Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Jun 1950, p. 5

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UORIAM inemgyofB Whko' pàsoed fiW6e Three yashave passed -sï,nce that! sa 'dedy The onie 1 "Ioved eas called wy God took litre home, it was s wi, But! im 113Y heart helvehsi, And will wle meiories hast, 1 shal rmemiber thee. -Sadiy nrissýed by lis, wife Wene_ IN MEMORIAM OOAN- I oving .-meioiry of a dear Mother, Mabel Cowan, who pnse way June t,19. A,11ie toîl,ýanad uonilicts o'er, T, ehe dwells wîth Christ above; Oh, what glories-she's din'covered In tlhe Saviour Whiom she loved. -Ever rememibered by son Brooks, Ro1Vilaadgrandchildren. The Grand Lodige of Ontarjo of the hIdependent. Order of Oddfe-lio-ws, anid the Relbekah Assemiul-,tof Oni tario, conîvenes at the Roywal Y'onhi, Toriomto, the «'eek of Jâne the l 2tli M'ondai to Friday. Sisters Ga.stby, P.G., and. Allun, P.G, will represen' Heather Rebekah Lodge No. .334, a7,ýc Robenit Ohtters ýand W. J. Riddeill of Orono Lodge 43~6. The Rebekali as- semjbly hoid forth frown Monday t Wedne'sday, aund the Lodge 5o niWednesd'ayi DO YOU HOLD FURn(ST VICTORY LOAN THIS ISSUE HAS BEEN called for Redemption on June 15th, 1950 t $101 for each $100 ft îs 'mn the interest of ail holders to prese nt their Bonds promptly for payment on or scOQfl fter June I!5thý, '1950 becouse after that date this issue w1ll na longer earn interest. Arrangements for redemption may be made through invest- ment deales, banks or other avings irnstitutions. Oftawa'The Government of Canada By: BANK< 0F CANADA, Fiscal Agent. Subordinaite to Fridtuy. 40t fo govnin OvnLO 5-ea gwthe -W Enmelle Broier Wih Rem vore>e E'cruel Phn NO ]4IC II 55rg a- Salmon, Fancy Blueback, 'ï bdu..... ........c. > Prepare Corn. Special, Fancy Qualfty, e1c, for............ 16C. Punch, Ilarry lHorne"s Lïquid Punch, bettie ..........5. Lemon, Limves Qrpirape Flavors Reish. "Rose" Finest Quityý, 16 oz. ja........... 32c. Margarine, Parkiay, lb. ........., ,. ......, 4e. Shredded Wheat, SpeciaL, pkgs. ......,...... 5c Water Iced Wafers, Special, l ..1h......... 42C. Candy, T.asty Orange Silces, lb .,,, ......... 22c. N.ow For Canming CER>rO Reg., Bottie 25 Cents J-ARS Pints, dozen 99 Cients $ 1.05- 59e, 42c, 37c. 39C. MAapie Lea f ked Ham . ý,ý....... lb Minced Ham, a delicios varie ........... lb Pork lloc'kS, Cooùked............... lb M4apkl Leaf Bot,ýogna, tasty . . . .l pxionle 12 r 1 TRERED & WHITE STORE We Delive-r etLocaNews jVïM4s Sadie Brown is spending this HARTLEY R. BARLOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR & HOME FURNISHINGS Orono, Ontario MlODERN EQUIPMENT At Your Service in Time of Need FOURTEEN YEARS' EXPEIRIENCE Phione 18 r 7 (Day or Night) wïek in Lordon, Onti aio. Mxr. and Mîrs. Hlesper Dean spent M dyin To'ronto., Professor, and Mrs. Sissons sîperit the week-end in Torourto. 1 i r02. and Mrs. Garmian, Picton,' viedtheir son, Mr. Win. Carman ndMrs. Carmnan. Re'v. A. E. Eustace attendled -the sess1ionsisof the Ba9y ofQuinte Con- feene tPeterborough laa,,t week. ihr re slill a few-, W. 1. %,oioiJlÉn iak ts t be calied for at Mrs. Forruter'sresidenice. Mr., and Mis. VrteWilson and T-led visited 1is ea1 n Wilson. in Orillijýa on Sunday. MVîs,ý Mibel Davey 1 is trgMr. a:id Mrs- Kennpth Fral, Pont Mr.%amd Mrs. G4aret Gairsby and, nmlKingston, spent the week- end w-ýith Mr- Robert Allen. Mr.Stanley Pay.ne retuied fmm thé Oýshawa,, Hospital on Thiirsday of Miss nneind Merle Staleton setthe wekl--nd wth theîr grandl- par it . x,nnd Mrs, C. V. Cooper. Mr, nd rs.. Perc. Rickaýby, of Tor:_ontoVîsi!ted with Mr, and Mrs- Cal illings on Sundny. Mx. -ind Mrs. Carl Bil'lings, Mrs.i H, BaLiey wid Mr. and Mrs. Heber Su h visited with Mr. and Mrs. GereCole of Port Hope'. Mirs. Col. Griaham of Winnipeg, lias been sipending a coDuple of weeks viïsdtng 'wfth Mr. and Mi's, BuVLers and othýer frienda inOrono. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sanii and dhughlter Laurel Susan. of Terocntoý, v!siitje'd relatives inu 1orno on Satur-1 d&y. MVrs. Frances,;Jackson has uvoved to Oroyno froin Ne-\wcastie and is liv-. ing with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hl. Mit- chela. Profes-sor and Mrs. F". A. Knox, *of Kingston, visited with Mr. - and Mrs. j. D. Blrown and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- waord Millscn. Miss -Alva Linton of Toronito, -af- ter sjpenduing ine te in Western Onte.rjo and aalifornia, is visiting her ,brother, Mr. and Mrs. M. Linton. Mr. and MrS. Robert KeaniE, Nfr. Jacûkson and son Staniley, ah oýf Brighton, spent 'thýe we-n ith Mn and Mrs. A. H. Keanie.-rs -i Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Barns<un ifaiy of Peteiboroigh, spent the wekedwith her prntMr. and Misîs Gwen Chatterton, nur-so-- triigin Peterboroughi, sp)enttSun-. dayv ,viehler parenits, Mr. and Mrs. M. W.jj.Chatterton. Miss Jeanne Forresýter, of Toronto, spet'oýver the week-end wi'th lier paetMr. and Mrs. R. A. Fýorres- 'Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Gibson and fanxily and Miss, Augusîta 'and, Mr. Ed, Tho'rnton of1 MillbiiÔok, spent S'undày at Mr. C. V. CooperÉs. Mr, and Mrs. Owen Fagan and son Mich-ael, of Tilibury, spent: the week- end wiýth Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. Coop- er, MTrs. Fagan iand Michael are re- manigoývex for a longer vîsit. M!. ia-idMrs. W. E. Dsavey attended the fuoneral of the late Mx. MacCGre- ,)oilo Osliawa. Hýe was in Iris 09th yeýar, and was the father of Mrs. Edie Goodman lof Oshawa. !Mxï. and Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Bow- mrianvïll:e, and Mr. and Mr,. Jack Leifdshànan, Toronto, visited at Mr. andi Mrs. M. J. Tamtblyn's on Sun- Mr:, and Mrs-. Meiad, Torniito, and Mrs. Peel and daugliteir Mrs. Hug- gins cd' Peterboxo, visited Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dütinan on Monday andI Mes. Peel remiained for a rvis4t. Mx, James Elliott, of Brandon,; Maý,1nîtoba, nttenided the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Tamblyn, and vstdMr. and Mrs. T. A. Reid nnd rand Mýrs. Wesle.v Ellitt, Orono. Decorýa tion, Day Service wiil lielield î!i Oronoa Cemetery on Sunday, Jun-e 25th, 'at 2,00} o'clock. Service to lie conduacted by the residènt clergy. Oronio band wilýl le in attendance. MTe. and Mrs. W. Rorke, ýSpo- hunec, Washington, visited lier uncie, Mr. und, Mrs. R. A. Forrester Tues- diy afternoon. They were accom- panied by Mr. W. Douglierty of Claremont. 'Mrs. en adVnwill-- Mrs ffr Children's Dresses, Sun Suits; -Boys, Cotton Suits and Shorts; Ladies' Knit non-run Sis Panties, briefs; Beautiful Lace and Floral Table Cloths; Fancey Pillow Slips and Towels; Fancy China, Glass and Copper Ware. O Metor Eupqn rjt mu~c gNorthcutt, and Smith O Funeral Di;reter and Furkidture DeIrnir KINIINESS COURTESY SERVICE Squipedte tke ar*et.1th@ mod«t funerai st the meïet remnbecharge an w:Ii am the, largeet sud Telphee: ffce <B49 Rei4ne M 38and 72 elheeColleet w aril.O»t. ARSIRN DYEA~N - I leimF, D ,hr-ne l8th, ~ inest Coolked Meats «'À SICEDTO SUTIT YOIJR TASTE t T 7k. 'V~amec4aj4 Q41 S/%of~e"

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