"Dear Anne Hirst I really îhink I need your advice I'nî 29, and have been gong witl' a girl for some lime. Almost at once, "he bintcd it n~airiage. I ~is already in ve, se- one ~ night I prepos- cd, and she ac- cepted. But how things h a v e ebangedl "I did cvery~ thîng for bei I could. I bought her cvecythîng I could tbink of. And then suddenly sbs refused to go out wîtb me1 "She bas been goiag with another man but she telîs me lie means Dcigns you haîmakei s ill hovel Othci owels in oulin a nd cross-stibcbi arc colrF u1 as xwcllas usefuL. Make a tl0W! For Datgbitcr's frsî edlwr get Paîteir 542. las wrnsfer of si motifs about 41/ý x 7 jinches, Send TW-ENTY-FIV E CENTS àln coins ams canniot bc ~ ceptcd,) for tIbis pattýera ta:u Box 1, 123-Eliteenis hStreelIt Newý Toronto, Ontaria). ý?rint panypattentnr briyu name and addreus ' I'ting t e a e te girls, butIdldgilyi h couîd sec site "We bath came from rpected famlilies and g o t ise sm cburch. Her moth-er awas as ldme ta cae ates,ý "e I have a Jlýoficnfdnein yo.Please fblp mnicIow FICKLEGIL *tmsshare the saineseato. WII wared gil 001tabc 100 easy L)t gel, iù ta let be b6 freearn * liCo(ship andlaeagin AIl tIt %warks bath wys t ItMay bc tbis girl piy natr *Jý fikl. he wats 01n1y; ta tr * ber ýsLl. When ciyou f,,oowd *lber ovosLcAamiandproposed, *it is pasil tbathe was tno ion- '~ger înte'ruslcd.I' f IItat i5 truc, * she onljy derd tIse fan i wî - ~nn.Andï, like cmany a man,9iî * baing wani, she xas tbraugb. Sicke inost men ànLove, you * madenasecet i ourdvoin *ta o - ooklbr pae h 1' sh is ral ibeta sail * ~ ~ ~ ~ 't àhewatc1-th kowedeJha * ý s e c u l d h a v e y o a * edine., *~~~~~"t lysarIc ersc a wt * ber1 Iae atitudeis dog in-Ibe- *m manger Cohe will be iter you1 * l tisUalesy a dsusasncba * )tI rae leone sralyi oe * aric !uîary wiîha grl 8 yar k dnow.o ( - * once-sarrcdmad *1xcelen Na wivcs. L i I After i l is said and due, hoveuwdoes it tae j»i the cu~Thiatis (what counts! yietid' the pevrfect faor FOUR gay prous for youta - mlakýe irm Iis pttera! Scw lrîght now-, ý1 foJr Crstîma ýs, baýzaarsý, iand yourlIf! T 11rifîy 10 us e scrapsl micd. (82) ag (40-42). Apron wihbib, ai llne abr-ie, sm-al size, This palter,Iesy ta use. sml toaew is testud for fil.. Has com- piee iustrld insîuction. Scnd TWENTY- FIVE CENTS (2Sc)iCi cins (sîamps canno be alccepted) foýr is per.Prinit plainly; SIZE, NAME, ADJDRESS, STYLE NUIvIBEP. Send ordur ta Box L 123 Eigb- 4acntb St.,New Toronio nt. Merry Menagerie-ByWsh a1 ey New And Useful GarbaeCatSas u NG o mae noisy garba'Pge cas p- piog avev and spiling out whenl new .Vstat'iatay osodelis used, coins. paýny dis Can Is bolted ta a pale 20 inîcIses abavc thse ground sa Ibat grbage man bc put inothetop sAd amptied frons lIse bottons by the collector.The 1-gai. sizesquareý box is mrad Of atirstteated Paper-n- ul-u otie o Tro)ns Unider Ovin SteIns Atomlalic sem oniaus Vap-Ms lises Cordary ta wiater whicb is uoaiclyds 11illedan coveledtadry spr Iscated steains. Spotting gar]n'cn wilh wr drps s climinatd. Irn' anIdIî is molded p1jlsican bias tbumb r ests for lelt-han-deda -wcll s igbt-Isanded pran.Other imanurs areheal Indicatarod fLn- ge-tip eprtueslclr o dry i rooiog, wtri mte rn Isanidie contIainIer. AdheIveV2 Mor Latest snvison foruombl sticks on car wiîdow, using tue acan SUpri Wp.Made af plastc0, Mhen glued taglasseutse unglo e vsris lia le and djak greena JetSa-Tii-Pinr ,-I sv bill,give smootherrunilg cengine aidn ore fficient miiixtuire and ilow, ainoitrd air anId gas;.Mos ttîrized ifiltcred 'air is Led ta!0tIIe carbreto thrugbtfIse idfiig pin. Masueis obtainecd froo Is ai ; no xwate i0 advcd ay-s bbc nm-r Caxiadian National ,Exbil~n joyd l, ac ofustok ,iin tell Big Firbut a4l on diiffrea dys, afarbult ow e in suits us better 10 play a lone hand as wIaM otb, Icenîly'we eeta othier persaî wold iketa o that do. The burt one a vsît te Fair was parture war by bos eacb, way andc arr ýeýiyc home iteýr mid- nligiit. Iex1,r hm abe bIl dead i ..but n lo, Îtbe said bhadii beýen stigdown a good Part of worryabou the arm ioce the resï of us wee omlaaki ater il. 0,lîicfI was îlucky becaulse acil lim alrccme in ao"t"Id fiuýl:ycr de tteyrdgale wde opus when me i nt ouLi. f I badust utidià there vwould bae bunnhn g u yta st,ýlo ur- Cows fri &oniwadjn wbat son~ bIb hin gae refor. t 'ci Toronto witb smefic did n ss mie orhwi -dofcoursce, 3l Mrfs. Kate Aiik it s bund ta be,ýýiccs B'arronl, 1 a-di shers ai),-flicF b < Ms Alknainterviewed- tem i ntthe lunbea lbleandti2r replies ta ber uesionsbragbtfartb galIes ges.Asked if comng ýta tIse Pryess' 1t;)l;unheon-i anid Imeeting 5 manylies wasn'tcl- waroth ,tllse *..Idunino ,.mab ii htjust about brought doran the bouse. Terpaýper blas a'wcki ycircula- lion 0a',250 and is priiaîcd an a dcitto mlachline ThIe boys take h turo abouit ta caver elIse ncsports and advertîsing 'but thcy Ido'tpe na cdîîorialsl" One xondcr-s whaf itis abead for these two catcrprising; youngsler. Ta aIl appearancs bey arce just two fiee, averagt, school- bays-but-you neyer can Iî Twely years. f rom nowtbcy insay b)e 0th- mca aiOf lIbur. auid I set otta find Qucen ary's carpet. I hope îîs)ec ai you ladies mîisscd it lwa raiy arvellous. Skin Troubles eTI),li. Go t wai eo dugstreae The very drli riapli apo s'ilSaIe Dsouî* a ver" e1, y. bussaelatue <f Ttch)- ing Teef an reT, Balrea1s .Si thatOMSdeesnopain or-aeagmm a rosi- ISSUE 2G - 1950 HOW 81G 15 AN AOM orc oideigb -to the dientist thtif a ropofwatercotild b enagdto tesîzeof heeartls (nal ,000 m liles dimeer', he thle moeue iwhicb th dra wa campa~ed ould e na1!ger haa sofi, îs Anf ifa aleul coldbe n- The bienig aifte olars =a trlya Of aiart.At ïfirst, ,in look- ing t t , I was cns ofusai alitle disappointm-lentbcas teback ïground Of the carpet -was [-y 1na 1Içt'bi n g ligbt fawa and te I realizd I was looinga a a pmee af WOr MtIs N;as tlypical aithe ent.re Býritisb people duing 12,thosec dark days Of the war a people mnaking tIse best aiOfa' teyhad and CIslill doing a1 igby ood job,) Imagine vayone IthsCbIa goad 'y orcoloutr a s Quen Maï,,ryý hav7ing la be saisýfied wÎtib w(Oa that ldi't nîaîcb fIse la;c'k - groind Oailber work. H o aný'y ot"her wamn wald bave given upir in degspi? YouifdI wod prabý- >ably hvesad-Its a se . ,i I can'" t glthe woOl I wanb50 it'sno good slarlig thejob."B noal Quica ,Mary. And s-ec whal sbec bsaccomýilplis!!eçi, an",d suec what ber arpc issii doig for Ibe3f backgrond sholcigo downîn bis- tory- as a symnbol ol fi)e Quicn Mahrscourage and cnactyOa ber dtemn lon t o do somcîing ta hclp tise people she o-'es, Ano(ther tbinig Js_ cal wne ta scC -'as a demoinstration iï the,, Rorkecthofi ' cle- weaviïg. Ladfies, believo, me, thuat is relly sming. JoIn ee-waving youý cao miak-e anylhing -ir-on-ls lpp)crïs ,'a b)0erts; lhandbags a t'O s. Is_1e ime xvisirame là"e, if yoU do' kîo hOw ta edl-eaeyauý man%î know amyshig. Il i s mple, inexpensive aod quick. Aftar the Exhibitin Mle and Mms Ronke are aeiga sbtop o oný'ý1ge Stree't. BPetteîr run wilh the cromd and finid 0151 aU" -about il, However, ;ï won', bc neccsary ta buy ayligat' thecir store unl,1ess yau anîta- 'OtIs hing is ta sec baw tlie wr is dlonc anid iten il 1 n1ore ftan likcely you will bhave ju1sýliterigbtm kind Of needle, net a]d mwOol arou1nd homne and eau go rigbc, towok At leasi, yon cao,,.practise w-iîwhat AI bear footsteps! We bave had "lhree smsart girls staying bern Ibis wcek-now tbey are gel- ting reýadY ta cabtcheIse us for homei. 0Our last batch. of sme MOST CHURCH'ýES NEED ONE2 ;,f go't sameothing h ere th-at wvill 0ol v e t h i s churcbs financial troul!es." -VWhýat is i, akd b peehe baUpefnlly?"' âWli's a pateco 0wnîuîai boxe. Coins Lau troghslols ai dii- feretsizes.Dolla, hall dollars and (mauares auton Nlvet;nickels anid penniesdrap on abel" f t givd thern a ' big, bright sbïine îlhat lasts ail day. NugtShoe Poli sh .kee-ps 8-11 Ieaffhers ini tip-top condition ... na.es s'hoes Iasl longer. OX-BQOD.BLAG INDMIL HADE 0F 1 0W ingredients t that case thse pain fast. TrZy ISATI'njwst once for pain; reifnd you'il say as-tho a tha thres osething for baah sit' INSLINl And try IWSTANTINE for other achstoo. . for neuritc or neuralgi pain . or for tfie pains and aches usually bî-rngs and always kelhaady 1I TaleMTn 204 SON 1~I vi10 N > ,5ua vlsi usI el- i YdO t,). CapItal o?. IlFu "3 MIEq"a0 . Mmetg m CROSSW Nora. 35 PUZZkLElc 4. nse j 8.Ceas 7. lalr, a a Lcis 1 Mdieval 1.poem S. arden 0 lc iud a nmishm