DO NIO WEE Vol. 14 No 29 ORONO. ONT., THURSDAY, AtJG. lth, 1950 Foundation 0f.New United Church Completely Laid - The foundatiom of ithe new United Churdh in Onono, which was sited a c, ouple id weeks ago, lias now lieen cornplelbed, and withini a few miner ad ,ditipna rthe1 contractors will ie ready to commence work ân the stone fac- Ing for the walls. The foundation lias been laid diag- nalfl'y on fbhe site previously occiipied 'by Park, Street United Ohurcli, and faces to fthe eorner of Churcli and Park Streets. lt is being planned to have' a windin4g sidewaik to the edi- fice fromn the sidewalk with shrub- bery beautifying the way. Aise on the landsca igthere will be a con- ýEdderable (terrace ýto vaise the grounds te he top of the foundation of the ,Thbe foundationlias been erected 'wittl cernent blocks and every room in the basement. is divided frosu the ~main (basement, auditorium with cernent block partitions. The two 'i wing feundations have also been fin- ïslied, and these take ther> position miear the pulpit area of the building cOnI1eéther side, Wiulh the completion of? a few tnîno,, parts in rhis first step of the eredton of the new churcli, te stone work for the eight foot walls is to conimene. rhe walls are to built of quarrytone and it le hoped that it -will be conpleted early in September. NE WTON VLL eMr. »and Mrs. Water Whittaker and Kenneth with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Tearce. Mrs. Lawrence Gilier, Peter and Paul, of Niag-ara FiEs, with Mr. and IMrrs. Frank Gimer. They were, ac- zo-"Ipanied hy Mrs. 34abel Leushnter. Mr. and Mrs. Wilhis Farrow and Mm.HaelStringer -teck a trip east- -%ard on Sunday. Tbhey were ac- :omniriýnied by Mfr. and Mrs. Clarence Burleyj. Miss Joanine Vinikie, Belleville, is holdyig itbh ler aunt and tracle, M,?and Mrs. Don Vînkle. -Mr. and Ms.Eale McEwen and Gary have returned Ito Peterboroughi after two weeks' holiday with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Burley. Mr. Epl. Holdaway, of California, is visting relatives here. Hie was accompanied ýhy lis sister, Mrs. John Wade, and Miss Jean Wade spent Sunday Wîth Mr. and ýMrs. Anaold Wade. Mrs. Mabel Langsta ff, Port Hope, Mt, and Mrs. Wilbert Langstaff, of Tioronto, with Mms. Tone Langs'taff. ,Atm- and Helen who have been holî- daying -with lihir aunt the past week returned to Toronto witlh thein parents. Bacon Exports Greatly Increased Ottawa Canadian bacon experts during -thle past ý10 ysars wene valued at ý3.8 billion dollars, mhlci excaed- ed the exporte os? the prevous 40 yeare, L. W. Peansaîl, Dî-rector of? Marketing Services in the Depant- muent os? Agriculture, Ottawa, told delegates to te necent Ontanlo Poul- try and Livestock Gonferance at Guelph. Mn. Pearsaîl said, that hog pro- duction in ,Canada lias conisistently exceeded domestic neede, and that for 801 yeare surplus bacon ms been reported in varylng quantities te, the Britishlmaraket. In 1909, heau seithat hog market-. îuge totalled 37 million pounde. Five years laVer theseifigures lied more titan doubled and lad reached 8.9 million hogs wth experts os? 695 mil- lion pounde. Thie year marketings will appreximate 5 million hoge, with exporte of bacon estimatad at corne 60mililion pouade. Oaa important sact about this phase ocf? ahe swina dndustny, Mn, Peareail pointed out, was that vin- tually eal te incneased hproductioa occunned la Western Canada. fie said that the decline ia marketings and experts during the paet few yeaars is directly atibutaible te a drastie, and sharp decline in western hog production.fie emphasized the point that during tae past five yeans ensternamarketings lhad rnalntainad the levai os? martîm-e peak production. STAIRK VILLE Mn. Rose Todd spenit lolidays witlt Mn. and Mrs. R. Wuiden os? Hamil- Mn. and Mrs. Orme Falî,s and fain- ily, Mn. Stan Falis and family speat Tueeday with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Little ocf Healy a. Mn. and Mre. George Knox of Se- lina, Mn. and Mre. Keitit Rowe of? Bowman-viie, witli Mr. and Mns. Howard Farrow. Mre. King and Eleanon have returned home after ýspending a waek with friende n Michigan. Mises Mary Heliowell spent a f ew days with Miss Islen Turneros? New- castle. Miss Helena HalloweI4 os? Toronto, wae home for tha week-end. Mn. and Mre. Ewant Robinson visited oan Sündsay witli MT. and Mrs. Alec Barclay os? Oshiawa. Mn. and Mrs. Clarnce Paeden and daugliter osFlint, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Paeden of Toron- to, at Mn. Lonne Paedens. Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Benson and son os? Toronto, wene week-end visitonrs (Olontinsued on page aiglt) On tario Children Have Received, $383,848,575 In Allowances Toronto:-More thani one and a third billion dolars ($1l'32S,E;98,682) have been ýdistinlbuted t) the childreni of Caniada in family aillowance pay- ments since tthe At camlle into effect fIve yers ago. F. C. Jackson, Regi onal Director os Famnily Allowances, announced tînt -in those dive Years mothens in Ontaro have neceived $383,S18,575 la faonily allowanèes'. The average al- lowance per fainlilyla June -of this yeiar was $11(2.011 and the average a- iewance per 'child wae $6.01, with 66j,9,279 eheques being mailed on be- haIs? osf ;1 2chilîdren. This re- presents a net increase since lat year of .704102 children receiving these allowances. 1 aeters continue to corne in to the various regional offices, describing the effect of? these allowances. One was raceatly received fnom a family, la asnAIa village in Ne'TýL'wfoundland. Tlie paren-ts ilad kept track of? their fret year'sý expenidtures. The faither -wrote : "Previous to Conifedera-ýtioni1 could not ciothe or feed ,my childnen, of wh-*i there are tin, antd pay fo-r their education. My odest son lad reced the egag of eiglteen years and did not complete the third grade. Each of ithe next* four chldren of? school age are similarly bebiind be- cause osf thëi lack of clothing and not being aie to attend school." Then f olows an ýitemized list of purchases, totaliiug $671.253. Boots and shoes came to $141.33; boy's pants, ibreeks and windbreakers add- ed up to $124.251; other celothes came to $344.16. About $20' was spent on school1 supplies; $40 -on mattresses; 61.75 on blankets; and there is an item of? .12.75 for a cart (for ose of the chiîdren who is an invalid. Thle remainder jof -the ntoney was spent on fresh fruits and njllk. Family allowances are provided for every ichild born and living la Canada, and to dhldren born outside Canada but having lived liane for ýa year. In June, 1950, there were 1,- 876&7,598 familles receiving cheques on behaîf of 4,243,162 childran. The average allowance per child vanied from 5.96 in British Columbia to $6.46 in the Nothwest Tenritories and Yukoa; with an ali-Canadàian average of $6.01. The aver-age ai- lîojwance per family varies from $11.- 48 in Britleýh Columb-ia to $16.56 in Nlewfoundlaad, wth a national aver- tge of $1J3.67. Newlonville W.I. Hold Picoic At WilIew Beach (By Newtoaville Correspondent) The Newtonviiie Woanen's la-~ -ville Thle- Newtonviile Women's Ia- stitute pîcaic was hld'on Wedines- day,. July 26th, at Wil1om Beach. Foilty women and childrea attended. The would.ýbe swimmers found te waten ýtoo dhilly for bathing s5 wex'e ready te talle part la the races. 'Phea follewixcg wqre te winners: Ciothespin race-Fiorence Rowve. Needie an~d thnead race-Mrs. S. R and Mms. R. Shiaw. Married wmen'e race- Mrs, M. Semis. Grandmo-ther's race- Mrs. C. Brown. Girls' race - Florence Rowa. Slioe kicking race - Kelvin Jones. Scramlbled àbtoes - Gatihanine Lucky spot walk - Mrs. G. Me- Gullough. Walking race - ist', Mrs. M. SanDis; last, Mrs. M. Jones. Little childnen's race - Grant Wad e. Youngest present - Bobby Hea- denson, O1dest pressait ý- Mns. M. J. fiel- ma (the honorary president). After the games ail enjoyed gatit- ering ýarouad an enwiy flled table. 1KENDAL Kernn Martinel is speading a wcck with his grandrnother, Mrs. Blodg-ett, Reseneatli. M1iss Loraine Thentell is epending a week with hier aunt, Mrs. Wm. El- lietit. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hailami, of Tor- onto, are ispenditg -a week with, Mr. and Mrs. P. Stoker. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Stewart, of . Peterboroughi,-are visiting lier roh er, Mrs. Fred Falls, for the holiIdays.i Mnr. and Mrs. George Clark ara spending the holiday at tiheir suier home here. Peter Reynolds is spendlng a week xitlt lis grandsparnts, M--. and Mns. H. R. Reynolds at Ceesarea. MT. Tom Hoy, wlio is now eut cf hosptal, le recuperatlng with Mrs. Hoy and Laverne. Mr. and Mus. EarI Burley and baby daughter have basa away on holiday, flnishing up eat Wasaga Beach. Mn. and iMrs. AI Stevens have besa on a motor tnip,,takiag ila Ottawa on their tour. Mn. and Mrs. George MeManus of Albany, N.Y.,' visited Mrs. Mancus Soper and Mms. S. Patton for a few days. Miss Jean Titertellisl vacationing with Mr. and Mms. Clarence Thertell. Mn. Miltbon Elliotit, of? Garden È4lll spentite week-end mith thent. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes and family, of Peteilborougil, spent Vhe week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux. iMr. and Milton Lowes and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Patton, of Pet- erbonrough, visfted with Mn. and Mrs. Norman Patton over the week-end. Mrs. Bailey ;of Virginia, U.S.A., ss visitiaig for a f ew weeks witli lie sop 1 and family, Mn. and Mrs. Johin Bailay. Mn. and Mrs. Dave Low, Stanley and friend of Tononto, spanit the weekendi'and witlh Mr. and 'MrIs. Art Low and Mrs. LowSeir Mn. Jim Thorapsorr, of Los Angeles, spent an eveaing with Mrs. Jennie Hoskin last week and le visitin' re- latives and friends hans before sali- ing for New Zealaad. Mn. Rolibie Alexanden sqpeat the weeldi end holday witl hie parents, Mn. and Mrs. Blake Alexander and Mn. and Mrs. Leonard FaIls spent Sunday witli thera. >1 Vsitons mith Mn., and Mrs. Joe Matineli ,whre lis 'brother, Mn. AI Martinelof Gena-va, N.Y., liis sieter, Mil. Hnah Bell c)f Hamilton, and Mn. and Mrq. Albert Colan and Roger. Mn. and Mrs. Gno Smith (Geon- gina Darliigtoa), os? St. Marys, spent vrfnvie twltliMnr. and Mns. Milton Q