Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jul 1950, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMESl THRDAJLY 4h,15 v 0 NEWCASTLE 0 COWANVILLE Mr. andi Mis,. Waddington an PUzi Ike tes J m bor e ýofaimiy of'Toronto, spent the wee-k'- 9end at their summner home here. COMMUNITY HA,-LL GROUNDS Mr. and Mrs. T. Garbutt and Jack, gof Toronto, at Les. Re id's on Sun- Friday Fr da qJuly- 7th - Miss. Barker visited friendsis OToronto over the week-end before RefreshmentsJSootfls, urono Jsana lui attendanef goink to North Bay where she iW tak- eîng a summý1er course-. Studebaker Car IJraw ' Degnit forg et Clarke W,. A ni n versa ry services next Suaj,,day even- SILVER-COLLECTION.Uirig and the ice cream supper on =OQ >O=c:D oc>=<O==c:>=o om=co=c=O Miss Ellent Ramshottom, Newcas- 71tle, with her aunt, J. J. W. Steinger, on Sunday. Recent visîtors with Mr. and Mes. The Very Popular - Wm. Fox weie: Mr.and Mrs, Bal Refri1 gertor fr theand daugtiter Mi. andMrs. Cotterelli, Refigeato fo th yand daugliter, Mr. and Mrs. Ca-uifieiýd and frien-& a Il of Toronto. Small Family' Office, Mr. and Mrs. James Rutherford and farn iy, Kirby, with lier p %rents, Apartment or Cottage.. Mr. and Mrýs.R. Hollingsworth, on Sunday. COME IN AND' SEE ______ THEM TO-DAY ~WSE IL Sunday Schooi was held at 10.30 C ~IPORT"KILL THE UMPIRE"Y Capioi HOPEWith William Bni - "The Fortunes of Fri. and Sat., July 7-8 Captain Rlood" MONDAY TO THURSDAY - JULY lUth TO l3th with a good attendance. Mr. George Tufford acted as superintendent, in the absence of Mr. Harold Best. Church foioe with Dr.7 Qke taïik- ing on "The True Meaning of -our Communion Servi.e",.1 A slower was lieid for Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Miles on Friday evening at tihe home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dick- erson. Ruti Payne reradi the address. after wrhich Helen and Trevor opened the gifts. Helen ind Trevor thanked their friends and extended an invita- tion for ail te, visit them wie-n they are settled. Lunch wras then served. On Thursday afternoon seventeen chldeen of the nighborhood attenýded a lYlrtihday party for Caroi Thorn, dyke. ýCarol celebrated her 5th birth- Iday. Congratulations to Muri'el Austin and Ruth Payn-e wlio passed theil -Ihigh schooel ex'aini ons, iand aiso to !lMar-ian lPiersýon Wiho wiil be goig to p igh siehooi this f!all. ethe tamily reunion at Sehight on Saturdtay.-1 The Young Peopde'sUnion held their final m"eetin.g in the foun of a bal gai-te nd weiner roast on Wednesdayeveining. Port Bitýalin and Wesîeyv Ile sehorý Ohilidren head a hail gaine and wei. er roast Weýdinesday aàfternoon. Mie Helene Barrowctough is teach'ing at Lakepoiit for amether yeiar. Mrs. Haroldi Au.stini visited with her k4ster, Mes. Arichie Ford on I lhunsday nfte;r-no-on. Mr,. Douglas Barnet returned, to his home in Fei'gns on Thursday. Me. and Mrs. Howard Payne re- turnrd on M9ondaty frein their -wed- jding trip, nd have taken qp resi- dence at their home on the Laké shore road. Mise Helene Barroweiougih lieft for Hiliside on Saturlday w'here she lhas taken a position for the summner. Miss Gerrie Rowde'n of Port Hope,Î spent the week--end with Rutîh Paynie KENDAL wtIImITE,ýfOE ULEAN ERS ....... 15c. and 25c Palm Beach-------- ---------....... 25c. Guard, Plastie' Shoe, Poiish for white shoe s (washable), bottle....--------... ................45c. Mum Deoderant ..........-----.---------.-----43c., 65c. Silque Deoderant Cream, stainless, does net L ry out, jar ...... -- .................... ........ 45 Veto Deoderant .. ......--------................ 39c,, 59c, Arrid-............ .......... . ............... .39c,, 59c, Buoy-O.Doy Sa! ety Float, Make it easy to learn to swim. New JIýature. Sturdy-shoulder straps. Can be put on or taken off in a jiffy. K iddies -------- - -------- ... -----------.. $375 1 Y outh's .........«--- ........ . ..........$4.75 "A duits ..... ------ - ----- ...... ... .... $5.95 SUN GLASSES Polaroid ............$1.95 Wilsonite--.............---50c., 75c. Other Sun Glasses from.... 19C. up 108- DATHING CAIPS New Styles, assorted colors, at 19c., 25c., 39c. 69c., 95c. and $1.25 2c ýEar Plugs, pair---.............. --«........ .....2c "KODAK AS YOU GO" Kodak Cameras.................---- -------W00te $39.50 We stock Kodak film in Verich romte Super XX and Color te fit ail Cameras. Mr. Haeold Byers of Port Hope, speat Sundray with Mr. and Mes. Lioyd Glass. Mr. land Mrs. Spenice Godo visit- edi Mr. and Mrs. Suticlice, Leskgrd, on Sundây. Mr Aylward Little visitd is mother, Mrs. N. Littile, o'ver the week-end. Mrs. H. R. Reynolds, Mils. Lorne Rey'oidls and son and Mis. Wallace Iwîdth Mr. and Mes. Herlb. Reynolds. M.Robert Alexa.nde2r of Toronto, at homie for lthe week-end. Miss Ann Gordon, Wrhitby, and Mr. Ji Gordon, Oshawa, spent the week-end witli Mr. and Mes. Earl Burley. Mr. and 'Mrs. Goedorn Maîtirieil, Kenny and Shirley Langstfi are va- catito-ning at Roýseneathi. ýMr. and Mils. C. Stevens, Evielyn Steveis -and frlend, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrq. Weston of Lindsay, with Mr. and Mrs. AI Stevens. ýMr. and Mrs. E. J. Williaaîison, Enidi and Edîmund of Londonl, are gpendiyxg a couple o-f weeks wth ber fatiher, Mr. S. Seal Sunday v~tr with Mr. :and Mes. Win. Robinnon were, Mr. W. Robin- son, Mr. B. Robinsori andi Miss Mary Robinsoný of Oihono. Mr, and Mrs. Percy Thompson, of North Bay, spent a few vd'aIs with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux. Mr. and Mils. Geo. Smith,' of Nw castie, and Mr. and Mes, Milton Rdbinlson liad tea with Me . and Mr. A. Redknep 'of Newoîilh on Sun- iday last. Me. Fred Papinawcalliedi on Me. and- Mes. F. Stoke.r on Sa±ne<lev.I W, A. Meeting This was the first ime he hdbe The W. A. meeîting was held in the in Kendai for about ithàiity years. Hi, Sunday Seiieol room on Wednesday parents kept the sàtore now occupied niglit,,.June 28th, with the presidient, by Mr. :and Mrs. Herb. Reynoldts Mrs. Roy MeÉcer in the chair. The soime thirty years ago. His miother, meeting opened with a. hymn ond who is notw '87 years oId is stulir quite prayer and thiê roJi cali was resipro-L active. ed. to by "give the name :of qa book At the W. 1. Convener's meeting in the Bfible beginning with thene on Fn lyiast ît was arinanged to initial as your surname". A motionhid i cijn rnoPr on was carried to give;$50to the rch. ay July 14th. Mrs. Garland Cathcart gave a ver,____ interes-tinrg taIk on "The Lord is m Shepherd", stressiinig the personal LOCKfart ScDoIlRpr tuhi isopening phrase of the Rpr Z3rd Psalmand stating that a Shep.. Lockhart's, S. S. No. 9, Clarke herd is a leader of bis sheep and is concerned for their welfare, The Naines in aiphabheticai order. month of August was ýset for quiit- To Grade 9-Claramae Fisk (hon- ing tJhe two quits, as July'appeaýred 'ours). to be a busy month. The meeting To Grade 8-Doinna Brunt, Betty elb sed with the Mizpah Benedictloni. Gibson, Jean Ritchiie (honoursl), Ruth Mr. and iMrs. R. Geach ;and faily Ritchie. visited Mr. and Mes. W. Smithinh ýTo Grade '7-Muriiei Gibso)n (hon- Lindsay on Sunday. ours), Eleanor Oshorne (hlonour.) Mr. and Mrs,. Byers and Mro of Toronto,are pending a rcouple eof To CGrade 6C-Al1 la Haock(re- months at their s;ummer homeP here oomme1,nined), Peter) Laiaig, June Rit- To Gae5Mri otei(re- caommended), Frýed Fiský (recoin- P Iu m b l'"'ý,g mended), Matrgairet Maý'rtin, Enrle and To Grade 4-etfty Ana Branch (honours), Helen Hancock (hononurs), Hot W ater Marie Kent (honours), Archie Mar- tin. To Grade- 3-Doris Laing (hon- H eate u ours), Marion McReelis,Pay Reid CALL US5 FOR ESTIMATES Tk> Grade 2-Dougias Costigani (hoour),Gerald Gibson, Walter IIARRY E. LYCETT Gibso(hi (-onours). Phione 84 r 12 Grade 1-David' -McReelis,, James 0ORONO-, 0 - ONT. Ohone Ethel Lycett, TeLtcher.1 Tyrrll'S. Drag Store Drugs - Agent for Jackman Flowers PHONE 68 - :- ORONO, Ont. Children's Linene Sun Suits, Girls' or. Boys' Styles, sizes 2 to 6 years, each....... ---...65c.' Ladies' Taffeta Slips, Straight Cut, Single Bras- siere Top, Lace Trim, colors White or Pink, sizes 32 to 42. A very Popular Slip, each ,. . $1.98 Turkish Towels, Cream with Colored Stripes, size about 21" x 44'?, each........59c. Men's Athletic Shorts, Elastic Waist Ba.nd, sizes Small, Medium or Large, pair ..-ý..... 75c. Men's Athletie Shlits, each.......... ... 7Sc. Paper Napkins, Plain White or Colored Bor- ders, pkg ............... .........15c. Paper Table Cloths, size 54M" x 96e, prîced at........................25e. and 30c. Stedman's Gloss White Enamel, Quick- Drying, !/2 pint for .......... .......... ...... 39c. Quart for................. ..... $1.00 STRAWBERRY SIIORTCAKE The New..Easy Way with SWANSDOWN INSTANT CAKE MIX Pkg. 37c Whipping Cream, 10 oz. tins..,33e. Lynn Valley Peas, Standard Qual- ity, large 20 ounce tins, 3 for 35c. Tuna Flakes, White Meat, 612 oz. tins ........ ....... .....33c. $carlet Shrimps, 5 oz. tins .-. ..49c. Pie-Ready, Sl.iced Pie Apples, 20- oz. tins . .............2-2c. Tangerinie Juice, large 20 oz tins, 2 for............. ... 35c. O-So-Good Coffee, Fresh Ground with each sale, lb ........... 7ýc Ogilvie Flour with Free Striped Tea Towel, 24 lb bag....... $1.65 3fr2e URONO 5c. TO $100 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPIPING CENTRE RARTLEY H. DARLOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR & HOME FURNISHINOS Orono, Ontario MODERN EQUIPIMENT At, Your Service in Timne of Need FOURTEEN YEAIRSI' EPRE Phone 18 r 7 (Day or Night) 1/ lb,. 27c. MON, UE,,WED., MIURS., FRI.-JULY 10-14 I ORONO WEEKLY,- TlM£$,ý 3 for 2àc.

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