Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 May 1950, p. 1

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RD o EE Vol. 14 No là ORoNo, (ONT_. THupRS;DAY, MAY 4th, 1950 Subscription $ 1.50 pe~r Year Orono Brass Band Conducts- Successful ,Musical. Program A large nuamber frein lie village ,end surrounding district mere pres- euit et the Orenro Toma Hall on Fri- ,day eve-ning, Aprill 2Sth, mhen the ~' Orono Band conductesi their first 'Q ping econcert ansi sauoce. 'Phe var- iet f musical numbers, both froni the baud andi a voc(-al group heard 4ariag tic 2-heur prograni, ueet mwiti the approvai cýf ail attending. 'Phis evcning, sponsoecd by tie lo- cal band, shomes i dcidesi progressive- aîvaosmmm et laii ts history, for lt Yirlered tice fi-st ptîblic appe'amance dresses inlutic nem uniformes, ansi ai- se, an increasesi nuimier of members, along mith a very favora-<bly inistru- imenites iansiconductesi poregam. 'Mm, Charles Tyrreil, aotiug as claraguided 'lime prograni, wmiie BaumaserM. J. 'Paublyn, com- mremvinghils S6th year -mitilthe baud, 'coaductesi tihe siiastlrougi suclm popular nmarýtial imusic as Lver- 'rglMiddy andi lhe renomnesi Colonel Bogey. Precise instrumnenta- tion mas displayed Inu many rof the avartures, ansitatlils aSsied a,) cornet solIO ansi a corniet duet. 1A taleutesi vocal trio froin Cobourg of Aibent Hircock, Lloyd Stinson ansi 3filton IHarper spicasi tiepregrami mith Iheir outsýtandln7g ability la 7nalt successfull ircpmeening such nmbeili as "Ceci Water," "'Pie Rag- -esi Vagabond. M-K. Hlrcock, lnaa mý-ost versatile inner, sang the Big- !ýass Viol ansi a n-uaiber of hIlumeir- cour numibers. Also Mi-. Stinson' sang Bandssan Ja-k, Wilson, miti a comclair, san,.g time pepular it of loîsiay, If PFOIomYou Wer'e Coning 'd 1Have BaJkes ilaCke"Mr-. Glenl- -n-Pamblyn, a foramer imeuber of tie banS, gave a numiber of ino ,solos -whàich rounded outtic concert M oi f mliquite a, mniber teolk The pirceedis f rom Ibe concert ani dneare te' lieuseS' in paying for, lire nem unifemmas. Statement concert, Sanc-e, hlunchi, ansi 246401 51.315 Ne..................-- 195--5 'lime hanS mouisi like te thank Ibose mimeimasie efoiioing donationis: V. W7ijslson................$ .00 M.J. H. Morris*---............ 5.00 C, B Tyrrel ... ... ...........i5.00 Norîman Hogg......--- ........ 10.00 'Nal Porter...-------.............. 15.00 'ie expensý,es ref tieeveniag me re kept 10 a minimum as Roy Forrester ansi hua sordimeatma donoatesi heur ser- vices. Altieugi tic(- band ta not madng - publit canvass, -any donations te- mti-si iew Lem aiforis mould, be gmatefully recc-ived ansi acknoml- ?Oigesiâ. NE WTON VILLE, Mr. Chas Morris is in Port Hope hospital, Mm. James Stone euitinues i vry peer healti. Mrs. Wlis Jenes_iareturnedi from Bemîmanville hospitai. ý -- Mrs.' Sam Smith continues lu very poor health. 'Pie infant chilsi cf Mi-. andsi Mm Wes. Conlin Jr. mas huiÏeS ln Lake-j vuiam Cemetery ou Monday, May lst Mis. MWDbel Langstaflý jourueyed to Kenidai mitli hem llshing pele. Miss Bertia Thonmpson spet a fewsiys 1last meek -miti the Misses Tiompea laToronto, Mrs. Frank Law, mie has béeen lime guest cf Mss Jennie Phoinpson l9a retumnesi te Toi-ente. Rev. Dr. 11fcTavisi cof Oshamaoce- cupied the pulpit on Sunday ansi spoke n temrpemance. Rev. Hf. A. Buit, Mrs. Darlilglon ani -Mi" . Melville Joncs attendeS the fanerai of Mm. Pheips Poilai-si t Can- ton onj Tuesday. MW. Stewart Basisett, Joan and Kennelh cf Toi-ente, ware mili ils aunt ansi unicie, Mi-. ansi Mrs. George Mr. Busi Joncs loft fer his nem job in Napanee on Monday milh lime B>ridge Bidn Department cf tic Canjadian National Railimys. Rev. T'Pimos. lacMr, ansi Mrs. Cee. Beaire of Gr-ecnibank anS Mm. hane ïelieS on friendus lu lie vil- laeSumday. The girls' softbali team ,rof 1949 xiibs p.its olsi usnes ad aPe I jlaunlltmg n basket sociai. Yoa mVlii hermore news c f this inter. Aiso algirls, interestesiiluiplnying balil wýill htear cf ucm deveiopmnents me coaclic, mngmnetc. "Tic Ro) ý,tae-r Hemo" lime play puta on by Shnm's ansi sponsoresi by Crookesi Creek Home ansi Sciool Club mas la Newtonvllie Hall on Thursdny night andi enjoyesi by ail. Ou Satu, rday when M. ansi Mrs. Lanson M'ilison ansi Dereen mere lu- vitesi te lime homie of their son ansi dnulitr-n-imM. ansi Mrs. Le- land, Milison of Bowumnvlle, they maere surpisesi lefinS illime fnmily, tlie gathlering being la honor cf their 33m weddhng k annîiversary-. Tic famiily pi-eseS l hiem iti Imo nice chairs. Manuy peolMPe of Orono ansi the sur- rowun'diug district mavre sorry le hearj of tlime nig of Dr. Bird cf Oshawa, eue day at mec. Tic dowtor as at- tending a couvention at Chicago h\vuen lie mas seizesi with-a heairt at- Orono Lawn Bowling Club Anticipate Active Season, 'Pie annual metn of the Orono Lamî Bemwlýig Club mas helsin lulie nf-fice of Mm. Lerey Hamilten on Thursday e'vening, April 27th, wili ný l'airý re-preseulatien cf lie club \~imembers present. If thec entiusiasmn sJmewAed at lie meeting- is anindca tonfr the comling season, Iheni icmeumbers of lthe bowling club sheculd hiave a veysuc.,esaful year. Thie secretary, Musý'. H. H!ooey, i-ced the m(inutes of lie last innual îmmeetlnhg, mihich mere adopteS as rend. M4~s K. Gamsb , i-casrer, rend the fimacalallmelfer the 1year, shlewing L ie club bad abane cmi hanSi of '75 cents. Omýing te thc reydry seaseon of hast year, the m-eumbers mere umabie te sa-ve lime gras"-"Is from' batiing1Ï Up,, iluaý ne memf- brsi-ýip tickets meme solsi. Au lChe eleclion of efficers tic saine offlers m re i-claeS foi: lia year, Presidant -R. A. Fretr T-reasurar -Mrs. K. Gamtsby. Secrelai-y -~Mrs. H. Hoy Directors -M. A. Carleton, E. HmecLaroy IanioW. Wnt- 'ie 'big qoston et e e-venig wrlIefi-aadng 0fý lie club ansi te, complele lime green tlimaI mas e- surfaceS last year. Il mwas Seclded te te keep lime memibersiip aI one Sel- lai- per mieubar, ansi te sali tie tickets eat once so tint lie new -cen coalsi be coumpielasi. Wiea tuas is donc bemliing mill comuence lanlime carly part of June. AI preseudthlie fres sou la stee met te moi-k anSdlime meatier tee colS for fast gromti. As lucr-e are( otier thinga le be fixesi uip arouniilimne green, il was decided te) holsi a cdram te sup-piy lie extra mnytinat milrl be neie,--ded. The clubj baa purchasesi a 15-tube combinatien iamp ani rdo wmmc ill be.drama fora ut lime Sauce helsi;on Dominion Day in Oronol Toma Éall. .1a an eicavour le save unneces- sary -expense omoney, signs ii be erecled asking people ansi clilidrea neot te traveil ove,_ the g-cen, as Ibis puncimes ho-les la the carli ansid ol lime greens. When eatering lime paýrk pee(str-ianýs can ctimertravel along lime hesigae liHe park proper, or by tic ro Iny f Ihis pr>oves unsatis- factory, lihe green mi have le be encloseS ilh a feace, thua casing time cirub needicas expens,çe. ThPie meetinig lien asjouruesi. Inoculation 0f Legume Seed Assures Better Resuits Meetig OfDistrict >letiu 0fOflicers 01 W. 1. Legvuinous c!roip%, SuCh as alfalf a, A district annuai business meceting red clover. ;sweet ecweer, al sike, soy- <fteWoeIlisitt mshl beans, etc., hiave long been known, at Friday after-noon at the home under etain conditio n1o eave the 1 f tihe District PeidnMr. O. W. land on w\hîch,.they mere groma lui a a Rolph. vicher condition than it mas in before. About fifty officers ans inmabers cf the croop. The niecessaýry conditions te surrounding Institurtes mvere- are, in 'addition to the soul being in present. Preparations for the_ pro- goud tilth, and well drainesi, that1 grains te bu used at the annual con- there shoulsi be in thie sodl certain vention in _Kendal on May 3(Ysh were species of bacteria knewaý-i as Legumne ptaninôà. Bacteria. These leguime bacteria A dellicious afternoon tee mas ser- penetmiate the youhg mots or the le-, ved. by Mms. O. W. Roliph, assistLed, by gumnes where they producýe littie Mrs. V. Rlobinson, Mrs. R. Logan swellings or noduleýs, sinigly or in I, and Mrs. R. Forrester, while a sb- bunches. On ciover-s thiese- nodules,'daible timie was held by the ladies. are very amai but numierous, mhile- on paus ansi beans they are, doripara- tively large andi few i n naum-ber. The bacteria lu liese nodules (hp lie fi-ee nîtreigen cf tlie attm-ospher-e -se-)laI tie plant can use il ns foeod. Wil-h- eut lthe aid oflimhe bacteria lie plants, rannolt do tu hs ansi ne plant oýther than lime lmscaa do lt, levemilh lime bacteria present lanlime soil. On oldsis, or miere deovers or eîther legtunes, are successfuiiy gr ownalu crop rotation, the bacteria aire usuaily presenit. Lanrew sela, ho-waver, or mien nem leguime crobs, as aif al or soybaans are gi-owu iii oli sel the appropriate bacwteria aire apt neot tel be present andsin suci case soeume methosi cfinclto sheulsi bu adotesi te suupply lime bacl- terin. Numerous expeimeats ani prolongesi experience have . shiowm liaItihebesl wlay le o nthis la te lai-1 oculaite 'tic seedS ml1hthlie necessary balai-ma. For, sucbseesi inoculation, artifi- ciaily gro-,ur cultures oftich bacteria, orignllysecuresi from ,thle noduilesý ou- h lm oolts of 'lie sainjje spPes of Pliant 1MI ilate be emare sp- pliesi te lime seedsi siotliy before il la, somnu i. By this me1(tmos lic bac- teria aecr ii ito tie sou mý\it lime seecS, aniiin amiple inmbers le pracicn!l. iy maure ifcinof itac rouets, ih cueun icrse ~roxkh tlof tie crQp. Alfa]lfa ansi cloeri- eesiare vei-y xen ivani-das au"Inextra as lrace il miii quite p)ossîibiy pay yen to use culture this yenr. For, your accoi-modationi youri Agricuiturial Represenlative, '-E. A. Suamersl,bas, a lsmpply of cultures aI tlie Depaîment cf Agriculture Of- ifice, Bommanvilie. A cultlure ,miii treat eu-e bushel cf seeS, but if, you have lesa Ihan a buabllime entime culture mnay be usesi mithout hanm. Cultures fer aifalfa, mcd ciover, sey- beans andsi seet clover are Iw,,enty- five cents. 1-f il is nelt conivenient for you te cali aItithe Deparî-ment office, cultures miii be sent by mail. ______ Afierneon Auxiliary Meeting Time Afternýpon Auxililry of tlime Women's Missiouary Society met ou Tucsday aflterneon ut lie spudie-us boume 0Kf Mrs. W.' E. Armstrong, wilih President Mrs. M. H. Stapies in lie chair. 'Phe suppiy com'miltee reporteld a sgplendihd resiponse te Ithe appecal for usles cloithing for over-seas relief. Tie treasurer reportesi a ttal4-of$61.11 fer lime Easter 'Piank - Offering. Plans are underway fox a very spe- cial mieeting lu June to, celebrate thie 251h anulveýrsamy of tie foundig of lime Unitedi Chai-ch inu Canada, lie m1eeting te) be iu charge of tliecxc- culive andi Gmoup 3. Mrs. A. A. Drunimnu led ln a vcry impressi-vamoi-slip service on the theme of stcmardshlip, laking ais hem topicelime stery of thie "Goosi Samari- ton". .Mrs. Robert All.in rend thie sciA plume iseou and Miss Esith SimerM*n presidesi aI tie plane. Mms. W. E. Armstrong led a discussion on educantional moi-k donc by lime W.M.S. In botm Canada nd Sother countiic of tic mýoi-id., P'aclical ideas mere brougiI out about organization lu our om\aiichai-ch ansi comintinlty. ,Miss MaLry Ami A.mmtrouig faývoresi Mti a ioveiy piano solo, rafler mi-hici lime meetinxg cleses ithilia hynmnrns pmayer by lime pi-esident. o- OXFORD HOL STEIN 15 ONTARJO CHAMPION PRODTJCER ON 3X Pomonla Komadlyke Mnga . pîurebred Hoîstein owned by -Bert Thornton & Sen, Thannesf orS, Ont., bas jual coumpletes lie ligeIbut- Ici-fait record ever mnada by a Hoîr)ste-in lai Ontarie on three liesa-dy ilk- ing. Hem production is given (iasi 2,242 lima. fat fi-em 26;,173 Ibs. nmilk, average test 4.75 per- cent butterf I !Tic record mas alarlesi a' sevan years cf auge. Reînarkable Achievemeots By In stitute For The Blind For over 3(0 years The Canadiani Iristitute for the B1Iinýd lhas beensr ving hling pe-ople. During this rela-1 Éiwely briefI period the organizationI lias had remar)kabie success i achieving its objecta s hc are, asË s;tated on its letter-head, ýto am-elior-ý ate conditions of the blixid in Oan-1 ada and to prevent ,blindnie.s. Pior to the *etblishmiient of the igaiatioin' no facilities were avail- able to the aduit rperson who hist isý siglit to' learu braille cor useý,ful crafts. Today the Iristitute inain-i tins a hm teaching service andi any blind person can receive 1instruc- tion at bis honiie in order to lant read wlvth his fingers to type and to do handicrafts. Formierly a blind person waàs forced bo remiaini in idie- niess owýýing to lc of 0opportunity. Todlay oippotuity is provided by the inistitute for the Blind and over 500 people inth le provinïce of Onitarjio are gainfuliy emiiDoý-ed oii a fiil tinie basis. Even morer work part time. Thle ognzainis Cons-tantly de- vejoping new m-,etho(ds.Ini the field f Cotinurd on pgefour) $27,OOO Speent Roads 1 Clarke Township Counil met on Tuesday, May 2nd, with ail the miem- bers present. Thie main subject for dis9cussion was the township noad re- pairs and 'the opening of tenders for the crushing of gravel, and also for bulldozer work on the roads. Mr. A. E. Morton,, as a delegate fromi the Durham Central Agricul- tural Soýýciecty, approached the council on the m'tters of obtaining some property from the townviship, nnd'also the placing of a culvenit -uncler the rare track at the south end of the fair grounds in Oràioo.. Morton said that the Agricýulturral ,&Iciety would like to purochasýe soame forty feet of landi from the ;township yards which border along t-he southern ex- trenmity uof the fa-ir grouinds. Withi this, piece of land the Society could imrove the turns in thie track and make themn a mooee notural eurve that the hor"es whenractingý would be able to take the turns mithout breakirig their -gait. AlIso he asked~ if theic township coulds ee fit to, assist lu placing a culveÉt, under the track ut the- south ei. This particular cul- vet thijs year lias been praetically waàhed ont fby the spring floods andi thatit as eyer big enough at any time wheniwýater was fleing throug'h the grouands. The council added this to their road inspection, ani at that timie ii decide in w1hat mariner they, can help. The cotof s3ch a culvert was saisi ly the reeve would cost in the eigor o0f $NG0.0. Thle byiaw for "No Pa)rki-ng' and "Stcýp, Through Streetu Signs" at certain streets in the village *han now been drafted and is heing considered1 for passiag at the niext regulari meeting -of the couneil. The "ýNo Parking" sdgn is to be crectesi on! Centre Street, while the "Stop,1 Through tr.eet Signjs" wiil be placesi at Centre andi Churc-li and Centre anid Par~k.1 A nur.mber of hospital buIls werev receivesi to be pid by thetonip ansi on further investig-ation these, bills mii be deaflth with. A discussion follow-ed on the pat ing of tr-ees oni closesi rand also1 alonig the implroved nroads to Leskard, anti on thec Sixth Liine. Councillors Bron ai Lowery' viere off the opin- ion that if they were to nlant a largej nainber of trees that it zshould be done on at least a fifty acre plot.. A Resume 0f Work 0f The Orono Institute 1909-1934 straýtions 0f bathÉng a patient anid Thle follow%ý,ijg 's ,, summaliiry of, changingl bedding andi preparing twcoiiy-ýfive yearls' Of progresS in poultices by _Miss A. V. Campbell, R. the Orono Braneh of thie Wonmien's1 N., Cobourg; cakce biigde monstra- Instituite preparesi and reasi by the tion by Mrs. A. A, Rolph inm 1.12 axid 7rsn eceay Mrs. L. Buckley icesi wl,,th media iling by Mrs. Pow- at the tet-ffhbltthday celeibra- ers. Mrs. A. Sijare sbcmed us hem-v tuion. to carve a f o'wl,. We had a biscuit The Orono Brandi, of the Wo- centeast, denionstrations of omelet r men's Institute -,as organizesi on mnkirig, dhýeese making, potato pie, June 4th,9, wlth the followiýng short bread, flower arrangement, a offiersfashion parade of grandniOthers, President -. Miss R. A. Walshi. mothers, bride, chliren ansi babies Vîce-l>res. - Mm, A. A. Powers. in pioneer andi modern style in aXftr- Seýc.-Treas--Miss Kate Colville. noon, night ansid etttire. Directors -- Mrs. Geo. Pollard,j We helsi a class la basket weavinig Mrs. T. l>owers, Mrs;. S. MW. Blllings.i and a short course in sewlg and do-~ Auditers - Mrs. S. Halliday, Miss maestic science in 19D6. At alinost M. M. Momrent. every mneeting we iasi splendid pap- Welstý our fireSt president, Misýs espeae as es meibe si, Rl. A. Walsh, by deat uAuut and qnrnsc boilh instrumrental andi vo- 1911, ansi since fthat turne me have ca4thmeig. Slni basi as presidprits. Mm.S A. A. Pom- ports of the conventions mregiven ers, 2 years; Mrs. Mitchell, 2 years; ea1ch -year vmithout excepytion. Ustial- iMrs. A. A. Powers, 5 years; Mrs. ly rereshm--ents cOf some knimr flicksen, 1- years; Mrs. F. Hall ,1S servesi and a social haîf-horur sperit. reairs; Mrs. A. A. Hleiry, 4 years; We, have renember-ed o1ur sitck andi Mrs. E. Dean, 11 years. 1bereavesi menbers witli flomers and It saiens our hiearts te feel that letters, and -%me have net ainiays wait-~ ail of our presidents up te 1.921 have cd until tihe ' vmere sick or gone lte passesi to t1heir re-mard. We miss Shom Our appreciation. When Mra. Hoiiey ieft urs, mve gave hem a piirse them ail as mveil as the fortyý-tmvgo f -gold i ansiheisi a farei;eli entertnin.- umenbere'wh hav dic. mnt. When-r Mrs. A. A. Powers ieft Since '.909 Our miembership has us, we gaive lier a silv-er table pateau. Variesi from 1!05 i 1925 (of these 65 1,1 1922m rsne m .R wee v'detyofae hrcus) Cooper, ou r faithifufl secretkiry, -mith te 22 imenmbers in 1918 ansi 1919. Our a siver f1mer basket filcd mith we recally highest year wvas 1929 Nvith peas. Iu 1928 me presentýed Mrs. 31 members. Ourpresent meniber- GltsMcKay mlvth a Silver cake tray. ship is 70 rwýith prospects of five more W raeiorcucit oe at once. made candy ansi had àauttle celebra- 1Our progmamis have bee-im on the' tien for our janiter, Mr. -McLecod,. wvhoIe above the average. We ýhave whea he retired. been visitesi by 23 goverument dele-. Eih year me entertain our stafr gates; hiad idresses f rom Miss o)S tencimeris ands chool board lu Sep-~ Gardner of Mýoody BibleInstitute-, oftobr andi our lmxisbanids and gentl'e- Chicago; M.Dalyv of Port Ho1(pe; M1r. Men friends la January.l uy~ Treneer ni! the Institu-te of the Blini; hold our, picnic and -Play ourseIves. Dr. W. Gý . McCullioch, Miss Leta We have entertaiedSi arkville, Ty- FLancockî, R.N., several splendid talks mrone and Newtonviiiie societies, by Mrs. J. C. Gamaey, -RN.. and ani Our, achijevemeimts havebe rn na excellent talk on sports hy M.O1 .as aid as emaite ae Gansby. We 'have liaditodbts sponores for pI~rs nsfhad n n- e prousi te belong te such an. or- zanization. The first mas buying of uIDs, In gave ~ $10 inDi zes te athe Agricultin'al Seciety Fair ansiG continuesi this until the last te Un 1 ownsai i ens We cnmibted ta niemn-r- ý[li(> te meate Ms.HoodIeýsS, Gt ~u irt memian t orga ie eInstitute. W'e aPPIiesdi:te the council to heip in- [n" Four Months i>t7"" ' prove the park andi in 1911 donatesi ___________________________$25, ansi later paid $4for a fene arounithe park. Reeve Woodya-rd thlought it a ishiame We, servesi nmals tâte fair-. 1n if they could't -at least use part 1912 m? e statrt-es our lrish suppers on Of tLhe rder of tr(ees mhich thfley could i March 17thani tili contjinue te hois receive. t mas xpeseiby Couni- an irisJh eeim but' more lan th& ciller Loeey that if the tomnshi,ýlip fer'm Cf, alprgranm nsi sca evenr- plaintesi trees, on closesi rond(s lt weulig. We fmushs nidmnmesa cct mrean ,that the-y oulsi have te fenice iýn the Na'tton amtoi.m, Trn ia these areas, ansi that such a1-imemrm1o Mis R'l'ca"aNh in W- don ted roct t omnil acreage that wcou'l exist, it woulsi be Hsia. W eetefrtt t a otyventurei. The roiad spei- temptte 1-o utif hei- wa7 cor- tendent was utrutesiteplant oak nr e pners4ns omte i-- andi eliinmalugthe -rond(te Leskard; e eteWne aralietman ansi aise along the SlthLne. Th;- sitheedi cers1o1e h)9F1)-omr'L-a was thought weu-)Lld improve- the ap- f[tte. We paisi $50 for a new roof on pearance of ithe rons luyears to the bnsistan I Asi -ouiedgaag ceme. Jcana for, the front Street. 1In 191i1lansi 197, -mhlich miust have The reasi superinteudent sii that been ei ur busi;ýst years, e ganve tec many of the masheuts stil!imd inet ticSmeltern Port -Tope, ansi helpeà been repaired, bu*tlithatevery thingfr-sfeerian ortheirn Onitaio possible is being doue te geý(t ail tie Ti-ougithe eifforts mansi) puto tovnship ronýds back into shape for' of the W. I_., a Redsi Cross mas ena- safe travel. fLt mas learnesi that ever 1i7es iani*we gave 832_7 te the cRedi haîf -of the, roasiapopito hasi' Cri-osa, $9720 tet,,'e- tri La- alrenadv ben ussdiluthe fi-sýt four g 1ue, $50 cote te OWoioE Kakm C ub, monta fr th reairste ashots.guavesomre t"', ""-" l P trýt, mmthsfortherepirsto ashuts 1futnid, helpesi time W.C.T.U. ia sending The- cost for Che mný-th of AprilI masbodukteheeyasgae$( a litle over $7,00). 11u disqcussing te the Y.M.C.A., ansi $15 te the sol- the repairing of ýthe roasi at tic mil isera lu Siberia. We hasi a towel dam in Orono,lt mas saisi that te r£eshewer wmfhen me receivcd 126 towels bud the road wmhici mas mýashed ont ansi $2 ansi a comnfort shomwer mhere moculsi cost $2,500, ansi te rebuilsi the fifty parcels mere sent at oee ame tc, roadssethat lie dam iceulsi again beVi th, nies usced il moulsi ost $3,600. It %va s omne cfthls money mýas rîa r voîesi that ithe Co-oîp mouisi PaY the sale 0f reses donatesi by Mrs. A, thids e he f te ond.coulisiA.Roipl, Sale cf olsi papers, andi tle thirs c lie cst f ame ond sale cf ticke-ts on a 3-storey cak, again be usesi, butitfint they would Aise tmwo verv successful bazears net accept any, respousibility on fu- meehels. We- contributed i) a ail.- ture policy. Reeve Wood-ad as e e evc, etIelsit ai Cleuncl fi Bomu mnere ofthte cpin- in Bommnviiniý'e Hospital, ansi sent, ion that tihe best poccduire la tlis $5.0f) te suPII co-nfot te ltme Re.- case moulsi'obetoa liras ï-u itsebecca WalsL e I W- -i, wrhic'h we proper place whloh meulsi talke t 1hasiil ndomei tere. We sent $50 h tlhrou.gi the pend. Te put in the lmlp(lmene lymoen ani ChIid at Oochanes ani$5 to'theresiAir rond lime tomnship meoulsi dbsus1 Fund; $100 te l ire sufemrers: heIp tha dized. 'Ple -roasi supe-inten dent, mas1Welsh uiers, Tobermory l nstituatÉe instructesi te fuii-tmer investigaite Ibis! ansiNà hohidWres ceucem nsamisete elan estimatel'Phe W. I.mere,,i-( te firsitto tenart. T IMIWN N N N r. N N N N a N 4 s' N N N 'N 'N N 'N a N 'N N N a a a y 'N 'N a N N Ni 'J a N 'N y a a 'N 'N a N N N 'N N 'N 'N a N N 'N 'N N 'N N a y N N 'N N s N. a N N a N N N N s. N 'N lIN N 'N a N N

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