Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Sep 1950, p. 1

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E E Y T ES Vol. 14 No 3 ORONO, ONT.. THUIISDAY, SEPT. 14th, 1950 Subscription $ 1.50 per Year Prize Winner 0f First Days Judging At Orono Exhibition Grain and Seed Obre Bushel fail wheat, MrlS. Geo. 1Plumns jfarJ. W. Boyd k, Son;, bushel of 1BradOshaw, Carlos Tam-iiblyn; lPrunep ý;prin!g 1wheat, J. W, l3oyiIý & Sonl; PIum5is - Carlos Tamblyn. \oshel buriey, 6-rowed, Mrs. Gýeor'ge Grapes Baird; bushel late white oats-Mr. 3bunhsid-ninlv.J G-eorge Baird; bushiel peas, wie amln bnhs-reen a nd vine, sumali, Mrs. Georg.(e Baiird; bushel of M. J. Tfanr1blyni; 3 buinches, black andi wvhite be-anls, Mps. Geo. Baird; spring vine, Mx. J. Tamblyn. 'easheaf, J. W. Boyd & Son; Flowvers and Plants vvhte oats, sheaf, J. W. B-oydl & Son, Carn-lationis, collectioni, Mas. Neil ~Mrs, George Bird; barley, sheaf, J. -Malcolm, a, W. B. ba;rsds W. Boyd & Son. phlay, M. J. Tamlblyn, K. C. Hoplkinls, Vegetables Mris. Alilce Hooey; rose, single bioan, Beets, blood, table, Mrs. WV. B. K. C. Hlopkinis, M.1 J. Tamblyni, AMiss -Koar, Stan. Chapnan; carrots, red,IP. Leach;: zinia, poil, poml.)b J. D. Brown. Mis P. Leach; cabbage, !ose, K. C. 1opkn,) Mrs W. B. winter, 1LH ncqk, Brced Bradshaw; Eboar; zi-innia, large flowpred, K. C. cat-bbage, red, J. D, BowMas. Joe Hlopkins, MU. b. Staples, J. D.' 'Br-ovwn1 WAa1ker; citrons, Yirs. IW. B. bfoar; daihlia, collection, -Mrs. Van biorne, rnangels, sugar, Ru4s, Osborne, M1iss K. C. b1oîpkias, D. G. Ho(oper,; dining, P. Leach; imangels, any other- kiad, table bouquet, Mas. Van borne, J. D.J 'Pus. Os'borne, Everett Brown; on- Br-owil, b. C. bopkinis; iivingroom) ions, yell)ow, -Mas. W. £B. oar, J. D. 5ouquet, Mas. Van bHorneb. J 'ose, l Brown; parsnips, Mrs.W. B. Horas. Alice booey; basket of giaqds, -pumpikin, Pie, Mas, Ira Lowe, Fred 1.. b. Jose, Mas. Alice 1iooey; ld BlackbuL-i'; squash, suminer, Fred nl low bo-wl, Mrs. Van borne, J. b. BicbyJ. D. Brown; squash, wvin- Jose. MU. J. Taiblyn; moiniature boýu Èer, Fred Blackburn, SLtan. Chapman; meuts, K. C. iHopkins, IMrS. W. B.e tomatoes, red, MNrs. N. Malcolim, J,1 -bari; best high basket, J. b. Jose., U . rowýn; turnips, swede, Rus. Os- Mas Van bor-ne, ai-s. Malcohui; bestT borne; turniips, table, Rus. Osbornie; 0W basket, J. H. Jose',, - Mas. van ~watermeloils, stan. Chapmianl; imuslç- 10or1,11 MaIs. Malcolm; coliecfioai melons, J. 1) Brownl; potatoes, 12 fia violets, Mas. MaLicoi, Mas butshei, erlMas. Ira Lowevi; pota Aice boo0eyK. C. bopkins; imna-V - toeF, 1/2 bushel, late, Mas, Ira Lowe, ture garden, R., S. Johnston; 0corsage, I lb. Hancock- potatoes, collection, Ms Van Horne, M. J. Tamblyn, J. TIRobert acok Display of Gardea 'D. Brown; collection of aster-s, Miss 'an-d Farmi Products, M. b. Staples, P. Leaciýli, M. Hl. Staples, K. C. Iiop- ~Jh oopatwa, Robert bancock. kins- asters, wite, Mas. Van borne,3 Fris(Apples) M . 1b. Staples; asters. sheli pink, Q~Cleoinof apples, L. A. squir:, K. C. b1opkinas, J. 1H. Jose, asters, us OibrnJohin Wroat aG-roe K. C. bopkins, J. b. Js;a -venaein.6 qurt basket, John Koro- ters, red, . F. Stinson, Mrýs. Van patwan; Melbai, (6quart bseJohn ore asterýs,imauve, 'M. b. Staiples,e ?Koroptwa, Rs. Os'borne; Duchesa-, K. C. bopkins; asters, pup-,-as JonKrpta ebRus. Os- Joe Walkea, Mas. F.. Stinson; ari ..~rJOhi] Xo'ptwa; Alexanider, glFrenchr, Ms P. Leach, J,. b. Cals Iamblvin, Jon Koropatwa, L. Jose; collection of naturtiumis, Mas.3, A.qilair: St. Lawrencle, L. A.Moa, K. C. bpis scbiosas1 Squair, Carilos ýTinbiyn; elhy .K. C. 1bopkias, M .Sais e A. Squair, Rus. Osborne, J. W. oyltunias, sing, paiH. G. pins. &Sýon; Saow-, I. A. Squair, Carl os 1-Fred Bakun petunia, siagie, Tanilbivr, Everc-tt B-rown; Mcinto sh, -ifncy, K. C. 1boypkins, etni, Ouý - ~ua Os n, L A. Sqair, Car-los t Me, K. C. II4pkins, J. D. M-rown; col- Taubyn Sa iet pir, Rus. Os- lection staîka, K. C. -Topkins;q coi- Fbe atrRs sone als ecinvre, HT. C. 1bopkins, R. T Tamiblyn; WýOlf River, John Koro- I s. Johnst;on; salvia, IMas. Wm. Pî(,rid -patw, . 1.A.,qui Blenhbeini Pip- Ide11; collection of snadraons K lu, Ra. Osore Crash Apviba, ~L1 ipis .-IL.Sala clet Bod& oJohn Kooaw;Of Pfilox, Trummiondi, Ml'. b. Staple,C p-,Cro. 'pbyRus. Oshborne, K. C. bopkhns; collection Of c OsmiOs, ' ~L., A Soilla;D:lci UnRs. Os- M. b. St,. pies, as Van Hore; dah-N bonrne-. Carlos abln L. A. Soiiaia; lias, cactus. Mas. VaHorne, -K. C. a Sll Rs. sioreCalos Tami- bopkiais; dahlias, show-,. K. C. bOp- JW. lod& n GColden Rus- bina, 1D.G. bop :ridhias, deora- seýt, Ruls. Ohre L. A. Squair, Car tive.K. C. b-opkins, Ms Van blornle; 'bsTahln;Starr, RusQbo-ne, la, pomi-pom, K. C. bpis 12,A.Su'i, ..W. 'oyd & So;dhibest blooml, 'an1Vothea kÎidCf Garos~T~m1v; Geenng , L.A.1 cingle, spike, M. -J. Tambly,iss P, Sqr. î . tori Toinmn Swv 0eet, Leaich; gliad, whlite, J. H. JoseLMs. I. ' qui~.Calo TablnEra- ilVan on;ga.ad J. H-. Joý(e. M.R tt i B0ri. -.T$rbyn lad, piiak or rose, M. J. ti Peas Tmy.Mas. F. Stinswonlad yel-B Bartlet'~ Caros Tam L , L.A. low. M. J. Tambva1 . . b oe ld ~ouîr helonL. A oar Flerri anv othier kinid, Mas. Vanbone Ms lu euvJohn Koritw , L A. Malcoim; cus,,hion *mumns, 'M. H t Squair fBnlerre Basc. L. A. Sqir; ,:pie's, Ms. vanrne;coliecjion of iB Clapp-Favorî te, Cairlos Tmln us aseMas, b. Baley, Mas. R. S. Young I'oy Tests Prize Winning Cakeî E '.4-a EnnIskillen, Jersey Cow Brings $1300 At Auction A~%1 Jesycw"Enniskiiien tflash Lasse",ownd by R. Stenger and Son, R. R. 1. Enniskillen, bruught thle top) price of $.0 in the Jerey uc- tion hleid by J aka at Mout Elgin on 'Saturdlay, last. The cow Pas purchased by Scott Mayfeld of Mayflld Farms. Abhes, Tenesse. "Enniskýillen Basil Lassie"5 has; prio to her sae. ju tfinished a miik rlecordi of 8,0400 liba. mniik, '400 butter- fat withi a test of 5 per: cent ais a junior 2-year-old in 305 days in our herd. "Ennskilen asil Lassie" has for damn ouLr gjreat brood cow- "Meadow- brook baileSlsisLas-251 classified "Verg Gonod" and with a 3-year-oid record of 10,58 ilk, 517 buiterfat aýnd a test of 4.9" per cent. Also) le-f ttocar-ry on the g;ood work of "Ennskillen Basi leLssie" is her &dAughe and a haîf-sstr. ohso;tuberous begiK.. Hlopkins, IH. llancock;bbysteýars, M. Hl. Staples, Mr-s. N. Mai'cojm-. NEEDLECRAFT DEPARTMENT* Hlousehold Linexn Luncheon Set, embroidered, Dora Morris, Mrs. Ir-a Lowe; luncheon set, cutwork, MaUs. Ira Lowe, Aima Gut- tell; 1uncheon set, crosýstitc, Mrs Ira Lowe, Mr,. N. Malcolm; buffet szet, crochet, Mrs. D. Dorreil, Alice 11ooey'; buffet Set, tatted, Aima Cut.. tell, Do bra MJorris; bridge set, cut- work,-7sira Lowe, Dora Mori*ý1s; bridge set, crosstitch, Mrs. Ira Lowe; brýiige set, crochet, , George B'aird, Mrs. Ira Lowe; pillow cases,ý hermstitched, Mrs. Ira Lowec, Dora MJorris; pillow cases-, emibroidered. Mrs. N. Malcolm, Alice HMoey; pillow cases. cu.,twork, Dora -Morris, Mrs. N. Macl;pillow cases, tatted, 1Wrs. Ira Lowme, Dora *Morris; pillow cases, crochbet trim,. Alice H'ooey, Mas. W. B'. flar; piilow cass, c rosstitch,' Mrs. Reg. Boundey, fora-, Morris; set top) ,heet and piilow cases, Mrs. Ira owMas. Geo. Baird: guesýt toweis, 1 pair, _Mas. Re. ondy Aliceý H)ooy; batlh towel, Crochet tri-m, Mrq. Rý. Býoundey, Mrs. D. Dorreli; bath f owel, tatted trim, Dora Morrvis, Alîce Tiooey' ; bath towels, embroidered, 1. iir. JMrs. N. ý1aleoim, Ts 1. Do- reli; tea towels, em'lbroidered, Ms Reg. Boundey, Mrs. D, Dorrýeli; place mants, Mas. Ira Low, Ms. N. mal- rolmn; mats for hot dsecrocbeted, ['4rs. Ira Lowe' Mrs. N. Malcolxn; centre piece, crochet, Aima CuIttelli L'vrs. Joe Walker; centr-e piePce, tatted, Ivirs. Ira Lorwe, M1-s. StaIn. Chiapmian; mar hakies, Mr-S. N. Mialcolm,1" Dora Mor'ris. Qu1ls and Bdped Quilt, anpliqueijd adebodr LVrs. N, MicolmMiss P. Leach; nuiit, apîuiMis. Ira Lowe, M-Viss P. Leah; ~uit, coton, ieced, Ms Pen'. Bomndey. 1Mrs Stan. Chapmn;ý îul.fam1cyMs.I oeMs Pg Bundlev; O1iîltblocks, 5 varie- :sMas. Re. ounidev, Mrs. Geýorge- %~ird: 11edspr-ead and dra"pes, lc F-Trooey, Mris Reg7. ounidev, bed- ýpread. ceile r.Reg B lounidey lied-prntad, anyv other kind,Mr.eg Boundev' Mr57.Ira Lowe: afghian, (Gontinued on. page four> At Orono Fair W. A. MEETING The Septemnber m4eting of thie Wo- ma'sAýsociation wvas lheld on Tues-1 diy, September 12ýth, at the homne oA iVirs. Victor Robinson. with a g-ood at- tendance. The President, Ma1,s. C. Duncani, presided. Mas. Neil Porter led in a very suit- (Aej eoinlPorio0d, basing hea commIenta on the lst Pam In the business eror Ms.Robinson, Cor- respndig-seretay.rrpoated send- ,n ardat beeavd, ianflshut- ina. Mas. Loga,,n gave the treasur- er's reýport. The pýresident rmné those, present of an appeal to every- one in the community -who can coýn-ý taibute to a bIe brin-g sent t,)fiood vidtima in Winnipeg. Good d"ean used clothing -will ba much ippr-eciat- ed. Parel-my be left at the 'home of Mrs. Jas. Lýycett. Extens-ive plansý weore madfe for a baIzna arnd supper to a e Led Late in the faîl, date to be anhol(unvedl later. Convenors ware ap- pointed for ahl the differentË bon tha and a supper commuiter. Misa IDa-vy reported foir the pi:-- ýomïage commnittea. The ladies apre planning open house at the parson-_ aOI onTuesday, Se',ptemiber 26th, ha the afternoon, so that everyone may see the work thait has been acconi- plished-inci enj.oy -a -social tuie. -The meetinig ciosed by ropaating - n gtheri the 23rd Psýalm and mizpah1 benediction. A delichous lunch wa, aacrve-d by the hosçteas-, complaýting a very ejoa I ftarnoon mee(tinig. By Thieves On Wednesdayý 01n Wednesday-i morning lnst at 4.010 am.thieves broke ()b the gar- age of Mr. Gordoin Watsýon, Or-ono Soutth, and mjwde their getaway wv ,ith a radio and a 2-celi battery iamip. 74v. Clii!. Cowan while returning- from work noýticed the thieves at work iniie arae. a ook the li- *censeé numiber on the car then went to 'he home ,of NMr. Wtonobifying th hat Vhieves were i hi s garage.î Befora Mar. Watson ceould dansa andý Icave hi-, hoine the arwaýs-heard hiendihîg noath. The en-(trîance to the gage -asmad, throughawio, the thieves raaingi the pane. The lock oni the gas puisnp was brokani but no gas taken. The Provincinl Police ware notified aad giveni theise number oný theý car. -Aftea a hcfeckýup ila Toronto il wsfound lthat the cariwaatoeni Toronto on Tuesqday ný- ight.. The cul- Jed na the car. Car Aid Truck In Traffic Accident At Kirby 1A, carand truck llgured ila nbad accidenit at 'the intersetion at Kîrby, (bîghway No. Z5anid tihe 6th Lina) around ,1:1.00 a..oniiWedne3da.y moif-rnýing at. The truck. owned by the Cedar Dale Dairy, Orono, and dr-iveii by -Mikre Adams, and the car owned and driver by Ma. FredBr- acombe of Orono North, figured la' the accide-nt. The miik truck -,as retumrning- from Pontypool after a mpiilk driivery, travelling south to OraTno. Ma. Br-iiaomlbe aslaaving the store ofî Ma. W. Rrid's at Kirby wthenthac cident haqpeaeýd. be *pUiladonth hîhayio cross onIto the ito n to, his home, anjd at tha e time the1 milk taui(-cwa-s inear the, corner on the Iligh v. Feeling that an a<ccidenlt iwas eminenit the drive-r of tha trutcký prse on the brake's in anendavo tosop The truick staruck the aide- of the rme ca-r an- fcd if o)ff the rond, then the ruc slewed around -and upset ini the ditch. Ma. Bircmewas stund1 the. crash aa d adb"ha removdfo bis Car. whtila dme driver, of fihe truc, rCeived a euIt on bis igr 'iÇhe whiole la-ft sida of MaU. Brimi- aIcom-lbe's car was crusbad in along with bhe left front lizght, also th staeia- whal wnsbroen.The -front parI]t of thie milk bruck was damaged, alzýanthle rghside mwaa ,dentrd in zzsav- am pacswhn btureoe.Thie aigt fontwinshild was brokI'en, ihrb:-y a flyýingz miik hottle ora casa for, the holding ,ofthne anmle. Bocth drivers wmre lucky tof)apeý'-) serions injur. Povýincial Police in- Lla'Ian area of 6,000 sqtare imlas soýuthra,-st of Lake Winnipeg there are ý,000 lakes. Record Attendance Witnessed At Durham Central Fair An estimated crýowýd of five tholia- and ËtteaidEd thei(-,Durham Ç entral Agr-icuiturali Society Pair- at Or-ono o-n Saturýday, Septemiber 9th. Th e w'eather manl wýas in good spirits and seýnt alngondeafui wveather for the evýenit. The Sceyaiso did their part in seeing that the large crowvd waýs -ontert'iýned duringl the afteraoon01. The granidstand wais packed to see the entertainmient. Thiere was horsFe rcnpony- races, Western Gowboyý wVith a performing dog, cowilso the differen)t classes o-f light and eaIvy' vhor-ses. T'he show this year- did great credit to the directors anid thie axhibitors. There wa a good showing of light and heavy horses, thowgiý,h not quitej tha-t of? other years. Thie sw,ýine andi shee' classes were a uîttle lig1ht, buti the cattie classes made vp for, any sihortage. The Holstein cla,,s a was the iargest shown. Thera were al.sc Jersey'S. Daans and brfrs The poultry classes were weili filied, tihe only one mrissing being the turkey claiss. The general rua Were 'lie Plymouth Rocks, Bavard Rocks, Wh ite and blackMnoas Red and Whhte Leghor)ýns, New Hiampshires, Wyanidottes, Sussex. Bantains. Geese and ducks. The dispînys in the building werel well, Oued in the different uines. There was the display of the 1)uahanrui Coulity Girls' Garden Club 'of fruitI the Juniior Deýpartment of drawings, essayýs, wood crîg baking, sewin.g, patching. etc., grain anid sepd of which there was a amlali showinig. Tha fiower dispilay was a gorgeou sight, (aspeciily the ,fine baskets -of gladiolii. Thare wer.. aiso numerous ,atrdahlias, pa s i es and other4 vaita.There was ai large show-I inig of naarly ail the fart var-1 ietias of appies antd vegetabies, alsoý a couple- of groupa of vegetables and1 fruit g-rown on a faqrm. The domes- tic scie(,nce laswas well Ouled wvith the different kinds of 'baking, from al amaîll tart to large layer ca-kes. Thle preservi-eg section- was light this articles on dîsplay were of a ilgli quaility. Thera were also displays by diffe- ent businessmen and others. Chas. Kaox hand a largoe display of honay, Coelmanl & Pilip with ý-their electricail dip iy lso oae byv Oronîo Electric. The Foreýstay dept hand a (displiay of the diffeprent tarees igow t their Sttion in Orono. The WmnsIn- stitutes -of' the dsrcTvrone',KKn- l, bano.Mapîr Ganve and- Orono ea:ch hlad an exhihit of Kitcheai On1,bm roundaimplemant agents wPýe epa nfom- the dîfferenlt paýrts', of tha( counity. The biggrpstdspy -as thant of tatr to take the plance of faam hoaes.There asoware miilkersF. a cobin, hy alera;, cars and rucks. Near the poultryv builditag the Jun-i inaFarerswpiaa busv with their ýomWeition. This conteat waa in ban diing of a tatrwibh a lar< trailer. The-y had to drive between take on dîfferant an.gles to ara, who could mnanîpulate the tractor exportly, The mhýidwaiv. as us-uail. was a busy place, eapecially the mier-ry go-round. Thi> wras a great pleaPsure to r)the chbildren -who kept the machine r'ua- nhtgng il aftarnoon. bot dog sand wpea nme-,rousý, aso gamea lPs of chance. The horse rae's -wera oae of the main attraictions. Maayv of the heauts in thle differenlt classes wrre Very,- Mligra tory Bird Seasons Anonnced For 1950 Th rougholt the Trent district which is comprised of the cute of Durhm,. NofthuiniherIand, Vi- toriaý, Peterboroughf, the fifteen sou-~ therta town-ishipsý and tihe towniship oif Shielbornei( in the Gounty of Halibur-. ton, the open seasons for the huiting aind shootiiig of 2Migratoryý Birds dur.. ing 19,50 wili be, as foliows Ducks, Geese, Coots, Gai1inu1es and Rai;ls, October 7th to No)vembýer 3Ofth. Woodcock, October 2nd to Novem- ber 8th. Wiison'.s Snipe, Octoyber 2nd to No- vemrber Sth. Ail dattes are inclusive. Bag Limits: lYucks - '7 per day, one of wh1-ich nay 'be a) Wood Cock. Not more thani 14 in possession at any- one timne. Geese - 5 per day. Not more than 10 in possession at any one time and not more than 25 per season. Woodcock - 8 per day. Not more than 16 in possession a1t aDny one2 time. Wilson's Snjpe ~ per day anrd flot mior-e thani 16 in possession lit any orle timie. Coots, Rilsz and Galliinules per day- . Amil Migratory B10irds must be used or disposed -'f on or before the date of Aug-ust 38st, 1954 "'Uncle Ezry's Playoff Jam- boree Io Play In Newcate -Arra ngIem ents th no catlp ent s a-ge showý. loft jaibor-ee". The Hayvloft Jamiboree is patternïed aIfter popular hardamce ty-pe -Pro- grmand uses loC91al aateur- talent who iproaeraidio celebrities aý they(, v etef rribbons and c ashl iards.The wies wl b' eice b. thle ote oef the audie' ceated, i g the showý. A prýofe-zsionjal re no-arived for the a hs reueipro - tionII. fJoe Kelly, ]master of cr~ (Continue-id on pageý five) keeniy coitntece. Theër~ee threa dfeetclasses durinig the aIfteýIlaooi-k whichi gave the race goe"rs theiie moûney s worth. Follcrwinïg are thýý resulits of the races: Vivian McKinney, S.Blet- Victory HyI,- Ownier S. Blewett.---2 1. Reda.-tonie 2nd, 1-. Davis -- -------- 1 2 ElmirýiPBQy, Story Mlotor Sales -A44 ClaSsa '-. Jimmy Breýwer, M. - 3 4 Jerry MJs F. Conilini----------- 4, 2 Peck Abbee, Apsley ---- ---------- 1 ' Victory Gadszby, Fever ---------5 Flicka 2nid, Samons ------------ , lass C- Flash Graittan ... -----A 3 Lucky Lady, -a------ :...-6 Fash Rush, B. Blake, -3---- 3 Teddy H-arvester, A. ....n-1 1 W'es. Jack. S. Sales ----------- 2 2 AmriGrattan, F. Cealla; ---(')4 Gladioli And Ferns Setting For McGee-Cunningham Nuptials St. a Ž~UnUled Church, Bowman- viJle, Ontatrlo, decorated ,vith -whita glaiocli and feansý was the scelle of the wedding of Cenle Cunningha4,1 daugh-ter, of Mr. and MaUs. Willia"MIW. Cunninghami, to Douglas MGe son" o)f Ma. annd,ý1js. G. Les;lie McGee, of Orono. Girea ia maralage by ber father the bride wore a gown of white slip- par satin wvith tightly fittrd bodice of miedallion lace. bLer veil of tulei l- lusion ,vas hrld ha place byv a satin; coronet, emi-broideared in peanis and: feul to the and of the train. Elle c rîrd a cascade of rd roses and whiteý heathiea whlich had bren apecially flown from Scotl'lad Miss Jean Dinniwvell was manid oi honur and worme ple grmer taHeti, writh i aching halo hat and carrird ai fan bouquet 6f irohid tiabf sgud- gowýn of oachid taffeta ald matcing bonnt, arriaga clonal bou-cpuet Of yellow vbaby uv osdll. Ga ws is brother's gommn Caran ornshand Ronaýld Ptte,- so eeushers. sîgîn ofth ag!sLerý, Miss Joan [Blak sngaccmpanied by IMas, Reta Cole DuIdley. Fol theee pton in t.Paui's Suaday School înýom, th-e bride's mother ore bie eape .wîth pIcture * wa Firt lafor Second Prize i -Piler ~lxR. R, 1, Reaaoro, ý, was First in h por'ter, six

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