Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jul 1950, p. 4

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.OROINO WEEKLY! TIMES TURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1M50 le Oroao We.kly Times auâ Second Clasa Mail, Post Office Departmrent, Ottawa Rates on request: Subscription $1.50 Published every Thursday moerning at the Times office R. A. Forrester, Publisher King For A Day lb is doubtful whether the ýolder folk of this generation will eve-ýr forget the stirring e-vents Which led to the renunciation of a thr-one, and to the final abdication of an-ernpire's kjnýgs'hip, when, xxore than a decade ago, the forniie!r Kin~g Edjward the eighth gave opver the throne of England to our present kIng, George ýthe Sixth. IMucli of the history of that timie ij being reproduced ir. a series of artiles by a Caaddan niewý,spaper. It m'ay be said in ail fairne'ss k, the former King EdwAaxd (now 1)ulc of Windsor) that hoe, ejoyed ïirrense jpopularity among the peopies of, the Old Land,, and that inuch of this esiýteem was hrought about by his, avowed disappŽroyal at u great deal of the living conditions of the Eiglish working class faMlieS. Simve the war great stops have been taken in the direction of înproveniôns in these snme living iconditons. It doos stike one as passing s-trange that a King on the one hand and a social reformer of humbler rs,ïnk on the other should be conipleil to see eye to eye irnsojfar as miaking a definite contribution toward the common up- ift of huma.nity is concerned. Yet, how else may social reforins be acieved ? In the light of subsequent experience, we mray beled to eee that it was not so miuch the thought of a divçonrced womian occu- ping the throne of Enugland as queen, as the possibdIlt~y of a broad- Mjnaded and hunian -Kinýg upsetting the eqnàihrIum cof ostablisîhing b~ut~ selfish customi whîch prompted g-overnnienit and'ichurch officials ,t r~p Edward to take the fanteful abdication step. Açs matters have resolvod themr 'selves, it perhaps isforitun- ete that a -more conseirvative King cai,,e to the throne at this tjme as a counter balance to a- sociailiani which could easily have become s e e . llelp Needed Onoe more modern imrprovemient appears upon tbe scene and '-has to do -with thepresenit day mneitJiod of enisting and dirccting tenporary help for the ge, orchard and fruit tlocalities of On- taï,io.Iln ordîer to do such work, young peoiple often had te travel ratdistances jni uncomfortable circumstances, live as best they roulýd while on the Job, and accept meagre pay into the bargain. To-day, ail thris is changed. The govetrnment has taken an interest Jra the mteand whnat wns formerly arduous and disagreeaûle teil S -.s rnow been transfo)rmed into a vacation outing and paid holiday. Supcrvieamips have corne into being, camp mothers are present with countsel and advice where girls are concerned, and in short, the entire set-up bas undeegone that streamlining and change wvich cones h-le-n thiought and came are given a subject. The editor oDf this paper can, speaak hightiy of 'the services affordcd by the pres- ent day meiýthods of vegetaible and fruLit harvesting, becauce members oýf themm ae f ain'iy have availed themselves of this work, llnd- ing ità both cenjoyaiblc and proîfitaible. Instructions arc g9jVen qjuite frequently about the securing oct this kind cf work, and we feel that we could also heartily refer ny reade-s te Mr. Summenrrs cf Bowi-uinville for further informia- tion if faina work were being considered. Apparcntly the need ifor lielîp in seasonal ag-ricultural duties is ur'-ent enough to cause theo ýiuguration of thoea more or lacs eliab,,orate plans for assistjng thoegiicwers anid thea worikers alîke. It is a trend rf the tumes which proves that alhougbnothinig is naw under ithe suni, the better way îs i making over the old ideas to suit the new demande. Listen and Learn Usaful informration may often be glaaned froni contacte with peeople who make a study ocf certain lines of work, and who feel ceonstraàined ite implart their knowledgo Vto those who wiIlI listen. For inîstance, we learned this fact in regard te the care of evergrecen liedgee,. In starting a young hedge, authorities say, commence your trimmiing alon.- the top -of the hedgc mihile the trees are, quite young. Inths a, ea hkenjng growth iýs endouraged at the base cfth he-dge and heiglit will eventually be achievcd with the entire hedge nieand ful. Now, cf course, the natumal dasime of most people <yours truly includod), is Vo ailow the hedge te "grow up" before startîng -iniucb trimmiinjg. This miay appear logical, yet you finish up with a hedgc assajled wth open spots, and that is neither, picturesque nom dlesrible. Anlthor opportundity comaýs froni bocks and pamnphlets. Much- valuable educa:etiont is derived home, anad althoughr the other fellow ,vil!l remiind you that "axperience is the best teacher", exîperience miay be brouglit t e bter onde when good information is allowed te back the effot. Somie day we mnay gather tolgether coma of the varied b-ints and ideas whieh conie in prinrted fomm irte our docik, and pub- lJ8h these in a designated column as a service te our readers. The irnan or wonian with whom you hold conversation may prove splen- -did fiande wfth their wealth cf logic. The boolz o_- bookiet y'ou pick up can ha of invaluable service also. Listen and leîr s indeed a1 good m1axini, but lot your enre and senses ha the judge. Do rot etart eut o trirri the IiittIa hodge right to the ground because we said se. As a miatter of fact, we djd net say so, and in that case the above will bear reading again. PUBLIC SPEAKING C. N. E. CONTEST Fi"ve bright young Canadians will -win $125 in cash prize money in the f'eeentar-y Public Spcaking contets at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion. Right now, the future poli icians cf this country are pcpping up as sp~eakersî aV the 4,hoo«1 concert, the Sunday Scirool progmame, he comi-1 munity chaity affaire. They are learning o convince an audience byl taking sides on debnting teanis. That le, how Kate Aitkeni, C.N.E. womien's diector, put it in announicing plansý for the Public Speakinpg cOmpati- tiens o take plncce at the big am u tetalling $12,5 will be iinners ini the elemien - of 6, 7 and S, acord- e lisV. Open Vo tany1 Al child, entmy formes Smay be obtainied now-v tho oens viin mal Exhibition, Tom- f or entries is July 15 naïly choose tire'm own etitions ake place act OFFICIAL RANDBOOB FOR CANADA, 19-50, NOW AVAILABLE One of the more popular valuable productions of the King's Printer at Ottawa is the year bock prepared by th,- Dominiot Bureau cf Statistice te give a brief, up Vo date, compariran- siva and easily readable bird's eye view cf Canada in aIl its aspects. Caneàd-1106 s ncw availahle at the extremely mnodeet price. cf 25 cents. Tt deals with the country, the people. the ýgoveTr'nment, healthan welfare, education, scientific recearch, the nan- tional incomne, the various fields of! primary production, manufactures aind contructýfion, laboir, trensporta- tion, trnde a-nd finance. The bock has over '280 paIges of text, 10) stal- tistical ta-bles, diagrame and chairte and more than) 160 ilsrtos Everycne shbould have a copy Of this boo)k, ,vorth many Vîmes the price aisked. -Addr7ess pyour erder te "Thbe ing's Printer-", Ottawa, Ontarioe. the Exhibition Auguat 29th, Eachl conitestant is ilowêd hree minutes. Any inimber o-f pupfils froni aIly onle echIool may compete, CARD 0F THANKS I ýwisqh to express nyv sincer-e thanke te niy many friencds, setool board, Oddfel-lows an4 Re-beka1-s, for carde and flowere soent te me-ie and tèb thoce whcl visited mie while in the General Hosîpital, Torontto.- Hcreb. N. Scctt. BAND CONCERT' The Oroîto Brase Band wll present a band concerït-at the Orono Park this Sund.iy at 2.45. This ie the -first ap- pearmee, of -tàe band at the park this yeam ard a variety cof instrumentbal numbers w611 le prcsented at this concert. For pleasume driving evcryday, The gas you need is narw B. A. Tire 88 or 096 Elther ane woufld be no m-istaka. Folks of this district, far and near, Whflenyo)u're driving anytimie of yea:-, If Enterpr6ise 1H11l, you chance to paiss Stop at Ernie"'s and fill up with gais. YOUR NEW B.A. DEALER Enterprise Hill Highway 35 *BUILDING 0 (Alterations and Repaire) g*ROOFING SPECIALISTS (Johns - Manville Materials) O*SPRAY PAINTING0 g.ANI) DECORATING Cali tGibus. Contracting Ce. LIMITED g 10J Caroline S t. Port HFope g Phone 2589 .t 0cD Qý o= c o= c= c o: O = 0. PARK, ST. UNITED CIIURCH Revîrend A. E. Eustace Minister Services will be held on July 16th, 23r d and 30th. Rev. R. R. Nicholson will have charge of those servicoes There wîll be ne service 'on July 2nd or the ftîh FIRE ALWAYS STRIKES g HO-1ME lt oit stri-kes everywhera, bringing f truin and becs. See us for in- o 0 surance that protects. t gBEST POLICY o g CALL g g '~~N. F. PORTERORNOt Real Estate Mortgage Money If you need a, first mortgage loan on your home, farm or business PrePartY we have funds availabla for thit pur- pose, or If you have funds which you current interest rate of 5% I would like to put- out at -the would suggest that you let me know. Automobile Insurance On yrour car the ineurance can ba iith any one of a nunber of compaines. But if yOU are on tJhe alet t» cave (a substanltial paCt of this yearly cost you niay mesure 'irouýgh my office with tLhe Lumibermens Mta Casualty Co., one of the largeet i, the business, whicli pays back ea(tb year a cash div-dend of1% of your pravieus year's Prern-liumi. I ami the exclusive agent in thIs district. ]BROKER- Phone: Office 32 r 10, Re$. i r 16 1 Oronio, Ontaria Clarke Churcli W. A4. will hold its ,annivemcary service on Suneayý, July 9 th, a t 7.830 p.m . I r ýwill bc the- speaker. Spe n C On Monday, J1 an ice eam supper wiIl ser'ved, ccii- mencing at j6.30' p.mi., foilowcd by mcving pictures, also soma local talent. PAPER COLLECTION On Monday mcmrning. July 1lOtb. In case of rain, Monday me)ming, July 17th. iHave bundles wetl tied and piaced at the curlb. MOVING PICTURES Many are talcing adîvantage of the show in the partk on Saturday nights and these ara, proving popular for those who do attend, both ini the per- sons cf the adulte and th-e childmen. However, thies ventura on tihe part cf the openator cost conesidemable mnonaly and you?, support iV helpiivg to màke these shows posbl&s, being asked when you do attenid. This Sat- urday may be the a et showte hoe ghoîwn if the collectien le noat aberve that cf previeus cnes. The pictuc Vo bo cbown ithie Saturday njght je "Tmrusted Outltawe". TFIANKOFFERING SERVICES Th-iank-Off ring seervic' of Kirby Uaited Church Nil.1 eld on Sun- aY, July ùith, 3 nd M&8 p.m. Rev. R. R.N 01 will be in charge. Sfpeci1 us ýby Kirby choir fssisîted by E ýailwzer young men's quartete at the even1ing service. ORDER NOW Cernent -on hand for immediato de- livery. - Orono Goal amd Lumber. ROOM AND BOARD Accommodation avallabl ~reld- erly lady at Mrs. Evelyn te Resît Home, 22 Duke St,, Bowm.afjil /cV4- WANTED TO BUY Dead or crippled stock, renioved free of charge. One hour service. Highest prîte for old horses.-Mar- ,-!Il Fur Farmn, CalCollect Bow- manville 2679. WREATHS FOR SALE 1 amn now in a position to eupply artificial wreaths at different prices. They mnay be, seen at the home of H. Prescott's, or 0. W. Knapp's, pho'ne 62 r 1, Orono. Ap 29-p #S1>O1ILTS' 0SPORTS' PROGRAM FOR WEEK Thurlsday, July 6--Softball - Kirir vs Juniors. Friday, 4ul:y 7-All,-Sýtii Softball. Satuýrday, Jul:y 8-Footbal--Cýour Vice vs Orlone. 0 At dusk, movinýg pictures, "Trus ted O.uUlaw". 0Sunday, July 9-Orono Býand wit] Concert. mvonday, July 10-Softball - Mer chante vs Crooked Creck. Wednesday, July 12-Football - En niskilllen vs Omiono. ORONO GIRLS COMPLETE THEII SCIIEDULE - READY FORt THE PLAYOFES The Omonro girlis softball teani con cluded t(heir lague echedule on, Tues day night; at tihe Omono Park. Th( team ýis row plrepaming for the, play. cifs wliich dates will be announrced ii the ýnear ýfuture. On Monday nigh the Orono girls lest their fifthi gairs cf the season Vo Newtonvifllc-, in New tonville, by a scoire cf 2,0 Vo 9. Ir reltumn tiragirls in blue jeýans defeat cd Jthe Nemýîtomlville equad in GOronK on Tuesday avenin(g by a score cf t te 5. Both tennis ini thie gmeplay. ced very; consistant bal wýith nian~ [inninîgs haviag both sides turned our, ia order .of their batting. The local giùîs travel te Beithaný on, 'Ihuisday aveniing where thcy ar( te play an exîhidtion, game. Lange crowds have wit;nessed, mosd &NE WTON VILLE iMrs .A. Jackson, cof KendWi, speni la few dînys w:th Mme'. Hattie Lang- Rev. and Mre. 1H. A. Bunt lefV for Ha;rroiwsmith ,on Wednesday. :Mm. and Mme. Baiton and family, accompanied by Misses Edma Denault and' Dorothy Brown, epent Vthe holî- day at Midlland. Mme,. Siamuel Sniith is spendiag a few days with 'Mm. and Mme. George Smith cf Newcastle. Tha members cf tire Masonic Lodge cof Newcastle are planning Vo attend the Newýtonýville United Ohurch on Sunday evennig, July 9th. Mm. Siamuel R. Jones, wvho lias not, been, vory well for a few weeke, took lçseriousUy ilI on Sundaày and passed' away et hie home ear-ly Tues- day memninîg. Mm. and Mmes. Leland Payne and Mm. Willis Jones took a trip dôw n in- to Qualbec for the holiday. Mmr. and Mrs. Earl Walkeýy and f,,mnuly visited Mr. and Mme. George Beere of Greenbank. Mm. tand. Mmc. Walter Whittak.er and Kenneth, c f Toronto, with Mr. a'd, Mme. J. T. Pearce.. Sevemal attended thre motercycle raesl in Oshawa. Messr. Cecil Rumley and Elsworth Caswell spenit the week-end in Ape- bey with tire fis-bing mcd. 1Many attendied the funemal cf the late Mme. Wm. Todd on Monday. She Was l(aid teurosît in Iakeview Cemle- tory., . Mme. Cecil Burley, Mrc. Ron Bur- bey and childîren, of Port Holpe, and I'rs. Harold Burley and familyv spent Sunday with Mr. end Mre. Clarence Gilmer cfShio. Atiter the ball gamre on, monday eveInïing thre girls' teani met ini the hoee cfMm. and Mme. Don Vinkle teo honcour Mre. Trevor M1yle(nec Hlelen Binrstead) who wa reccntly nrried. She nias, gi a a cver cake plate. suniptuous, lunch was eTnoyedý and a social helf heur. Helen Vh»inkepd hem teani mtsfor, thair good wiehies and gift. Mm. andmcs. Miltol Robinson, cf Kendaýl, and Mm. and Mrs. Gelorge miof NMcelvstd3r. and Mme. Arthur Redksîap. Mm ll,ý attie Liange taff iccol-ïpa-nied Mr. and Mmes. Wm. Honey, cf Miii- ken Vo Nap-ancýe on Friday. of the home gaanes of the girls, and we f eel sure that this wZIJ continue thoougliout the playoffs. FOOTBALL GAME SCORELESS IN TYRONE WEDNESDAY NIGHT The Orono football team which has been slowing considerable imnprove- ment in the lasît few months, battled with Tyrone in Tyrone wiîtlinoither teani being able to penetrate the onher's defence and sc-ore. There will be two games of football played ini the local park durinig he week. Make it a point to he eut and supporit-the local lads. TOWN LEAGUE SOFTBALL On Monday nighît LyMal Lowery and hic Kirby flashas defeat'ed the Orono Merchants in a close battle at the park. Kirby won by one run froni the firsît two battersi Vo approach the plate in the last of the seventh. The score of the ýgame was 6 to 5. The Forestry entry went down to defeat on- Wedinesday evening at the hands, of the Crooked Crack teani by a score of 22 to 13. DOINKEY BASEBALL AT NEW- CASTLE JULY 14th Snni>z.thiing a liftti different in the line of baceibati is te bo presented on Fridîay, July 1ldth, in the Ne#wcse Baseball Park at 8 p.m. This will tiake the form of donkoy basebaîl. The Nawcastle Lions- team are being oippesed by Ted Woodvard and bis Clarke Township All.Star donkey tamers. A few of the tamersi f rom this district are Cha;nles Tyrreill, Le- roy Myqes4- Hrry Davey and Lyai Lowery. gncidenïtailly, thîs gam,-e proividîes more fun in an hour than any other type cof sport, both for the players and thespectators. Don't forget Vo makle this a muet and s-e your celelhiitiee try Vo ride teml from base te balse, 0or after the ball it is some undeitaking wbich few ever succeed in accomplishing. Painting and Decorating INTERIOR, & EXTERIOR Guaranteed Satisfaction Phone For Free Estimates Absolutely No Obligation LIORACE YORK Phone Orono 77 r 7 Orono Tinshop NOW is the time to Iook after your Hleatîng Systein FOR NIEXT YEAR R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 Orono Electric Ph. 55 r 1 CONTP,&CTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira te aIl makes of Eloctrical Equipment and Appliances Suhas Mutoe, Water Ileatero, Radios, Stove, yirons, Etc.- O'LASSIFIED IOOLUMNS, PHONE 74, r 19 ORONO We will be Pleased to pick up dead or crippled farta aninmals and -lpay highast prevaillng prices. For immediate service telephone, colaect Brookfil 62, Cebourg 1266w, Toronto, Adelaida 3636. Prof essional Diredtor7 A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Houri: 2.00 te 4.00 pan.; 6.30 te 8.00 p.m. Sundays and Wednesdays b>' appointment oni>' PHONE 47rl ORONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Address: South Main St. Office Boums: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.. 6.30 to 8.00 p.ni.. Sundays and Holidays by [ LEGAL Lawrence C. Mlas, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT.' Phones: Office 688 H&Ome 558 W.F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY phones: Office 825 . Reidene. 499 BOWMANVILLE. ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSCN Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail sas and et veasonable rates Comumunientte with hlm at PU$ Perry, Ontario, or ose, his Clerk, A.ý E. Morton, at.Orono, for date. JACK nREliDi OronO's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize iFarni and i Furniture Sales î Consuit me for ternis and dates Phone 5 r 19 - fl'ngto LIFE INSURANCE Pension Planis; Edulcatiolial Poles;. Protection and Savingi Plans f« Children and Aduits; Mortgage la.- surance Plans. F. E.LYCRTT ORONO, ont. - Phone 20 r 16 The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phono 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hoe. Ontario Monuments, GravemarkeMn STAFFORD UROS Mdonumental Works Phone Wlhitby 552 318 Dundas st. F., Whitby FINE QUALITY MINUJMNTS AI0P MARKERS Let us ereet a handsome, 'dit- nified monument over the reut- ing place of your loved ones. It's net expensive. And seeing this last tribute wiIl give you endless- comfort ORONO Forniture Hêspital Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Bought and Sold Ses Our lUne of Drapery Material -Kitchen Ultits mnade te order C-7F. Duncan Phone 79-16 - ORGNO

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