Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 May 1950, p. 4

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0W»MflWZIKLY CARO 0F THANKS f SMrs. MrunLinton andjl farniy wish toe etend S-4hnk andap- Drecianion fls DÉ. TTJtlie,.eR- ofpoeitino lan e te . .békah Lodge, ree i.ven fr nhds and -.B. arrangs for persons in finan- egbousfrtr a sts f cial dniffiuty to receive needed eye Iidessms~ f J1 pah ~treni an whnevr ncesaryanid beautiful florý1 extended pmovides gass In addition the o3rgnnizatioa has cornpiled a vast toment, in the ir ec!ea bereaveu- fimiount of data on eye depeases. meint, ansthe uao alvnghs Theinstitxite ,is curremtly conducot-,hn n ahr in~a cmpagnin Ithis area to raise-- tuunids. The eampaign is Under the visory Commititee to the C.N.I.B., ýonsor-sh-ip of thne Bowmanville Ad- Miss Helen Crydernan. Chairman. FROST and OJIBWAY WIRE FENCE LIGHIT and HEAVY BA1IBED WIRE LMITED NUMBER of STEEL POSTS LAWN AND GARDEN SEED In Bulk JUST ARRIVED! CARLOAD OF CEMENT Leave Orders Now ROCKET POWER MOWER $139.50 EUREKA POWER MOWER $120.00 EUREKA GARDEN CULTIVATOR (Ail Attachmienits) $125.00 ------------------- /V014/science 1 brings yoD 1 An entiîely i NEW finish that> LOOKS and WASHES like, BAKEO ENAELi KEI-GLO is economical te, use b ausa Kem-Glo covers Most surfaces in oae coat - ordinary anameis requira an undarcoater plus oaa or more coats of anamel. ren,-Gio his mde by themker of faouso 10 Iovely coloins and 'Stay-White' white. Phone 43 r1 eDid you start your chicks on Chick Startena Checkar- EtUs last year? If you did, wa don't naçd te tell you what al "fly- ing stant" thuse Checkor-Etts giva chicks - high vilgor, high livability, fast growtlh. If yeu didn't, ask somneonie vho did -lie will tell you! Start your chicks right -feed.. Chick Stortena -MI JIE GROWT The pigs that roàe a ice f aid i you meney ana the opens ug youeve growthy fallewvs ,wh much tji ,e t spe gat away te a go Îf o» fea lae calvi start, and 1;,ep on Wo- \Ilane's a t hat w~ ing. That calîs for '.ave yoPlme - sa good faed for 'oth ý.uu .Iilkaiid mnonE the s0W (sheliqh to tee, and maisa rE hava it te, milk wall) dairylike youngste and the littar. Bal- growthy and thrifi ance youn chop with Many of our be the additional pro- dainyrnen f olloU.r I tain, minerals and Purina Plan, andi vitarnins they naad.., port flst-rate resul Sow & Pig CaOU Chow Startena Orono HELP THE, BLIND No matter how busy you Pare, this Spring, don't lose sight of thec importance of giving your "lyoung stuif" an extra-good start. Those first f ew weeks are the Urne when they set their course la life, for if e; and the time too when they Smake best use of their feel1< rkT e't and .urkeys too!1 end ies. So many turkey raisers start ,il thair pouits on Turkey Start- ýave ena Cheer-Etts that if yen ey, raisa turkays you ara almost rel sure to have heard about their ,ers, rasuits, first-hand. Now, while fty. you'ra laying your plans, bear est in mmnd what yýou've heard, ;his and decide that thi,ý year yeu ne- are going te have resuits like its. that; Ask for.. Turkey Startena Checker- Etts At present grain prices, you want ahi fthe inilk you can get ont of your grain ration. Balance it with Cow Chow-or, if your bins are Iow, try Mihk Chow, straight. jDRY & FRESHENING (110W (0W CHOW. MILK CHOW j Feneing, Fertilizers, Farmin lnplements, Nails, Poultry and llog Tonics, Isc Sprays, Shingles, Lime, Plow Points, Shovels, Forks, Cernent, Bilding Ma- terials1 Field Tile, etc. We Deliver Phone 37-i- for your supplies (Conmtiried f roniPage oe), IN MEMORIAM HARDCAST1TE- In 'ovng memory' of Hazel Hardcasfle, who passed awytwoc years ago, on Mazy 4thl 194& We rcainot forget you, our lovad one so doar, ' 1 Your memoiry grows sweater- year after year; . You cannot raetui-n, s0opur tears are in vain, But in Heaven 'we are praying to meet you again., -Ever- rememibered by sons Ever- ett and Romn4e, ýals o Mother, Father, Sisters and Brothers. Orono Tinshop% PLUMBING HEATîING and SHEET-METAL R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 Real, Estate Wanted - Farms front $4,- 000 te $10,000 in Durham Coun- ty. Wanted - Pasture land and land of the poorer type for re- forestation. If you need a first mortgage loan on your farm, town home or business, I have funds avail- able for this purpose. These loans are arranged An _strict confidence. Leroy Hamilton BROKER Phono: Office 32 r 10, Ras. 1 r 16 Orono, Ontario INSURANCE IN ALL ITS B RANCHE1 S IT'S NOT A COMPLETE LOSS Net when you have insurajace. A few cents daily guards fyou front uch ait t/"day. Caîl us! ~Cali NEIL F. PORTER Phone 92 r 16 - Orono, Ont. l A RESUME 0F THE WORK 0F ORONO W. I. 11909 - 1934 (Cbomtnucd frorn page one> for the Blind, and to the Siock 0hi1- dren's Hospital. We have rememn- bared our (edhoeis by eontribuiting with pictures and books Lotetheir là- brary and by givinrg prizes te their eolhool fair, holding a booth at tlheir fair, a proportion of thei roceeds he- ing given to theni, and on field days. We gave hulhs and prizes to both roonrs of the -PublicShol and cash prizssto tihe Continuaution School. Sàace 1931 we 'have givan. hank boaoks wi&ih $1.00 to each oif our In- stitute babies. We have colleeted old woollens and sent sevaïral tim'és for blankets, sacuring saveral pre- rniumn blankets which have eltiher boen sold or givea to Instituxtions. We have contrib-aud te, local relief wlhenever thare wýais naed sendin'g two ocf our chbildren to the, hospita] for remýorval of tonsils aind adenoïds. W ,e avamadeandquilted several quîlts; we haive hoiight two pianosi and own oniein the town hiall. Last y earwspeat almost $325 Ïi Mnoderlnizin'g the atag'e in tha towni haill, piittinig iii dressing roomn-s andi putting up iew stage curtains uponj wihwork the Isttuehais beau hîghlry cmuended. This w%ýork wouldj have cost us nuuch more exept for the very efËcienit help g-iven hy Mr. Neil Porter, who helped to plan the woýrk, and a âarge staff ofit' en whom ha secured to help, ail giving their services free. To Mr. Porter and ail tihese men we feel deeply indebted. Hais our Institute been worth w0hila ?, Haive we not accomplished somaething for home and country ? We ara holding our birthday party to close our twenty-fiva yoars of en- deavour. We knrow thait other so- cieties in the district, as you read the resurna of our wo'rk, can go back in your minds to ar-complishments quite simuilar perbaps, and surely we mnay ail feal it is quýite worthr while to ha- long to such a wonidariful orgamiza- tion and know that this work is go- ing on.,noet enly in Ontario, but in ail Amierica, and aven in olhar contin- enits. copied froni tha' Orono News, of Thursday, Noveniuer 22, 19~34. COALI for Li rfed T'mefntl-y Oedn. r ,er eëarly at 0 ~jOrono Coal & Lumber 0 9 SEE McLAREN 0 Lawn Mowers Sharpened AND P'recision \Irin4iîfg of Blade a141 Ideal ~arpèner R. B. Riàckward- NEWCASTLE MEDICÂL COMING EVENTS A musical conicert will he hidin the Orono Tewn Hall on Friday, May 5th, at 8.15 p.m. The Hig Park United Ghure c hoi f i,01Tor ,to with forty-four mlKced ~voices wirprovide a siplendid prograým,.'1The ono Unit- ed Church Cho" .1,rar p so,,,ring this concert. Adn4kioqduts,50c.; Children, 25e. ticisiilI be avail- aible from any cîÈ îiember-. Home- miade candy -will b ,-ýsold during in- rtermiission, 10t. a bag. b-14-c. WREATHS FO R SALE Iarn now in a position to supply artificial wreaths at different prices. They rnay be seean at the 'home of H. Prescott's, or 0. W. Knapp's, phone 62 r 1, Orono. Ap 29-p FRM HELP Experienced, relilbde Holland fam- ies available. Arriving zoon. Write to S. BunTa, R. R. 1, Nestleton, Ont., Phone 225-24, Port Perry. Jun 1-p. WANTED TO BUY Dead or crippled stock, rernoved free of charge. One hour service. Highest pricez for old horses-Mar- gill Fur Farm. Cali Colleet BOW-_ tiùanville 2679. ROOM AINDY BO 2RD,ý Availabla for elderly 1,ady/ Apply to Mrs. Evelyn W"I'n e st., 13ommiamiilla. vpc-17--c. RAY CARLTON Machinist LAWNMOWERS - Sharpened by Machine grinding, General Repairs. LATHE WORK - Any type of Pre- citalon Metal Turning, Boring, Taper- ing, Threading or Rebushing Jobs. PHONE 77 r 4 - ORONIO FOR RENT Cornent hlock m hn, iks8-1 inch smioloth,,or roeL1- î.ced sunfacet blocs. Apply to f ýoýs Carleton, Orono. c7p USE OF GARDEN >- Anyone wishing tha ise o 'a gar- don dor oe or two ye say have sanie by aipplyinig te B Orono. FOR SALE Preiepr staibrypiaiits, 92.N: par hgn-drad, $15.00 per theusantrd;l asparagus.ý Mary Wasliingtoa, $2.0U per 100; $15M0 per $1AO00. One yaar old osi Edward Wayne Phoie, Clarke ý2214, Newtoniville R R. 1. FOR SALE 3-furrow tractor piow, FlIeury- Bissell, with trator hitch, oer lift.ý Brand new, regul- ar 6. o $215,00, to clear, F..Bancroft, Ont. Will ffll'ow 5O~ fright. Apply to John R »)4d, Box 80, Bani- croft. b-16-P. BERRY BUTSHES A quantity of Col ý.1bqîn Berry tips for sale. O. -,D. ndrcck Phone 56 r 9, Oron4\ t c1-e. FOR SALE cellent conidition, 1rea1 g o( îfnsh, Phonoe 79 r 10 after 6 jM6-î,L15- P. FOIR 54LE12 1.9ý1 Dodge Coîiý'. Ap#j] te Mýac Carleton, Orono. V-7p FOR SALE Tw'o kitichen sinks, one cast iron 'white anamel.Wlsphesh dsize, 126 X 30, the otàea ,pli aw-0ý1mal, size 16V> X 24. mrs. ecil s h 45 r 1, 01ono. Orono Electrie Ph. 5â r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVïLLE, ONîT. Phone: Office 6MS Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOICITOR NOTARY Phones: Offie 125 Reclderce 4" BOWMANILLE, ONT. TEID JACKSON Auctionteer, and Valuator Coaducts Auction Sales of MI uasm and at reasonable rate« Communicate with hlm at Pu*S E. Morton, at Oromo, fer dat.. JACK RI OFroo's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farni and Furniture Sales Consuit me for tenus 1 an-d dates Phone 5r1 - LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational Polies; Protection and Savinga Plans fer Chldren and Adults; Mortgage la-. su rance Plans. 1j -F. E. LYCETTi ORONO, Ont, - Phone 20 r XO The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone 501 - P.C. Rox 622 port Hope, Ontario iMonuments, Gravemarkerg5 STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works Phone Whýitby 552 318 Dadas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AMP1 MARKERS Let us anect n handsomie, dig- nified mionument over the rest- ing place of your loved ones.' ît's not expaI)n sive. And seeing this last tibute will give youoend-less coemfort ORONO Furnitere Hospital- Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Bought and Sobd See uoir ine of Drapery Matevial Kitchen Units made to order C- F'. Duncan f Phone 79-16 - ORONO A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAIN and SURGEON O9*0 Heurs: 2.00 t. 4.0 pm.; 6.34 ta 8.09 p.mý Sundaya ad Wednesdays by app.intment. only PH'ONE 47rl - ORONO E.C. SYEK, M.D.' PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Address: South Main St. Office Heure: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.: 6.30 ta 8.0 p.=m. Sundays and Holidays 4y We wilb be pbeased to pick Up, daad or crippled farm animaIs and lpay highest prevaibing prices. For immediate service telephone colbect EBrooli 62, Cobourg 1266w, T'oronto Adebaide 3636. CORDON YOUNG Ltd. ROLPH HARDWARE I DURHAM FARMERS' COUNTY CO-OP* ~ I 100 Ibs. gain lanfirm condition while she's dry usualhy menas 2,000 hbs. more milk ln a cow's next lactation. Build her Up with Purina's speciali ration .. .1

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