Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Aug 1950, p. 6

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e Muddiest Job The World tueynddisîjob in the world canl be bad f or the asking in the K1ody~-erierwatei-shed of the Y'kon Trritory in Canlada, on thle ini tr.It cosit fthawinig bedlrock for the Yukon Cousolidat- cd God Cororatin îd thecre are pla,'ces ethie imud is tblirty feet I arn an expet onis becnse I okdin Ibis recbdnîud for tlîreeseason, ten ouirs a ay, see dîays a weJk sud !no lholidlays, States awrhetr in iLOdnCllinig." The immld ýis nrely malnmade. It is te nigbit say, vbecanse OS manM's greed for gold, snd it is an evr-preeut emlonisration of ti-elunconiiforltab)1ýle legths that lbe tîlgo t10vget it. The-0gollies lu thebedockthlrity or for'ty feet be- low ite floor of, the valley. It is frozen soie. Beore one of tlle giant gol-dedgrscan corne througb, munchîng aI the bedrock, Ibis bed- rokmust be tbswed andl this pro- duces the imnd. Il' thle ld days they nsed ta drie log1poiuted pipe dnwn înto Olic bdJrc,anýd pump steani fromi e wedbolr hougiî it to tbaw thinigs eut. One 1day',thley woke up ndfouuid that thle Kl(indyke hilîs L;ad beenl dennided of lumber. Man's ingenluityreaed Somrebody rea- sond tat aly wtree cold 'wae-a s warîner than ;ice, and ivouhld hrfrgiven enonghýlime, thdteic ce wiîb wii ichit ;icamle Soý the orderuintont to pnmp "onrd f thoisauds of gallons ofcld waîer deep, into the ground ta tbiaw ithe dok Fohrymen like myself w reomloyd o elp thing aloîg, ud l ofnsaialc thlat we ynpmphtdresof husads ofgalonsof (r4ito Of thonsanels f os of nmud. Bfore Ithe m11d1can be prodnced hoga îe oofpipes bs10 lue laid arosthe va,;lley: ig 'pi pes wth omller ipes branchin gof theni1, aud sn(alioes yet off thenai. mn tsxenfo intervals in evory dir(ction the1lre is a uest of six liibber bos's 1(adinig off froni each pp.Aud on, each rnbber hiose is a long p 1ipe w ithi- a sharpeuied end FrOnl ilwiclîvwa tcr coutinnally kt is tis p lipe that yon drive down, tabedrock with thfe aid of tbirty- pounild sil amras you stand kniee 1 î Ierapudly foriming xutud, slýliing these bamîners per- 1)etnallyup) and down the pipe-. scroingon lore extenîsions as thie ipisappe-iiI)ars imb the groune, YAoh il th waer spurts ont at yon aud the mnd,,igrows deeper. 'onu týo1ly pn),MP So much water inîdergonnd beore it starts spurt- i iiibcknpat yoit agin. The grndbegînis l10 boave in places in iiuluothers. The pipeline breas; hooingwater in. every diecinanlil b as lu le fixed. Wbn ou lhavc driven yonr hune ofpip)es downi-eacbi about thirty fittlog-îey oveyou dowu the valley anid you start, again, while thrme taike ovrund make r thé ipesdo niot get plugged, and thtth arger fceed-pipes do flot bcc at thie section joints because he gr-ound bas crnmbled away un- At one limle, 1 worked li one of tiise.pie-ixiîggangs, wiring tbe 1eng1bsof pip together, drîvung the pipeP on teothr whittling wedges %Of wod ta plug other pipes, builti- nng uILe treýstles ani pyramitisunuder ýtbe pipes 10boîterthem'npT, sud aI tilimes sliiinig, s'ip)ping, falling, fondeing l te ocosu of mut. Anti so .y now tbe neauiful, gren ibtIe valley b as a great jag- gîtl scar ef hlack slasbed across il flir c the awing operaîlon la gongo,\Wben bbe groundi bas been tstet sud foundt tawed, the ppscornle Lp, anti next season Che dIretige miioves in, cburning up t'00c ly-oto once more in its neotbo-i-a-baysbck searcb for gold. aîî lavinIg gret:il ies of upturueti grvlal over bbe place. Anti -di aea'd of il, tbe tbawing opera- tioii trs ail over again. SHOULD BE SEEN --NOT HURT mir 1 1- TIIE FARM FlT Heïo's an itCIea tha migltbt h worth the aIttenition o'f some of you fruit groweý-rs rwbo livefairly close to a big tw or cîty. 0Of course il wil he ta late ta do aulytbing about il this year, but il will bear tbîuk- ing over for next. Anti if you bap- pciB 10 kuow ail about it alroady- wohl, it iwas new to me wheu I f@an acrosoý it recontly. Cuistomelirs -ofs peach sud cherry orebard owuiet by, a man naniot Waginer, eýver lu Fairfield County, Ohio, do their owýn harvestiuîg. Tbey gel thoir fruit at its tree-ripened hest, and the orchard ewuer is spar-: ed tbe oxpense of picking, packing aud shipping. Hr e's biow the scheme work-s, as reporîed hy Vernion Pst- tersen,1 a Ho(rticlhurist at Ohio Wagner w orked ont bis plan dur- ing tbe war wheu labor was im- Possible to hire duriug pickiug ses- sons. Eacb tree was numbered and marked wrýitb1 a brass tag. Customers were gîvenl a chioice of varieties sud thon were assigned eue or more troec numbors. Thie systeni worked. sa-e. vl that alinost aIl of the orchard now is barvesteti by people 'living iu nearhy cities.* The "ounr ) f.each, tree agrees to take th e nire crop froni the otre or ùtres nder agreemnitt. At baros-tîeWagner furnishes lad- dors and b auls fruit' 10 the packing bouise. Customers bning containers and psy an cýsbablished price for the sosson accorduuîg 10 the îîumber of hushes produceti by the tree. Wagner say s. thîe system works well and feW disagreemetîs bave occurreti turing the yoars il bas beeni in operation. The samne cns- tonîers corne balck year after yesr sud a waitiug lot is maiutailuet, -Low, a few bints that m-ay ho useful,' I hope, tb those înterested in egg Productieon. If You osant' ta, avoit that hot-weatber s ump- FEED THEM WET MASHI. Wben the mercury stsrts te climh toward the top of the thermometer tube, regular niash couîsumptiou eflen drops, witb s cousequeut slunîip in the numbor of eggs yon gel. Enough oset masb for 100 bouns can ho mate by mixing 2 pouuds of regiila r nmasb with ovater or skiîî rnl.Feed the Wet mash on top of the dry mash at neïon lu the re- gular mash boppers. A layiug slump1 oflen eau hob avoidot if yeu slart feeding woî masb as soo as you notice a trop iu feed consumptioo, SECOND -GIVE THEM AIR Wben the tomperatnre clumbs te 90 degrees, the loss in weigbt by layers la serions,, foot consumrption drops sharpjyasud their is a dodun- 11e loas in sîze sud iuterior quality of eggs. Shelîs hecome thinner, which resulîs in more breakage. Wben the temperature cliuîbs to 100 degrees, there 18 alwsys 'tbe rosi danger of beat prestratiou sud death of layers. Egg production msy Stop if temperaîtîres go rnucl ahove 100 tiegrees. Many laying bouses are, not pro- perly htuilt for snmmer use, Cross1 ventilation ila necessary. Windows shoult ho 3creened se they eau ho removed. Plenty of space for water-, uug and footing is necessary. Another effective measure is the use of aluminuni, nlu shotroîllor paint form 10o keep the heat ont hy acting as reflective ïinsulation. Iu general, the smaller poultrymen wil not futd the use of mechanical air circulation-sncb as elecîric fans or -sprinkling roofs with wsîer-to, ho practical. AND - THIRD- SQUELCH THOSE BROODIES. Duriuîg the in Spy Net-Jul lus Rosenberg, 32, is the latest to be cauti- in the atomnic spy net. He Wats arrested- in New Yourk. FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover ýsaid thiat Rosenberg, an e ngineer in the Signial Corps during the wallr, is "another îiportant_ ink" ,ini the sovieýt ,sp-apparatus re- vol ving r... Dr. Klaus Johin Krill uses anoîher ides on blie bns. He f1115 a 2" x 6)" ca1r- ton with cggs, places it in a freezer, aud keeps it. there until neededl. Wben a iiclncký' is dîscovered, tbrce or four of the frozen eggs are placed untier ber. Two sîuch chilly treat.. mnentis will disconrage even the most Idel orîîintei bird. Krill marks'a lhue aronnd each, frozenl egg witb an in- delible pencil to avoid the mis- chance, of its being gaîbered w ith the freoli eggs. Wlieu douîe witb the eggs, b e pubts theni bsck-in the cartn u they are kept 'in thte freezer until ne ediet. Refinery Rounds Off Wilrich Following the first wild enthus- îasmi geîîerated by tbe astonisbiîîg oil discoveries of Alberta, an ou- tbusiasm whicli resulteti in huui- dretis of oil stock promotions, the indnstry is settliuîg down te, a more orderly existence. It is gradnally beiîîg realizeti that the more dis- cove-ry of oil, important thonigh it is, does not. permit quick realizatuon, ofipofits whlich canlibec o fo its proýductiouo. True, inimerousý companies areprdcg oil sudl selling it 10 the local réfinerios for revenue ar dsomo of the producers aredoiîîg well. However, it i8 uow known that i order to cash iu to the fullest extent pbssible it 15 neccssary bo have a refinery ad- junct 10 oil Wxells. There are now tbree large refin-i eries and four smsieroîîes lu the Prairie oil fieltis. The most faunons of these are Imperial and British Aniorican wbicb have been active for yoars in the West. More r e- cenbly smaller but growxing ýrefiner-I les have come inb existence ani onue of these 18 Excelsior, xsich1 starleti five years ago witb .a $35,000 cleaîîing plant auit 11W bas a layont wortb at least $1,000,000. Thils growtlî alone is indicabive of the profits 10 ho won in bbe refin- ing eut. How-ever, Excelsior also bas ,ils owzncilI wells, withî over 11,000,000 bbls. in reserve,,ant ha s caîl ou an adtitional 15,000,000 bbls. Recently Excelsior Refineries sold1 $1,000,000 iu 5 pet cent bonds to Wilricb PelrolenulsLimitet, wbich shares in the production of 41 wells in the Leduc, Wbitemnud, Exceso and Blackfoot areas and bas an iuterest in 15 well sites in Red- water. \Vilricb also is etîgaget in large scale exploration cilga pro- .iocts in Pouce Coupe' area, Peace River Section, andi Loue Mountain area of B.C., mest across the bouuî dary. This four-way metbod of protect- ing supplies and oxposing the part- nersbip te, appreciation tbirough finding of new wells, makes thej teaming np of Exccesior Refiîîeries andi Wilricb Petroletnms one of the most advanîced of the recent West- en oil dex loprîouîts. Xv i ý, SIY51TC 1 LC The controx ersy over wbst us the real cause of the plague of bonut' mus preseuîly, infesting ail hase. bail sill continues, suad threateus te go on indefinitely, or even long- er. About, the oinly point ou whiciu the expert-psit anîd uupad-soeîi ta agree 18 that if sornethiug isu't donc 10 curb this plague of two- bit fonr-baggers, the game- itself is bount to snffer. There are those vwhe ossy Ihat bbe hall itself bas heen li oectet witlî a speeti solution of the same sort as uset to -hoappliet to. tutu slow Tboronglibreds întofast oies, wbeu the right mouey v ou But ro- searchers bave cleavet hd alls in two,' picked theu 1 pioces, anti subjectet them btoevorytbing but bbc saliva test, sut yet bave failoti to futd anything that does't appoar sricîfy, on the up-sudtup. The nsifcuesof fileufficial halls categoricatlly dtny thaýt ihe hall isany differenit, or ivelier, ùIbsu tbose Babe Ruith useýIt 10 donit oer varions foncesq, t10 ibedeligbit eT the crowd ai heneiifit of thec bo-. office. Ant i t manfacurosave no reasou bo lie ahonit il, ,(oiug that tbey make the halls for 'hbI!h big bcagnes, just putiflg tfret amets ýon thenu. * * Others sy ttIi lbe dý2(jifferenjcelies in bbe hats-thiat bb luggrsare nsîug lighiter icies tbaîî jjjjforJ- rnerly, andti tu gîiu i-se velo ciby 10to r swiuugsThis, t10 ns, sounus ikoý sayiing that a 150 Ipount boxer can bib s barder hlow than a 111-poutider, or tbat you cau drive spikes botter wibb a tack- bammer Iban witb s slodge; but 'of course, we conît ho wrouîg. Thîenost reasonishle oxplanstion we have seen as y'et pubs bbe blame directly on the cule makers, These boys bave heuî linkeriuîg with the regulations, anti giviuîg theeniounus- men the xvorst of it wilb evory îtink. Testrike zone bas ho cou- Itracteti to sncb an exteuit that- iaccording bo sonDe of the hoavers j -wheu a smiall Mns scb as Pee Wee Reeso is at -the plate, you practically have t0 Pub the hall tbroîîgb a kuothole heforo the umps will cal'tStrike," Also, wiîh runners on tie bss the new anti-more strictly enforcet balk mbl severely craospsa heaver'sq istyle. The net resuît istliat, insteat of keepiuug abesti of tbe bitter, bbc ipitcher is constsuîtly hehiîsd. The jcount becomes 3 anti O anti Mr. Pitcher bass 1 serve np that elti fat one, or alloxv s walk. Anti even a mediocre bitter, when ho knows righî well that corpulent oee s comiug, is hiable to do things to il. StilI ant i al wbeu wo sec some of the alleget bitters witb fifteen or niore boniors to their cretit, sunt tbe sesson hsrely baîf over, xve son1eboxv wîsb tihe ilîvestigators, bat gone the full distanîce, sunt appliot the saliva test, 100, to Ibat modemn The annual question is18 eing ask-, et lu golfing circles again theso tisys, which is as fair an indication as auîy that tbe Csatianii Open- Cauats's top golf show of tbe yesr -is just about a rnubbaWay. The question is, of Course, eau a Canîa- dian win' Ibis conntry's top golf award, or will it go to a pro from another country as it bas cousist- enbly sincce 1914? Tbe question xvon't get a finîal answer until this yoar's Open is over at Royal Montreal Aug. 27, but iu tbe meautime bhe soason of specnlatioîî is' on - and t ih thie specuilation is the wistful hope that mayhe Ibis is the yoar of tbe big suîrprise. The failure of CanuanýI golters evor to 1f t the Seagrani Goit Cnp since bbc Caîsatian Open bocame a hig-t1me show springs fronu the BUSINESS OP'LOItTUNITIES RESIDENTIAL grncery store in Owen Sound for sale or cent. AwaY from.main business section on well travelled itreet. Operating successfully now buit -,ner bas other busi- ness interests deadn ttention. Books avallahie for, in spectioni. Write for particulars it intorested ta R. Patterson and Son, Real Rî,tate Brokers, Owen Sound. Phono 106. DEVELOPING PASTDaily Service on DevelopingiandiPrint- ing 8 exposure roil. Deveioped and'PANEI- ART Printed 30 cents. Reprints 5 cents each. Double size, in Album 40 cents. Reprints 6 cents eacb. Write for complote pries list. IdealSuapshot Sevite, Kingston, Ontario. DYVEING AND) C1EANINO HAVE YOU anythina rieeds dyemng or clean. lng? Write tc, us for îInformation.' We are glad ta answer Your Questlons. Department, R., Parkeras Dye Works Llmiled, 791 Tongé Street. Toronto. Ontario PAR31IS FOR SALE PROSPEROUS 070 acre farm, juot north of Grafton. Sold fully eouiuped, or foai oniy. Ail buildings nerely painted, lu perfect re- pair. Ideai for good former, or country estate. Foc turther particulars write LONG FARSI, 200 acres, good opportunity. 1,1 miles frnLoivu. 20 Miles from North Bay. Illnesa forces sale. Write C. Beaulieu, Bon- fiel i, Ontario. FOR SALE ALUI'IINUMI ROOFIIÇG-tmmediate sblpment -019- thicktin 6. 7, 8, 9, aund 10-foot lengtba. Frite ta appîy .019" ai $1,40 lier square, .016" aI $8115 Der square delivered Ontario points. For estimates, samples. liter- ature. etc.. write: A. C. LESLIE & CQ. LIMITE!).1208 Comnîlsloners St., Toronto 2. Ontario. MOTORCYCLES, Harely Davidson. New and used, tiougbt. soid. exchanged. Large stocki of guaranteod used motorcycies. Repaira by f actory-trained meehanica. Bicycles, and crm- piste lino of wheel goods. aiso Guns. Boots &Md Jobnson Outhoard Rotors. Open oveninga util nino oxcept Wednesday. Strand Cycle & Sports. Ringaia Sanfordl.11amilton. 6' C'LIPPER Combine with Motor, Tank and Bagoor. Seit or trado. Oarnet Wostlake, Beeton. Ont. McCORMICK-DEERING tracter, brand new, ,mtidei C. equipped with boit puliey, lights. sarter, tires loaded, wheei weigbts, fondera and scufflers. List prico $1.818; must soul; sacrifice at $1.600. Free delivery, Beebitel îtotoro, New Dundee, Ont. Phone 60. NiEW TIRES SPECIAL DEAL FOR DEALERS ONLY Dealers rertuired to distribute fifýst liue cuita Percha Tires hacked hy Outta Percha lifetime guarantoe. Large stock of passonger and truck tires lu popuior sizos uvailable. RiCeptianal discounts foc duration ot sale. Eiîauiries 'oilhocpromptly looked after. Write nnw for eaits of ibtslcses lu liCe- trne offer. Tire Department. Hercules Sales LintitetO, 1386Donclas Street, West Toronto, Ontario. DttCORMIICI DEERING 15-30c rctr$400. Bargain. 36-0 10 Ondison T1r-:hor $600 Edmond Joues, MitdianO. Ontarlo TOP OUAýLITY PAINTS: Direct from ehr Iucide or outoide- paints, enomeis uO ar nisb. 35 colours, charta on requnet 29 galion, 88e cor quart. P.O.B.Tont.D posît rocluired on C.O.D.'s. H-ome Paint C. 1758 Eglinton, W., Toronto. WANTED-Everysuferer of rheu- matic pains cr neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid CRRSS 13UNION SALVE-for amanýzing rolief, Vour Druggiot reous Cres- OPPORTUNITIES FOR MIEN AND) WO5IEB BE A HAIRDRESSER lOIN CANADA'S LEADIN I SCIIOOL Great Opportunlty Learn Ilairdressing Pleasant dignifled Profession, good wagea thousando successful Marvel graduatos Ameritas greatosi system. Illustrated ce logue free. Writo or ('al MASIVEL HAIRDRESSING 1SCHOOLS 258 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King'St.. Hamilton &72 Rideau Street, Ottawva PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGHi & Compâny Pateni Solicitorm Establlshed 1890. 80Ray Street. loronto Rookh'i oaIinformation nroquent. TEACIIERS WANTED PROTESTANT teacbers wanted for Cardiff Townsbip Schcol Area. Salary for Quaiified teachors, $1800 ver annum.. Aplications from Permit tehers w'iii bc ronsidered. Apply Seeretary-Treasurori, Highland, Grove, On t. N LE SES 44 HOUR Wýeel. 10 Statutor-y Hoîidiayo y1 month, vacation vtb payafter 12 utontha. SaiarY $175.0Per mouîh rising by four annualIincremients ta $281.00 Per month. Cooud oriing conditions. Duncan la sittated midw ay between Victoria and Nanaimo on heautitul Vancouver Island. Present nurso shortago duo ta the too accurato atm oy Cupid. Teiegram or letter ta lting's Daugbter§' Hlospital.Bucan, R.C. WANTED SOFTWOOD LUMBER 1", 2", audt, SI' sawn Softwpod, any kind; cUlla ouf, -nd trîmmed, car-loaO or trunk-loacl lots. ROB8ERT JONES LUMOBER Co. HIAMILTON, OINT. ISSUE 32- 1950 Sweetas its name4p A gainisitbtat type of comlpetition, factors-they Cari', play durring thle win,'ter, anld theiy can't play o'ra nment golf Steadilj dirin]g thle sUm- mer. There jusýt aren't enugh Cana- dian tournamenrts te keep thernl go- ing, and besides they have duties at their home clubs as weIl. But there is always the hope that some day a Canadiato will overcome those long odds and kecp the Sea- gram. Gold Cup fromi making its annual journey acroqs thie border. That hope'comes from aý couple of factors-Canadians have Ccorne close ;n the past despite, tho ordies; andl golf is orue of those gamesu where ailmost anythiîig can biappen, Montrealers,, particuilarly, will re- niember the Open at Becaconsfield five years ago wenVaîîcouver's Stan Leonardalos turned the trick. Stan wa- s uo euestroke out of Rai -paetie ýthait year, nd he might yet manage to 'Comle downl in front. Stan hiasni't commitecd iniiself aboult thlis ye-ar's tourna- ment at Mnralwihis Ialonig and expensive distiance wTay froi býis home club-burtthe betting is 9-Ir- that )1e will show upAnother Van- couver pro wbo is alway rated a fair chiance, F"reddly Wood, may be The Eastern pros will be ont in full force of c 'ourse, aînd îhere's many a threat witbin their ranks.' Tbere's Beaconsfield's Bill Kerr, who shot beantiful golf a year ago to finish in a lie for third place. Theîe's, Toronto's Bob Gray, who was only tw1o strokes behiîîd win- ning Sami Snead in 1941. And there are fellows like- Stan Horîîe and jules Hnot of Montreal, Gordie Bry son and Dick Borthw'ick of Tor- onto who bave been know to shoot extra bot golf on occasion. There aTe pet of others too, both esta- blished pros and uip-sud-coîuhing youngsters who can't be overlooked. Sonie day-it mîght eveto be Ibis Augnot-a Catuadian player i8 going to get really hot for four days and become thhie first Canadian ever to win the Seagranî Gold Cup. But if you'il take onr advice, you won't bet more than a, couple of moîîth's rent on it unless yon get reason- able odds. Say about'tweuty ta one or thereahouts. 1i ,*X.lassified Advertisiýng., ACCOUNTING iNEDICAI J5~1KEPIG& ACCOUNTING SERVICE UNWANTED HAIR 2i~ N Sbom 77Vitoia t. To-noEradiieated from any part of the body witl PROTGRAIIYSaca-I'elo» a reinarkable'discosery of the ame L'HOTOORAPIeuV Saüa-pelo eontains ono. barmful ingredient, PROTýO- 'tN1SHENOG Enlaged pitcrfland wili destroy'the hafr root. individuai attention, 8 EX. 20e 12Z-l50, LOIt-BEER LABORATORIES 16 - 60c_ 2 0 - 70c, lîmiri,86 EX. 1.25. 679 Granville Street Tinax Studio Box 68 - D. Leaýmington, Ont. Vaneouver. B.C.

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