Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jul 1950, p. 3

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-~ i.. -.Y Rchard IJIIi Wilkinson Except for the fact that Allen Bursley wvas a coward, Msyheile's happiness was comnplete. Being a Wesleyan, eve tiiongh the once vast propersies; of bier forefathers had siývelled to a mnere 20 acre, farm on thie ousskirts of Stock- bridge, slhe conld flot abide cowsrds.' V/ors of ail, Allen Bnrsiey didîî s scem to think that being branded a coward was at ail important. 'Wby,"-he asked, "sbould, 1 stant to fight Stev e Legge? I've nothing against hlm, He's doue nolhing t10 offend mie." "Why?" she sîormied. "You ask nie wby? Isp't it enougb to be told be's saying sncb draadful thiings about you?" "But suppose the stories aren't truc? And what if they are?" 'Allen Bursley," Maybelie said tensely, "you listen to me. When you came up here sud bougbl the Tbompson place sud tnied to make a go of farmiug, every-oue, laughed.* But you foolad 'en-. You muade the place psy hy dint ofbard work, sud then you made nie fal in love wvitb you-and-and 1 was tremendonsiy happy and wsuted to ges miarried ouly-" "Only," saiti Allen, "everyone figured you were Steve Legge's girl, andi when, we became engageti Steve began to threaten. Andi now you won't marny me till I've licked hlm.", "I wouldn't snarry a cowsrd," saîd Maybeile scorufully. 1The word spread like wildfire, Maybelle Wesleyau had broken off her engagement \vî th Allen Burs- ley, ,because Alleni had admitîed being afraid of Steve Legge. Steve becama more 3swaggering. M e yearned, for sonie excuse. to bully the city man, The 'opportunity- canme a forvuight lalar in front of the village post- office. It was evening sud more than haif of the tow u's population -was galbared there. Allen Bursley came ont onto the porcb, bhis attention coicantnated on, a letter lu bis banti, Me dlid flot seeý tie outthrust foot of Stleve Lagg, ad feul over it, sav- ýing blimself by graspilig a post. Look where you're gcÀtx?, 'you clumrsy idiot IKckn a mian in ýthe leg. Allen witbheid the apology thai rose to bis lips, sud said insîead: "Keep your legs nude(r you if yon don't want tiîem kce. "'Sayl Wbo do youf think yon're tiig to, you shrivelied-up citv Allen besitated, carefully folded it letter sud tncked it loto bis pockeî. "Legge,"' b-e said, "I don't w st to quarrel witb you-"' Steve let ont a roar of contenip- tuOns Ianigbîer. "Afraîd, eni? W/ail, wedutabide cowards-" "Bt, inished Allen qnietly, 'Sioc yon sist, let me advise yon, yon brôùgb1-ýI9t it on yourself." Stevè : hin11ed assd, sometbîng srruck hlmi like s slecdge-hamfmer aýnd seit-him -bac] ouý bis; heels. Me stnuck-,ý ont blniacc .om- pany]ýing bis boswilb foi curses, untô biase the cursas jammed bawau is tetîwitb! tbe samcie Above hlm Aller. Bursley heard i féminine cr y froni behind anîd turniet to sea IMayballe running bo- ward hiin. He bli oui his arms, but ýshe stopped, hand, ovar moubh, trying to.get oui the cry of warn- ingP, and faiiing. The club, held in the hanti of Steve Legga,' dascendeti crushingly on, the back of Allen's head . Wben Allen opened bis eys is biead was piilowed in tbe lap of M0aybelle. She w2Ss lookiig up ai someonec a-d tal-kiug. "Alnlicked hm"shie wa saiog. "'Me's nch Alle's ees wioIkled. "'No, l'm flot,' ha said uinexpectedly. "It wasn't because P'm strong. It ws knowledge-koowing bow to han- dIa myseif. like ku' owing how to fanm. That's the trouble wilb youi folks up bere-. Yon doo't knlow bowý tto dotbtings.ý See Whist I1as "Ail I akis thýat yoni teacb mec owto-makelý yonI a-, d i for- A mnan ivasý întroducerd tu aàir Co swor sw-owr No hvin Harry Lauder's Gone But HiSo-jýngs Live On. Even turing is ifetime a nuni- ber of astimatas -ware made of the fortune whhclî Sir Marry Lauder was'lhkely tb leave.- ,Though talking fis did not arrive util hal was 100 old to master the uaw technique, ha amassedtf ie bnik of buïs fortuue in the days wiien income jax was negligibie, when gramophone re- cords sud sheas music soid in- mîillions, and whan a top-liuer ike hîliseif xvss aasily ahle 10 conmmandi fve hundréd poutîds a w eek oui the bal. Moreovar, Manryny Oerc spiasiad lus uiioney about. But laI's begin ai the baginning. Msnny w as boni of poor pareuts un Poruobello, outsude Edinhungli, sud ai tue age of elevti w as sent to the fiais mlii, w l,iraluew orked for' two sh.illinigs a %eek, and was tiînasbeUd byis fashan for ouîiy hauding over ouneaiaid-ninepence when ha camîe home uitît bis first weèk's wages. -Th le mtssing Ibreepeuce ivas sc- couîîted for as foilows: a penny bal- loun, a penny lucIt bag (coutain- îng s wonderfui assonîment of mecmncal toys, sîveels, sud papen devices) sud a peuuywontb (mixeti> of stippit halls and curhy munlies., A "Gentleman Amateur" Mus first pubiic appearanc e was lu bhe Oddfellow's Mall at Arbroa th at tue aga of thinteen . The occasion was a sîuging conlait for young amateurs orgaulseti bv a travelling concert party. The chorus of the Song was: ' "Tbough povarîy daihy looks in ai îny door, Thongh I'm huugry sud footsore sud 11h. I cao look the whole world lu the face sud cao say Thiongl poQr l"mn a genîtleman still.1 Marry won the finst prize, a watch, -whhciu ha kept al bis if e. A second compatition for "gentle- meut amateurs" xvas heid soon af- terwands. Onîce agaiu Marry won it -witb bbc sanie soug. But tb'$s lime ha axchanged bis pize, a six- bisded kuif e, for thick, black plng bobacco. A yean latar Marry sud his family moveti to Mamillon, w'hene an uncie had said thiat w omI was piautiful for boys of ahl ages sud tbe mney w as baller than iluthie fiait So for ttienîxI aighs esn M arry worked îui tlîe fîes as pi-boy, trapper', pooy driver, sud collier. Ou oua occasîinLha\was saved [nom -certain deatif'ý bis pi pony, wbicb suddeniy refused 10 pass an old working noad wbich 'had falien. A moment lamt there was a heavy roof [ahi.- A long tume passed b -efore Mat-ny sang, at an amiateur show lu Glasgow, bis firsi comic song. t was cailed "Toonalladdie." But ha mturnîed, 10the coal-mines 'on the folloîiog Monday Monîhs went by before lie was off erad bis finît professional engage- ment as a couile i a smaîl tourng concert psrty. W/ages .verce bhirty- fiva shillings a waek, anýd his dfulies included those of baggsge man, bill distributen, snd ticket coliector.Th brip lastad founleen w eeks, sud Un spila of tbbfc adthat ha was accoi- panied by bis wife sud chilti ha save tweive -pounds. Then back ha want 10 the cosi-mines. Varions mînon temponary en-, gagements cama bis way until ha w'as booked at the Argyll at Birkt- arulead, that famous ,m usic-hall which gava Charlie Chaplin' George Formiby, seni., anti Fianagan anti .Allen their fist chance. Mare he intmoduced "Tobenmorý"' sud "The Lais of Kiliecraui<ie," lu d a n i- unediate success, sud promptly xvenb io Londotu. Yet ha coulti gel no boolitgs until an engagement at Gatti'ý Hall lu Weastmnîster Bridge Road came bis w ay at the ast min-. uta. Soniebody bad fahîcu sick. ;twas Marny's chance, anti il "matie" hlm overnighi. In bis ex- citenient ha sigued a-sanies of con- tracts with agents sud music halls 'y HAROLD ARNEIT 'EN*ýAÀ ME71L MIXER aeÇu-TDOVVN P.EVOL0'N VANE'--i0F 0LD EGG BE ATER TO MP4<E E NPýME L Mý<EPR. KEEP CENIER ROD LONGER TOI<EEP V>NI'ES OFQTIJOC of the w-ords1. "Roamin' lu the Gloanîl'." for axampie was,,the ra- sul it of a moonligbt walk With bis wife fromn Dunloon so Innelài. Gar- aid Grýafton aud he wroîa "I Lova a Lassie," In "Tobermlory," Tom Glenn of Dunudee coliaborated with hlmi. "The Saftest o' the Famiiy" was the resuit of a comibinaîlon of words aud music drafted ont sud ar- ,rsnged by Msrry and J. D. Harper of Glasgow. As his success continued thon- sands of sougs w are sens 50 hlm by iyric w riters and composers ail oven the worid. But few', if auy, snited bis very personal style. Rcaliy big mioney first came bis way whieu ha visited the Unîited States sud the British Empire. In lte Unîited Stases, w hichbcha isited year aftar year, ha became the par- sonai friand of a series of U.S. Presideuts, beginîîing with Tbeo- dore Rooseveit, sund this stocky, pawky, pnckisb litie Scot did more for Scotland, sud, incidentally, for the popuiarity of the kilt, thau any- body i0 bistory. Mis refusai eaer 10 siig îa doubtful song sud bis life- long mcie oýf stcking to simple, bomnelymeoieail of theni easy 10 wlîhsti, ' iade hlm unique., Mis friendlyý cheerfuinass as soon as ha striulteti on the stage streamied scross tha footiights lu warm waves. Youi conhd 001 possibiy belp iiking hlm and the inimitable nolls of bis "R's" endeared bim 10 audiences ail over the worid. One of bis 'maxims was: "If yc evel go to enlenlain aOyone, give your be, w hetbier it 15 an audience of Ilirty! or thinty tbousand" And ha did. Evan ou that very pathletie occasion lu1916wherî ha beard thai bis oliy suiJohn had been iý,Iled un Fra,îce ijust before bcheiiet ou. the sta, h le began weil lieough. Thert caume the îerse: Whnseal! gailber rounjd tie old And Ilite fond niothen kiýsssbe sots' Al the lassies, w iiibe loving al the laddes- The laddies *ho fouglît sud' won.", Ma broke down, sud was neyer -quise the sama man agaîn. The deatb of bis ivife in 1927 was anoîlier severe blow, but fh en \Vorid W/ar Il broke ont ha went straigbt off bis sicIt bed 10' cheer p thie survivos s of the tonpedoed Atlienia, sud alinost tbrongbout th,_ wuar sang fo ir or five timas a %weekI 10 ail tba sroops witbiu reasonable range oe f bis loneiy Scottisit homec, Lstudýîr[Ma', at Strathavon. Twice \Yinstotî Clîurciîili quoted [rom bis srongs, oua being "The Laddiles who Fosîglit sud W/ou," sud the other "Keep Riglît 0on1 lite End of the Road." Thec last time the great public heard hliviý,as on -New Year's Eve, 1948, -whcn the B.B.C. did a record- ing of însiny of bis favourites, iastiug îîcaniy an bour, t bas beau weii said of Sir Marry Lauder (ha was knigbîed lu 1919) that bis characters, like Pnivate John M'Deed or Doughie Baker, were no01 mat stage Scotsmeu to ha disiuissed conteni- tvusly. Mis charactens wera drawu froni the 1f e of tbe iowlaud towns sud miniug villages, sud bis words, bip actions and bis thoughts were miracnlously near 10 real life. Do you naeîmber: "The wife weut up tacalber bed. Bu' Ah got et- eu. Ahi cam' hameansd Ah spat liili Ah pit the fine oot"? Mary Lander inlerpreled tht, Scot te Scotsmen as thesiemn con- ditionis of 19tlh century induisîmial- isîî nadehimciîidof the pis aud Ihe illssudleienemeumct stairs, gli1h lp - cheplo is plavgrotnud sud tbe f ear f oxery(Ak every joke a kndof sokcce at the darIk fo-rces. Ou-ly Danny Raye' mor mod arn tinies lias prahe ar Lauder 10 bis; gîf lurttýninig a stage eîîîertsiment loito a kinid of fsmily charade. But wbetlîer Dsnuy Raye ih weli advised-brilliant mimic sud comic thougbha is-10 attemipt to portray Harry Lauder on the screeu is a malter of grave conjiecture. For oua tlîiug, Danny Kay e i5 at leasz a foot taller than the ' w ree Scotch comlc frae Hamilton," as ha w as biiled lu lus eanly days. VERY MEALTHFUL " ttis a , ealtitlnitowný" lu-, ,qnired the., ome-seeker of a native., "Yes, certainly," w-as the answen. "W/len 1 came bare i hadn't the streugth to utter a word: 1 bad scarceiy a hair oi nmyhed I conidn't wahk ars the roonii, sud 1 biad to bha iiftad froi mmybed." "You give me biopel" cried the boimeseekar witliethsism "ow long bas you livedbee? '41 was born Iicre," rpidthe natinve. 1Palots W/et Surfaces Damp surfaces cau ha) painýted sitb a uew aulirusî p nt itbo base. W/ili paint surfîaces tîhat biava beau rusted, ih daim. Wrote AboutA Desertedi Maidens -Left On-e In The Lurch Himself Greatest fBnlndsLa1tePots Wi1lila orsoîtdied ahn drJ ed years agoetlast molith1, al Grasmiere. "The Lakte chl"-as the colony of writers wýhich grew upý around, hlm becaîmeknw-a a name given conitemp)L)tuously ai first because its three best-1knowvn members,1 Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey, chose to sped early al.theîr lives among lits inspiri11g sceîwery. Scorning the psuo-rati subjects thenfadoabeas- ins lurking inva 1d oorways. or thwarted loces c peere death to separtatùon--Wo,,rdsworth. vowed to niake evryayhppen' ings exciting. He saw mrepoetic beauty lu a dewdrop, a btef or the quaint village chara(cters ha met.,than u laboatiegndr heroes. Qibes of the Clitics At fi- EX2rrlsxort'sextrema , simplicï[ty oflngage ad thenié raised a tormofdeisî elaghe W/ho on arbasked h!is crit1icS, waiitedt ea butJbnyFy the Idiot bo7 Both bis parentsdied ihe was a scbooibo ", leaving their ,' cildren1 to'thoe care oýf anl uniclê. At svn teen, xV;ion w ýs sent to Canli- bridige., Altimough the Frrench Revolution was raging, lie managed to get to Francc and Switzerland 1W 1790, and stayed a year in Orleans. Long walks amiong the Swiss Alps, and wanderings with his sister, Dorothy,, lu the Wye Valley, produced a con- stant flow of beautifu-l verse. Wordsworth knew by now that he miust becomne a serious poet. But everi poets have to est. J nst then, a consumptiva friand. and fervent admirer, Raisley Cal- vert, died 'and left hilmnC900. It was ike a dream icoma etruc. Doro- thy- Wordsworth hbad alwsys want- ed to live îvith lier adlored brother. Now thev could set up bouse together. Mot e good fortune arrived whan a Bristol nierchant named Pinney agreed to let tbem live at bis counâ- try bousecRacedown Lodga, in re-' Éturn for Wod, or nctinlg as holi- dayý tuortohi on.Towncer years floe It was at Racedown that tbay firsti met the poet, Coleridge and were inistantiy draw n togethar. After a tour lui Germiany, William scttled witb Doroth y lu picturas- que, Dove Cottage, at Grasmnere. "John Doe's " Gall Bladder Is Big ,Hït On Television By Richard Kleiute New Y-ork-Jo u Do's ah vîsiig oparations, t' amrstook, lu avery deail of thw eiauroval-of a diseased hladder from sununmet patient. John Doe, undar au aîaetheýtic, sîepb peacefuiiy îhrough bbce whole thiiug, as two surgeons uneatly r- noved the organ at Believue Mos- piai. About 20 blocIksawny, luihe United Nations biinig, a gaîhei-- jng.of medical sud radio exýyperts w'atcbed bue demiouistratin. For two hourisud 15 mnts s sober-voiced commenlalor- deiiv- ered s' slice-by7-slice account of what wss goiug on. The- 'viuesses, %vho knew whist tbey were svtching saiti that averytiig camae ovar chearly. Technicaily, the denionstira- tion n'as a success. Don't loIt, up your vhiceo pro- grani, xpectiug to choose batwee'i an appendectomy on channel ibree aud a tousillectCormy üou chaal six. ao veu as summer irpiaicamaents %will.oaaiosh eevsd1 h Tbeyre urey eucatoal la meý-dii suets suamd itrs surgens anincision3-sida eatah operatiug table. The apsaieequipmneubusadti l sinoop on john D Loa's galilbladder WHIilha losded lotoapianas 1n a few w'eeksý, ou thle finit leg of a SLonthiAilenican tur. butfv tons3-$80,000 worth-of souuid anti pictura gadlgets, accompaniieti hy ine eýýxperts, will visit PenoRico, Erazil, Aj-ýrgenti, nz ai sd M exico. The3 'il aaiieoparations ho the Cîe Illani d South Amemn una- tuons, w'itbi 20 TV recaivens al ismetinl. Iha recevas AUilba set up lu biotels wbre edical conven- tions are goiug do. Oua, directiy aiove tue pabitntisconstant§y fo-, cnssad on the incision. Vhewars can walciî the snrgeon's bauds aI work, Mis marriage to quiet Mary Hu- chinson -was imade possible "bya futber vindfali. The payen o £8,500 by Lord Lonî4de, l;d sattlement of a debt owved 10 b dcad father, relieved William of4 finanicial worries. The marriage was utagl n- romantic. The Words-wortbs lhad known Mary since chiidbood. She, was rather plain, and talked so little that somebodly once rmre that sîl she could saywas"o bless you." But perbsps thIs wa due to the volubility of lier bu baud and sister-in-law. To- Dove Cottage also ae te famons writers-Charles Lmb Robert Southey sud' DeQuce It was an idyllic lifeý.Corig lived nesrhy. In 1813 tlîe Wordsworý]i th o>ced to Rydai Mount, ati rsee About tîtI-im e[the ofice fPis- tributor of Staps -or he out of Westmorla]nd feil vcn.Tm saiary wau£0 ya ll o heavy duties atacadi, adWrs w orth w as overjoyed when Lord, Lousdale gotlm apontdfo be.now had tbree chidre land is poems stili bogltin iti on Secret Love Affair Soon the powerfnl jpens os Cr-- lyle, Swinburne andMahe An old busied tesevsin hs 1 avur ai-d, the tida tuirne(d witb tfie pubI-. cation of bis lonIg, rgc al "The W/bite Doe cfi ltoe"O Southey's death, iii83,Wors wcsrth becanie PoatLanureate. Ai when be died seven yearslaer aged eighty, lie wasucrwe king of the Lakte Conntr,. But a strange sequel wâ',s toi come. More than haif acetr later it was discovereti that the onliiy really romantic chapter in Wrs wortb's life had been carefuîlv concealed. by bis family. As the rasuit of a passioniata love-affair with a girl nanied Anaî- ette Vallon, an illegitimate dangh5- ter had been born -to the poet usý France, during the y-earlirespn at Orleans, after leaving Ca- bridge. Previons t William's mar- niage, this child, Caroline, iiad a compDanied ber mother to Calais, where they spent a monlt Ith William and Dorothiy befoire at ing for aven. This secret l-ove-story first camec to ligbt lu the cearly l900-swhamsI Professor George Hiar-per, of, Princeton University, was rtu a biography of W/ordiswonth-. A French author, M. Emil Lgns had told hlm there wene stonies about a French romance, anti Harper began searching for cof- noboration. the forceps holding back the skia Occasionaily, tha second camnera goas loto action. Lt is set on ïa iiiovabla dolly, andi is used to bninïg in the suirgeou's face or bbLc oxygeýn tanks as tbey'ra tunued on o-r nurses taigtha paîient's bWoodi pressure. Tha ýeSecond camera als~ cusa ou the chiaf surgeon as h île i u o, oua by oua, mri-sz gl tonets. Th1e Surgeon isalso eýquippati ,àih achast mcohnso lha- nîyadd comments from t1 ima buý lime)1. The negular omenatr u a roi"off stage," id 2nîost of thz taknbut avery onýce iu, a wblile ibe surgeon put iii a faw soecs "Thase kuots,'" ha said, as 1bis -oiiaagne began tyýliug u p j ohn o'swouund, -ana bled whth squar Isossecurati.over a d(ouble ich-.' Meical -Stuideuits in bhospital gaI- leres cololy catch a flash oï ',te actiual operationi. Mosthyv, thay got a good view of the rgn' back. But Iis e tlvii iethod givesthanem larpcue 9biey can 1sea vrtig rn h initiai incision i( 10ibe frla ttha 1Joh11Doe,icdealyws - gcrted ilu ,very stsatm"cn dition aiter bis surgamy. Ma'll e sýp sud arouod, tlle doctor sahd, i, a faw davSs. Soma eO fithe vieýwens Operation Vde:-e icalandradio expeCrts xvatc uria prtinb

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