Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Aug 1950, p. 3

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T'hese Folks Buri ed Themsel-ves AIIve L ssoe xcsefth i bucaner batel bisewn sbtar Van, ad !bisprejudices, withes any intention ta deceive, Iead lis ta mnagîiiy bis own exploits; ani the reader natuirally makes allow Se ' statcd James, Burney vhc alten practicaliy. a licetime spcn at sca-under Hawkes at the age o feu, in the ciosing stages aifIh Seven Years War, lu an East India man and subscquentiy as a crev niember ofi Capta in Cook's secon( and third voyages af discovery- refired te devate himasellf ta! litera- turc. His "Hiistory oi tht Buccan- cers," naw ncprinfed (Allen an Unwin>, is stili, affer a century and ai bal, the standard work in it. Beheadedl Crew of 90 Ht tehis oa iaile notoriaus buic anea Frecblmauq calied Fran- ceis i'Olinneis, whe was possessex- with au amibition ta mnake himself renownied for being terrible. At one time lie persanally bebeaded the wbaie crew ai inety ai a Spanish sbîp. He had the crews ai four ether vessels tbrown infa, the sea and more than once in bis frerizies, tare oeut tj1ýht bets ai bis victimns and deveured them. Witl some satisfaction tht ede Itarns that fth carter of this savage wa.s ended by Indians an the coast of Darien. Ont pirate namtiid Davis put ashaore at Vermeja, in 10 degrees south latituide, te svarch for fresb watcr, andý discovcred a sandY bay Icovtred wifh tht e dies aif men, woîntn and ciidreu. These bodies loolied as-il tbcy lad net been dead above a ,vcek, yef wbtn toucbed tley proved as light and dry as a spneor za piece. ai cork. Tht(-faraging party were îold, by an iod Spanisb Indian that n len tht Spaniards came and laid siege, tht Inidians, rather tban yieid ta tht invaders, dug hailes in.tIc sand and buried thieaiseives alive. Tht mien, as tbecy were found hy tht buccaneers, lad their braken. baws by theaii; tht wamnen their spîi- ning wbieeis and distaifs witb cet- ton yvarn stili upan them. In spýite aiflîceir reputatiaxi for barbarity and crueity in their qucst for riches, buccancers didn't ain ays achieve an easy suirrender from their victiais. A slip coajinandcdç by Captain -Sharp, ianded a parfy vat tht town iof La ercu, wbch tley entenedý witbeûut eppasitiani. Sairscamei te negetiate a ansmte prý,eet ile bulccaneers buniuig ftht towu, Agreemenit was rtýachtedfihat 9,000 Picce.s oa igit wube paid., Durinig tht- igît, howcv;er, a man ventuned freaii tht sheire on a float mnade ai a benrse's bide biown up ike a bladden. Ht arrivtd at tht ship unchailenged, went under tht stern and ramuîed eakum, biai- stene, and ether combustible matter between tht rudderand tht sternl- post and fired it. Iu a short fime tht rudder was an fire and the ship enveloped in saieke. Tht, crew, by this'fiait alarmed, rau up aud dawnvi tht slip standhing fer tht seat ai tht fine, Tht iaund if aud suc- ceeded in queiiing tht flames belore serious damage occuned. Last Escapade Iu Juiy, 1670, Great Bntaîn and Spain coucluded a treaty terminal- ing tht buccaneer war. But, wbeu this fneaty was neccived, in tht West Indies tht luccaneers immtdiateiy resalved a grand finale te tîcir es- capades. A fleet aifsno itss flan thirty-seven vesseis gatlered and, aften a council, tht principal coin- nandens pnopascd their dettnînina- tien te aftack oeeoa three cies- Cathagena, VenaCruz, an Panama. They decided an tht latte r since if -was believed ta e fthe iclest. City Ransacked As fth buccaneens marched ta- wards ftecify fthe'Spaniards came ouf te meet fleai. Iu fhis battît the defenders mrade use ai wild blnls whiclî tbey druve upan ft biiccanetrs to disorder their ranks; but witl littie eflect. Tht Span- lards eveutuaiiy gave wav and ft in Dessert Delight Needs No Cooking BY BETTY LYNN CURTICE XXlîtiier it's a card party an tht porch or just a fiendiy gabiest, sounething ta caf is in arder. On bat*summnn-er da3 s an eveiigs, you want something that eau bc- made far in adysuce, 50 therc's no iast-uiiîutt fussing iiithet kitches,. Why not serve a refigerator dessert sncb as this Icebox Pudding. Made sitl lavers ai crunichy carnaflakes ansd a pineapple-nut mixture, it's good eaýtiig for warm n eathen. TItre's no cooking iuvolved, thert- fore thtie itchen wvll bc cool. This dessert is attractive n hen cnt ini squares anid served wth a topping ai w bipped cream and a mint flavored checriry. Cern Flakes Icebox Pudding (6-8, servings) On-alcnp butter or margarine, i cup sugar, 3 egg yolks, i tnp crushed pt,>ineapple wcli drained; 'A cup chopped wa'ints,, '2 cups corun lks crushcd, 2cnp wbippiiig creamr, 6 ta 8, miint-flavortd chlerries. Creaiulure and sugar, add egg yaiks and caniFuccramulng- uîîii weii biended.Ad pineapple and nut meats. Arrange altcrn-iiae layers ai corn flakes and. pineapple mixture in shalloîv pan, 6i x 10O x 2 juches, using cereal fan botti and top layers. Place in relnîgeraf'or ton at ieast 4 bours forn havons te biend; serve immcdiatcly. Cut iu squares and top cach servis'g vitb whippcd cneam garnished witlî mint cherry, if desired. cJctlx0 Anc1re~ws~. The large. civated bluelîerries are alrcady appearing in some places, and it-wonýt bc long-the way the -w ceks seai ta slip around -bclore< the native eues appear. And tbcre are few fruits sa versa- tile, aînd wbicb may be used in se many different and dciightfnl ways. Sa lîcre's a susail flock ai bine- hcrry necipes. You'il note that tbcy cali for the cuitivated kind. If yau use the native oncs4 it migbc he weii ta add just a iittic more sugar, cspecialiy il you bave a very "sweet tacth." SPIORD BLUEBERRY MUFFINS 3/ cup cuîfivated blueberries 2 tablespoons sugar 3/4 teaspoons cinnaman 1 box prepared muffinmix. Method Sprinkie sugar over wabed and draincd bineberries. Set aside until niecded. Combine cinnamen and prcpared rrîuffin mix. Prepare mix fliiwing manufacturers directions, stirring as littie as possible. Ligbtiy stir in sugared blueberries. Fi greased muffin tins 'A ta '1 full. Bake in a moderate aven (3750 F.) 25 fa 30 minutes, or until muffins are evenly browned. Shouid make 12 large or 20 smaii spiccd muffins, BLUEBERRY DUMPLINGS 1 box cuitivated blueberries %2, cup sugar 1 cup water V4~ teaspoan alIspice 1 cup enriched fleur 2 teaspoons bakîng powder 3/4 teaspoon sait 1 egg Y2~ cup mik. *Met had Wash bernies. Bring sugar, watcr, and allspice te bail. Drap, in bernies and simimer together 3 minutes. Suft flour, sait and baking pawder te- gether. Beat egg, add miik, stir infa the dry ingredients, Drap hy spoan- fuis into the simmcring sauce. Caver tigbtiy. Cook slowiy 10 minutes (without lifting caver). Serve bat, witb, or witbout cream. COCONUT BLUEBERRIES Ipint box chiiied cultivafed blue- bernies Icup sugar or 2 cups orange juice 1 cup shredded cocanut. Method Wash and, d r a i n bineberries. Sprinkie wif h sugar, or add orange juice. Mix witb coconut. Serve in bewis or chilied stemmed giasses. Makes 8 scrvings. BLUE BERRY CHIFFON PIE 1 package iemon flavored gelatin 1 cup boiiing water 2 eggs, separated 3/ cup cold water V4~ cup sugar, %A pint heavy cream, whipped 1 box cuitivated blueberries 1 baked pie shel Method Dissolve gelatin i baiing water. Beat egg yoiks in top af double beiier. Add sugar and -coid water; stir aver bat water until fbick. Add gelatin. Foid in tbe egg whites, stiffly beaten. Ceai untii mixture begins to tbickerL Foid in whipped cream and tbe wasbed and draincd bernecs. Pour into baked pie sheli. Cli and serve. BLUEBERRY TOPPER (A dessert or ceif te cake) 2 cups sifted c ake flour 2 teaspoons baking pawder '/4 teaspoan sait 1 teaspoan vanilia /cup mille V4 cufp shartening / cup sugar cup honey Iegg 1 box cuitivated blueberriesa 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tabiespoons flour 2 tablespoans butter. Methad Suft together fleýur, baking pan- der, and sait. Measure vanilia inta miulk. Set these aside until needcd. Creamn shortc.ning, add sugar grad- ualiy, ai-d mix wchi. Add boney siowly, bcating tborouigbly, Add egg and beat untii mixtuire is iight and fluffy. Add siftcd dry ingred- lents aiternateiy witb iiquid, about %Yo acri at a time. Pour batter inte grcased and paper-lincd oblang baking pan (about 8 x 12 inches),i Caver top ai batter witb blueberries Mix sugar and fleur and sprinkle CEREAL, PIEAPPILE sMd nutlcbom pudding for the Por& MWtt. over bernies. Dat tep'with butter, Grease a piece of brown paper and place over pan te prevent dryiug ontitaofberne(s duing Jbakiing. Bake in aanmoder-ate aveu (350- F) 50 te 60 minutes. DLuiýc;ois sev ibt or cid, witb ar witboutcream0i or sauice as a dessert. Cold, it can be sliced and servcd as cofieead BLUEBERRY, CHEEISE RING 1 box cultivated bluebernies 'cup sugar ienvelope plain gelatin, 'A cup coidr water 1 tabIespean sugar %/ teaspoon paprika 3/8 teaspoon sait 2 3-oz. packages creamn cheese V2~ pint heavy cream. Method Wasb and drain bernies. Caver witb sugar and set aide uniitil rnecd- cd. Dissolve gelatin in cald watcr. Stir ever bot water unti!l gelatin is melted. Add sugar, sait, :and pap-. rika. Cool. Stir in the crcami cheese. Beat smnooth. Add tbe crcam. Caver bottom oai ring moid igbtly witb bernies.' Pouir gelatin -cheese mix- ture ever the top. Chili until set. Tom e'ut an piatter. Filcenter vitb ougared berries. 6 scrvings, Matar salesman: 'This car is ah- soluteiy tbe last ivord." Lions Whoop It-Parading down Chicaga's Michigan Boule- vard, delegates ta the Lions Convention go inte a wild Indian , war dance. No scalpings were reported., Girl 0f 19 Wrote Great Horro)r Tale Man arr onveis lave beec 'rittt lut, in my opinion, ani3 t\ne bave achieved immartaiity- "flracula" and "Frankenstein." The fariner was *w itten by a man el flit theatre, Bnaai Stoker, as the ni-suif ai a w.ager. "Franke nstein" was witteu in a pnîvat e compef:. t;ou and tht sut han waà a btautiftl taienteti girl ai nineteen. She was Mary Shelley, tht wiie-ai tht poct, v,-rites "S.B." in Auswers. For tht reason she wrate the story we mnust go back ta 1816 w heu, after trying in vain fan twe s cars ta obtain ber fatben's per- muission ta marny Shelley, the couple eioped and spent tItir houteymoan in France. They took wîth theai Mary's step- sister, Claire, aud because Shlliey, talked se mucl ai bis friend Lard Byron, Claire feul in lave witb liai. Creating Masn In spîte ai tht fact that Byrn lad a very bad reptîtatian as far f;ir as tht ladies wecre canicerntd, sht began ta corresponid %witl him,' Eventuaily Byron iiedbrta stay at is villa an thtesa oefa Lake Geneva. Clair e couid nef Passibly make t fe jaurney aioe, sa Mary -and lier- hushand accauîpanied ber, and 'hey reîttd a. cottage near Byron's villa, If was an idyiiic haiiday, with piculies, boating on the lake, and midnigbt hathing. Byron îeli in love witl Claire; for Shelley and bis wife if ivas an extension af their bontymoon. TItre was onte ther member ai flic party. This ivas Byron's dec- for Polidani. Every evening tht tIret men lad long discussions, w ifith t twa girls as a siieîît but appreciative audience. Ont eveuiîîg, Palîdani mentioned fIat le lad seen a meclasiiesi in-u, made ly Jacques de Vanca- son, whicb could play fourteen se- parafe tunes- on a flute and the conversation furutd fa tihe passi1 - Bilities aifaiakiîîg an creating Man. Mary was rafler shocked and said fiat anyone Who accemplished scchi a meustrans lest wauld prob- abiy diteaiofight. Tht discussion developed inita an argument, and finaliy Byron suggested a campeti- tien bctwecn tht five ai tlemj, ta sec who cou-id write the most hor- riflec stery. Tht next day Claire, Byron and Polidori stanted writiisg, Shelley lad reiused ta take part lu tht cei- p)etion; whiie Mary maaned arouud' trying ta wark ont a plot. Ail she could think ai was ftemeclanicai iluf e piayen. Affer a few days Byron gave up, 1-t was a mani ai qaickly chariging mioods, and once lis enflusiassa Wancd le tired ai the idea. Claire ass gave up and ftetwo aiflei w-eut for long wsiks. g- Poiidoni pensevered and finisled story abeut vanipîres whicl was evenfushly publishtd. 'Oicay! Sa I can't read!" Maycould flot finid a plot, w ene evenling shle wen1t Iup to bler romundlcided wh'0ethier or flot to- giÎve up fao. Shec stoodbIy -lhe win'- dow iookjng e)ut at thlt liak', bt r.oonligbt, rfetc rmthe wtr lhurt ber eyes, and she closed thec shutters. It was at the momenLit, accordling te ber diary, tfiat thie ploit camje to ber. As she stcood tbera in tbec clark,,figures seemedj ta taýke fori in front of ber cyýs. Sbe shut ber eyes, but thc, fig. tire persisted.' Her imaginationl tuok contrai and against ber wýill sbe was forced ta watcb th'e storyv taking shape, "Isaw thtle tdn fuhl iewed arts kneelîng beie ttinlg bo bad put tag(ýeer.1I aw the hideaus pbantasm af a ma-il stretcli- ed eut, and then, on thiewrin of some, powcrful engine, stir it an unea.sy baîf-vitalmoin~ Author Terrified Her imagination 3showvcd th cre 2.er ai this monster rsigaa .11 barror, praying that itht spaýirk he bad given ta the Ting waul taýde away. Finaily, this man 1-ilcre- atar falis asleep, and whcn h, li awakes tbinks thlat i bs beeni 3ust a nigbtmare. but biehesa niavemenit at bis siesan ses "'be borrid tbing stnd t is 1lied- side, lookiig can biimith ellow watery, but specuflativce ct Mary -did not szlcep tbat nighit, oud witb the fiîrst iigbit idw jshe vas putting downin lwýords Ith0 I îÂcture lierimgato bdsh u b ler. She called the, scienist cFranken..j stein. The, monster baid .1n1ome but she described it iv Das eigbt feet iîigb, witb yellowýed and( sbriveiled skin, and caiourlesscys She mnade Frankenstein so borr-1- stricken tbat lie badanrvs breakdown and was ili formots \Vben be recavered thlemnse had disappeared. fie flaped it badt( j eestroyedite. But two er ltrit rapae tand s t r a n g 1 e d Frankensin'sii yaunigcr bratheri No Stopping Her Once she bad started, Mary couid neflt stop, althougb, as she admit- ted, she was absolutely tcrrified jthtý vwbale time she was qrtig.Sc COUld, nat sleep, and, spetî1t every availabie moment, an thtstry 1 knowing she wauil neyer ka n other quiet ar happy mmnt util; Mie bad it an paper and ùfont aiber systeai. She made the manster deimand a mate and made Frankenstein coi-. se, Wben the >second mansiter is aiat Complote, bon ever. Frank-li enstein begins te thiink a, tto os sible consequenceýs ta the warld if his monsters lbavec the power a propagation. Ht realizes that tbeyý -igbt eventualiy destray alliumatn life, and lie smashes tht ecn master ta pieces. 11e tries ta smash the first anie, too, but it tells bin, that althoughl if is bhis creatian, it is aise bis mas- ter. Frankenstein flies and the ni- ster disappears in tbe snawýy waste-s aîîdis neyer seen again. When at iast it was publisbed, she exclaimed: "O)h, if 1 can oiyv frigbten my readers as mncb as{'I ,was frîghtcnled tbat nigbt in, tht Swiss cottage!? Tailpiece: Mary wrote many mare naveis, for after the uintimiely deatb ai Shelley iii a boating accident she ,had ta, Write or starve, But shec nleyer wrote another barror stary. .Claire had a' daughter by Byroil, but tbey were never married. Evcntuaiiy bclefit ber, and sbec died an aid and emibittered womn. JMerry Menagerie-Bywaît Disney :i OR i RKp~ 0 NL." *7-1ï "Oky!So cn tred! S s .5 s -s s t' s' S s. .5 N .5 't, I .5 E N 4 's v5

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