Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Apr 1950, p. 5

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M.iesos Dean lias accepted a i s Jeani Wilson has accepted poiinat Runnymede and started, a poýsition at the Onrtarioo HospitLw at her duties, on Monday of lagt week. 1Wbitby. e 1950 Morning train and local bank- both are part of BroWnivle's daily lîfe. They link Brownville with the whole outside world. Whether Brownville is a fishing port, farming centre, miningtown orýndustrial City, Most ofiits pro ü'ts im be sold "outside", m n4iy t in s br ught in. 'And the local ban lps, e ing as an essential link with f aces. Your ban k mahager has available for you the resources, knovledge'anid experience of a banking system Wi,ýth branches throughout Canada anfd elseWhere and contacts in other parts of the world. He welcomes every opportuni ty toput them to Work for you and the community hie serves. s pON sO( R P - ""R BANK Mrs. IL Witer i- sited Mvsid Mrs. Gord;oneaeninLeasidJe.. Holi1da.y visitor-s vith Mr. and Mrs, EdwàMilîonweeMi. anel L l. cGîlnis adfamily ý,of iMu-r- mora, an1d -Mtrs. Lsi Weibb anid arenOf Ottaw'ta. Mrs. ILH,HBarlw ad Roger vîsit- ed her prnsMýL and rs. P. Mal- lory, Oo)bourg, BIRTHS 1{ANCOCk- Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Hancock, Warkworth, are happy to announce-the birth of a daughter, Mary Evelyn, on Friday, April 14. iný Calnpbe1ford Hoslpital. A sis- ter for Lýrnda. DUNLOP - Hermnan and Phyllis (nee fHollingsworth) of Toro-,nto, are happy to antnounce the birth of their daugliter Sharon Diane, on ADril 14th,, 1950, at the Toronto Western Hospital. Mother, and baby fine. I SINGER SEWING MACHINE Co. ISeli tJsed Treadies andl Electric -Sewing Mlachinýe? as weIl as ne ons Ininediate' Delivery can hoe obtaineel by writing or phoning SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY j Port Hope- Phone 3060 Plumbing and Rot Water CAýýLL US FOR ESTIMATES *HARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r, 12 aw 0 RO-NO ONT. ~UNITED CURCH S Reverend A. E. Eustacei SUNDAY. APRIL 23rd 11ev. R. E. 'torÉon 2.30pm-SnaShol Sp)eciai'Srvc 2.00 pm-ekr 3.00i p.m.-Kirlby. l'"This Week's Bay" Peaineal B ack Bacoat, lb. sliced 65el FRESII FRUITS AND VEGE. LONG GREEN STALKS Asparagus, 2'/-b bunches 29e. Bananas, golden ripe, lb.. 19C. Sp)y Apples, 6 ut. basket ..49c. Pineapples, jumbo size, lb.. 45e. New Garrots, 4 lb. .*. ..... 29C. Without Tops FIR-M GREEN IHEADS New Cabbage, lb..... 8 e.q Quaker Corn Flakes 29e With Free Green Glasqs Tuimbler STA FFOCRD'S FINEST QUAITY PURE JAM%-ýS iad JELLIÉ~S Putre Apple Jiy 12 oz jar 21c Puire BlackCrrntJai, 12 ozs. for. .........37c. Pure Raspberry Jani, 12 ozesO3C Pure Grape Jam, 12 ezs.-. 22e, PurePineapple Jam, 12 ozs 27c NATURE'S BEST CLOVER CREST No. 1 YORK -BRAND CHOICE HOMO ICIE ,PASTEURIZED Il TOMAÀTOES HOOICE W'R ONY22-otn SPECIALWHT OEnn, 3 tins for 25 Cents 4 lb. pail 79 Cents 29 Ceents phone 12 r 1__THE RED UWHITE STORtE We Deniver w Local News Extra local item-is on',pagze seven. Miss Gwenl Chatterton, P'ete.rbor- ough, was atiom for- the week-end. Mrs., Wmi Patterson, Kirby, spent a few dors last week with Mr.1 and Mrs. C. V. Cooper. Rev. H. -T. Yardley, of Courtice Circuit, excNianged pulpits with Rev. A. E. EusV'ace -on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Eustace and' fa!mily spent a few days with friends in Lockport, N. Y. i This is house cleaning- season for' most homemakers. If you have any used lothîng that is dlean and wear- able, you may lenve it at the home of Miss Mabel Davy up until April 25th, after which time it wvill be packed and shipped to Toronto for overseas relief. Mr. and Mrs. Russeil Rosborough1 and da6ughter of Niagara Fails, spent the week-end wý,ith Mr. and Mrs. W.' S. Cobbledick and other friends. Joan and Elva Reid, Crooked Creek, Patircia and Chai-les Reid of Orono, spenit the week-end with their grandparents. MT, and'Mrs. R. D. Carruthers have returned to Windsor after having visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Milîson, Miss Jane Car- ruthers remaining for a week longer. The total receipts t aken in by the Heather Rebek-ih and, Oddfellowse play, staged by the Port PerrvYacht Club amounýted to, $10110. The ex- penses amounted to $48,58, leaving a balance of $52.57, which the two lodges turned over to the Park St. Building Fund. Orono Heather Rebekali Lodge liaýs purchased a hospital bed, hh1i nlow at the disposai Of aayoýne in the com.mnunity -\ýho) may be ia need of one. The hbuying off thie bed was made possible from the receipts on a quilt draw, along with s6me other money. Mrs. Wm. Lynch and Luceille spent several dy last wýeek in London, attending the annual convenition of the Ontario Registered MscTeach- ers' Association wichýi was held at'If the Uniiverîsity of Western naro Hi1ghlight of' the sessiconswa h ooancert by the' Womiens'Syphy Oircel(stra of Montreal, cnutdby the well known vîolinist Ethel Stark. MRS. JASý. G. COCHRA'NE In failing health for sýome time,' there passed away rut the home( of hier son on Wednesday, Aup.i th, 195(1, marion A. (Mn>Coope-r. wife of the late Jamesý G. Cochrane, in lier eighty-fourth year. The funeral sricswere con)iduct-l e-d by lierpasýtor, the R1ev. A. E. Eus- tar-e, on Goo)d Frýiday- afternoon. Api 7th, at 2.3,0 p.m. Lefi tofo iurn her pasin, aelir son william J.. thlree ag tr.Ar-i leay. Katie and Beatha, fo)urteeni grandchifdren and two great grand- children. The palibearer-s were five nýephewxs, Char4lie nnd 0111e, Cooper, Robeort Ard, Rov Cochrane. Kenne,ýth Wani- nan, mnd -neighbor John Stoneic. The l-argýeconcoursýe of frienidsad neiliousand Ithe nyfloral of- ferings, bore tribute toa beloved mother and a g-ood friend. Intermient was made in Orono Cemeétery. n__ _____ HAPPY COUPLE CELEBRATE 35th WEDDING _ANNIVERSARY, An enjoyable e-veinig was spent in ithe Orange HTall, 0irono, on Saturday last, Aprîl Ij6th, when-. abouit forty close relatives of Mr% and MNrs. A. E. Morton gathered to olffer coag-rat- dlations and best wishes, anid to cele- brat4e W ith theni the ýtirity-fifth an-1 ,niversary of their we(ddling. -The front of 'the hall was nicely decorated with coral ipink streamers. foring an alcove, with daffodils on either side. The guest.table, centred with a beautiful wedding cake decor- ated in white with touchesof pink, and flanked by pinli candles, wns also at the front of the hall. Other de- corations were ýcoral pinli plastic baskets filled with pyeanuts on ecd 'small table and ýpinik and white pep- permirnt renfers on. silver plates on the guest table. When ail haid assenibled tie bride and groom of 1915 were ushered to spcially decorated chairs by 'their attendants, Mlfiss Jennie Thompson and Mr. J. H1. Lowevry. Mr. George I Morton acted as cara and fol- lowing a short prograým of miei, andf readings, Anne Stapleton presencited Mrq. Morton with a bea7utifu7l bouquetJ of co>ral pink snnpdragmns :and Joycei Teiundnt rend a corigratulator-y ad- dreswhle Chas. ' Stapleton and Ll oyd Loweriy presen1ted tic- honnured ccoule with a torchiere tri-light nn purse. Thioui-htaken by srpise , 1 r and m. Morton graciousîly respond. cd, than-,kiiig everyone for- the oel grifts. A bountiful lunch of sandw4chies and! coffee, cake and icte creain and I weddlng cake waV'patk",of Carde were played before and af- ter the'peetain mm rar>n. III uner0i jec to ad Kr0ur' av11er On O EquTet aece eZ-ýt Wtbe dEtmneamça, r Th rffanbeWhirge Eas eII th at Sta ite g Telen leci B Pîl Eewmanie n Phn89r11RN Fancy Bonke China Cups al Sau ----...$--5U Fancy China,,eapq s.............- ----- -$1.50 an W'a t erSets -Pi cher ad C6 Classes............ Fancy Chfina BqBo.......--......65ci Chinia Planiter' --------------- -- o . tý Èalncy Flow$e? Pots iný Jardineires --...--- 40c. tu Beautifuil pieces of Gklssware. Phone 9,r S.L. OGRONOOntario ARMSTRONG'S, Coats. Belted and Flare Backs, ai different styles anid colore, priced froni $22.010 te....-- -...$39.50 Dresses i, li a ew styles. i2la crepes, taffeta-s, triceýrd anid jerseys, sizes Il te 221/,pie. $15.00 te $21.561 Nr'ew Skirts, in plain and plaids, ia pastel shades Pleated or gore dpri ed front ------.------$ te0 O Blouses, ail differei Ctyl[ý1 la ail shiades aid izeS, prcdfrom ... 3.95 te 59 Nylon Sweaters, in pink, blue, yellow, priced...$4.95 Ail Wool Cardigans, fancy or plain k 8t.. 3.50 to $4.95 Print House Dresses, new syeail colors, priced f rom ------.-------$2.25ý to $4195 Press Lenthls, in flojral cre- pes andt spun rayons,4 y a el enigThs, -'priceel f m.......$5.95 to 88.953 ats, ini str-aw.,s or felt, col- or natural, black, ceffee, white, pink, red. navy, priceel... ...$5.25 te $6.9'5 Shoes, la Oxfords, 'ýPumps, Strap, Loafers or Wed- gepriced ...$1.50 te $7.00 Nylon1 Hose, laî Butterfly or ChîpianKait 45or 51 -auge, 30 denier $1.60 - $LS55 Medium Cheese, lb......9c. Dr. Ballard's Cat Food, -ý GRAPE, ins for ...... ........2. FRUIT Choice Pumpkin, 22-~ JUICE tins ...... ...... ..... 25c. Bee Hive Syrup, 5 lb tin ... 65 C' 418 oz. Aylmer Vegetable or Pea Soup, 3 tins for ......... 25 e 5 5Sweet Mixed Pickles, 1-z Cjar ......... .......... 55c. Sugar, 10 lbs ....... .... ..95C. __________ Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea, MAPLE '/2 lb. f or...... ........5)8c. Libby's Dark Brown,33eans, LEAF 20 oz. tin........ ...... 19c. PESMazola Oji, îned, 80,e. Su 42-'. PEAS Quaker Corn Flakes, with 2 20-oz.. tins Thmbler, 12 for...... .... 2îe Lar2ge Pineapple, eaeh 1Bananas, lb ......... . Celery, buneh...... ... Lettuce, eaeh. ... 15c. 15la. I~MARGARINEIt Pound 35c. MEXICAN ORANGES Sweeter and Juicier 288%s Do-zen 39c. N I N N s N N N N N. N s N N N N N N N I r N N N N N N a reg-

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