Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jul 1950, p. 1

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WEE LY T' ES .Vol. '4 No 26 - ORONO, ONT, THURSDAY, JULY 2th,,1950 Subscription $ 1.50 peur Year Oýrono W.C.T.Ut* Celebrate Si*xty-fifth Anniversary raina.The July meeting of 'the Womae's KU'IUMLChristian Tomperance Union uzas - eld on Tueedcyý, lth, et the home of Mrs. Havi-y -Rowe, followed by a Mr. Wm. McBride ced Mise Mc- pvogram ced tee le celebration of the 1Bide, of Goborg, 'are visitieg their Sixty-iftb Anniverscry of the or- sister, Mre. Chas. Thoînpson ced'Ar- ganization of Ove-ne Union. Mis liban cend Mr. Fred Thompsoe wbo Sheriwîe ccd Mrs. Lycett bcd change, bas juet crrived fvom Vancouver are of the devotionai period. After a spon-ding a week uith theïe. short business session the follouzieg Mr. Robert Alexander ced Miss interesting pvogram wcs pvesented, Mary Taylor, ef Toronto, are vaca- Plan-o sole by Douglas Lycett. M-vs. tlonômg witb Mv. ced Mvs. Blake P.. Brown, Newcastle, gave a rocita- -Alexander. tÉonenetitled "The White Rose Bud", Mr. and Mre. F. Black, of~ Cobourg, cccompanied with eoft. -music on the and Mv. ccd -Mrs. Wm. Duncan and plane- by bine. Fis-ber which wae very lPatsy, eof Fariport Beach, viited witb. effedtve. Chenus of welcomne, Lucille Mr. ced Mrs. F. Stoker on Thursdcy. ced Gcatbarnee Lynch, piano solo, Lu- Mr. ced!Mvs. Norman Therteli ced cille Lynch. Mrs. Walsh thoen spoke Mn. and Mrs. Normran Elgear, of on the formation of the Orone Union 'Toronto, are speedîng a couple of sixty-five years ago. by Miýs Boules weoke et their esummer home bore. of Oakrlle, ced veed a liet of firet Mr. and Mrs. Wifred Roughiiey, officers ced mmbrere, concluding Daid.ced Deenie brougbt Mre. L. witb the followieg poim sent hy Miss Thorne hcack home oe Mondcy, ced lvia Tuck'ev, Toronto ccd Orono. 'David ced Denie are spendieg a - week or two, wiVb their great grand- A Ribbon Bow of White inother. While Mrs. Thorno wes It uzas only a lite bow of white, iitng le Toronito she enjoyed c Pinned te bher tbrecdhare ehawl, moton trip te, the Coldwter Daivy, Juet mcdo of narrow ilibon, rire miles from Waubaehene, and That wcsacli. -viited Gveeewood Parkc witb its Btnyrryljwlwr Iorely ewimmieg pool. Btnvrryljwlwr Mr. and Mre. Ted Coatham, of By lady or by knight,t Ov0ono, visited ber pàrenrts, - Mr. cend Meant morete them, than did te bher Mire. Wm. ýMercer on Sundcy. That little houz of white. Mrs. Aeh, who bas heen teacbing And ce she hurvied quickly- on, at Kendcl School fer the peet tw'e A maid of lineage bigli,t yeere, uzas grea-bly surprised whee Ie paesfieg, preesed hon hcand, and c she uzas bonoured with e preseeta- scidt tihiôn by hon puipille oni the lest day of "We're sisters, you and I"'. school. Miss Catheinei, Poster ccdt Mee-ter Peter Reyneolds imdo tIre For theve upon ber sable coat, presentationi, -wbIich conisisqted of a nestled se snug ced lïlgItt, ircndbc-,g ced lace bcnd0kerciidef. A lorely dicm-oed broaché Oh, ne Mv. eý d Mre. Art Campbell cead A ibbon houz of white. anily ced Miss Jane Gordon of Peteiboneugh, spent the week-end That xrce the bond (of sistenheod, wvith Mn. ced Mre. Speice Gordon. For whetherr-ich or poon, Mrs. D. Venetto ced Ceocu are Hearte liieked togzether hy bhat how, 3epenidinig vwo ueeke wvith relatives in Have motives geod ced pure. Pon) t Arthur. "e oýe o1-e, mr oii Mr.ïrî P Gechaii filllyIiiLethe battie te deoilt -vi-iiodMv ncd fMrs. W. Smi-itb il) Andte lire sucb lires, ceais just Iýidecy on Sruncy. l4e Kathleen matchn oaceirh stay4e fr ae;weatlitte bbêofdhite Mn. ccd Mr-S. J. Gor-don, f Bw-1.ï litebo o- whte mareeýRlIe, spent tIre wee-k-end ýwfthlFor sobereese and pui-ty, Mn. and Mre. Ecri Buifiey. Tboy are erer pledged te figlit, t Members of the Konýdal United And that le why saine women0 Girurch attended tIre Indfuction Son- Wear c little bow of white. E rice 'in Shileb Chuncli on FnidayM nilght, July 14tb. for the er.D La-Scottish Temperance News. ,castor. The Rer. Henderýson 'of Bewr- After the reading of tIre poem a t innille Trlnity Ueited Chanc wae ithdcy cake, beautifuiiy dco Aed in charge of the service, with Rer.dcraet Osborne of Celumihue cend Rer. Hut: uzas pvesented for theý president ten ton of Blackstock aesisting. The et M vcPal sop,fNelwce bfe- lndie of Shiloh Ueited Churcb son- cd iticn rete -, yncllnwersd ai- -veda c doudious lunch aften tIre sen- ciatoios by Bthe Lynch.ter e c vice whee the memberve ef the tbnee paosl yBeyLeh hr 'chrchs nthoNewoevuloChagewcs e good etteeýdance wîth a euetn-bev Cjiuý1-_-iios in thee NeuznieChre0 ecstle ladies being present. lied tne opportunity of meeting the Refreehmente svore serred cend e so-0 nez-inieten. ca ieejy Thù Kendal Orange Hall bas a fine ciltmojyd dancuing floon ced many p-basant f ,evenýiingebare been spent theve. Now fore hee an oýpen door ced ne mae we hear iV le te have its oxtoior de- cen shut iV; for thea hast a littl-e 1 eercted wîth brick sidfing. Dcwtick- treegtb ccd thon hast kept Ny word I ets are heieig soid te vralse funde. ccd hast net deeied My nne". Our fair village is gradually putting Visitons with Mn. cnd Mvs. Art I on a brigt nouz look ccd wo wieb Louz for the week-end uzere, Mrs. a the Oraigemon sucess je tins effort, Gregory ced Mn. and Mrs. TurnerF -Rer. D. Lancaster wcs tIre preacli- ced family, of Toronto. Mn. cnd er -it the Sun-day mernieg service l iner. David Low ef Toronto vieited on f tIre' Kendal United Church. "TIre Mendcy. Joyce bas returned homol Open Door" wae the sebject of bis atter a woek in Toroeto.' sermon which uzas tckee fvom the Mn. ced Mrs. AI. Stevens, Jimm- lOtIr chapter of St. John. For hi-s ced Brice enjoyod the General Mo-ý -ext ho ch-ose "Behoid, I bave set ho- (Continued one page eigbt)S Durham Junior Farmer' S. Annual Meet WelI Attended Thle annuel rrreeiIrg of the Durham VeuIIty Junior Fermers' orgenization 'wa s heid on Frid-ay evening, July 'th, et 8.307ith an attendance of seven- ty-lire. The programme wes under the cblmansip f -the County Presi- dent, Mur-aray Lord; Çampbelcvroft. M-tev e shorjt busfiness me-eting Jack Green, Coity Droointroduced the guest speaker, Don Milburn of T'eterboro ). Do, an active J-unior Farmepr le bis homoeoutyand al m11emiben-of te Poini Director-1 -te, deliered acjvtry isligad-j dresS, poitinig eut aims and duties of the Juniior Farmers Organization,. Farrncomb iley tbecked the, speakr o h en thushicstic1 -grOUp. - lHomne Econ î e r sel, Anc itll ~d -A rt Bon Asý,tie -", r"ltura Rere LloDyd Kellogig, showed t-\o films 'PocËnlîi tje ho oiF' ced "efud ~d bciwere procured f roll)thoie Rfseete- of ct -dinI'ks ced cooIles; concJudaed the meeting. TheI Executive"Pelected was as fo-louze: Presïident - Mra Lord, Camp-, be]ilorfV. Pat reldnt - apiMalcolm, R. R. No. 2, Jacetrille. Vice-President -Ray Chailis, Bethany R. R. 1.- Secretary - Treasurer - Frencis Jose, Newceastle R. ýR. 1. Directors Hope Tewnsbip - Miford White, Campbellcroft, Hezel White, Camp-- hellcroft, Bev. Gray, Port Hope R. R. No. 1.1 Clarke To>weisip - Ferecombe Le- Crosbey, Newcastle R R, KeLtb Ste- ple--ton, Newtoevle R R 1. Daidingtoci Townobip - EWart Lectsk, Traunitont, Orville Hiedman, Hantptoni R R' 1, Judith Stenger, En- nikleI i, AMaioc Tink, Hamnpton R R 1. Ca-nItwrigbht Township -- Stuant DýovreIl, R R, 2, Nostieton, Richard VcnfCamp,ý R E 2, Nestieton, Doreoir VatnCamiàp, R R 2, Neeie(ton-. Manivers Tcoweship - Ken Sin- clllair., Ponýtypool R R 1, Doug. Falles, Peentyýpeol RRil,2, Mvs. Raipl Mal- co-mJ-nevileR R 2. arce Towýnship - Mlbovee Men- toni, Fraserville R R 1, Rose Morton, GreR R L, Margaret Aitkec, Miil- Souh onagliagn - Tommy Daz-, son, South Mý1onaghan, Mclllcelm Syev, BaiiehoeJoyce Atchison, Ballie- Piliot IJnhurt, In iorced Landing At Pontypool Fît-4Lieuît. D. Cooke of Monitreal, made -a succeýsful emergency laeding when bis RCAF J{arvard Trainer de- veloiped, enginie trouble and, was for- ced douze in a field twzo miles nortb of Pontypoýol on Suedey, July l4th. Cooke, clone ie the planie, uzas, un- hurt la the 'be.lly landing. Damage to, the, H)arvard' uzas, slighit. He uzas on a' routine flght fromn Camp Borden to, Montreal whýen be developed engine trouble et 1,500 feet. HQ, scid bie managed, onýly one 'ircle of the district before lie was forced to, set the craft down on the side of a bill on the farm o-f Hector Beggs. The plane skiddel about 2,00, feet up the side of the bull, then stopped. It vMas removed 'to, Trenton on Sunday eight by an ROAF wrecking crew. o- Junior Farmers' Excutive Meet At Orono Park 'The Junior Farmers' Executive met on Sun-day, July i'6th, et 2.30 la Ovono Park to make plans for the A-nnuni Junior Fermonls' Ghurch Ser-, vice and to, discuss tbe Region Sports Day which is, being beld at Belleville on July 27th. August 20th is the date set forý the Churech Service, which is to be held eat the Federation Camp Site. Committees have been formed to miake ail further arrangements ced Junior Farmers' ýare esked to keep this date in ýmieýd The present plan concerning 'tbe sports, day is to char- ter a bus or busses to trevel to Belle- ville. Anyone intorestod in takie.g thîs, triplis asked, to contact the De - partment of Agriculture office inmo- dietely. WESIEY VILLE Sunday School uzas hield et 10,.301 with a good attendance. Mr. George 1 Tufford ected ais superintendenit andii Mrs. Arnold Thornd(-yke taughit the Pvimcrry Class in~ the absence of Ber- ioce Best. Churcli fýollowed witb Dr. Oko giving c sermon on "'Why Jesus Went to the ÇToýst". The reguqer monthly meeting ofi the Womien's Association uzas beld on Wednesday cfternoon at Mrs. Haerold Reeve's at Willow Beach, with a good attendance of twenty- buzo, Mrs. Ken Ashby's, group led the devotiona part. Miss Muriel Austin bas con sented to act as care- teker of the churcli during the sum- mer months.t The Best family attended c fam-i ily reunion on Sundcy at Mrs. Hick's1 cottage, Wiilow Beach.Ï Mrs. Elgîn Lockwood, of Newblijss,1 ~cled, on 'Mrs. H-arol4i Barrowclough on Monýday.r Mrs,. W. O'Neill accompa.eied ber sieter, Mrs. St. Louis, to Detroit andt spent the week-end there.î Mariol Casuzelil, of Zion. is steying with Mrs. Edgar Barrowclough wbilo her mother îe lenthe bospital.t Mr. cnd Mrs. McKinley Rankin ced Mdurray, of Madoc, visited witb Mr. and Mrsç. Harold Barvowclough onc F'ridcy, The Besýt family ced the Brooking fcmlly ittended 'the Orange Walk at Lindsay on Wednesday., Mr. and Mrs. John Lowe Jr. ced daugbter. of Port Hope. vîsited with Mir. and Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke on Sunday. Mr. aed Mrs. Clarence Nichoîls spent Sun day wi t 1 Mr. ced Mrs. Her- old Barrowclough. Sympethy is extendod to Mrs. Ken Ashhy on the loss of hier grandfcther, .Mn. Ben Dickinsoe, who wcs buried oe Monday. ,Mrs. Lýorne Dinnor of Albany, New York, s visiting with Mrs. 'Georget Dinner. NE WTON VILLE Horner-Harness Nuptials la a doïu rng cer-emony on Sat- ur'yafternooni, July 5th, at Tria. ity Uniited lChiurch,Bomnil WllIji Lloy-d Hornier took as i bride Audre y Elizabeth HarYness. The bride io the dauoghterý of Mr and Mrs. ILaverne Hanrness of Orono, and the tridegrooem le the son, of Mr.. anc _Mrs. Lloyd Ho0imer of Oshawa. Baskets of pink peonies and orange blossoms flormed the floral setting and white sCLi bows desýignated the the Refv.- S.-R. HeedersonA, B.D. The ceremony was performed, by Mr. R. G. Harle played the wedding miusic and Miss Amny T. Sar-geenit, of 'Oshawc, sang "O Promise e"be- fore the ceremony ý-and "eau" during tihe signing of thie register. Given ine marriage by lher 1brother, Mr. Thomas -Harness, the bride wore a floor-length igown of whIite net over i3atin. The low round neckz-line sty- led the lace bodice. A hadesof net cnd seed pearîs, held ber flinger ýtîip veil and ishe ýcarried a white bible crested with pink roses wiýth long s2trpamners kfiotted with rose buds. Mer onlly jiewell-ery was a pecri and rhinestone neoklace, the gift «f the biidegroorn. The matron of honor, Mrs. Thomas Harniess, sisiter-in-dlaw oif the bride, was gocwned in turquoise taffeta. The senior bridesrnaid, Miss Jean Har- eLsis, si.ster of the bride, was ie pink aýnd the junior bridesmaid, Miss Vera Hlorner, only sister of the bride- groom,, wes in yellow. Ail wore paed heed-dressees and mittens 'to mththeir gowns, ced, carried nose- grays of carnations and sweet pees. Mr. Doanild T. Horner of Hallifax, wvas best man for bis brother. The ushers were Mr, Everett; Harness, brother of the 'bride, ced Mr. Cecil Williams, Oshawa. The reception was held ie the Bal- moral Hotel, B-owmanvidlle. To re- ceive the guest the bride's mother chose a cedar rosie crepe dress with navy eccessories. Tije'bridegroom's miother, who assisîted, was wea,,rieg nevy blue sheerý with grey acessor- les, and bollh wore corsqeýes of car- naltions iifd swýeet peas. The bride's table, whichi was decorated wiîth vas- es of flowers, was centred with a three-tier wedding cake ieîsted in tulle and flanked with pink tapers. Mixed flowers and pink and, white rihbon decorated the tables -of the guests. For the wedding. tnp by motor to North Bay, AI'ýgonQuin Park aed points north, the bride donned a pink crepe dress and enavy blue acceesor- ies. Mr. and Mrs.,Horner will reside in, Oshawa. The bride',s gift to, ber senior at- tendants were compacts; to ber jun- ior attendant a isilver bracelet. The~ bridegrooim's gifts to ithe best man and ulhers were cuff links. Before leeving ithe bride threw her bou- quet whiceh was ceuglit by Miss Elea- nor Green of Orono. Out of towc gues'ts were, Miss Es- ther Sunquist -of North Bar; Mr. and Mrs. Peter'Sends of Leaside; Mr. Mervyn icrness, R.C.A.F., Cen- bralia. Ont., and Mr. and Mrs,. Wal- ter Hornby of Trenton. Prior :to, ber marriaýg(e she was .,iven three showers in Oshawa, abso one in Orono, and received lovely gifts( frorrilier mcey friends. Enuiskilleln Boy Doing, Fine After Shooting Accident Officiais f the Oshawa General Hlospital reported that !six-yeer-old David Benham, of niskillen, who wns accidentally shot with a .22 üai-, bre rifle lest week, 'lis coming along vell". Da-oid ires rushed to the hospitel after hein.g &truck by' the bullet through the chest. An emergency operetion wcs perfbônmed by Dr. H. Eiaîl to, save the cbild's life. Ât the time of the mishap David was fishing in a creek neýar bis borne when an- other youtb le, a nearbv field hunting g'rounndbotgs accidentally discbcrged Misses Freda and Verea Weiv and tevinle in hie direction uncware that brother Aubvey, Mrs, Iran Sisson of, the Benhanr youtb uzas near the Cdlllegwood; Mrs. Arnold Coulter of creek. Minden, ccd :Mr. ced Mrs. Hugh El' Police ruled the ehooting acciden- liott of- Dunsford, uzere week-end tai. guegseof Mn. ced Mrs. Wm. Milli- gen. ball tecin won a close gaine with Mus. Norman ýScott visited ber Courtice. 11 dcugbter ced soe-in-law, Mr. cnd There zas a good representation Mvs. Ken -Newton le Hamilton o f each congregation frnm"-leNwtoe- Sueday. ville, Keaidal and ýShiloh in the Shi- We tare sorry t ebave of the pase- lob chuncb on Fridcy orenieg for ing of Mv. Chas. Morris le Bowmac- the induction service of the neuz mie- ville itospital this mnonning. ister, Rer. Mn. Lancaster-. The min- Mv. Cecil Burley cnd Mr. Ellsworth isters le charge de7iveried fine mies- Ceswell are sipendieg a feuz dcys le sages. One vemark is espocially theý North country., worth vememhering by the, conigroga- Mn. ced Mrs. Madison Hall of tien, "This is not a ne mae's Job Opono, ced, Mr. ced Mrs. Frank Ar- one day a woek buteeyensjo dron of Toronto, with Mv. ced Mvs, seren days a we A dolîdous John Peance on Sueder. ' luech folowNed the service ced rec-ep- Sevenal took le the doekey basohall tien. game on Friday ereeieg ln Newccs- The W,M-ý.S. met le thie baýsem-ent of Vie, tIre church on TedcJulyV ltho, Sererci handball fans accoompanied wlith thie vice-presi,;deet, Mr,,s. George the Keedai teem te Camnbourc oro Stepleton pre(siding. The meeting Tuesdav evonin-g to bel-p brneg homn eie-d with a bye o-lowed hy the rictory. prayer by Mv1,s. Stapleton, ccd ne-1 Scturdey evenieg the grs soft- (otludon pjage four Twili*ght'Meet 0f Hoistein Breeders Interest Many Blackburn - Hardy PiCnic Th, third twilight mreetingOfti ____ Durham County Hoîstein Býreeders 1 Th anaulpicic o th Blck-ws held on Tuesday eveniag et the Theannulpicic of heBIck-farm jof Mr. and iMrs,. Neil Malcolm11 bure-Hardy femily, wac held at Blcckstock. The meet'inginese Orono Agieiultural gnroueds on telretnmeo e J uly 1ý,. T e w e &th r w s i w eal end atten d su ch e g cth evin g , -anýd repre- nioýre thean 100 of the connetionwr, sented prccoticelly overy breeder there to enjoy the day. Mcny came trnbu h ony to eeijoy the boitiful diiener et truhu h uny noli -n cd nmcny mior1ýre rived during Mv. M. C. McPhail, principal of the the aftereooni to enjoy the sports, Komptville Agriculturci College, ced another bhountiful mieal et supper gave an informative speech ccd de- timie, moestratioe on judgieig and tyLping, A_ gamie of softball wats enjoyed With the advcntage of the demion- which conisistod of a- mixed team cap- stration of Mr. McPhail, those pros- taiee'd hy Verai Allie and I Ela Douze. ent contestedý in c judging oompiïeti- Vera Aliis team uzon owieg much, tien of e smcl herd of H1olstelns. no doubt, to te hbep o-f their diie- Prizes uzere given to the uinesof Lubive player, Bobblie Blackburn. At eech cless, theso prizes hedn-g doccatod the semne time ian ieteresting -gaine of by finiflemeet dealers and' hardware horseshoes was being playedi, te mouchants in the district. Ie the xieeers .being Ken Brown and G. ladies class Mrs. Lcwnence Malcolin Niclcers-an. After these two erePnts took iflrstprize wlth Mlrs. Alex. Muir, the races were rue, off. The winners Mrs. Dr. Sheruzin ced Mrs. John in the 5 yemancd nder ýwere. 1David Cruickshenk plccing second to four.th. Mander cedRsen Wilsoni; Ro4b- Miss Gerda Craig wNon tho boniours er1t Allin ccd Alleni Cole won the leý the girls clas, ith Misses Shir- race for boys, 640 yas Helen Colo Loy Cryderma, Me4,rlan Tink cend ced Grece Blackburni the race for Shirley Gilbaek ýfllling o 0ut to fourthl girls 11-15 years, Hele(,n Colo and p-lace. Ie the boys icss Keith Woods Elle Douze won- the young ledes' plcced first, Eweý"rt Leesk second, open race and Gordon Hardy and Ecnie Browne third, aed Glenn Ler1- Art Keiglit the young, men's open mer fourtb. Everett BozDonaldh race. There were ne entrants for Jose ccd Ross Stevens cl tied for sevenal of the races. After. the fireýt place-la the meen's ccs with' races a peceut scarmble was enjoyed the fourth uiener being Lawrence by old and pioung alike. Malcolm. At U.0 olclock a business meeting Mr. George CGlemens, secretary- was helld which wcs very ably con- mngrc h osenFisa s dueted by our President, Clarence AI- aae fteHlsenFise s lin, Newcastle. Before the business sociction of :Canada, showed filmns on wes coeducted c minutsslecew s itp to Mexico. Short speeches -ut'issilncewsby celebrities of the parent associa- ofbesrved for those -who bcd passed tinÏ r Iegvn ersaet on durng the year. Special prizes to eeas ie.Rfelnrt for the oldest present, the youngest wore sered. present and the one cmigthe long- est distance were thon preseeted. Loses 30 Pullets To Skunk Mr. AItbert.Aliei, Bimc -llwon the first ore. Ho is in Iis 9th year.i BaibyMcAdm, Pterboougl. ~ nFida evening of lest we montha o(-)d, oea tIre second, ccd Mr. R. H. Hollingeworth bcd -bwenty- Frcxsk Btckbr, Den-er, Clo., ixpullets k-illed -la bis hen bous,ýe by caine teth hest. e zere reya ekuek. glcd to isoc hlm after ce absence o f Mter finding b is l-oss on Saturday 22 years. The officers for 1961 are:' morning Mn. Hollingsworthb :bnked Hon. Presidents. Mr. A. M. Hardy, up around the outside of 'bis hon Miv; Fred Blackb>urn; President, Mr. bouse so that thre marauder wouild George Allie; Post P-'esident, Mr. net hoe l to gain an entrance. to bis Clarence Allie; Jest Vice-President, ultthseodim.H fnsie Mv. Allen Douze: 2ed Vie-Pres., Mv. Ipuths thsecond time. Ho fkin ised Ken Birown; Se'y-Treas., Miss Ruth ing, ccd et elevea o'clock \w 'lie ho Roibhines, Bowanville. [uzàa oeyîng the radlio ho wcs called Mn. FrePd Hardy, Toronto, de- tthe ýdoor by bis dog which wcs liglted' the -blîdren aed fentertaieedlwhinicg. Knowieg somthic wc youn-ig ced old alike. Hîs attire as, wrong he immedietely- picked u tp is- c clown wcs rery amusieg cead ho flae5hlight ced uent -to the bon hoouse .was earelSenrte Chýus to the obil- - whore lie saw Mr. Skunkdeovn dren ced older ones too. We keo-w anothier puliet. Net0haig e sheli everyone bcd ic very onjoyaàble time foi' bis shotgun M.r Hollingsworth- cnd hope àl ced more will ho hack took a ,pitchfork aed' uzeet bcc0to he agaie next yecr. 1hen bouse to do b ettl e witb the 0___- skunk. With the flcshligbt ile oee C_()Dtîbntln j bend ced the pitcbfork le the other, Churc Conribuions the battle commenced, uith the fleel victory going to, Mi.Hl 1swot Previously acknolwedged. 9,S470xho put the animal out of business, Local ------------ --..-.----...... but not lvfore the skuek dischcrgedf- Mrs. Eva Alun, Port Perry 10.00 bis poisonous gas - round Mv. HOI- Mr.A, W. Cerveth, Vic- , licrswortb. He scyts tIret if nyone toria, B. C ------------------- 2.00 donIt like the perfÈuiie b e is using' H. J. Stevenson, Fàrnm-g they will have to, wclk le another di- ;t n, ich --------- --- - - ection. Miss Agetha Steples, Sac Francisco, Califorera ---- 50.00 $19,&29.70 Rural Promotion Resuits S. S. No. 21, Clarke Grade S to Grade 9-RobenIt Col- Grade 7 to Grade 8-Anne Staple- ton (h nors), Rollcnd Menninl, Ger- old Wilson (Roc.) cithmnetic. Grade 6 'te Grade 7-Jackie Bailey (honors), Merle Stapletoni (honors), Gwen Bciley (nec.) composition. Grade 5 te Gradce 6-Rose Gay (honore), Leonard Hoy (nec.) com- position. Grade 4 te, Grade 5--Donald Gev- don, Billy Mcdiii. 1Gr~ade 3 te Grade i4-June Mcdiii (vec). Grade 2 te Grade 3-Ronnie Gay (honors), Benny Madil-l, Ruth Gov- don (roc.). Grade 1 toe Grade 2--Reipla ien Wood, (:honors), Wayne Keninedy,1 Billy Stapieton. C. W. Stewart, Tecciheî'. Orono Girls Deleat Newton- vile ln Opener 0f Senii-final The (,first gaine of the seini-fîhicl bet weee Neton Il cd Oroniows playved ile Newtoa'ville onWe'1eda evonýinig.w tb thelocal entryvtak ing the gaine by a score of 7 te .5. Trie gaews areýal otetfrom start tefiish with bothi îdes often hbeing ne(tlred in îor-der. Joain Cooper toI thie mound for Orono, heicnl-elievedl hy Fi E ei onant en t1iresi.-tb. A re- tare _'I gae il oplayed jethe Orono Park thie Friday eren*egand j The skuek le bis second sorýtie te tbhe honn bouse gcined entrance by b-rrowieig e tunnel under the doorof the lhen house. The s-kunk le is sec; ýp- ond tr'ip did away wi-th four monoj pallete. Frederick Charles Riddell There pssd way le Peterbor- ough on Fiday, June Oth rdrc Charles Rlddell, ,gcd 70yer Ho' Nzas bora le Clcrke Towicship, the son of the 1laite Fnederickiddl acd LoisStnaincd later movedc te Peterhor-ough wereho lived thile romaieder of bis life. The laVe MnAi. Riddell wes c carpener by treade jjcd netined le Septembjjer., 199. Hle aves te mourn is b i th', refrmrEthl IMay Cald- well, of Toneelte, cý son George, a daug-ter (Mnrs. P. Lutbr, a brother WilMlimOf Onono. The funera-,l ws e rnoCee tory on Jui-[d, wltb Rer. H. G Doug7las Of Klioît Ueited Churcb of- DEATHS Stewarýt, iIis- t Tynene)i, on. ondJuly' v l7thi,- 1q-0, il-s Stwrle- bis 9Oith vyear, dean fat- or OfFloene(Mnfs. Rold Sceî't>, ErnstSr~i-o AraE. C., ced Mes- seMs.W. j.Mcdad. etg et the Morrjiýs Fuea hpl oz manlvice ït til- WdIsf'n-on Sevce-t te oidneTroe o Ceetrton 11Cemetery-. theli Newonvilie on1-Monday. If fo rtIradfifth gamle nceisa thley will Ibe, paved on tthe l0cal jidi,- miond on Wednesday a-nd Fnida'_y~ ýext week. ~. ~ L ............ "mmm 1 1 ln*l . TT 1 . 1 in 1 uRýON0.

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