0-RONO Vol. 14 No 21 ORONO-, ONT., TIRSDAY, JUNE ISth, 1950 Subscription $ 1.50 per Year Public Schools 0f Clarke- Enjoy -AthIetic Meet At Kendal Th aunai Clar'ke T(,-, i' Pel iay mwas hald on Fj-iday o± matweek' n Keadal. This meet is p'io by ý the Naweastle Lions Cîý- uil ndtiu Club also pirovidled medais and caýpsý for those in in L heir age grOap.ý Every publie achool in the twsi was rprs t tis pyaar at the fild day with ci.er five liunidrad ilidran1 tsking part 'la the meOet. AI! the maes, Jumping conitesuts sud fthrow- ing tesýts wr keenly con1teStad by the eagen, crowd of yaunigsters. Oruoasclhool won the mo.,st poinits iu Cie imeet wvith a total of 73. giving them dÉia cha mpionsb ip for tche day. Nec stl chooicanme scodwith 62 points. Ia thre sofltball tour-nament Orono again took the lend sud won hecaP for the championAusbip. Ken- dm1 School wretha holders of the Chanpianshrip Cap for the rural sých'o soflibil t'eamii. An ice cream cane ai-d a caca-cola was , given toeavery studant, in theý toahpwho attended the field day, nUis ing 'mde possible by the New- csteLions Club. Races Bo>ys unden 8 yeans: Wane Biley, Orono, Jimagny Webster, PortGrana-' byý, Ba DeknsnNewcastle. Girls 'udr8 years: Joaa Allia, Ornou, Rosceonry loden, Newcastle, Ma1ýde- 1Ion Alu*n, Antiocir. Boys anden 10 years: Brie Caidetan, Orono, Peter !Zeynqoids, Kendall, Peter Loucks,,Les- Cr. irlrsuder 10 years: Marilyn Cobrbedick, Orono, Canal Reichratb, B3row, Osý Gyle Thorasmas, Newcýastle. Boys uder 12 years: Billy Bruat, 7NecaslePaul Rutherfard, Oroeno, S~' Fre ~sk,'Lokhrt'ýs. Gi'rls under 12 yeârs: Baraiee Lana, Orono, Betty _flathJnerley, Newýýtonviile, Garol Gahines, Newersstle. Boys -undan 14 yeu rs: Lyrie lan Newotstle--, Ronie West, Ora~Geraid Lana, Kirby. Girls 'under 14 years: Kay Green, Lesisard, 'Ruth Garrod, Newcastle, Mrae :Brmm, New-taavile., Boy-suder 17 yeaSs: Bruce Myles, Oro0no, Russeil iaria , Clarke Union, Ray Ti, Stfar-Ck 17J*h e.Girlsunuder 1.7 years: ilcean Pgson, N'ewcas;t'e, Donnna Bread Jumping Bosurder 8 years: Way-ne Baiiey,ý Oronai, Jininny Webster, Port Grai-' by, Ban lY ikinsoai, Newoasztie. Girlsi nulden S years: Madelon Allen, An-; Àtiocb, Connia Tynri-,1, Orono, Do)nna Aii'dréiad, Enterpnise. Boys under 10 years: oaiePol>lard, Neweastle, Peter Reyaoldýcs, Kealdai, Erie Carle- ton, Orono). Girls under 10 years: Onrol HlancoYck, Antioch, Doreen AI- bini, Crooked Creek, Doris Laing, Lockharts. Roy.s under 12 years:, Bill1y Brurit, Newcaýstle,, Fred Fisk, LoclirtsBilly Haincock, Antioch. Girls* unîder 12yas Bernice Lana, Orono(,ý Mary Joiies4 Newtonville, üaroi Gaines, Nwste Boys under 14 years: flerý;ldLn; Kirby, Lyle IfarisNewaste, onnie,,,West, Oüronio, Girls und(er 14 yesrs: -Rosle- mairy Bostock, Orono, Florence Rowe, iNewtonville, Kay Umpherson, Les-1 kard. Boys unider 17 years, Ray' Trimi, Starýkvilýl'e, Bruce Myles, Orono, ReryCeamers, Newcastle.Gis under 17 years: Doireen Selby, New-i ca.stie, El;ainei Sutcliff e, Leskard, Hligh Jumping' Boys unider 8 yýears. Wayne Bailey,l OrnJim iWebster, Pont Gray, Edgsar Hugg-in?, Newtonville. Girls under 8 yesr s: Joan Allia, Orono, Ardele Pickering, Brown's, Rosemary Noden, Newcastle. Boys under 10 years: Eric Carleton, Orono, 1obert Westheuser, Stnrkvîlle, Sandy Rit- chie, Lockhart's. Girls under 10 -Vcars: Ganu Cooper, Orono, Carole Grant, Leskard, Carol Reichrath, Brown's. Boys under 12 years: Fred Fisgk, Lockhart's, Billy Brunt, New- castle, Gary Cooper, Orono. Girls unuder 12 yesrs: 'Merle Stapleton, Sixth Line, Betty, Hatherly, New- tonville, Bernice Luan, Orono. Boys ander 14 years: Lyle Harris, New- castle, Everett CoYuvier,,Orono, Frank Westhieuser, Starlkville. Girls under 14 years: Frances Cowlard, New- tonville, Elennor Osborne, Lock- hsrt's, Ruthi Carri-D1, Newcastle. Boys uinder 17 yenrs: Bruce Myles, Orono, Ray Trim, Starkville, Kenny Honis, PortGrailby. Girl-s under 17 years: Doreenl Seby, Nerwcasle,, Ethel Stricland, ý)orno, Elaine Suteliffe, Leskaid. Softbail Throw Bo~ uder 10 years: Eric Carle-- ton, (rno, Carl Rainey, Clarke' Un- -ion, Sandy Ritehie, Locihart's. Girls uader 10 years: Màrgaret Yeadrick, Kendal, Bvelyni Robiasori, Newcss- tle, Gail Cooper, Orono,-. Boys under 12 years: Donald Whittaker, Neweas- tle, Sonny Schwarz, Port Granby, Milton RPaiaiev, Clarke Union.'Girls Limder 12 yeqrs. Narey Lake, New- (Cantinued oni page seven) Counti*es Counci'l Discuas School Areas In Lengthy Session Eni"t otll)nberl'and ,was groupeFd f north anî-d South areas would have an oýne 'instead of the form-fer twýýo been able to finance a schoo, each, cmoetforing onie higilh school witlhout any g-re at difficulty. The distr7ict, in a bylaw which was drafte way mwatters stood now he wns of the at Wednesday's session of Northumi- opinion thait it woxild perhaps be bet- jerlandm and Durhami Couties Coun- ter tbo cmibine the whole of east cil. This bylaw wi-wll be ýsent ou tIo Northuinberland, vith the except'ion the epatinet u Edanationi for ap- nrf lice Ooboarg Road part which is prov,à-Ai.A bylaw to put the bulk of cttached to Cboarg,,, into one high1 Dîur'haïrn County iuta one iiigh school sahool area. Hlowever, Reeve R. J. .aresý did not mieet -with the saine Locke of Campbellford said that il. progress and it was tabled in onder wns rather an im-position thrat, ear- thtm nomto ol eoh-liHer, those who we-re illiag to try it taiiajed Both ibyaws wýill 'be dett 1Éwlere toid they could pull ont wxith1 at a special mieeting cof couinties iter if they wanted to, but now that couni-ieit-oward the end of this mon- the Ad has been amended they were th, la te Stay. The deputation headed by On Wedniesday cf lasit week a large Mr. Mciel was able to corne to the deoainfrom Percy. Tow,,nship countieýs councilthis session whereas asked cü)uoîai to change the haigh under the previous regulations they sch(ool area la order that parents ln would have had to apply tO the that part, of the township would"Ibetownship corncil. ableaLta contina seuding thieir cliii-l Reeve Woodyard proposed that a dren ,te Caipelforýd High Scohooi b ylaw lie drawn nup making one ares -te f South to the otherrsho of the two previous areas snd thbat ares, bth boards cofèr with the Depart- TeConsultative Commirittee, un11- ment. Perhaps aàt the November dr'hechairmn 11s,1hip of Reeve E. R. sessioii the situatuion might improve Woodyarýd of Clarke Township,wok to the extent that the bylraw could aýd very -li ard during the sessio-ty be passed at that session, he said. ing ta s-traigliten out the ililay dif-Rev N. Allfison of Bowmanville, feecsOf opinlion li counection with ddn't thinik that was the proper wsy the contýroversial houndaicries o7f the to do it. Reeve Woodysrd then sag- high sehool ares. A mieeting was ested that the bylaw ba submitted to. held bal,-t lated well on into the blhe Departmient without aaking a ~gt on Wednesday eveniug at vote or, it first. Discussion was qaite wýhich *th boards cf the -nort.h u xesv on the mnatter and finally soudlfh districts were together for the c-the Consul tat ive Committee recom- ~flrt tie. mndedthat the two boards meeèt On- Thîursday m'ori-ng 'Reeve wýith the Department and council Wadadadmnittedi to the council com a decisi;on before Jully Ist. Ththr fe members of The Cnut-Reeve Fra-nk G eorge, of Brigiton tiv Cuniteacouici not sece ea o onsîptsked Uifiphecontittee cye :,on iiow the ares should be dvd thoughit that theC- Departmient would ed, L-nLtrd Gardon ofCalrn decide it for thieml. Ieeve Woodyard 5 th it was unifortunate thaat the repiied that Mr, MeKiel hsad signifiedi s-1 S drafted oig-inaUy ývcold the wiliagness af the deputationos t eý,t hUave been aceepted as bt the Cocuudon page sever) Lack Of Reading Slows Students At', the aunus, 'i speech day at Triai- ity Collage, Port Hpon Stra lasit, leaduter t(tPhiiip Ketcham n il his speech said that 1lnc(k f literary stmospliere sud resding baý_ckgaound lun homes is retnrdinrg thle rogrense of many Ganadian pulis. He ssid that, mosýt pwpilils today,1. are dissatisfied -withbthe progreas -of the majoity of their pup)ils. The neasoa is nt liard Vo finid. Th-era is net ta-j day the literary' vatmosphV1ere iu the homes wh4chÉ there usýed ta be, sud boys have very littia reading 'back- ground non doas tlie cinte cf md ara life encourage it. Sir Alexander Clattarbud<, United Kinrgdom Higll Co,1mmission;en t0 aCi-- ada daclaredi in his addresýs thatsef ish inftenest imust give wýay ta a de-- sire for pub lic servie sud as fiuier uuderstandiag of today's iikalig; world. Newly Weds Hoiioared WiTth Presentatien At Antiocbi Avry pissant gathernugwaýs beld ia A:t-tioch School or) Taasday aven- ing, May 8O0th, iu loueur of thre newlyweds, Mn. snd Mrs. Ted Coa-1 tham. Mn. Lewis Wood, Bowmanville. was chairman for s short iprogramme of musical numbars by semai of the Yyounger membersÀ-efd te i muuity, s pianto duet by Nom sund Boyd, Woodr, sud piano sools by June Wo od and Maideleine, Cowsnii. After these aumnbers, which wene mnucli enjoyedj by aIl, the guasts of hoouar were escor-ted ta chairs ounlthe platformn sud Mns. W, S. Moffat read a -nicely worded addness., At tha appropiate time Lverett Harniess sud Donald Evras made the presen;tation of a very, aovâly occasional chair on ha- haif cf tre fieudis sud neiglibours., Grace sud Ted expressed thein appra-i ciatiou sud thaks, sud iuvitedl the! fniends ta visit theam in their naw home iOrono. Singing "Fan they are Jo11y Good Frellovs"~, sud seveaa short speeches brouglht tire prograrr te a1 close. Mrs. Colville Evans sud 1er cous- mnittea servedi a delicious luacli, sfter which the remainden of the eveniang was spert in daning ta mnusie played by Mn. sud Mrs. James Lawery sud Mn. No-rmain Andrews. "Gýod Save the iag" played by _Mrs. Lowery brougît ta a close another hiappy evaninig la "The hittle red school W.A. MEETING The W. A. af Park Street United ChancIr met on Tnesday cd iast week wîth tha president, Mrs. Duacan, pre- sidiag. The devotional services wus takea by Mrs. Porter, sud sheý chose for the scipture rending Psalm 63. Mrs. Duacangave a veny interestiug report ýof Vthe Pnesbyteny W. A. meeting beiýd at Pickerninl Apnil. 1Thre JuIy meeting wil h a joint affair with ;the W. M. S. ou Tuesday, Juiy 4th, in the foamn of a pîcei1( in the park. Wili the ladies bringl a do- nation for the Wiai.peg flood vie- tirais. Buisiness in connection) withl the donnylirook f air was discassad sud the mieeting closed with the Miz- pnb Benedictiou. 10,000 Children Attend Unîted Coonties' Schools Almost tan tbousaad youngsters of public sud high sehool are are at- tending lectures in United Counties' schools thase days. The figures were ronde evailable. racantly by.tIra Ontario Governanant.J The actualschool attandance, figure for Duruham and Northun'benland Gountias, comnbined, is 9,721-just under 10,000. Ùf this total 5,,444 ana attending1 scbools in Nonthumnber-land County ard 4,277 axe bciug edaucated la Dur- hiami. Ina Duarlar-, CouuVy ?,-78 chldren are attendirg public scolol and 799 secondary or h-igIr sebool. Ian oithumberlaud ca-uaty some 318 of VIe 41,54.5 yonngsters are an- moil1ed in Co)boaLrg'S St. Michal's se- parats acheal. Soiea 99 t ee-age céidran are curnntly enoled lu Higli scels in Nar)ithtam!ybeilmnd Couutý'y, tra ovru meutfigures show. Tptal Recelpts .$r89.13 Milk............--- .......1 Sýaan... ..........25 rAdvertising..... ..35 Clarke Union Home And Schoel Club Eleet Otfioers< TIra-fin--!meting cf tIre Clarke Union Hlome and Sehool CIlub was hëld on Friday evening iast.',Tire minutes of tIre Ista eeting- were read aud approved sud the TrTans- uner's Report was naad by Dawa Moffat, followed by the election ýof officers for the next ters wbicb are as foliows: Past PresIdent - Envan Raiaey. President - Cliarlia Stapietan. Vice-Presideat - Roy Be-rry. Treasurar - Dawni Moffat. Secretary - Gerald Ruiney. Pianist - Dawn Moffat. 11 Asst. Pianist - Mas. Roy Benny. Press RepOrte r - Mas. C. -Stapla- ton. Mn. Roy Berry bad charge of the programme wbich cousisted of vocal numbars by Mns. George Carson sud Miss Betty Chapmaan. .Ma. C. R. Carveth showed some very good pictures that w7e3,e greritly enjoyed. This wais foiliowed by re musical -numbers by M.Stecliffe aud bis driughten, sund Mrs. Colin Brown atf T.eskard, sud tire Pollard trio. Walter Starpiaton gave a neci- tation, after which the meeting clos- ed, followed by lunich. Yellow RocketPr aet InHay fields This Spring SAttention Irs beau daw'nta pr- valence cf "Yallow Racket" weed in bhay fields Vils Sprinig. Tis plant is aow -in flawer and bacanse rf the' yel<Iow colfo f tira blossom it is fre- qUanily Imistaken for common mua-- tard. it is ai pereniatl weebhicb aise praduces a la(rge niumiber cf saeds,l dhus courid e asil 1y becomne serious, pariclraiyin hyor pcstara FildMs of severaiý3 years' danaianco. Because of' its ean'ly ipenling' habit it is net prevenited froro sead bï utting liay Mthe Viasuai time., "Yeliow Racke(t" gV its st'ant as an impuity in clvr u-rass seeds nl the first îinstance is uisaally iimlitad ta a f ew ýscsttared plantsî througbiout 'the field. Thes1-ana h quickly puiled out. Left' dne iey (can spnaad te a g-reat e xtent. Pull1 tIrera uo'iw whiia they ara ailIyalo sud <, eau a silysean, ud bafone tira seead la ipeý Free X-Rays Today And Friday At Township Hall Mrs, Elizabeth Cowan On 'the moruing cf May Sth, 1950, Elizabe&th TanàbWu passied away at her homie, Main St..,Orono, fo'LlOw- inrg a heur-t attsck, in lier 79li year. The late Mrs. Tanblnwas boran at Kanidal on the Eiiiott homesteadJ ÔnNoetber 26th, 1871, daughter of the late Mn. and Mrsý. Wm. Eliiott,1 and wns imarnýied to the late Ja-mes Gy. Tamblyn on Februsry 22nd, . 8 wxho pradaceased !ber 12I yenrs ago. Whan firsýt mnrried they iived at, GineUnion. In the year 1911ý theyl retired te Ornno. Mrs. Tambly, ac a a membhen of thieUnited Church and took a keen itestii. Tihe deceased isý survived by foav brothenrs, George of Saskatoou, 1Sask.; David of St. Petersburg , Fa.; ames af Brandon, Man., nnd Wesley of Kendial; and one sister Fiorancel (Mrs. Fred Brnmacomuba) of Onono1 The fanerai service waýý held oni Thursday, Junie Lst, from ia iesi denice and coniducted by Rev-. A. E. utae.itermieat in Orono camie- fInry. rThe palibeaners were niephews, Milton Elliutt, Reginald Elliott, Ar- thunr Th'ompson, John TamblynS an r «y Chapinan sud Glas.Rterrd Friends snd relatives were praseut ~frosBrndnMari,, North Bay, ooronto, MAidiandi, Peterboro, Osh- avwa, BowmniiPort Hope sud Kcn:dai. Tho, floral tn-ibutes sliowed the high asteemi in which she wns leld b'y ber friends. Leskard School Donate i $3 6.00 To -FIood 1Fund Fallowing is a statemient ofr the funds raised at Leskard Sehool Con- cert and Dance on June 2, 1950, for, thea Mantoba Flood Relief Fonds: P ~~Receipts--1 Wide Yariety 0f Articles I To Seil At Donuybrosk Fairl An auctio-n sale will be heid on Saturday, June 24th, at the Fair Groundýs, Orono, beginning at 10.00ý o'clock,. The Orono Band willibe la attendance and Mr. Jack Reid wl be 11l'ister Of crmne.Proceeds for the Parsona'ge and Bujilding Fund. Sone of the articles Jonated are, diningroom buffet, table, cabinet, chauirs, French windows, stor-m doovs, beds.preads, goose( feathers, pillows, kitchen stoves, coal oul stoves, lamp,, carpets', pietuires, electrical apopli an- ces, bed 'and spings, dishes, dolîs, boxinig gloves, cream- separators, wa- gons, sleîghs, binder, etc. There il be a eountbry store stockeLd with hm-nd cooking, canned fruit, eggs, je-swellery a'd knfitted articles, To al the ladies, bring ,your speciality in coo ng whether you ipromflised or not on Saturday rmorning. Briag al other donations Friday -afternaoon or even- ing to the A'gricultural C o1i se'm. Lnhwi1l be served of sandwiches, pie, te-a an)d coffee. lOt (dogs at a moderate pi'ice. o-- - - MlcLAREN-RUTHERFORD 1 'ïss Marguerite Ruthe-rford. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlies Pbutherfurd, was married to Arthur M1e"Lrell, son of Mr. ansd Mrs. C. S. MeLaren, on Saturday, Jâme 10t1, et the bride-'s hom e ev. A. E. Eus- tace officiated. Mr. Arthur Druin- aiond sanig "0 Promnise Me", and Ar- lene Boyd played the wedding imu- sic, Given in marriage by her father, the bride wvas, gowned in pink taffeta feta cloche 'held lier finger-tip veil of pink, tulle. She carried yellow roses and ll-f'h-aly Mviss Marjorie McLaren, mnaid cf honor, wr apple green taff'eta and lace, -with a miatchinig heaýddre, an d carried miauve sweet ýpeas. Jamnes Patterson, of Bow,,manvîle, was thel best man. The bride's mother re,-eived in a aavy crepe and lace suit, assisted byl the groom's mother in navy faille. For travelling the bride wore a yelqow linen suit with paddy green accessories, and carriedi an' Italian1 str'aw handbag. Thée happy couple is hnyonn in Northera Ontario, and !,)ter wijl reside in Orono. Out4ofJtowýýn uests included Mr. and Mrs. H. A.Oiarke Of Prescott, formerly of' Oronio, and relatives of tihe groomà from Toronto, Oshawa1 aad Ma.ssey, Oatario. Workers in Rususia have to wýýori< twenty timi-es as long nsGnaas to earn a pound of sugar. The, ,average Canadin dsia, awr'ke, eans the price of a pouad of sugar [i n six minutes; the iusinwork"s ta VIe public in tira (ormfn ind) e hosiery. 1t wris quickly acceptedi by ,s'oc.,king maamfactunars sud buyersr sýilie but productiion f uylons wae curtailed saplywhen nylon wenkt te war as parachute fabrie sund cord suîd as glider tow nopes.Faolg wsn's end tire fashion industry sdopt- ed ayl1ou yarn sund staple fibre for lin- geri ncsudrdess fabries, fan -wool-fika sweaters sud scs for spQrtswveanr More cntly,, nylon bas aker on t variaty of tougher jobs-la industry.,, It is baiag converted into filt;'er clojth1scarpetsz, upbolstar, papan ma ers lats, lauudny bags and -prezs2 eüs. It is being ured in tranq- mîissioni beits sud automnobile tires, Nylon la becoming iucnaasingly po)p- ,lar in thie manufacture eof slips' haw- sers, saddle chiches sud bridlas, sud wbaling bnnpogan opes. IV ià bing dalvdloped as a flag ant nsd i5 beiug made Iu u'for Amaieesuit for aur amy and air foica. -Nylon is iaideed a triumph af ciran- istry'; a tiumoi-tph that is' slianed hby Canadians througli its manay bensfit Wbau NeN-wfoiindirau4 aareteredC* fedaration tIre maximum l nuubeof Senators )was increased frour Oi ,,nolsses (net absolute Mix thie bran a n:(t gradually pawr n lahVIr t h orou-ghly. Thtis amo pretty wýell te anl ic pradon fild by lirai, phuîted plailts la .1 tIre bran hngthe nro ring Pasel hPlant a f tIre steil. Fiasîse notae - Thep z;ppliaýd la ire e-,enti îPg Tis is e anias tworm year t'ilroagîcout VIe Province of O ntaria., A great dean of the damage la con- flned ta gardeas where traasplanted plants sucli as cýArbage, caulifiowan, tonatees,ý etc., are bebiug cnt off at the greund. Ou somne of aur fias particularlyl sauidy faiins, fields cf grain have b)(eau çompletely ruined. nmaa f this nature las bpeau icted udIr Kandal ae.Sema e of aurVob"accoI r awrs have rua snte difflcaltytI y'ar.Prf.J. Baker, Entomologly Departmeut, O.A.C., Gueipfli, -states that tobac'co growers siould usaeh1 bran masl poison hait aayyear about tînea days previons ta trans-1 plisnting- as a Sipecial pracautian. TIre divrtions for m-ixiug tIre aiti are:. 215 ibs. bran, ! pound paris1 two houas for is. 1102, Cutworm Diamnaging Tobc- In Kendai This is thIle timne te- join the flglit againsit taber1cullosiýS. Have yolir chistX-ad at Orono Township Hall on Thunsday or Fniday o-f thie waeek, anmytiine duiag theho'scfi 10,00 nm.ta 12-)n10o1, 1 p Y).5ta 5 pani.; 7 p.m. ,ta 9:15 p.m. Canvasusers, who for the past twc weshave been calliig at the homes in the commnunîty, haveio os pleted ter~ok Wowld yau please f111 out the card they left ,vithl aaeh of you sud brýing it aiug te:t0 clnc ff by chiance you have ba oven>lookIed aud have not -veceiveý! a card, do not hPesitaite in cmig te the cliinic aayway. Aithougli this mass X-ray is for- twelve yeýar oids and over, yoinger childrern will be doue upon sipecial ne- quest. Older pea(ple are strougly urged ta take -ad-vaatlage raf tbîs op- portunity especially if thiey ael contact wvitli young childrer, Remeniiber, there is nbsolutety rnoý charge. Yen wil sot be kept wait- ing at the liniic-only a few inutas ara reqairad. Clothes do not have- te be nenoved, but womien are re- quested ta wear simple dJress;es freaý, from metallic buttonls, sqis Wsaïder fibre They,'ra raping cattle wiý-th nyvlon, laniats on the Alberta nnngalandls. lu Lake WinnipÀeg fish are baiag hau3lýdi ont in nylon nets. Wearing a cri3p Ilnluiform, a nurse rustles inta a 1 Moutrals Hosýpita! ward a-id seau to; it that thei plastic-eaated nylon b;ad sheets are tucked in neatly. AtGa. der, Ne.'foundliid, a gianrt trans-At- atiàc liner swoofps dowu ( rami the sky and lands on great aylon-cordeil tires, EE