Bp Richlu ',!111 Wilkiiusbn Miike didnut iutend to bc uîsreas- ossabie about it. Ucelîad a reputatiols for fairîsess, anud he iseaut tb live up 10 il. There wasn't a person alx e xvio 'did4'tîhave fanits. Anîd kusowing luis 10 be a fact, Mîke couid uuderstand wluy sncb a gorgeons creature as Serena Woo d feul short of being a par-agon. 'sot tisaI Sereua's fanits were auy- thîusg b xvorr-y about. If tbey 1usd becus Mike wonid uever have asked ber to îîîarr-y linu. -. * Serena's greatest fanit, he tliought, was ber iuabiliisp 10gel r-adi tego ausy place on tusse.- Mike adopted a unique metluod mu order to cure ibis deficieuey. For- a tunse be decided. to falliun' witih Seremsa's habits. TÎhus, lue would dîspel aîup pos- sible doubt in ber- mmd regarding lis pur-pose. Preaentiy be wonld be- guýi îc gel hiiself ready on limne and saoudwaitiug. Serena could't lîelp uotiiug ud take beed. ' ien tbcr-e vas Serenas habit of going mb a oo-i ,switchiug ou an electrie ligbl sud go,()iiug out again xitboliuskiu nsiextingnislu it. Mik(dcided L,-, adop thme saisie inetlbud (liiieffeclumg th lis cutr-e alsu. During the next bailfpear Mike noted wilh sorne satisfaction tbat Serena had alrcady begun to feel bis stronger personality. She was allowing herseif a bit more tirne 10 gel drcssed for parties, and once or bwice suggested ta Mike tbat be lsurrp Up. Bp lise lime tIse six mnosrs w'5s up, Serena lîad improved greatly. lie decîded 10 forego bis taperiug off, lettiug well cuouigb alomie. Tbree montbs passed sud tise situation bad taken on quite a .new aspect, Serena, uncousciously, Was doing a lot of xvlkiîsg fr-oui oua room 10 anoliser switching off liglîts tbat Mike lad left burîsing. Tbiugs resebed a point at tbc end of a year bîsat cailed for- sonie sort of undertaking. Oddly, it xvas Serena xvbo brongbt rmatbers 10 a bead. "I-realize," she blid Mike crossly, "that everyone has -beir faults. But it does seem tormc tbat pou could attach a, uitIle more import- ance 10 things around the bouse. I'vc donc mny best 10 make pou -. change pour waýys. I've even resort- Scd 10 artifice." "Ar tifice?" "I usean,,ike telliig yon we have b bc aI a party 10 minutes before baud in the bopes tIsat you'll get -'.,< ready ou. tie. l'va deliberabely gone imtobbcebedroom tel sxiteb off tIse ights afler pou couse 'ont, bop- ing that pou wouid isotice. I'vc got ont of bcd sud padded sw'ay to bbc -kitchen,10 shut off a drippiîsg faucet tbat pou lefI runuimîg. J deciare, Mike, pou caii't bave a ver-y stroug pcrsonaiity.", "Now wait stlinute," 1Serena. $omnething's wrong lier-e, We'x e got 10 -ave asunuderstanding." 'We ccrtainly have. Fr-om uow ou if pou ica ve the ligbls bnrniusg bbey slsy burniug sud pou can psy the bill. If pou're laIe for parties l'Il go ou abead si-d pou eau make pour owu excuses." "But about Ibis personalily l6usi- ness. Now - "I didn'b mean that pou xere weakî-niudedor suytbiîîg like biaI. Why, aven I bave somne, i suppose. I've tried 10 beip y-ou overeonse pour-s. But from 15.nw on you'lI bavec 1o shift for pour-self, uniess pou eau gi\vuaime-somne co-opers- lion." "Co-operation! Why, bang ih. 1 did Ibose Ibirîgs deliberately 10 break pou of them, and 10w JIfind unyseîf doiîsg themn automaticaily and-and--likiug il. Me sud Mr-s. Mika Grabham star-- ed at ecd othser. "It's ns fanit that pou bave faults sud I bave faulîs because of pour faults. Oh, darliug, Mike, don't pou sec xvat's 'bappan- cd? Wc muade tbc mistake of-of tbiîîkiug ourseives perfect, Let's start ail ovar again-uow - Iat We have an underslsnding, sud WOr-i thse otber Wap." The Man Who "Doubled" For Field MVarahal Montgomery Living in a quiet little biouse on the South Coast is a sick,' middle- aged' actor called 'Clifton James, w ho once stood ou the stage of the WOrld itself-and played a part that ex ery actor alive Would have se- eepted w itb an exeited, "tbumping beart. Clifton James is the one-time lieu- tenant in the Royal Arniy .Pay Cor~ps wlsn "douhled" for Field Mar-shal Montgomîery in the' vital bîours hefore D-Day. He camc mbt the uews again recently wxheu the Press reported that lus application for a disability rmn-about chair biad been turnied dow n because lie was îlot totally disabled, Wl iteýs Leonard Samson in a recent issue of 'An- sw ers."' 1 wentcuilown to bis hiome at Worthing to sece him and bear agaîn the fantastie stor-y of bow bie hood- xinked tIhe Germaus into tbinking that Monty was in Gibraltar at a time wben ble was reaily -standing on the spriug-board of the Euro- peau uuvasion. The orders given to James were probably bthe moat vital sud colour- ful ones ex er put before an insig-' nifleaut subalterîs, sud-J wanted to -find out sometbing of the years tIiat bsd led up to one of the greateat deceptions in bistory. 1His First Batlle Hbw as seventeen years old, a schoolboy, wiien the First World War broke ont, but lie lied about bis age and a few nîonths later fouud hiioself an infantry offleer in the British trenches, just another shy, frigbteued boy suiddeîsly flung into tbh.ý thiek' of the Battle of the Somme. lie doesn't talk niuch about those day s (altîsougis euemy gas rnay have eoutr-ibuted to lus present ill- nesu) but lie did mentions one inci- dent eoneerniuig a Germian soldier who surrendered witb a grenade elaspcd ini one baud. James Woke up to find an MO. picking lumps of metal out of bis body._ And thex iniddle finger of bis rigbt baud was mnissing. That finger w as to cause nsany a headache iu Wlsiieball vearly thirty ycars later. Two year-s after the Kaiser sur-, rendered, James was still in hosi tal, but a fe cW Weeks later be had recox ered suffiiently to try to pick up the tbreads of bis pre-war if e. "My father- had died wben 1 wag oue-y ear old, sud my guardian w-as no longér responsible, for me, so I Was pretty Well alone," hie told me. "I decided to, becorne an actor. t wasn't easy, but I gradually be- gan to make IleadWay" There wcr-e long tours' up sud down Wales xith a company that bad fifty pîsys ini is repertoire-s differ-ent play eaeb nigbt; there w ere resident companies in Eîsgiand, su-d tours of the British lîles. The ý'ears passed, and James becanîr a reli- able, competent actor. He 1usd a bad period of unemployment, Wben lie tried bis baud at selling pianos, but by the middle thirties bie, wa miakiug a suecesi of bis career. Then came the Second World War. "I joiued the, Arrny again, aud this time I was put, in the Royal Arrny Psy Corps," be said. "Being au actor, J organizcd entertain- menîs sud took part in troop sow s." Oue day Cliftou Jamies was ealied to London frorn bis unit in Leices- ter bo meet Colonel David Niven and chiat about Army films. But tibeir conîversation was oiily a pre- text. A few minutes after meeting each othier, Niven usbered bim into an- other roon w here lie ivas intro- dueed to Colonel Lester. "At least, that's xxbat lie eailed bimnself," James svenb on. lie asked nie to sign an extract from the Official Secrets Act, sud tben told me that I resembled Gencral Mont- gomery 50 losely Ibat, if J Wa5 Williug, 1I might be called upon to 'double' for him. J was complctely bexildered, but 1 said il-mnedîstely tbat 'd do it." Tlhe curtain was about to be rung uip on the greateat role of Clifton James' career. General Montgomery binîself Was Would have bad bhc wbole set-up. Fortuîsately, it WaS .iust another'lit- tle incident. Baek at tbe WarOffice tbey told me that Monty Was going to Scotland on a fishing trip. I-wtas to go up there sud sec bima privately so that J could catch the intona-, tions sud piteb of bis voice. "J bad tWo fr tbrce fifteen-mîn- utciterview-s Witbbirn, Wbcn We woucld tall< about the theare-he was deeplp interesied in it - or Australia, the country Wbcrc J was boru. I Was îerribly nervous, but bp tîse lime J returued to London I bad hegun' 10 take on bis charse- Awkward Questions On Friday, May 26th, Lieuten- sut M. E. Clifton James became Genîcral B. L. Monitgomnery, lHe w ore the fanions beret and' uniform, whitened lus moustache sud 1cm- ples-sud îîed a cnnningly con- rived banîdage on bis rigbt baud in place of tbc missing finger. lie drove tbrougb tbc streets of London to Nortbolt, aîîd aloug the route he retuirned the saintes aiid wavcs of soldiers sud civiliass At tîse airport, bigbranking officers of tIse-Army sud Air Force saw huaii iîîto tise Plane whicb Was 1 t fly bimi to Gibraltar. "My 'aide' ivas a brigadier who knexv Monty iîîtimately. lie xvas trax ciiug withl me to keep at a distance anpone w ho miglit ask aw kward qnestionîs; the geluerals ow n relatixves, peî baps.' Tbep Salutcd >J ames laughed snddenly: "I wish J conld bave eîjoyed the role I xxas playing, but the last words Colonel Lester said to nme Were 'Do pour best, Jamses. 'Yon've got tlîe lives of tivo divisions on yonr sîsoul- dams.' 1 was terrified that JIxvonld make that one little slip that w ould give tise game aw ay." As tbc plane approaehed Gibral- tar, James prepared birnîcîf for the scecîe that be 'had rehearscd so mauyuies baek in London. He stepped ont of tihe aircraft sud re- turucd' the salutes of the officers standing at attenîtion to greetbirn, "J was driveis to Goveromaut lionse," James contiuued, "10 meet Sir Raipb Eastwood, the Governor of Gibraltar.. "Uc sud Monty wcre ver-y old friends so, of course, be knew al about tise plan. Wc wandcred iinto tbc gardeis together sud weut tbrough a pre-arraîsged conversa- tion. Whlie we xvera talking, îxvo mntswaiked up tbc psth sud bbc Goveruor- iîtrodueed met'O tbern. Latar I was toid that oua of tiîcr was a Spauisb uoblernîin the service of tise Gerusans. It had ahl been worked ont so that the enemy xvonld kiîow of my arrivai ou tîme Rocký "And here's a thriling sidelight on the xviîoie tbing. On.e bour after J arrived Madrid bad tise ueWs. Tîsat same nigisî Ber-lin kneW al about Montgonîcry's visit 10 Gi- braltar. The new s reaclîcd Berlin tbrougb tise most secret chaunels, but our owu agents in the Gerinan capital wer-e s w.ell orgaîîized tisai tbey were able 10 pass the informa- tion back to Londons aimost imime diabeix." Ail Over Prom Gibraltar, Jamses flcw 10 Aigiers, sud tiser-e tc was druven by one of General Maitland Wilson's aides 10 G.l-I.Q. It wysa a ride plan- ned to dispiay hînsseif as Mont- gomsery. Wben the car drew 10 a hait aud lue éubered bbe bouse, the last act wýas over. Thc curtain had rnng dow'u. But there was no applanse fr-ou an appreciabive audience. Al that remained was for the actor 10 sit dow'n quietly, sî-noke a cigarette, 3uc~s Change Hands-Toma Johinson (left) and John Galbraith, îiew heads -of the Pittsburgh Pirates, drop down to Forl>es Field in Pittsburgh foir a look-see. Galbraith wiIl be president and Johnson seeretary-treasurer. Frank, McKinney sol onut his interest in the National League's cellar teamr. and remsox e bis costurme and usake- A fexv daps later, sItar am i ison- spicuons stay ini Cair-o, Lieutenanst Clifton James flexv back 10 Eusgiand. The sîsti-climax rescbed ils loWest deptlis xven bis C,O. at Leicester tlsreateued bo put bini on a charge for beiug absent xitliout leave. A cail bo M..5 soon cleared usatters Up. -."That Fake" TIse moulus dragged bp and in Jonc, 1946, lise was demobbed. Stil1 swor-n 10 secrecy, Jauses read au extract ouae day in Hlarry C. A fesv days sgo a lot of people msade bbe saune oid journey to tbe booksbelf to baka doîvî the atlas sud look up the location of un- familiar plaees. Ibis. tinsie is xvas Saoul, the Kuns ive nsd Taiwan. Tisera may bave beenau aime Wiuen a man could ha coîstent if lue kncxv bis osyn country sud tisa towus in it, but not dun the past tveity-flve pears. Dnriug tisose pears sItar the Fir-st World XVar -tuer-c was iiiiy' a jour-uap!b tise siscîf for- tbe maps of places f ar sw'ay. lise first-time, back iiiý 1925, may have been for pleasanl pur-poses. lu Ibose daps maps sbow,ýed clîliefly 1wberc for- aign frieîsds isigisl lve-or îiîay miapped the roula for sjesri bicy cle tour of FJmgLand auýd West- ern Europe. Tiscy isigbtIavaiava sbowsed tua itincraries of Intourisi jour-nex's bo tise Sovie- Union, in thosa days wben tour-isa aWal- coma, in tîsosa days xvheli Stalin- grad xvas smmply a tîvo-isour- stop in lise eveuiîsg ou the boab ride doss tise Volga 10 Astrakhamn.IJ' tbe next ycarsî tise allas lssd other uses: to showv bbc exact location of Locarno snd the tresîy sig nera, sud a close study of wbat was called tise Great Circie roule, w'hicb Lindbergh ansd obiser pilots Wera flyuug. In 1932 tise atlas beesuse sous-je Butclîer's bo MY 'lIlirce Ycars WitluEîesbWe ilxhicis stated that souusoîse, vw i tongue Iin lcck, bsd reporîed b uMoiitgýoncry at SHAEF (urm ednrtr Ameuican Exped2,itioîsss-y Force) tisai "tbc faka otoreyis xvggr îîg about baîf drnnk ils Gn ibraltar, smoking usammoblu cigars ike a cbimuay." lise insformsation 1usd neyer been rcfutcd, so Jamses comtactcd bbc War Office snd w-as giveus permis- sion by Viscount Montgomer-y to tell publiciy the truc version of bis drausatie flighî sud impersoustion. thing cisc-a ',eans for quiekly bü- cstiug the laïtet 'boirrs'.The Fsr Eastern section slsoxvd just wbare the Japaîmese Wcre landing in tbeir punitive cxpaditioîss on Chinase soul. Not long after, il xva. bbc mapa of Germanp sud Ausînia, witls Hitler in power sud Doifus dead. In 1935 a man lsad 10 turus 10 a totlhi unfamiliar par-t' of the atlias 10 seasreb down the strange places nsnîed Addis Ababa, Adowa and Makala. Thara Was one un- bappp day, spart f rom iW5r-sud fighting iin those pears, Wbien bbc atlas bad 10 ha used 10 ocaePoint Bar-roux' whler-c Will Rogeris bad just diedý Tha atlas w as off the sbelf almosî cvary day afler 1937, 10 611 out bbe datails in bbc mapa bc exvpacr wcra pnbiisbimsg. Tba-y sboýwad 5ev- illa, Granada, Cordoba sud Guer,- niesý, bbc owns of die, Spanisbi Civil 'War. Tbey sboWed bbc exact course ofhbbcYaugtza, Wbara tl-ic Japaese ad it an Auncerican gn boat. Tlseýy sboWed tbbc roulte tbr-ougb ,Ausîria sloisg-Wbiicb Iltl- ier's roopa were mar-ebing. Tbýey located the amail boWns of ,lie Sudetefsiaud is Cxacbosiovýakiaý. A littia later- tbey markad tbue un-ý1 'bappy places of liiîiar's firat biit i11 Western Poland, froni Bud- Tanks Are Coming-Ligbt taniks of thse First Marine D)ivýisinir-e loaded aho,ýard an ULLini Sani Diego, Calif. The tanks are part of tise. equipmeu-it of tise 1Korea-bois Leather-neciS. He Barbers Royalty but that doesn't worry biim. He bash mnade-his name Iokig fter othecr people's bair. Anyone eaildopino;il, MaUy- fair hsirdressing kionbt s appointmrentbokrasieWos Thirty yarao e anio 'ý London w it'i enly a f e silig in bispoktToytft i-e- old Mr. Vier sbirrse ote worldI'skngprinIcesdplmt ;sud leriie f everypreso. Aiterj the first world warhe as just one of Londou's Itah>lnbi - bers. He mioved from saoo o s-iloon. It w asut until Y(-mrl thirties, when lie was appoînte,,d to Clarîdge's, Englaud'stornkg hotel, that he achievedeoinc His first fainous clietias the Aga Khau. Some clients sign his atgal book. others read it. Thcre ssuc a collection of liko nae scrawled acls the pagestha th illegible oGissare slrnosi i oe A quickglance rvasthe ignîa-ý tures of ex Kiig A1piphns o Sai (Wbo wudsodaRls octo Mr. Viccari t i)IIt hbis toeut i' hair), the Duke of1Miî'rd! Have1 Lord Ansont, the late Jan aark of Czechoslovakia, Sir IjhnjBar birolli, Anton 'Walbrook, Anthonyi,ý Asquith, several Indian princes,, anid so m-auy Ministers of the rnr that the pages read like an iiagin ary House of Conions roî Jea spauning twenty year-s. Mr. Viccari is a rnoestmanii confesses in bis taanacenita be, is bewild1ered (byis owupres tige,. Sorepeople have puti, do to jpersonality," be ays, "but flitba' t,7o easy an answer. Ail! kI wi that 1 enjoy hairdressîuig,li's 3an art to mec, and everycsomrs somneone different." A Precise Haircut So determined is he to gîve the finest baircut possible that he defies a golden rule and aits dow n to bis; wore. 'That way," he points ont, tI can take iny time and make sucrc of a precise haircut," Mr. Viecari will readily chatabu bimself,'but rarely about bis cins lie knows that, as the cniat oi kings,-tact is bisgraetset Question himn furtiier and he (,re- plies witb a srnile& "I'm stiliia working mail. Que day lIl eie and rnaybe write tbe memioirs of a barber." Tbey should be Worth edig goszcs and Foznan to Zoppotan Westcrplatte by Danzig, Soon thereatter a mnan hdt turn to the maps of theéosa cities of Norway, Beren su Stavanger, of tbe roads tbrcoughd Holland, of the Englisb hane and particnlarly of its varyin1,g widtb at varions places. The ls of places searched for lengthened and spread wide, frorn Dunkerque and Lover to Coventry, Sidi Bai-. rani and Tobruk. Tisen to anoîberý part of the atlas for Pearl Harbo- and a detailed map of tbe Bataaii Peninsula, aud snyone could be- corne,'imlpatient witb au atlas for neot shiowinlg e\,erytbling in the m-ost minute detail. An a1tlas was almosi a necessity niow, if onliy t, and Ille dne tcudpta end to ail bil, edfo of tbe ýNortbfica oî,o h Far East, w'vere alwÏ%ays (open t'len. Tlie towils of WetenRusifo, the suburbs of Mos)ýcowý, therote throuigb eUkah e an'd lu the Volga were seaýrc]ed ont[ on bbci appro)pria-te rniap. A mn s ye clirnbe'd the Laidder uip tbe aciie from Darwin in AsrlatoNe Giniea, BouigainviiclleeSonns Latr te atlas cameii oi t bbc self ~1' su T