TIIAPM V'W v:;xT LASS1FIED ADVERTISING .1 î l K -i.5J.J.I .W.\ 1 -narkctand'retaurant dowsî1- ý iin In- striel rghb ore 10 sne f u livinglnorth of"ihe 1bor1der as oîî McKîney bos bisanim ioclly ndkilis ail bis Cown nîat Hoe dais ta ameýrs are their -own boing th Ile fat and Ifiniish they SîTive 10 puni Ie ir si tock. "Abot hif ny usiness is selling beofin ur sanid balves to farm- r Ors howal i for freezers or locko storge," ,evay. "They like a lean gra-de of, meat rlthatwould ely rae om .eiIl1good. The dn' wntchoice orprime. Too fat, an; teybae 0,eetb fat. le, Tis is fonil, wbn1o th-eir- fartns thiey feed their stofcký to putonfti Wtoýrtjl bnigOeinîil? Ahnd not1onvyinread1bef Wbenyoubill- new îfencing, keep ý ii md ithat Ille price of the wire is the good Iadice h Iai]1dd oii by J. F.Schafhausn, jiîilg in isTflv flhcwire, sapesad annuajl ialin- teflantic. Thîis imeanis tisadIto gel 1t1e lowest beCgin withiviethtis sîrong' enou)tgh for Hiejob and roperl galvnize. Aso, ou ned reated- sseeüd, ald on t1iIhe w1i', r mua be sretced ad otpledcorrectly. nod Itiast o000 annual inspec- tiO o 11o1that staples that have pullied booo an horetiailed, 1broken otrnte opirdand w eak or bro.. ken racs coreced.Clean fecnce row ar anasstbot dont bhumi te rshanid grass away. Heact xna dstry hegalvanlizing on thec -wire antIIi permit rosI 10 develop. Cornerpostaare the critical ne froma mantennce taîstpoint. For mos frmussan Sinhdiameter cornerpost i need t lisoulti ho setincocrt(10-a d(1pth o-f 3V2 or 4fýC oot17(reachlowflice rost lino. Thepîit-hle anbe I18inches square o top andIlaretiontlu20 inches Ithehto.The ý,concrete lix boît oited luthe job )is made fromi pl-t ,cnet, 2 parts coarse ananI 3 prts coarso gravel. Use sovn allnsof water to each sack The hest co ý,rlWi7 brace for a wood- etm fonc is a Irusî pot belween tbe tps ofthe crne(r posî andi the secod ad tirdpost frorn Ili, cor- ner. hee w-bac pos should 510 b oer10feelspat.The first one rny ho 6inches in diameter ani beoter4 ice.The Ibruot poolssho-.liehoat leasî 4 inches in dameer.To ompotethe cor- lier asnby pl a wire tension membr foîn he ottom of tbe cone pol1tt top) of the second pol, 1anti anothier from the hottorn of Ie seond oot 10' the top of Thi tesiowmmber can be made up o No 9 alvniztimire wrap- pei ole'cae3stranido on e'ach aide f '\ols s ech 1ýStrandi StaplAe il, 10 thlepoolst eparaýCtely. When hese ireS are in, p lacu ant crat a ensongreal enoug b pul the tcltoso iepstuni they are laning sig linthet op- poite direction fIrom iwbich the foce is stech-ed. Tbent, when the fonce is tightiy olretched, these poos illhoplomb. Leave thie pipe ith0 i %jru 10 ermnit adjosting this ingil fol ontiOn'i a weaký linkç and soold o rep acedaonce. RoI- ted nd waîhe-crakedpools thal' nolîgrIti staples shoultibcho Newv World 0f Lig t-One of the y oungest persons eî er t0 w7ear spectacles is il rnonth-old Johnny Peoples, seen being, fttted îvith special -lasses at an eve hospital by nurse Mdln Dorery. Born blind, johnny, underment a sre of four oper,,a-, t;,ins for the removal of caýtaracts, and saw fortle first mlme wheîî the glass:es xere put on himn. The laie and sti lamne Ring, Lardner wrote some of the greatetît sport yarns that ever saîx print. But one of the lîings w ich dif- ferentiated hini from nis't of his tribe was 11aI ho never cboked Up or grew misty-eyed over ;the char- acIers be n'as describiîg-a decided coitraît 10 somfe of our modemn sports cbroniclers who woriid bave you helieve that, eveîî tiottgh soîlie of ourbasehali, prize-ring 'tind race- tack beroes may be a trifle roogh on tbe outside, they're solid 24- carat gold aI heart, Read sncb o f Lrnrsîoîsa flghtur whlo ws bseah haro and yVoLl s1 ce ete h er îrying to get aî. Ring ca(lldtm as h a ilhem, and ho sa t-Pm moredlal haîms;and !we'Il neoer forget bIis comm)ent, when baseball's 1igges>t scanidai broke iii 1919 and folks werc going around szaying that tie Chicago Black Sox, in addïimtontobeing crooked, lbad heb peI- illy vpoor bunt.h of hall players tLo boot. "I do't like xvhaýt ibe Sox did anty betler t1ian anyb1odyrie, quoth Lardnier, ;or wor-ds 10thalt effect, "otil, Ihatisn'tgoing 10 mae m sytha"t Eddie Cicoîte ct'dn't ae weifas;toeor Ihat Shooles Joe Jackson c-ooildi't take a weet cnt a'fictehl. So il is ol ftin hat one of Rigssonsý-Johni, 10ht'exact- lîlddo a grand! job cf4 bukn oeof sp)ortdom's 'greatýesi. myths in a .recont magazine ticle.Ths isi mh ryth thialthc ýýgamo of has,- bil is a striclly 'Unîted States prod- tsttaît was. in fact, fiîvenled Scotch Influence-There's no lavish wasîe of inalerial in this trîm swim suit imodellod by ïMary Bow.A tbncho' lie Highlands ý is also evidont in lie p laid' "kilt" effect formed by te hallerina, ruffles aI the bôUefom.,Designed by Margar- Ný,ewman, lhe sui has a sim-- pie, slrapless bodice., practically ini ý,isetirel, ati- in- ciuding ils naUine, on1t slllumerS afîcrîsoon aI a place callot opes lu-,i îNY, in thie ycar 1839. Upoîs Ibis mytlias heen huilt, lie- Cooperstown "Sbrine of Base- hal,"10w icb certain of thie galite's "iînrorîals" are elccted aI regular iîtervals. As a prodocer ou basebail ballyhoo andi Siaterial -for aftcr-baîstînet speeches in tlie off season, Cooperstown las prob-' ahly been a orlh ail il cool1 anti n ore. The whIole trouble is tbat th1e records go lu prove (1), tmat the game wasn't învenled at Coopers- town; (2) that Abnee Dooubleday bad nolbing 10 do wilh ils inven-, lion, or the drawiîmg Up of its rules, 317d (3) thiat lime ame haséball îva, ttsed for a somnexvaî simiilar gamoi in Englanti years before i[ w:(, ever lei (1rd ýof 012 ti sside of thieAtatc stone, Englam, îvs writiln iSl of b'is inlîern-oirs (thecenituryV jul uI(itig. "I hv enMorris-danc- iuculdge-payng e o wrote, 'se ailani cricket and rany oth)er sports on the 1Lord's D-ay." about il firsî, as haippenied recently i'î tho Qoen City\f omnt) 'More ýthan thtiafar gr ardt better knwn riter d'anil lie Rev. m.Wlsn lso de reernc 1 hasehal 1) ibat naime Sîe waS jolne Austen voi bi nvl ing o o rsbak îîi mingl to 'booko."- 11, ultin't he faim toe1010ihe article aýIt alyvgreatlngn o'l- find à iin ihe May issue of TR"UE MAGAhI~x,jaid ii',s we-ll tvorth- booking up. Bl, as John Larno figulres till he woiethinig Setem s 1o snif rom a ý1cOntrover'y ï)etween more 10 put Ot.eigame ona oiidly profitable commercial hasis Ia anyhody z eo-and( one, Henry Chadwick, somelimes calieti theý "Father of Basehail." Chadwick, aitboogh a real lover of and atîthomily onm baoebAl, was Eniglish by birlh. He helieved that the game deivet f rom the Britishl sport of "rounders." AI Spaldin-,g w oulti have none of suchm leresay. "I1'daim thal hasebalowes ils prestige as our national game 10 the facî Ibat as no other sport, il iî. the exponent of American cour- age, consfidence, combativemess, American dash, discipline, doter- rmiîiation, Amreican energy, eager- BOUFORI) proufitablle tn Sn orlteaue.Gr SELL poplar- $3. fire etnose hisi or direct Liseri prtit xuiciv teritry FIREILLEIt, 1042 Nsî v-,Iotei WEDONT think you raeiilsa mak1,2 good moneri iey ut cf egas aud,. ut! ymet his somme r and faIt, if yuedryu hct no.Wilb beef pricesearMgC. ard Mrs Consumer viii eat. morl easan oultry naîd this in tao 'titl ýl meanlhtgser Pr', -a. Foi, "6 years 'i s har- beeo ,,mprjvaibe Oult f TWoddýle Citk, ýdthsîar tise pedigee ais Poptdei 'renla od turke oit. Fe rttg. wdl Chik atheie Ld .Pegu Otaio fruiityr-1k an Tp otc Cica re formantethat bar to îatrb Mor rag trsu te an eamut f rd 7dlbor r arolwaîs agoo deal, t rhtoa e oc Can supply düay otdi .atd ndrples aiea turkey pouits in 1 r 1 d r iastd ronze. White 11olland, Beltsvlleilbits,, Pomptde- livery. Top Notrh (hCk alsGulp, n AN OFVlsiLa e scers entrLtii ncen1 Liens aud fultlncratîî enttr.ee Tise Rtamsay Co. Regîstere-PIen ,;lss.11 Bank Strpet. Ottawa OVEINIi ANIS CLEA1ý1NINO, "li. Pa lf LOye Wîls tiiid.7!J5 Yone SiieC TîîAsNî,lliîsrîî EXEItINt'ED.reliatle olaOimirat avaitable; arrivina g n riet .Vain- denburg. Box 92. rcie n, phone 2554 (after 6O' orioSi + lAltIil .111 S Li 150 ACRE fata, w'ail trured, goed buildings on exceilent'site; sinna crcek for stock and fishîng. alsO huntîns. 55000 cash. Wi. T. jack- son. Port Carling, Ont, FARM, 40 acres.,iiew, frame bouse, barn, machfinery, Hydro. Prîre, $4,500. 1 mile frosu town. Appiy j.. ienherg, Box 203. Penetang, Ont. FOR SALE 4TORt'V('LES FRaiiey Dav1idsnn. ),New and nsed bough, sold. exrisanjged Largestocki ut guaratiterd used mtercycles RoPairs by factory-tiaînod mecbanies Bicycles, and comn oletOe iofutwbeei gonds Open evenines antil nine excetil W diie8cdaY Strand (yl & Sports. lting s! Sanfcî B amilton Ut NS-Large assoiýtmrsii ne,', and used. Bnugbt. sold îxctanged, Guaranto-e, rePaîrs. Soopes. siabis nstalled Fishins 'TacSle.Haunt. ne Euuiffmeni SPOrting Gonds Sv,- lal Teani Prires. Opetn unti aine excei Wd sa Strand Cycle, Hlamilton NEW .ltOHNSON 0utboard Motlira. Canadian Canne, Cno., Pterbnro Bate, (Cames. Traîl. ers. bnugist. scld, excisanged. Large stock used l eutura. Repaira by fart(cry-trained merbanira, ()Pen outil chlie exept eneds Srand, Cycrie. Htamlton, ("005E :FARMI,Cao.BtiiCouba SPRAY WITH A SPEA)i0TR SPRATERS for orcisard tnoieaand nGe driven), row crocs (ra-onxvrd îsn fecting, whitewarising,ctil pyigan lire figbitna: f arm wagons, Salw Wl Pressure Systenis; TIFA" (Fea 'p'liî'aal-), Portable Irrigation Systeiis With alumbisusu pipe, fluckner Sprinklers, ltcDoa'rll'Couplîngs. Free ratalogues. Write today. Spramotor Ltd., 1000 York St., Londoni, Ontario. noîss, enthusîasm, AmneriClîl pluck, perîssency, performat-ec, Anierican spirit, sagacity, suces t ould be as iipossible for a Brt'oni, who bas flot breatbed the air of this free land as a ntauralized ctze;foi one who had no part or,- heritaige in the hopes and achiieveýiets of our contry,, to play bhasebýal,_as il would be for an American, free from the trammels of English tradi- tions, customs an d conventienalities, 10 play the national game of Great Britain," And so, Mr. Spaldîng aopointed ai 'î nvestigatîng coimmîtte 10 go into the matter. And-sure enough -lhey investigaled and discoývered that basebali was the sole invention of littie Abner Doubleday a ;nd bis playmiates. However, as \ve said before, we baven't tbe beart-or the space- to spoîl your pleasure by quoting more of a grand sports article. Look it op yourself. But try atnd do s0 right soon, Bocause, any day n1mw, ttc expeet Ibat the roal, genoine, blown-in-tbe-bottlc îrotlî is going 10 horst upon os. Theni we'll learn thal basebaîl wasni't ivne by the English, Irish, Scots or the Amer- icans. Who else but a, Russian- name of Ubumnski-coold have heen responsible for such a grand and glorîouis institution just today Stalin's boy s bave revealed tfiat the art of printing was a Rossian dis- covery, and wýe',re prepared for aniy- tbing noa'. CAv Aste Tar aliwei, - x 0 , I O , tatpro.eyeet Al-cone. Daurat erc, star, Timplmeîtc1- r, 0.2,1 ch, Alt e ix 14.00 each. By Piductit, 92 Ointl St. Toma tikl ,7 a 0fo 5length. PLYUeD Jon Derefore ai pr ,tarioents. o.r4.AslNu--onDe atuiowe.,SelSas e unit $1700,00.Eà,dCO. Ontio.RN.I litnOt h1 l1 ieGths. rieSUte apiy .19' t 1940err squre .010" ati08.2uers oaro drirre SO-ard ots. For e'stimto, asplslier aor5,Etc.n, OitetAaCwLaIE& O LIMT? D,120 Commîssones St. Tr to 2 GOD RSULTS - EveySSLfEre Sinthuhld tryfDIxosryemey. ahe $ 1.25 Express Prepaid. POSTS ECEMA ISV 88alah tise t .,ni o dr ofezemOra s atESd weeplîse skis t-roule Ps osisacer. tobne eclîs prcnseczem arse, -n USorm, a i eas dEt. lee'sfo, i ralofi Teadesa c n-w IIsib1n : opls fle POSRTUNT'S iREMEDAI)ES M 8811 QiteNASt E..,Gercer cf I.egacL GratOporutcyleir CReaSSaRt dg feE1profioR-leaxo no ars. Aorfli-ggiatst sele CE. Ilsrdct 3S50EtNN' SS. Tahiets. topscî scrancs aKscguS.Coatmilftyocnt & 72Tei ensRi ea iytreetOtiw. Gaate For, meyibiuodendte adouai'triaisample. GRdeA. Po o. Ld.,iLwondho t. Klw B. C. JIIS 01ME NS OE ISSUE 18 - 1950 NURSERY? STOCK RESEItVE n ow for Spring Delvery-Cbînese 1Elm Hedge-will grow 2 £eet irst year-25 plants sufficient for 25 feet (12 tc0 20 Inctiea buasy) $2.98-seediings 12 loches blgh $4.50 Per 100 (plant 6 Inciseâ npart)-lant Exhii- tion Peonies In colore reti, white or Pink, 8 for $1.lll-Apple trees 2 feet higb In cafnettes r4cîntosh. Spy, Deliclous, a for $l 98-Pluns trees 3 teet hîgis in varieties ilorbanli antd Lombard. 4 for $2Ai& Free Colour Garden Guide with Every Order. Brookdale-Itings- vvay Nurseries, Bowwmanville. Ontario. ROSE COLLECTIONS-5 et the loveliest Holland tlrown llybrid Tea Roses. Big, Husky, Hardy, 2.-year-old buabes. Yellow. White, Pink-Scarlet-Orango, for only $4.13Q Postpaid. Caris with Order. The fiuest roses mney can boy. ITolland Bulb and Nursery Comapany. 00cr,, Elizabeth 7'lay. Port .redit P.O.. Ont. DO TOU WA',NT a god gardeu? Then write for our ires catalogue of Caniadas Best- seeti values b, Vegetable, Fiow er and Field- root seede. Once a rustomer always a eus- tomer. OINTARIO SEED COMP ANY, WATER- LOO, Ont. BASPBERRIES. strawberries, r u r r aui t s. gooseberries, grapes, btackberries, fruit trees, dwarf fruit trees, roses, hedge plants, avergreens. asparagus sud porennialfra grade Ontario grown stock. Runnymere Nur-. sery, 575, W'llard, Toronto. IIEDGE CARItAGANA, 24 inchet, per 100, -1$.00. 30 assorted perenujals,$1.21. Cramer Nuiseriot, White Fox, Sask. PATENTS IcETilRSTONEiAIJGU & Comîpany Patent Solicitors Ratabllahed 1890 850 FRay Street, rooie 3ookiet nti nterînatln <iirequest. A. M [IDL.AW. 14,Scr., Patent Attorney, Patenýts onItnventio,.56 Spaths St.. otts'\a. TEACHERS WANSTED à, TWO TEACHERS for two well eouipped rural scisools in the Temiakamine District. APPIT stating salary explected1 and fuit particulars as ta ouaîiflcationsae erec fany. Ad- dress Oeoffrey Aý. THughes. iSec., Township Sechool Area Bryce &Rhlad Box 24, Charlton, Ont, W ANTL 1) SMALL bospital in atrc ive ntbern On- tario town requiresRestri Nurses for Geaexal Duty. Salary V140 ce- mentis Plus full maintenance. Excellent living conditions. At ly: Superintendent of Nurses. Lady Minta, Hlospital. Cochrane, Ont. CHINCHILLAS ail agos op to 5 Years; give details ln lrst letter. Write to Ontario Chinchilla Rancliers. R.R. S. Hannon, Ontario. WVAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE-U Witheut calomel - Anid YoUTIIJUMP Out of Bcd iii die rning Raeini' to Go Thise 0 soud poýur -eut about, 2 pinta e1 bile lobe inte your digestiýve traLc evyday. Lifthis bile is net tiwing reely. yonlr fond i ay not digest. Lýt may Jus1t decay luiiithe digestive Lo'aot. Thon gas blAoats up yeur atomacis, You get constiptetd. Tnfeel aeur. aunitand thse Korld mokapunk 1t takes those istd, goistie Carters Little Liveï Pilla ho gelthesMe 2 pinta 01 bile flow- ing freely te make you feel "up'amid up.'" Get s package today. Effective lin ekn bile 5m w freely. Ask fer Cartfe .e Little LOvery Pila. 35t1 at ans' drugstore. r>m jie elslIN STOCK V BRAND NEW OR RECONDITIONED ECONOMICAL. power for sawing,.-. nilling. ..'dozing pumpinjg plants . trucking . . . generating sets . . . crushing.. dozing and shiovelling , ,. etc. OWEN SOUNDl 2088 TORONTO HY-3994 sub dealers Kirkland Lake 395 1North Bay 57 Saulh Ste. Marie 4572 Russel e Hipwell ENGINES LIMITEID Owen Soundi, Ontario = e 6~ 4 Rich iii Ilavouc-r By MELLORS WOl~4 AAY 1. HAVE AtL 1."t, bere je an applian-e tisat is rrcosnîended by Surgeons anîd Deitors ail over tise aorld. streasu- linril-ligli. dent(xashablýe), no lea -trap, ib, l etC. Wondýerfuuiy drsigue nae pad t hat Solda spcnng scurey clsed anomort- Il's Enlirely Different British Distributors 236 Blocor W.- Toronto