Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 May 1950, p. 3

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By Rev. R, Barclay Warren B.A., B.D. Hosea Reveals, God's Forgiving Love Hosea 11:1-4, 8-1il; 14:49 Golden Text: I will heal their back- sliding, I will love thýerf freely. -Hosca 14:4a. No Old Testament prophet ex- presses God's love witlî mure ten- eierness'than Hosea. His o;vn beart-' rcnIding experience helped hint to enter imto God's attit ude te Israel. Heknew ;vhat it ;vas- to be Ï(fo- saken by, the one he loved. lie kniew bbc grief that comies in stec- k.ing that one sin greviously. Yet bis love continued in sçste of Gomer's action. He could convey God's message to backslidîng Israel. Gods, lovee ta seen in sncb expressîinAas "When Isrel was a child, then Ii loved in, and called rnty sonmot eoF Igypt-1l taughî Eiphiratim ialso 10 go, îak- mng thent by their at drew thent witb cords oýf a tian, witb bands of lovýe: and 1 aste theni as tbey tlbat taike off the yoke, on their jwanid I laid meaUý0t unto tbemul-H, o .sal I gîU ive theep, inýg, I will love 1thent freely. Hiere is amesg for býacksjiiders today; for thiooe who 1have known Guod's grace buit bave tuurd te bbc bcggarly, elemeinta of the world. Peterderis their action i n the words of aj proverb. "The dog is tumcd to is o;výn vomit, again; and bbc sow that was wasbed 1e ber wallowiog in te mire." II Pet. 2:22. But God rares, "~Oh! for the wonderful love He bas promised,. Promnised for yen and for me; Tho' we have sinned, He bas Mercy and pardon, Pardon for you and for mci." Let us no longer spuirn God's loive, but turn front our Sm 1te Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saàviour. New And Useful Chocoate Aspirin Chocolateasprinfor cbildren is pak diii tablet fortr, s gtman- ul.ar u ouse c to prevenit imelt- ngtechiorolate and psil e JUg sInsuated NotL vacuumn, but an i isuljatîn1g maeilbet;vUeen double wails keeýps liquiids biot or cold in a two-, cup pïtithr. Made jof a mtli platicaloy ndsai uaffected by food arids, soaps anid çletrgetýýs, i's called odiorless, tasteles, non101- "- toxir.- "Drip-prùoof" hp, asptse- "Iug rover Ihat tom 10allow POur'-. îing, special suetion vent for- con-j tinuaI liquid flow- Rcd, greeni, bIneý, ivory. Three-Purpose Shaw First portable, 'rotating-,op pow:- er saw for cutting wood, m-ýetals, ceramirs on same machine. d1aimns disemîbutor. Dy imeans initerchanmge- albl.e blades, sawsbictule, con,- crete blocks', lum ber, pipe, sheet metal, BX rable, conduiit, etc., saves tieJabor, lr say, Weighs 340 pound, bas self-conaiied gasoline engin, wokhgfable is calibraîrd in dgmee andcarpenter pitch te rotae 300,caosaw wood anly lengb, wdth p t1 four inýches tck cus ail lumber for average sizehom i0one day, comliaiiy Liquid Stoneý New Egis liid tnerm pound said t.o give beau1tiful stý,one- likelook 10 oatforma ýof buiilding muat :eriai.. Has grat lkali-resisting poperty' suited 10 nwly výlaid ce- a-etitt concrete, brick; ligbîens on wcaihering, looking new through- euït life; doesn'î crcflake, rau Lie nsed undîr waîer, sa i aker. SALY'S SALLE but Igelcakick ont of repeatiug il.." Modemi; Russian ideals ,and mod- eruRin proce-dures, are ighly ilnppu, lar i,,ith al ,right-tîbinking peopie onib iis side of the Atlantic. But long eforeStalin had a nante, or at least that partice-lar liante, Russian people came bu settleein Canada and fite United States, bringing e ich thein sonne of tbeir customs, and rnemories of titeir favorite dishes. I on don't haver b corntetrotn behind svbat is niow the Iroln Cor- tain 10 tborouglîly enjoy sonle of those dishes;, and yon'Ii find tîten ser;-ed in noted restaurants in ntany places. Que great fax orite iscailed: PELM!NI One egg and 1 cup of water are added bu enougi t1four tb -fort a thicit dough. Roll it-better ini parts -until quite tim. Vith a sntaii glass- or cookie cutter rut rounds and put in te middle of eacbi a piece of fillî.ng (as dcscribed beîow ), turneci round like a nut. Close te pel- meni so that eacli piece looks lîke a haîf moon and houite pieces for about 20 mnîutes in boiling water with a little sait, or i0 broth, in au 'open kettie. If brothi is used, p-1elei maY be ,caten ;itb the 1)ri ji. But usuiaily, pelmreni are tIa1,en ont of'the xater as soon as bbyrise 10 the surface, anîd are caenwlhsme meited butter, sour creant aîîiid V'rated ebeese. To, ieh eit leftovers, roll in crumbs and fry in oul. They are excellent bbe next day. FILLINGS FOR PELMENI' In Siberia, where pelmeni are prepared in fali for the whole ;in- ter and kept in barrels, the fîliîîg forte amnount of dougl d'escribed above would consist of: iý2 lb. citopped beef and ~lb. cbopped pork (hotu grade A)1 Thîey are 10 be mixed witb sait, pepper, a grated onion. a litIle brotb (about a cup). A different filiing m akes a differ-, ent disli. For varenniki the fiiiing consista of white cheese mixed with a littie sugar, butter, and an egg yolk. Iustead of eating with grated, cbeese sugar is nsed along with the butter and sour creant. Another kinid of varenýniki, used in the U1-krinie, is rmade with black checrries for a flling. Tbey, are also caten wýith some nteilted butter, sour Wiý-th ea prices- still soaring, more and more floks are buying fowi instead; so here's a recipe wbich soumds a little more compli- cated than mosl ways of disbîug up chicken, but wbich I rau assure you is weli wortb Ihe'extra bother. It makes a grand "main dish" wlieu yon re baving -guests, which is probahly wbyý it's cailed: COMPANY CHICKEN Chicken: , Cnt in piereýs 1i (3V2, lb.) fryer Wash thoroughly; pat dry. Save wings, bark,' nerk, gihiels for soup. Mel in large beavy skilleî '/,c shorîening Put in paper bag Vi c. fleur i tsp. pepper 1 tsp. sali Shïake chicken ini flour, a few pieces -at a tinte. Brown weli ou botb aie.Drain ounpaper towels. (Save drippinga, for gravy.) Batter: I n ediuni-sýized bowl, sift te- c. yeilow corn meal 3/4 c. sifted flour 3, tsp. bak-ing powder 1 tsp. sit 1.u isecond bwlbeat until, ight 4 eggs 1/,c.nilk.ý 3 tblsp. melted butter Stîririmb dry ingredieuls, then beat wiîlî rotary egg heater until smoolh. Pour mbt greased, heavy 10-incb baking disb (3 incites deep). Arrange browued chieken on top. Bake in mnoderate over (350 deg.) 1 hour, or until- baller puf fa up golden bro;vn. Grsvy: Bring 10 boîl 2y2, tblsp. drippings 2 c. water Mean;vhiie, put ln jar witb rover CHCLNQODEGETSOUP - ntec.k, ;vân-s, tack, giblels in 3 c. waler 1 tcp. ,s&li Dash of pcppcr Bit of chich-en fat- IVien rntea t fa", froni boue, ce- nioc0e frosi stoc, ool1ad Cut np., Sitmier ir s 'ckutidi tender 1 onion 2 car-rots c. chioppedc celery Ic. nuGod eS -,Irsd pepper Add chiopt-ed nieat atnd se-vc. RH-UBI ,RB PIE Pasbry for 9 inch pie 1 cup white sugar t g tearýpoon sa" 1 V2babi .ipoors cern cf-arch 3 cups ri-ubarb cut in, I inch pieces 1 tablespoon butter or ma.irgarine. METI-OD: Line 9 met,1 pie pan svitb paslry. dMix together sugar, saIt sud-crm s' arc';. Sprinkle one- quarter of Ibsmixture on ra;v crust. Fili l ttritubarb. Add re- mainder of ssr o tarcit mix- ture. Dot ;vÀiîbutter. Cox er vtth top Crust. Bake in bot (450) degree> ovets for 15 minuttesReuc ieal 10 350 degrees and cotiuebkiiîg frot 25 no 30 minutes, 4or util nImbant is cookçed. Plrrvate Enterprise Big'gest rEssentîal I am nte of the unrepetntanît w ho belie; e thal free enlerprise is essen- liai 10 a bealthy uation. 1 Ibink- free- dont is necessary itn order to provide scope for enterprise; but I aiso bbink Ibat enlerprise-reai inlerprise, ex en adventurous enterprise - ia neressary 10 arbie e lthe maximum de; eloptent of lthe vast resourrl es of a new 'country lîke ours. In advocating freedot of enxter- prise, I do 001 nîcan that govero- ments shouid nol lhave a large rneas- ure of responsibility for pronoting vigorons eronomir activily and ïon contrihuling activeiy 10 buntan ;vel- fare. I believe that social securily, oM insnrancc a 2s I prefer 10 descnibe i, like odnr nua crau be a ; stimuluis an 00an impediment 10 enterpiïîse.- 1 a - oyivinced it is the dnty of govemumeots'îý, federal, provincial and municipali, 10 do cvcrything (bey cao' effeclîvely 10 imprové human wei- fare and to maintain conditions fax'- ,orable 10 succesaful enterpnise aud therehy 10 bigit levels of cntpioy- meut and prusperity. Wc ail want high levels of employmnt and pros- pcriîy, but we have aiways said the bulk of cmpioymcent should bc pro- vided hy private enterprise. 1 do' not tbink il would be 'visc for any goveroment 10 kili bbc geese that we are counting on to lay the golden eggs. -Front an address by Rt. Ho'n. Louis St. Laurent, KC. eJcbrvç i~\1Xcl~WS. LjrIItK 4 b4 Il 1-- t JY, 2 Beautiiiu ul o î0IlorCo-" try! Prin1ces dres is so heavently for suing,1ne;v beachromber por- kets are sînarl. J acket is usef ul vwith other dresses bol! Pattern 4833: i0 sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42. Size 16 ensemble, 45/8 yds. 35-in. Tbis pattcmo,' easy to use, sim- ple t0 sew, is tcsted for' fit., Has complete iiiustrated instructions, Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stampa rannot he ar- cepted) for Ibis pattern 10 Box 1, 123 Eightleenlb St. New Toronto, Ont., Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and AD- DRESS. footwmork use NUGGET every day tue Give shoes quick, easy shines with Nugget. They'll look better .. last longer.. OX-BLOOD, BLACK., AND ALL SHADES 0F BROWN The follow-.ng tips, front a gar- ment trade expert, will enable you to give home-sewn gar.ments a real professional icolt, beside saving Yeu timne and bother. Picking Your Pattern Buy an easy-to-fit, eas-ofinish 1desitu v idi straight eam at the shoulders aiudsi(ie.s. Tyto finid a bc onidng style xx th few u'pieces and sinmple detail. Stucly our patten crefulyse- lecting the version youu want t0 m,-lke (ircle it ou thep envelope and juside cutting chart. Let these be ý-ollr blueprinfs for action. Choosing Your Fabric Check your pattern envelope first for fabric suggestions. The manufac- t irer knoxxs the materials best suit- ,ed for each eiguand the sats fashioni-wseý., Buy ,,llace goodsý, Yoi'il want 1t nwifi'ùbrnpof washable, rlrat raerssat if it'salwolctonyoads on. Knowing your fabriclad style surcess. The fabrics mnost easilyhade are cottons anîd ighter wolcswith good body, in sid cotlor, r smail allover print-s. if you ar abeginnier, by-pass plaids, clcks)order pi ints, or stripes thatreur tricky match- Match yursew,,ing materials 10 your fabric at the start - zipper, thiread, biuding, hooks and eyes-iu colorx. Patterns Meet Fabric: Press the fabrie. Spread it on a surface large euough to hold ail the pieces at once, and straigbten rare-. fully. Watch the grain of thegoods in laying out youir pattern pieres. Be sertain that ahl pieces t0 be cut from a faliric witb a uap are going i0 the samec directior Follow cl- ting chart 10) theý letter. Work with plenty of pns good quality-Size 4or ) ad Isharp scissors. Beoectigwark eve,--ry symbol xxith tailor's chialk o'r Ira A dress tha;-t'swelnakdlos puts itself together. Don't cut deep notches. It's cas- ier to rut pattern notches out ini- stead of in-parirularly if the fabric frays. Basting: When liaud-basting, work on a table. Remove pins as you go, and a backw ard stitch 00wý and then for firmness. 0 By loosening the tension of your sewing machine, you can whirl through a firmi basting stitch in a hnrry. This is a short rut mauyý women prefer. Slip-baste plaids or stripes on the right side for easy natc 'hing. Insert a piece of paper in bbe seam of a bias edge -sncb as a ncck piece-10 keep il f rom stretching as you work. Stitching To a; oid puckering and markiug your material, test the tension of yonr machine on a scrap before you begin stilching. Take a short cul to secure sýtitches at the beginniug and end of cach seant or0dart byretracing svera stitches ou,1thle mac'ne if'OUT machine doe-i"t reverse aich ift presser foot sl'ýihly iwith one bUd, and with the ot!her, draw cloth lw ly toxvard you, This fastens thrcad. SewÎing Tips Tfliat Save Tim le.,,0 TRAVELLING CLINIC. In this new inediral car th-ousandýs of rafiway employeeca arros Canada xii reccive the bencfits o)f a preventive medicine pelicy followed by the Canladi au aioa Raiiwuys. Taking a personal sonteresî ln the plan is D)onald 'Gcardo. president of the C.N.R., whro is shovwn, right, with Dr. K. E. Dow,vî chi cf medieal officer, lefu, ande Dr. W. . r Tixospson, medlical officeýr who will ýconduct tbcex-aminations in thc car. Four medacal cars are in the travelling clinie fleet operrated by the C.N.R. One covers the Atlantic Region, Que-bec,, and tjie-Cana- dian National and Central Vermont lunes in New EganAnohe.r operates iu the Southemu Ontario Ierrilory and on bbic Grand TmunMk Western linos. A. third revers Norîheru Ontario sud Mniob, nd a fourth serves the remaiuder of the western provinces b I he Pacifie Coat. 1A tour of duty keeps a car away from headquarîers "orabu two years, sud during thaï; tinte il is office and home orbb railway'S doclor. Dar., are firm i oub a-,te theq from thepo)intt tewiet pa4 Stith fr Ilte widst prt toth Press eachi seam o, pen asyo fi-nish it, Then fitt'iiîg and finisirli xiii be easy. Stretch jersey a littIe for a neat, job.:However,alyswthfoto stretch bias fabriH hr s ljie to a straight piec. pckre san resuits, Before hemmiiuIg abias-cui skirt, pin xl b a buger len ic l ang at leasî 24 horsý, It will sag aIthe,, bias, grain], and the ievitable un- eve0n hemline abc, ad!justed3accu- ately b sve alter hang:ing. inhngTouches: Tr'y dresa ouI, roug side oui, !for aneasy final 1-i tîing. i'xish 'seams with rare. Pinký- seants on materials thal aren't cas- ily fraycd. Overcast or edge'stîich seanis on raveliiig slik andwol Turn a fine Itrench seant for lin- genie garments. 1Before turning, a cu rved seant, slash along the edge to relieve bulk- mness, A prof essional-ooing hem is a "mnust." To be ýce-;rti 's even, t ear heels when marking.Alw about 2 inches for a neat fiuished! hem. Make neat gatlscring easy by min- ning thre parallel rows of tchg about %s inch apart. Puill îread ocf eacb and adjust the fullneýssequially, Elastic thread wound on bobisti wiîb regular tbread isanthr n swer to simple shirriing, Use your ironingbor for lay- ing in pleats, Pin at top ,and lbottoni., Press in, then baste. Scw buttons on fine wool f'abrirs with a small stay utton under- ncatb to relie; ýe any strain ou the fabric. Fiuai pressing tomns the trickI. Use a weil-padded sieex eboard for shortseams, a tailor's cushion fior rurved scarus, particularly armhole.. Regulate your iron rarefully and use a pressing cloth or steant iron for your wools, acetate rayons, liried and faced gartuents. Haîf a ton of mail goes out eacb' day front the library of The Cai- adian National Instituite for the Blind 10ourt 17,272 blînd Co adians. Included in this zare v- umes front the 15200 Biraillebok the 3,884 moon type books,- anid theý almost 1,000 talIking boscoin- prisinig some 162rcrs Two mided ers metafter an inîcrv.al of some mnthsiOc of* thent immediately ecaitdif] a ar or:'o'calrgt o 'i N N N Ix N N N N N N N s t5 r s t-' N s a-. N N 1~-~ N N N N N N N k, N N N N N N N N N N N 1' N ~1 k, N N. N N N 'r. N ta s N s 1- f N N N N s; -t N N N s -t

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