdme Kendai nnd1( Betba'any fer Vie chami- pinsipinVeilielte PBas-ebsiui tile mas piyed at NemeaistIe bail pr on Wedinesday iternoon 'ast, me Vie fast-stepping Keadai aine mwon tic g-amie by tue score of 7 Vo -4 te tuike VIe chan'pionsiip. Tic battcry for Kendal mas Kcaay aIs cthr QuaIntnilI andC. Coia4s1 Vhe pitolensý. Quanntill staýrted onI tic mo-und for te vine niershutma reiievd h-Co nisil ie fliVl. A langýe auiier cf spcaosme Irsca o sc Vtils gme1,Ve i îieiag tJ aciidrigme Kendl un-up:Kenn, c;Quaintrili ',a;J. Tioropsea lb, C. ConnISi 2-b, p;E. Coroxsa; C.Aýrmýstrong 3r'd; Dea WeiV,1f JGlierCf,, Wm.I (ale mii. $4 100 Judgement Inl Fatal Accident Case ugm for $4,100 mit coesta maLs ianed.swaby a jury u ni the $iî911 dimaînge action bo.ug',htin laSupm Court hy Mas. J. L. Cyemaoft Bomananvill gainst Erest WeSV oit' 0Onono. TIc nO ation is ngainait John Need 0f New Grader Township Ti2he lark Tomwshp Cuclmet on Tuesdayy morninl, ýOoober 3rd., wvith ail armiýbers preset The ses- s.,ien proived ùro lie very quiet anîd lit- Vie business hiandîled. Roads mrethe chief subjeo-t of discussion aln wt figuries of the 1950 tax levy. 1Middle aci Uîpper S cho or pupils from the Oi-onio Continuation Sclhoo'l w-ere presenit Vo receive an insight i'nto theami strto f the Town In a letter froim the Departmnent id Laindsanad Furest lt was r-equested thidthVe road betweea Lots 3 to 3,' onCeson 5 lie coSed and pr ehased 'u,,- ttDeparnment.Thlo er poiited eut thlait titis' piece of rontd is seldoim used and that the de- paiment would like Voi ad'd thus Vo their-roiad iirlvmntP1,an. Dep-i ,ity Rev Lowýeqry stiited that the rond coould nv o beciosedl withîoqlt per.- misson.Bon ad W,,oodyard sOug- geted thiaitVils meýibttr be r-eferred Vo thje Miunjiil Rnil îiee h c'ould advisîýe the (ounicil'anîd tle the neesar ctiono in sucli a casec. The roîlad voucer ifor. the m -ionth3 w;oas p n tVo thie coun eil Which nouedto $211 ad the total for, th,( eu ero Cdatemasl i$5Ï,9,99. At this tîme tle road supeiintendenV salid thit nan g had been dne n i Hal Saipeionroad as ithebulldozer, ,s"ugge7sited for- Vie job.mis not avail- ible. FHe, lad been iinfoîrn-ed, rie s'aid, Vinat tlie machine woould iflo(t li avil- able for a lin'h~1e askedo, council if heyv mýould app ove Iirhlm to se, cure nothe macinet,) do tis wevrk as it shoalîd have been started by- no.Counîillor Brown stated thua.i f iV woere Vo ge v(met that Vine job wvoujld iike-ycst above th(-e eatîiimnted $,O.The cuclosjoinîed lmith 14. Davey lin givinig Vie rond suipei- teadent autlioity Vo .obtain another bulldo7er andi 'o staiot te ýor-k jusit 'as son as poîssible. Thp road superintondentcomet ed or, the condlition of the old grader, Ftai-tnltg tbatit, b ail eerved bts timel and would hav,,e Vo bee hace efore- ne-xt sp4g nl through constajit imRpair. wasis 1Vpossible o keecp this an-~ tique ,onthle road. I lýit wS aprn that Vils minitainer owed mhe owni- shîp notliag. The( machine, wol d onlyJ vneed hie anmal one miiar in 47zeý Vo Ie oddlaone,. suchl a machline ls mre aatabeto emauller rnd Vinis the, large ,rnideîr, The toai-ý slip njeeded 1%v(ograideis 'Vo hkeep thu, ronds la s1hape. Sucl-i a miaine ','o L 'cost la t e neighbor îood f' 'syig inat Vie estimatedl cost of $5,- 500l for Vie Mjlillson 'bridge mas noV, sufiiet Vo conisiuctsuch a s'ruc- turc. [lie said tint theeri611 wal lpoCSSibly co'st $90. The steel fnVebriîdge -was que[t Vo hlma $9 v itVh ,nt ifor-wee(k deliveryS fro0M time- of ordier. Ie pointed out Many C( On Theoe Police Trusitees m-e on Wecsday eieaiag, 'Septeier27h> th a, ail eniers present. Aise prseitit t Vie unicig ms t e ïFi ê Chie',F. O.Cooper, cf Vie Oroin4 VaterFine Brigade. Ia viem c f tile nty conupiailats la hfe coi-nesponid&nce regalrding Vie. specdiag ait' motorbikes on tVie Maini streeit oetVe viPilage, iV was Vhouglit ncces;sary Vo speak Vo theePoiia Police sethat Ms natencouRt lY aken cane cf la Vie proper prDce,,d-. uire. Ticý main postion, of Vine bsn cipeiod masgivea )ver Vo a rep;rt on Vie nemiy onganzed Volualeer Fire BP'rigad la the i viii age. In discu'nssin'g Vlie Fine Depaubtane , the Vire C cýf i tated htîntwc new members hmd 'heen added. H% alîoreonedd nt n maiser tman e cansuctned in~ tic vilcnit et' I. liesiou n Cea J11, dof ie heak cf ma"ter li tha a eneded for fire u tci A disîcsisi-o aiad 'seios on. sidera-tioi of na lni a îneea svStero mýithin tine vilage.,Tic r Ve si pîay fo Dte fire departuaent mersi. au horîzed as Folu s: Fire ChieS Ho ram $25 910 p nna; ni fire atnac o 1.9 e le briga1de 'pliebe fee $10.0DO. tint inter pouring cf cenent 'o'u'd iikeiy -add Vo)Vine(coistcf te bidge, This aeeded bridge, i v mas learnied, wvould tale at leat a moatin Vo c arci.The coucii lasked Mr. P nu te, contact tee Muniepii Rond En.- glacer Vto veîdfy and ruaý over thep en- tima'ted costs of Vthe bridge. The reeve rend thei levy for the ycar 195.Tic total taxes'rcie tilis ycar froua Vihe .1950 taxes mwili hba $1 90=80041 a snm oft $8,00 iigie-n Vlian tubait oft 1949. Thils increase is due Vo lacreaseis onrIe eou1aty rata. atnd aise local s -ciool rates. Coliece. tien et'dog taxes mliiiincrease $40091 .,ver 19-19, The couuaicil learned tint ni deficit cf seme $1,300 ý)nom existpýd la ahecp kiig.ais Vhint a nme ila Vie senîti cf Vthe oishii are iv-. lng np h(-eepraing The irk, . LEý'. Mîll3s m, 1evie d a meetinig held hyCorVeFdr- tion cf Agricture'at !iich tiare te assesment set up la Vhe provnce mes disusscd. lie t'e t ti evryea, ait Vie meeting thougit thait a cienga mvas necerary. Reeve Wcodyard pointed (,i VtIntt C!,ianke Tmsi Couilm as Vihe firs,, Vo poiestni4 tithe ils prnot hais been r"evtd anîd flc.by Vie dcrtmnco- oenned ila Vils' ite Tlicb meetinig aidjourimed.' Durham Farmers,ý Urge Use "Place Name Sigrn. Meniben-s oftite 1DuinunFede la~~~ recmedagarso0Leition te sýee dosr laisn btmen Ve Federnicon and aim orumgroua, u in eet- lng eid Mu nday, Seiptemiber 25<inl Vi Aniult 0a Offijc e s, Bommran- v ilMe. ThieyvaIse idinte ndesir-e Vo'nasiat flinnnciniy, couaty rnepreaca- Vatives ntnd ibe t'ei-hcoming t'ik ,sîch'ool t unilenville. Tiesnaiu rprsn'tinoft'Fcd- ern. IILi ion eiers agreed Vînt n Fonum's Secýretary siould be ap pointed on n part-tuie basis te ce- ordInte Forum activiity ln Vie CoItna t.\aa offer aHla in e proposai of aiujccs for disèussioia.IV mas ug gestcd tint Vlie Secicetary 'be pnid nc dnto hils activlty aaong Viýe For>um.s, aad gven a set mileange pny- menlt for-raelin expenses,. Glae Brtacting secren o f tee Fanai Fiedenýation foin Ontario was nresen.tat tVie mieeting and son,'Vo ' 1)cin np jE tyv wy iil il fai! plae ame igus 0a1 h means et'riletter dire, aiý chiait nnt te1- ce-d mitli theepre poîs'ed tinýt Fnnm-- Foru an avnuof dsnb Repncsntiag ie literatuire being oi strass ie typîeoi be ippoinated agents; fer. tee anuoflabiaent