Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jun 1950, p. 7

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Ci Burnereit. Old Jake Fleteher had ubeen chairman for 15 years and ti ere were those who disapprox ed of ousting hir n h fax or of younýi-g Barney. Cyruis Gi, the towni's leading a~drichest chen viced Ithe senti- men f te i ajity,"jake rau a oo nough jri, but Jksgt t1ing olc and his ays are, nto date.We gotta keep up wi h th tmsont erein Brcetlk eveywhre ,euez. IBarle JC ige is oug amidlhas lmodem ides Thlis astrulc iluig. Bre prom11ised Éto iln therfair.Th fii hinlie pýalaned to O was niodmnie te hrseracing event. Heretiofore ved jut lhad raceýs that wercerrun ot horr lm of th ýe sid bts.Baneys dea wsto imporI somefaionls po -trAnd make cthu bettiug (open1. ',It' a hucký of a lot worse to-C hae a lot of undercover .bettng goîg on aith no system to 1 than it'sullabe b have "penbettng With everyoue binig given a chance to hrwin his dIiime's xot Every onc but Jake Fletcer agred. "The nly trouble with tiat ]slh allowed, "this professionali promoter jggery>ume golug te pu- prt i't lknow,,n 10non-e of us. If he' a slicker, loc)-ok ot!"ý Pbhaw !" declared 1Barney toler- anitly. "The man 1 have iu mind bas been iin the business for years. HIe woldn't dare trynothin' fuuny." "Dunno about that," said. Jake. *'You got to, figure that every last man of us is eundowed with criuni- alinstiuicts, (Oh, w're honcst euüoigh on the surface. That's be- caus vu'c smart. But yvon gis e us a chance to PUll a fast onc an' we' ll jumpliat Îil-if we'rc sure ise Mau getaway is i. Ayay Barney impomtth.1isî chpDanla Eastoul. Dana Easboni had promoed everthig from puie putitheu rpoiio pto mb suid be'd sure bc glad tb promote the ore sercing angle at Our Fir, Fa ir The day of the Fair arivecd and jt-eemd tat 1most af tihemouey wskbt ou a nuare narned Charley Couslew .Charle had wou pleutyof maes iu past years and à looked HiA be ivas going to vwiu againi. 1 sat iu theý grandstaand aîch cd the sulkies ue np. Theymad ~ rtysighb. Thel baud was pay- iugtheSun shilling auldcvywa bappy and feeling festive Dana Eaîo ad povnbis shoxsn- 1hip by ecoratinig the traâck andl gmo-uuds and iýssuiug, silk hitsaiud caps o thedriv 1lIe lhad also, himcLd the bauid anld inistalled a loird- spaker systeni.!J Then thie race tatc.Arouind the triack te.wnsxof tei Swrnsde'sbust, stetching oIhir nccks, in perfect stride. Horig Pyigeon led unIpo the baif, then Jape usb's hrecm bes offhi il ,th Hc ryo cm cane abmeaî oft1l'emr. itl: oked Die a neck and nec1- fai, whicl h sbmuck ie a biu t 11 CIlligin tj S t stareCd. 011omuii-7 houses ad slowed(2d(Iowrt...lud bxc 1e,15 yards fronth fiis taethyail s ,(- ,toppd Lt -il as:utlutullate thlatilnîgbî1 Il at j lgot Il thedeiC L)s. Dans il ton hd bihebd Char lie Colesseii 1;11Jasper Bush t pll1 ,thecir hc's oHctor Drys ýon coidwu Back iii the dax s when % selc l t' sing , tlîat- a n cic nt 'l t 'HIOW' RE YOU GONNP F HMON THE, FARM 'sFTFER THE'VE SEEN PAIR' E il teeed to beï 1-a question t.tat lbad no ahaeox anisxver. A.-d even todaýy threre plenty of chrýonie aaMni xvbo w hPie coustantl' deý- boys atul d;-girls. flock chiad- -end 1up)by sayiii,"Guesthere isn' t nîncb nbdyc do abot WeolI, lthey'î e ,lrog. Th'tre are, pebp'lc xx l'o are tryiug 1( show .Ylouuig people ta far-miug, idoue in a moe anr an be a career hIat bias no euasfor rmal satis- bat reýceut ! onord J sgt- A. Gordon Skinner Cayùiga seeing trip for the four bo)"s whio constituted the twso topxxiig teanis in tbbc alada even. at last veam's 1Ii ier'îa tio0"naI lowing !xatclies. Hercw'ith I an publishhi7,g pie?- turcs of the four young cliapi, also one of A., G. 'Skinînem, tbh, Ontario AgriultralRepresentative at Ca- yugasvli plamned the p audj eroîlY contincted it. Anid 10 give 'o auidea of w atlanotcmstiisI aisa Eliting svmlscin r s-s sulbck COSHOCTON, 0H10 "Fr-on the e ix e et Io tlhe I]ydrological Station locàted ucar Cohco.This; stationi conusîsts ofý a faimoIf 1,000 acres nîaintaîned by- tte Soil UConservation Service of *he .5..A.and was est-iblished ortepumpose pof studyinig watem contirol p)roblerns fromn the sînallest fan lel toentime drainage basins, "Il wastaprivilege -ta meet Mm. '.L, arod Project Salpervisor, and ta have hii discuss a r nîber- o'f bhe projects -vith bbc boys s ur- ing lievisiLtat4îe Hydrological Stto.Mr. Ha"'rmold is a scientist wbo iresseýs one as being capable of' applyinig ~iucta lîacical agriculture. 1t xvas quite evident thiat no ifmîsinof ,defluite njature will b)e fothoîni'îg froni, thlat station iuntil îitlbas her thor- ongiîl11y proven ta be sourtd ,and practical. "Mlebilidi of peam Oai ftbbc sou for cmopingirelation la water consbervation wcme discusEed and 'eeof îîîteuse iutcrcst te tiiese mîg i' - 11e prper metbon ,to fol1 t i. if the bibesl percentage n tr a i h kept fer crop growng purposs. Il was stiggested(l that prasornietbods 0opow :e~pr frro ofproba1'î i ten juchs noul Cbetued flot over ý'atths 1old tento ul cix th1e vide peu'îgs or il il 'frét os the s oi 11ül l I righly tcre1it qi nt for the2 neparng tiof mAnoipclatio aud1î e A mirnsiraion, t hu bei (oimcli of iHallr), 5da. sh ur 5aribeandonth ef May nd n ic Agr3cdays dnrng Jinern. hl piuing bbc uîoruinghe $h9d00t00 opporsbityl of w'ii tg muc vofte joDepartiet of Agic ulure at the Olimo Sate nei'emsit,'iLuding andTwn bnd all),the or aion brtr. nddIs oonis, gercihouses Agri elnal Engneewrng. Wile ron hostef.flt leastck tw as oneo 'stue wecdid sec Ie$25,000.of ou.d. isçvthseenis athi b Dul Fa n liear batte once tin the bw-ria bro9 th. It fatwa-d apperfthe Ilood dprc! of mea , Ot arbiug docbïerp th east t.hat t'as nu phearaI arretéopin ta get a of the, trouble is lvitb heflcfeed îhiev are, tîsiug.Crui tray .Poducc fat, "WeVcLave dsoee ia h borse bnsýiness :iitesa. 5fi poing tbe sanýie xàvyitis li-i on- tarie, excepî thiat it lias gonz Crtbr. Earh Bacher Rabert Nixon Csyuga Hagersville ercv fcew beavy lianes art noxi being-kcpt at bbe University; thcy are mosbly iding banssud hbanc !*ding i5 anc of tbe snbjçcts tsughî i-i physical education. lit aur 'dis- nîusigou xxibb jvIr BlubauÀtgb an Mondýay w.e lcamncd thia'thIere wverc ual mare titan about tbrai- teains aI lian-es ii bis country and in sanie s s s 's i 'i i Cars aie ïnot kdiers by th-,emselves . Q yOt! can ealytr'ust an automoile these dy.Mechanically, thiey are a pretty safe proposition. But you cant alayhtust tHe 1man11or %womn a th le wheel. Most Of the trae cciensthis vactio seson - by atremedous argin - wIill be due to HUMAN FAILURE .. fot t anyÀhing, going ,wron-g with the car 4SitLDrveswill fal leep. They wiI pass On hilis and cre.Thley wlltk their eyes off the road for just a -littie ïinstant. They wl do othier foolishl things? forgetting that flhe impat of a 'collision at 60 milles per 'hour is precisely fie samen as driving a car offl the roof of a fourteen story building. We feel it -11wi be hepful anid ini the public interest as the summer driving season be'gins to is'I a few limne tested reidrwih f rfolowed, ma,,y save a good many lives this year - perhaps your on 1. Don't drivIe whlen tired or sleepy. Pull off the road and take a nap. 2. Reduce speed after dark. Reduce speed drastically in fog, storm or wet -Weather. 3. Turn on lighits at sunset. Dusk is a dangerous time to drive without, lights. Dim your lights when approaching oncoming tjraffic. Keep Il lIamps, windshield and rear windov clean. 4. Check tire pressure frequently on long drives, especially ini hot weather. 5. Neyer take a chance. 6. Don't drive1 after drinking. You may flot feel those "two beers" bixt your 'reaction tîme Îs dangerously slowed. 7. Always take it for granted that the driver 1in h "other car" is stark raving crazy- and drive accordingly, 8. Caution your- teenl-agers to drive carefully. 9.Urge your high schools to te.ach a "1safe dr-ivinig" course, if they are not already, doîng su.' SAVE LIIE-BDE CAREFUL of the sumoudiîîg cnb e h -.vcm no borses 7a1 al." KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE Duigth&e ablernon ste wce takeCn ont bsec anc of tPe Te-st Deonstrabion Famms. This is one of many sncb. famnîs thiat hajve bcui sclecled ta acl as deimnstrations cf, wbat eau bc accomphiîshed throngli the floigof appmovedý tarm practices. lbï woid apearthiat tbe secret of Ibe lJuscions asur tLab we sax'v bath au theunivcmýsib iàan and ont aI bcDcothtaeo fanm was the b eavy_ fertilizabian treatmeul that il was given. Soiîie of thc fields bad eceivcd as mucbý o's tbe eqnivalenî of 270 lbs. af 125or in the ncighbcsrh-l 'of 500 Ibs. af 47% P205. Other fertilizers evidently had also beeîî applied aI similamîyheavy rates. Il xi as also quite apparent tbat il was payiîîg dividends ta niake sncb hcavty ap- plications. Iluthec case of the ca- operator at the dcmousbmrati0n ;fana' bic yicld, of corn bad bcu iccac froni arourîd 16 bs cih -s cre ta 100 bushehs Pei acre l hrongh I',in- crease d ferbilizatt:in udiilie ýýap- pication of Sound famîn tPradlieý mach as the mainteniance of a biigb organie niatter les'ch and, conserx-a- lion of soul mousture. Incidentally tbis demonstmation farmn of juil 'iacres i5 niaintaiuing a lied of 71) 'Hereford coiws anîd 13 calves and last yeam bhc co-apemator bad sonie lsay ta sdIl and bis oulýi fe'd pur- Eugene Timb1ers MrNammanWatson e-has was100 bssl fcmî Formefiy-Iis ws lmcl gade ;lg thenin d n ch of i lC: sou 's-siîgnale aiasUde bc il( the bmutck rdc g gae. He bas bougbt bbc frni,pAid for il and also las pabIdfr bis lvcsack aud ecjnPenî. The quipmenî includes a1 cmhiîîcaud a pick-UpbarnHe is alsýo maîntaining ïa fim tanldard à ëlvin. Only 5% of bis hnd basl be-en plowed this ycam. TPe oUU .-M balance is in lîay,paur,îdavr xxiîîer crops -snicb s bat and barley. "Mucb of wbiaî sa,v today nigbb niot be- applicable lta Onlanio codtnsbut bii2 ii1por!tance a gao pstmeof fhighly nu,,tritiaus4 grasesandclox'ers is ccrtainîjjy be. liug crnpblasized in 0aur-mids. One other 1iing tabas !becu bleavily undemscore dmngarw ,ritp ao far bas beoi en bcimotaceo keeping -as mncb aÎ oii aurInd as possible udrsod àand la .maintainl aur soi1l iscbia i lgb ssta I offer- îility lbat- fewer an few'sq acres are rquime. taprodu)ce Lbb, grains Ct Iwe need ta Mirnîarli- 1 regret that space limitations wI De nol permit nie ta quat le Igra l-engtl, froni theeE-interestiingre daa foîki sbould becngau latd fr Ieir efot taprovide asatisfac tor-y 'anxxct atal ad 'tlestion iIO-1W'RE \-Ou G Valuable Products Fromr Fish Waste fish taiken h csmly froilbc sca, les than ffper lcent is useuasfoo0d. Fmoîn si-ae asead fmom flsb not fit for hit ciionsimptjon, nisny valuiabl podct ae b taiued. Ever yea lage qantiiesof froini l lýi iiid mb he iv ers and recoeredfroil h ic fi. Tue'FIsh" is bumncld i- etlzes tecare uslý'ly Ic ri îipesn dour. and r iot qihxsti aigbac- teiiactioni. Also, ihiicld Up pl îfod uig th xboe I he csse is beiîg turîed Wjuta maUt [ce lve-sok 'lîhineal is made appaxiîati itty per kcent prateini plus a r miinte qulily a,,, f min4erai salIs. MosI tflsh, epcal emni r richb inail. TheimpracuIti ail bas ýincreased cnicrbysin1Ce imiporved ieîbods bave ber, de- vie vt emnovc-ebfsybatad siî.A fexv Of ibbc produelts ii wic l i s uedare rpains, var- nihie, osp and mamgaeiîe. nin- ing ink and lubricantmaucuer Asouse il. A vainble jmedicinal ail whichso cantains vitamins A sud D is oh-. îained fritbbC hlivers Caf Cod ansi bahibut. Thîistwàs a't tysýtemy t scetsifor Sanie iebcas 11bco ltra-výiolet rays af tî1- su ould ul racb dceema fl Býut il was discoveCredýtatie capehin (malflsh> a so'icb h- Cod asud balibul feeýd conta ,ilnsthes viitalins. 'T'le capehin jgelsits vitt-z n infrani thse mcocp aia and vegetable ifewic lv-so the surfce of bbc accan, and i, constantly exposed t bcusnn' The imethï,)dod Icxrcif i frith ivers is J'Y sen et whi&ch upttius bbc cels. For tjsC best meuls bi mstb e donec hl the ivers are still fre-sb; aýil oh- bained frai seeivers is of indu tra use on!,, WVben Noray as ivddfs ing becamieretiedan Ald stocs aà ail wur c oerio srencd. Il b)ecame neiicessalry taiîsc u l terative msauceaosppy T'hiswsdiceedisams hiers, bc mvosyhdbe ulsed aîîly as friier.U aon- tenî aof a slîamrk2s weigbt ay6 liver, aud bbc quaJitý îyaIec- lracled ail i5 uy imes iche thaîî cod. A San Fraîîcîsco syhoesale fph dealer was epon!sib1c for hî- c iscovery, whîch rmsulfted afan- bateinease itepic hs a ban. The àsbak, whicb bRa ieau- ta beencoîsdrdnohu u nuisane by cosheye, became she mnost po0pulýacmy ,Apartfoj Ou eear ain siishî.gîe criaotonz;valable pro- Pl

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