Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 May 1950, p. 5

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are you going » work or play, -, his Sum&mere Ci M4STEIt PRECISION BIJILT IýGARDEN TRACTOR *'Romp throughhback-brealking tasks with- the CHOREMASTER Garden Tracter. Banish drudgery and get more eut of hif e his îum- mier. The CHOREMASTER plows, serds,wdiscs, cultivates, cuts grass, ci seeds, bulldezes, plews snew, etc., wi'th low-cest attachmnepts. Pow- r red with erconornical _1 3/ HP motor' and balancced on easy-riding pneu-ý maeýtie tire, the CHOREMASTER is ai easy te liandie as a golf club. Corne in or eall us for a ne- nbligton demonstration of, the- CHOREMASTER. Ask us for Compete Informafion on SPRINGFIELD 2-WHEEL TRACTOR Aise 4-WHEEL RT ING TRACTOR' VA k fo a FREE DEMON- S RATION on the BEA VER Make our Store' your Head- quarters for Garden Tools, Seeds Al- Spring R equire- *Coleman & Philp, Electric Phone 89 r 1 - ORONO 27c. 49c. 25c. 18C. 37c. 39C. 59c. PARK ST. UNITED CItIRCH PA. E. Eustace Mînlste SUNDAY, MAY 7 10a.mn.-Suriday &ol ila.m.-Kiy. 2 p..-Leskarà, 3 p.n.-W'. A. Service. Rev. S. R. Henderson, Guest Speaker Choir of Trinity Cliureh Bowmanville 1To Al Who Have Patronized Us In the- Closing Out Sale! WE APPRECIATE THE iIUSIESTWEEK IN 50 YEARS There is stili two weeks before we have to vacate!, E'very item, in the'store will be stili further reduced until sold. A llmited amount of stock is still available for replacement of the values that have been sdld,. You are invited to shop on Thurs- day and Saturday, compare the outstandink "ýýBUYS" and if you dIo not find the 1furniture you want in the Oro-no Store, We will prowide free transportationt and a SPECIAL DISCOUNT of 10 -,pr cent on any purchase made from our large display floors at Bowmanvill '. In addition the following SPECIALS are offered while the stock lasts. SPRNGFILE MA RESE](Reg. $29.50, now ............ $21.75 A Secal uy- 3NeGraesReg. $39.50, now .......... $29.75 Reg. $49.50, 10W........ ... $39.50 CHE IýRFEDSUITES -3 pce. Chesterfield Suites, reg. $198.00, 10W ......... ..... $147.50 3 pee. Velour Chesterfield Suite, 4 pce. Sectional Suite, reg. $225.00, reg. $229.00, now ... ...... $175.0 10W .....................$159.00 Thursday MAY 4th Phone 12 r 1 I Clark's Pork & Beans., 2 20-oz. tins,.... Medium ýCanadian Cheese, very tasty, lb. Saltines Soda Biscuits, lb b6x.... Minit Rice, already cooked ai, p4 .....I York Bolog-na, sliced, lb ............ Small Link Sausage, lb .......... Lean Breakfast Bacon, lb;. ...... ........ Econoniize! Order a Raast of Fresh Young Pork at Lower Pri- ces this week-end Cash yeur coupons here NEW NVRITE N h ev Weighit NEWLDER OXYDOL TIDEDEF 2Large Pk s. NoU Cnsn 53e II 53c. 23c., With Coupon WîVth Coupon WUitli Coupon Saturday MAY 6th We Deliver April 29 May 6 CARNATIOý-N -MILK Tails 2 for 29e. Case, $6.45 CANNED BABY> FOODS We Carry a Complete Selection of Fruits, Vegetables, Soups, Meats and LDesserts Weslton',s, with Honey Graham Wafers, pk 28c 320-oz. tins Tomato Juice -.,. 25e 4i8- oz. tins Orange Juice --,. 44e Cereal or 0atmneal Gerber's F",,,, pkg 24e Golden Ripe Bananas, lb.... 19e Local Miles Viola Gilfillan, Trorontoi, was at home. Mr. and Mrs. Feuster spent the Week-end in Toronto. ENGAGEMENT Mr ýd rs. Wmýï. MVercer, Kiend, twish to annioumce th-ýýe engagement 0f their daugliter. Grace aitu Éci ward H. Coatham, son of Mr, A1id Mrs. Hal gtead Coathim of Oroiio. The wedding (to take place quietly inl May. a nd Rot Water CAILL US FOR ESTIMATES HARRY E. LYCETT SPhone 84 r 12 OýRONO - ONT. Tor thR total of ý688.79 focr the Red Cross Drive, as pDublished in last wee'k's Turnes, $2.55 lias benreei-v- ed asacontribution freý:in sark-ville Schol ecton, Thiat makes the peettal $6914.* 1vemYbers of the Red Cross' are asked te meet. to- ay(Thurýday,) it 3.00 p. at the inie of Mrs. W. E. Armstrong te setlte uip the bus;iness. SILVER MED-AL CONTEST Rescrve the date of May 12th for~ the Silver Medal Contest which wll bo hei in the Masonie Hall ait 8 o'cliock (D.S.T.). Therare a nunîb er of contesitants intersperseý(d with imusical numbers, Admission 25c.; Children. 15e. -1- b-16-c, Miss Elizabeth Waddell, Toronto, vïsitod at lier home over thie wee-k- end. Mr. and Mrs.., H. N. Junk<er ocd rs ton, spent Sunday with Miss AMilma Cuttell. Mr. Chairles Wood of Kîiteer,' visiteWI liMrs. Wooýd over the! Mrs,. Arnott and son left the fo-re- part 'of the wéek te join lier husband( in Regina. Col. and Mms. J. C. Ganiey spent Sunday witli Mr. tnd Mrs. L. Bi'own; in Omeniee.ý Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leamen visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leamen, Lea- side, on. Sundiay. -Mrs. May Dent and Billie of Tor- onto, spent S'undJay withi Mr., and Mrs. Ernie Dent.- 1The Ornono girls' softlball teain heUà their first practico on Monday even- in.- of -this week., Mies Marjorie McLaren spent the wekedwïth lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. MicLarer. Mr. and Mrs. Hianold Hancock and fininly,, Belienville, visited Mvr. and Mrs. Egerton Hanoock.. Mrs. Stan. Payne returneý-d frein the Oshawa *GCeneral Hospdtal on Thlarsday cf last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keane and young daugliter cf Brigihton, spent Wodnesday aftornoon witli Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. Mr. -and Mrs. James Lowery moeed te, their new home, recently rented frein the Burgess estate on Churcli street south, on Tuesday. Sunday visitors wlith Mr. and Mes.i Leray, Hamilton wore, Mr. aind Mrs. Douglas Hunter -and sons Kennetli and Douglas, of Toronto. Mrs. A. A. Drunmound nttended the Sunday Sehool Anniversary ser- vice at Newcastle o i Sunday morn- ing and sang two selections during the service. Mvs. Phillips anid Mes. P. Lunu ar- rived in Orono oni Tuesday, having mot(ered Up frein Texas wîhero Mes. Luna was visitinig with lier niother, Mrs. Phillipe. -I.O.O.F. mrernbers froni Orono Leodge joiniod with the Bowmanville Lodge for, Churcli service in theo lat- ter place on Sunday last. The pro- cession was led by the- Orono Band. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan spent last Wednesday an4 Thursday- in Toronto. Mr. Legan was jittending tlie Royal Arcli Masonic GrandCliap- ter hold in the King Ediward Hotel. The United 'Clurdh Sunday School will meet at 10 o'clock as usual i the Masonie Hall. As the churcliser- vice ils ait 3 p.m., our minister, Rev. Enstace, will bo able te be with us at Suad'ay S'choel. This is env special treat for thîls Sunday. The Oreno firee brigade received a cail lite Wednesday aftoraoon to ex- tinguish a grass' fire n the property cf iMes. Watters in- the north 1ward. Mes. Waters purchased tfie .proporty -frein Mr. Tomn Allen just soutli-of Hl. W. Murray's residonce. Theougl Leroy Hamilto-n tlie Boa- ver Dam and treut stroam on the 'Ath 'Concession cf Clarke, half mile weist cf Kendal, was recently pur- chased frein' Mr. Reg. Nichois, cf Toront;o. by Mr. C. John Baker, aiseÀ of Toronto, who plans' on erectling on this 50-acre property a summenr honme. Visitere on Sunday with Mrs. T. J. Carscaddon and family wero, Mr. and Mes. E. E. Patiterson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbenrt Galbraitfr, and Mes. Giddus Jâmes cf Bbriwmanvïlle, Mr. and Mrs. John Berry and Mr. and Mes. Roy Bery cf Orono, Mr.. and Mrs. T., Geacl and f amily, and Mr. R. J. Me- Roberts of Kendal. One of Mr. Fred Lyc-etit's mink es- 1caped frein its pon one day last week gNorthcutt and Smith 1] Funeral Diracters and Furnitur, Dealer, KINDNESq COURTESY SERVICE Equipped t'O take cari, cf thse modest funeral at th. meat O reasonable charge as weil es thse largeni and g ment .xactlug gTelephone:- Offie, 88 - Rtoaldesuce: 128 @and 729 Telephonte Collect B.wmanvill..ont. -ý>=c== ý 0= o 'ARMSTRONG'SI Blouses, in Rayon Crepes, sizes 12-12, coloseWhite, Pink, Bluie, Yellow, Navy, priced........ $3.95 te $5.95 Childrenï's Print Dresses, sizes 8 te 12, for - $2.25 Boys' and Girls' Stripe Jer- seys, aise plain,- Yellow, Blue or Sand.... $1.25-$15 Nylon Pullovers,, ce )rs Bitf Yellow, Pink ........4.95 Skirts, in Wiool, pastel Sa d- es, pleated or p npi ced ait.-------- $5.05fte $9ý600/ We carry a f'uIl lin o f Crtai4< and DraperyMteas bV~ yard, also made- Curaijh lu plain 0o r FIl m a4¶- settes, Sunniwe gyon, Mar- quisette, plain Or pà ýerned. DICED BEETS CAR ROTS 3 tins PURE MAPLE SYRUP jar Fancy Cups and Saiscers, priced ----------- $2.50 te $3.0 Dresses, ln Printedl Silk-s and Crepes, priced $17.50 - S21.50 Tricord, in 'Strip3es - 17.50 Wash Dresses, in Prints alid Spuns, pie. $4.50 tek $7.95 Coats, in I g otr Shortie,. colors Nlue, Green, grey, Beige" Rose - . 24.50 - $39ý.50 Hla - in Feits or Straws, la 'colore White, Red, Browin, Blue, -Navy, Natural Black ------ ---- $4.95 te $6.95 Goeinl Silk or Chamois, ail colores- - - $1.011 t $1,50 AIl kinde of Sum-mer D)rese Materials, by thie yaird or in Dress Lengths. Large Prunes, lb ......... 25c. Stokely's Fancy Peas, 20 oz. tin .................. 20C. Redpathi Sugar, 10 lb ..... 95ce. Red Rose Orangé Pekoe Tea, 1/2 pound for..... ..... 58C Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs ... 25 C. White Beans, 2 lb......... 1e Neilson's Chocolate Bars, .6 for .... .......... .... 25e FRUIýTS and VEGETABL1ES Mexican Oranges, large, doz 255c Medium, dozen ,........ 40. Washed Carrots, 2 lb...... 13c. New Cabbage, lb .......7e. Bananas, lb .... ... ...... 1c. Tomatoes, pkg....... .-..29c. Kraft Dinner, 2 pkgs ....... 25c. Grapetruit Juice, 48-oz. 'tin. 5âe. French and Perfect Fit Brassieres........ $1.35 Straight-eut Slips............ .......... 29 Garter Beits......... ......... ........... 79c. WnmdeAprons ............... $8,U. to $1.6.5 Fine Cotton Prints, per yard ......... 55c. to 69c, New Knitting Books. Good assortment of Attractive Gift Items. MIRS. L REID -Phono, r 7 ORONO0. Ontari. TOWN HALL, ORONO Saturday, Mfay bth 8.00 p.m,. WILLIAM ROYD as HOPALONG CASSIDY, i ."SILVER ON THE SAGE" Courtesy Tickets may be secured at Coleman & Philp's Hlardware Store with any purchase, which wilI admit purchaser to show, plus 15c. This will commence May 13. Tickets, procurable nowi. F.i F. MORRIS THE RED &g WRITE STORE 4- DEATHS Tuesday. May 2n.150il] lar Caroline A melia Boid'iing aged 71. ypears. Resting at Wfris ae ros-,ý denie, Main S.. South,Oonfr servfce on Friýiay. My5 ut2.( p.ni. Interment Orrie !,ýCemetery.- LINTON - 1In .Orono, on Thursay April 27 th, 195J, MairiniLint,--È, beloved hu-vband of FlorenceMay. ai serviews el t hU1. I Barlow Funen'al ser'vice on n- day, May lst, ut 230p.. nteîý mentwas m iiein OroCerne,-ý tory. Offl s 4 N s I 'N t, s s .4 .4 44 4 s .4 "N '.4 'N 4. N 4. j' 4. 4. 4, s' N N 4. 4. s '4 's

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