Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jul 1950, p. 2

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wm ~1 AcuUUM - S E'AL 77ders V forth by CG. H.SHR CHAPTER FIXE (Contnurd froun a lsîcký 'Two sweaty ssddle blankets, siivrrWebb. Blake sud Ah- boxtare bèreVWr go: 'ia." The mtchburmd ont.The dork ur:ýss senid iore opýaque than be- fore. T %, vbipmcd vices souîîed blud. "F ýou htter wail, eb, ilI the boys git bere. Thenes1Triangl menl gpcb u tha ukbue x'rrI1 cud 'e.IIl psy :,ýoff Býob Anmso' ebt. Atrtanîi mnatters." The Iui go-a,l low teke sd w ut u footlu- ward tue bouse. Nov; lbey stoppedI, con b ll,Ib wIdem porcb oh theb ogbos boiluei in imrocký , e roc ton. lîstniug. U CAPTER SiXC Rimrock Roundcup Web sd Tex îmrd hemuf- fird sound ohf ics nsdeth bouise. The clurn ohbouibrlsthe voler of hAtbtX)icdl grwin oar, camelu îIhelist- cuers. BLake. WcbbWntrDIie i' w,ýortb mo1ire thania îousand'lTai TxnSscalp uluorbles.Igo: 1 mmnd luo othe job msî. i'lm op[(u t'," tey eard Jor Blakr's snarî. Take to 'cm, Abhoî. 'Thlen suec bt happen t soui. FI ou got a uId0d o l youn- Self, bave Yub? Then I1rigbl but nîerd luck asud lots Of il' "Hold oui, Joe. krmp youu shirt tai] tnicked i,. I w sut Winters sud Tex mubbroitbut i want a cdean job) doue. l'il psy youn prier, but it',s got 10 he a g ood job"' "Wtbere'll Ipick UpIb M s dinero?", I got iî heure atHe ranch here in the sale. We'Il drsw u reuD ) zý- la armnetnnestn, b Ibm, PUZZLE W~ebb Winters -are proyeddead, 1 psy you 1111cm ,tounsand dollars for services rendered and -for yoîur ranch anîd lvestock." "MIvake 'et ont, Abbot.' Silence uiuw, Ibre iu tbm bouse. Webb nudged Tex as tbey xaited, VVchb's enuper was at a white brat uow. Tex was gipping bis aria. 'Take 'e1 easy, \A bh," whis- peredý the tall Texan. "Wc'll be wn uin' thal .paper ." "Yes." We bb's xvbspmr sas leuxe. We'l] wai. par-duen." Oven ai the bunkhiouse sornebody bad ligbîed, a lanleru. Ah Abbot sorkcd his men from hefore dswu until dark. The Triangle ouîit was wakung up.ý Thnout 0f the nuglt Ihere, camie tIbm suunrd of a horse ap- ipruac ýi 1g. A rider was coring. Wcbbs sx sootr uas un bus bau. Vy tu! Ibm front door, Texz. l'il sliaound hc li coic iii 11at, a'.If tîymk ra for h f roui dor I cm av il. 1I don t ,uîow a h Iliatixcm' uL71I Tme\ silcîin' s ruig. ones wbýo 1bard Ibm sounid oh sbod lîols insiite bouse Ah!) ht' %oic, cuingcamne ho \Wcbb suad thue TxaîL "Tronlîle cumin', Blake. Git flxdi. Il1]et him in, wbomvmr lue ixý Fou lîudc e bud liat sofa. Yon kunow what lu do."', 1Tex itigbîcued bis grip on Wrbb's aàrrm. Ris ice hissdr ittu \ehb's car. "'Fluai a 't, RouI-0,ui rider, Bm-ttr lsy 'iow tiI] a r read bis traud, then we'l knoxv who we'rr, np ag,,ainst. Rm's ridun' slraight to the buse. Watch whmn lue passes Lhatliighte1Ld window a: Ibm hunk- îuu P.Ten use km htel] w.o il i." Th ietravelling ai a long, swîinging t rot, passed acruss the iigb tuousn iby Ithe nnshaded hunk- "It's s feller usitb bis lace baud- ag ed,,Iisp;ered Tex. "l'dankI Roberts," bresîlurd Weý'bb. "Thley'llI kili him,'Tex." "I rrckou nol. Easy. frîlen. Kuow thue l)(,oatio oh lat sofa ?' "'snexi lu the firepîcer. To tue igbt o] îthe door as you go 5. Enng!luxe 10 219.Pl ix ute rooxo pa55- 31. Not nany 9, Neext2 M4. Mixery 10.1 i Anga duôa vn 11. AdJdIýtttoýanal 5 Humor 19rFu pjagmnr 9. Skns 20. IUido uea .Mmie 22.Side iere 35.Sumstrauu 2;s lu haver of wihicat 24. Have obliga- 40. MnsDaine tions 41.Cauiu 25. Taverus 42.h tistLontcal 2 6. rerforir.uedt uerjud 27. Cuer 43. Wander 28. INight betore 44, Dagger atn event 46. Change "Ail yoli got lu do, tei Even as Shrerifl Ha-,ýnk Roerî rode ut, 10 the big log ibouSe seh saw t1he door Shioved open1[n, sp][it second saw %,the 1lanky forrno4 Tex, a gun in bis hland, thlere ini the ighted dorwy. ecagIht a bncie glimrse of Wb itr anti of big Ab Aboinside, Tiien' came tera of a guni and dark- ns.Drness, save for flie flash 0; gunis. HankRbet was off lus horse. bis gun iin his hand. He moved acrpss the porch, toWard the front door that was open. From the bunkhouse cane( the .sounds of men veling con>ifusedly. Tlie bivnkhouse lighit went sud- denly dark. Men a ere runnýing in the darkness. Now amnethe pound go]r lo bouofs. îA wild high-pitclied yel1p, bike tue ya ýýlping of a Coyo ýte sounddî arimern o osbc thundered toward the bnhue Gtuns spat fic. The Hoot-OwI Pool cowboys bhad arrived.> Hank Roberts, feit belpless, use less, poxverless to stop thai 'war that had so quickly burst into flarne. He crouched there' against thie 16àgwall, gripped by indecision., No use tu blunder into that house where guns svere blazing. Ris one and onlv bet was to Nait. Frorn inside the hlouse that Iad been plunged into darkness when Tex -had shot out the light, there canme the sounds of a frous struggle. (Continued nexi weea LANNE .4RnSTJ "Dean AnneHirst: What do you thivkohawîe crackiing h Iu-band ho aÎa, naking cule reak9n lriî wilh any nly wirvnre 'friend. antevin, iii ls 'W7e lha-ve had quarrels about (hs nabt (l is. -ahind- and He is rîdeaebs be marnidr i cebeoead sa granidfatherj. 1Hi- mrrage1eded in divorce anlid lb balles Iliscx- wives (muich yoiiger) for miscon- duec. We have been niarricd three years. 'sis this a phiase he is goilng througli before he really 'sètties clown? And arn I old-fashne(d? (We love eaeh1 othier erl A LADIE S' f 1M * Your huhad videutv îinks li he js stili tuitc al nian it te ~~~i lais n eis ail set(topr ove Le i. ll ~'Alter ail, they don't objecti, du~ * they? * 1 know, however, how il u *mliates you. Youi fer] ashanîed *that 'a man ofhbis age should bc- h ave like a schoolboy. Fou are Pr poud of him in so nmany olher *ways that you cannot bear t0 *sec bim niake such an exhibition 'of himself. si Yet wbat eau you do about iti *Is it really Worîhth lcee btte *quarrels, Teyhave mutl had any * cfeet, it sèeerns. Why ,,a!low a 'maniage so fine as yours tobc *soiled by snch sccnes as you dcseibe? 'F\hethên this is a phase hýe is 'guing through before he aýdmits bc he î an old man, 1 cannol say. *t 1:ray be-or perbaps lie bas 'always heem like this. 1F don't doubt that one of your 'greatest attractions for him is 'yonr reserve. To flirt with a man 5is beneath you, you 'consider it * cheap. If you ever paid hirn back 'F mn his own coin, bc xxould be * lunons Say s-ou re Kiddies, Be Seated!-England's ytïunger generation know liow to keepcool. They just mneander dow>ýn to L.oidoni's open-air Eidel] Street baths and seat themseýlves on a co ripple of wýaler, leaving more inlihiied gon-okto wade seclately. Tue ate-porin exertat reft *s 7-month-old Tack Sheldoni. I-e\ îrying to 'nimpesSeha osatie h O-ot- tot at right. some Q0"f-The CauLses lun the 1944 aîsunal report oh Ilue' iecrea tienu huard of rmîih Conol.,*ale supcniulcuundent gave theu lolous xug statem"ert 'k urst, catcauses delinqueucy ? Msus tuiusof course, but bie spinited y uungsber lH eu lt (oifstCsmu ad gel thee ctereatlue£rarsfor in- stace.hy eainea rcktbrough -s viidxv udnnuiuîýiig likte blazes; on b2a etofsîanby throwiug a basebali aroun sîud nig Ibm bases. "H e ais gelciterneuiiiil iiu swap- pxîsg ,u-- lolesome yamn, luthu ailey But ne offen irn -jan advcu- turc xx ovie iii the park. lu llîm dom- pauuv cfi' ny othiers oi bis age. He cuu sck is eciticeit hy steaing sd pety msdc-meauîurs. But usetny bu eaclu im thejob ohnsî i_, on,, uluauds 10 build, rïHeea play tiie usalstrel corerwof.But us ln o encour- agc îbolsomeassoiatofohoY~s suid girls blunooglusipinised acti- vibies. "Hle çauu travel lu a ganiig hor the tbnilî oh conmpetition. VWE lry usilb good results, to gi\-e ihlm Ibai sanie thhil t1hrough memrrse-isip ou a lesox. Waîuî somm drearny sheets, pul- îuw slips, othlur hum? This pattern maýýkes tbemneasy ho bave, Easy embil-roidery, pinea,-pple crochet! New br bauly 'for [mens! Pattern 652; transfer, two 7,4 x 15, one 93z 20,Y2-ïin. î-mifs; crochet directionis, Lanna Wheeler's improved pat- tecn makes crochet a3nd knittung su simple wilh its 'rarts, photos sud concise directions. Send TWENTY-.EIVE -CENTS in coins (stsmps cannot hr accepr cd) for tis pattmnu, to Box I. 123 Eigb:mentFh St, New Toronto. Ont Pnut lainîIy PATTERN NUM- BER. your NAME sud ADDRESS. Allen tily y cars ohf iarmýing you would îbiîuk Lthene was. very luttle Id t to learn; very fcw things Ibal bad nul heen tnicd; *bardiy any' expenience peculiar to fanming that had nut corne our way. But that supposition would bce ettirely wrung. Thene ix always sumetbing new under the sun wbcuu il cornes lu lsrmiuug-in Iset you have 10 muve hast these days tu keep up w itb ailthue modernu metbods. For years flic farmens in Ibis dis- trict, including ourselves, bave dune their haying the bard way-cutling, raking, coiling-pitcbing il ou lu tbe wagon with) a pitcb fork or by nuicanis of haIylode.Drawing it intu the barn, ioad alter 1usd; bitching borses or Iractor on lu the hay-fork; duin)ig Ibe bsy into the mow - and then salting and lcvelling cscb luad. Aller cacb load ont came the men frnthebe arn wipiîug swcaî begrmmed bnuws. A burried trip tu Ibhe purnp . . . long draugbts oh dlean, cold water, whicb somnehow, on' a bot day, neyer seerned to qucncb tbe tbirst or coul the blood. Out again for anotber load . . . and then tbe saune îbiug' ail over again-ail day, and evcry day as long as ýthere us hsy_ in the field anc 't1lc weatben holds good. But u<,,v, if you larna the mode-ris way, ýwbat happens? You do as we did fast week, in commun witb mlaïly oh our nceigbbors. Fou cnt yuur bay wiîb a Iractor and power rnower-and yon go on cultiuig ii-- tii the whole field is down. Allen il bas cuned a bit you rake il mbIo wunnows witb a side-livery rake. Your bay ix now, neady for tbh' balcr. Fou watcb thle skies fearlully wondening wbich ,1>1,,,gelthere uitth irn r ithe baîing nua- chine. Smelimes oublit il ucy soeiesyudontC. EVentully' he machine mves in, gues nop+Iïud donthie ieLd wilh as much c(ase athe manj on the, flying trapeze, pick;ing np lbay-, pack:Iing it together, lying À:into bu!indies and dumping eacbhbale wlieu corinpletced nt on 10 tbe field. lu a ilew bouris youn ayix ready for the barn tsud ean he pscked away in the mow as neat as you please. 'it us a guod wx'ay lu bandie bay when ibere is a shortage oh man- puwer and in sol-ne cases dues away with the necessity ofhibinug an ex- tra man for a montb-sud incident- ally paying and feeding- hlm-that ix, supposiug you cani gel a man wlîen youu waul bîml. But yel, in haying the modern way tbere ix sornetbing lackin'g, Hiring a pick-up haler lu beip take cane of îhiuugs takes sway mluch o] tbm colon and romanice ohif smming. Look hack oven the yeairs. . .R- member the fun ohiuuigu u hay? ln those dy outre mtober usmd lu help Csu Ihalobe the wbole family asnui iii thei bayficld. Mary w\as as proud aIs punch when she was allowed 10 drive the ,burses on Ibm wagon and Jobnny tluougbt becusas quite s man wvlucu e could really build a level toad like dad. And Iben cvou rode home stop tbc load; 3 ou took oft your bat and let tbm cool breezc'- ISSUE 33 __ 1250 fan youî haïr. The bay, was warns And th,- RELIEF 15 LAS TING For hast relief frorn headache ,,gmt INSTANTINE. For rea] relief get INSTANTINE. For pra1on2ged reïlief gel INSTANTINE! Yes, more people every day are finding that INSTANTINE is aone thind lu ease pain hast. For headache, for rheumatic pain, aches and pains of colds, hon neuritic on neuralgic pain vou can drpmnd on INSTAN'rINE lu bring you quick comfor-t. 1INSTANý-TINE i iS e liIjC a pres- criptio)n oh thnee poe eia lablet usually bing fast reluIf and ilways -4epil handy~ I 2-Tatlet 725 E;euuor.:ca1 48-Tc bet CD;oits65è vý ads,,e ttsmeclling and you buried, yohurselh in il as, you approacbed the barn, learful lest the bealrn Ove> the doorway catch the top oh ýyouf head. It was liard, work butye there was sommothing about it thiat mor'e tisan cumpenssted for ail ther work. D)on'ýt\yuu think the ýr7sinig gerev- atLionan g farm ,children arc gI- ing to miss a lot of fmi' ifhaba- ing hecomies 'generai - andi( 1 haven't a doubt but w bat it iviii. It ix only niaturai that it should be- cause haviug bis hiay baled us a way out for. he over-tired and oser- worked older man, For the youiigcr man il îeýs ïin i thehie modemn trend of-,I'atsckinig aniy job that has tbedoue witi the grestest pos- s ible, speed, Get il donc and ont of the w ay-and on wlbh the next jobi Farmning these days, is somethiug likze driving a car, The dsys of pleasure driving areover-iii most cases the purpose of a car is lu get you from one place to another. So xvith fariningý - niueh oh the ro- mariée is onc. Tmmie was xvheu the farnier and his'lai-nily found con- siderable pleasure in their w-ork. Noxv the main idea iS 10 ge$ the work' done a1s quickly as possible il, order lu find 1pleasurce esewhefe. 01 couirse 1 arn geneîralîzing. Ac- tuahîiy there is n'oting Io stop any- one staiyjigborneandfinding pleasýure on lis, OW nfa. Even as i have heen wrîtîngi, anu inexpecîrd pleasure camneîny way. I 1suddeuly spotled a bird xxh(ich1Ihave' hee tryiuig lu locate for ays-1 was aI- tracted by bis shniill bird-eaul. My book tells rue thiis bird is a Ymllow- bellied sapsuicker'-a-bout the size of a r 1obini; red he(ad and îhroal, three cornered black patch on breast, m erging to y ellow-buff, Wings rusty-black and whuite. It us a wondcrful thiug to find a strange bird and he able to discover ils identity. 'So, your nlkile is Muggins aud 3ou wanut lu change it tt, Royal N ork. TellInme wby you waut 't changed ?" -Weil, to tell the trulli, it w as muy wile's ides. She îbinks we ougbit to have the sanie narne that is' (mn our spoons.? [,,oside down lupreven: ýpeeking- ~~m n 1f S)PLITTIPN G

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