Pe.rfec nthe Mhrb S Col whe, it is reported, is able to haveý baboies effortlessiy. For ty yr ar aà id frs. Cook bas had nfine, cidren-eighst sons and a daughtc(r. It is said tha t tbeY al arrivcd sa effortlessiy tisat en!iv onice had tbis remarkabie mother bren in bced for the niew arrivai. Tbatwas whcn ber daughter was boru in the haspital, but- only atrler h ospitai authorities had mrauaýged t o persuade lier ta take hd;i ee Her igtsoswcrr;iail boru whiic she was, doiu1gbeoriay ou- %:4F actul alon i 1t 1 ouse(. Ail MIrs. Co' iid7nwr tintes anid ailhv brnrad ' ithauty, a bottie. She fed'Il of thi herseif until thýey are ten wonths od This is aýstoibing enaughi, buit it is the'beaithy.ý, chrcer- lui mother heIrselifwba reaiiy astan- î,he'is the hospitai nfficials. They are ov 'cdthat a rare- eiii and systemjatical sýtvqdy otMrs, Cook WouId grea,-tly bntp in making cblbrhcasýieriand happier. Wben a iLondcon nidwife with' îwety years' experience was-askcd to comnmentj, sbe said: "This ii-othier's reco)rd of quick and easy, birth is ccrtainly remarkable and prohabiy unique. Her case should greatiy encourage speciaiists wbo are now campaigniung for nmore pre- natal relaxation and exercises to esure casier ciidirtb,. But it>wili probabiy be a long time befare it vwiii be possible to achirve,, witbout 4;rngs, chiidbirtb with sncb, a -mini- mumsn f discomfort.", However, the education of niothers is coutiuualiy pragresisng and there is no doubt tbat great stepsfoar have bren taken in vecent years. Cbiildbirtb today is certainly much rasierfor the mother than it wvas îin our parents' tinse." Dan't averload your wasbing niachiine. "Jlust anc more~ shcct" eoes manke a difference, Pay strict te tiot the iustruction book 'Weig'h articles untii yon know how MZig typical ioads are, Articles necil 10 ov freely in thie water. B3aton Be'auty - "A-ýmerica's rnost beatifuil baton twirler" is the titiewo by Rachel Ikard, 17, amj-oiig 600W entrants tn a coîitest conduicted by a school magazine. Besýides strutting as dr-um mnajor, R\achel plays the drum, dances and sings. She's a June igl schoiol grad. ILEALTH HNT -Caniada's Food RulIrs ,uggest ave sbaujld in- ciie ini our daiiy diet at least anc serving of potatorýs; and at least two serings of otbcr vegetables, prefeii-ably leafy, green or yciiow aad frequentîly raw. Th'fis is awoa' world. Whcn a man iïs born peýopleask: '4low iii tisemobe \"Wbn e, marries they exi.raini:"Wata lovely bMie." Whlen 'f h di thy inquire, "Hflow mucb did he lea-ve ber?" 61EALTl-1HINT-Brware ý-c of Iiis-tfhcy are fithiy anld germi- laden. Ail taods should be pro- tectc(t from these wngdpesU whose cief abje.ct for eistence aper abe the sra fdsae In a recrut is'ue ouf t'le Saturdaýy short sto)ry ritr tlis of isow hle and' bis wife tookoff considerabie exe~ punag , and s iii didni't ha sarve or ,icut d own on their eating. The nlydiferece w as, tht~ t e MOREi( iu)d ofthe thling.s ticy Ii!kcd that aren1't ( tteninig, vb-! hichdjdnt leae rom for the 1 do't hppen, to have the ar- ticle iaidy iw, but L 1remnember that one fod t y te was Cot- týsge Chwe e; ad ;as 1 1-a,,e had several reuests i- iyfor a good 1 IethI'1od of makinIg this qfine, food, see(mss ,good 1a time as 3anv to pass it alonig. *According to the experts, every ï,dult shouid drink -or rat-tw enty- fis e quarts" of riik a monti, and ckiljdren a quart a day. Cottage ciieese is just on wey of usinz, ,nur quota-or, for those who havo -surplus milk- around at various times, of making good use of that furplus. Many womnen can make good cet-. tagecheese without a thermoQneter, i-iow,ýever, it's easier ta get uni- formly good results if you h ave an.These tbernsometers are in- expensive, arnd last a lifetibse. ÇOTTAGE CHEESE Warm four qutarts of fresh raw miilk <whole or skimnsed> ta 75 degrees. That's warm-room tein- perature. You can set the kettle int a pan of warni water to warm the snill<. Stir it constantly until the therniometer reads 75 degrees. Let it stand at this teniperature tintil it bas clabbered. It ,vill take from 24 to 30 iiours. At this time, a jelly-like curd xiii forin. It shouid separate into cbunks wben it is eut with a knife. Add an equai amount 'of water .s;icb bas bren beated ta 150 de- grees. Stir ta mix tborougbly, aud kt the curd stand for one and one-haif hours at a warm-room temiperature. This 'cooks the curd. Drain the curd througb a cloth bag or a cloth-liued strainer. Washi the curd, if you wisb, by miixing it sitb twice its measure of cold water. Drain it through chrese- clotb -or a fine wire sieve. Add sait to taste, and sufficient cream ita give the desi red tbick- Tcnumae cottaýge chcerse tram paseurzedmilk, add our table- spoon nf culltulredý buttermiik. Mix -weli and rýceed as above. Havîng miade your cheese, you'Il probably wýant ta try Cottage Cheese Cake. It's quiite easy ta psake, and realiy, delicious. The quantities I' give errr can easily b1e doubîrd, if you tbink your folks wil want extra beipings-which tbhey probably wiii. COTTAGE CHEESE CAKE 1 cup cttage cheese 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons sugar Pinch of Sait Dash of nutmeg, 3/. teaspoon vanilia T/a teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 V2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 'whole egg, beaten, !/3 cup light creani 2 tablespoons sugar Methodi: Use a baking pan or disb about six. inches long and tbree inches deep. Line the pan with thecrt (recipe follows), patting it ta an even, thickness. Bake the crust in a moderate aven for 15 minutes until it is a golden brown. 1Wiiu the crust is baking, sieve the cottage' cheese. Sift the dry ingredients'together and mix with the cherse. Add the flavorings and tbe sligbtly betenwbole cgg.Mix ,weii. Stir in the cream. Beat the egg wbites until giossy but flot stiff. Beat in the remain- ing sugar. Cuit and fold tbis mix- ture into the first one. Pour the combined mixtures in- ta the baked crust and sprinkie the top ,wtb nutm, Place the haking dlish in, bot water aosd bakc in a aSO-egrr o enuntil thie filing isseo for hlol une bour and 15 inIIiue. Colte(aetoruhybefore 'erxmilg, CRUST F"OR CHEESE CAKE V2 cup sýite fou Y4 easpoa(n aigp dr 2 tbepo-acanre or bet' sugar 2 tablespoons ,butter 2 taîbi-spoons waçî,ýter vate r toget, -nd add tbeta thueW donit est nai nuh're alonig a recipe o aybigt good as this. DUTCII LETTUCE 1 head lettuce or equivalent in leaf lettuce, 2 hard-boiled eggs Va cup vinegar 2smali onions, 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon sait V2 cup diced bacon Method. Let tise lettuce stand 'in coid water anr hour or more, and Visen drain WeIL Cut tise bacon in-- ta smiali pieces.,aud fry until brown, A(Id the vinegar aud sugar and the bacon fat. Hrat well and pourover tihe lettuce. Then add tIhe cbopped eggs, sait and onion (cnt fine). IMix wel and serve. Tiiese W)il Add Interest. Ir is flotadvisable ta plant thtll( wblgarde& ih e i'nso novelties, but crtil te s temaie itrouctin oftwoor thre cch !tyear will provide newc% interest and vcryoften the iscov ery of a vlal u emnn Paddition. It shouid be r-ememibered ba the work of plantimrvmn has neyer stopped. Oid favorites among the flowers and vegetables bave bren wonderfuliy implroved lin coloror quality and ashat is of great importance ta C anada there are far hardier sorts today than 'were in existence a t ew years aga. As a result of this new bhardi- ncss it is now possible to grow sncb tender things as garden corn, melons, tomators, cucumbers, etc., in areas where the aid strains would flot bave bad a chance. And tise samne applies ito many formierly tender flowers. Then there are braud-niev dis- coveries, too, at least brand-new to the average gardener. A great. many people baye neyer trird tbings lîke borecole, ]russel's sprouts, Cbinese cabbage, endive, water- melons, or even Swiss cbard, pep- pers or eggplauts. Few of us bave ever trird ta graw any of the hcrbs like dili or sage, or tbings like garlic, borse-radlishi or leeks. Practically al of these are hardyand easily produced. 13y sclecting new, hardy vani- eties, or in some cases getting started planits or forciug along under paper caps and witb a little quick-acting fertilizer, these, tbings can be grown safely in a great many parts of Canada. And the- list of new or improved, flowers isý almnost endîcas, as any good. serd! catalogue wiili reveal. Tender Plants h wil now be time ta start plant- ing those flowers, and vegetabies cJcbw Ar~drc~W9~ MftoAmrct pyhl gists et tir wystudents in our sehool-s ind colee wIlb ein'(Iîg both iroIn eft to riglit àandfrom ilrighit te left. Thi ic h wythese tiwo ps-chOlOgisswatos tread. They Eay îit ýýsaes timet aken for ithe eye ,to Swvi t ch bckt te et te begin cadine ue Read th0e next bile cf type from- veaý"L ch yo hen anid ,lef t ta right the cother end cf this lime, beg-in onso amid ,left the at next altrnain wih echlime. Ys it BselDoctor ?read ta casie -r *nd, Professor W. ïB, Clark Chicago nf psychologises research rand Los Angeles, discovered by machine eye-testing an cf means that there is muach less danger of thnreading zig,-zag in eyestrain lu th!-e ordinary wa 'y cf starting-, at do Wýý'hat Jline eac), for lftthe you tzhinik?