Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Apr 1950, p. 4

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I A GVIJERAL MOTOAS VALUU 4 ~2v 2) 1947 Dodg-e Special DeLuxe Sedan....$1475.00, Like, -New Tli.roglout. Customn Radio. Fog Litos, etc. 1946 Plymouth Special DeLuxe Sedan .,$1375.00 Built in Radio. .Popular Miodel 1946 Dodzre DeLuxe Opera Coupe Immaculate Interior $1245.00 1937 Pontiac Sedan..........$645.00 Smooth Chevrolet Motor. clean Interior 1936 Dodge Custom Sedan'....... ........ $495.00 Turret T'op. Good Truank. Smooth Motor. Must be seen to be ýAppreciated 1932 Ford V-8 Coach ................. $ý245.OO Goo4 Motor. Cheap Transportation, atf CASH - TRADE -TERMS TRUCKS 1947 Ford '/2-ton Pickup ,....... .. »...... $$45.00: Refiects CGfoodCare 1929 Chevrolet Stake.......... . ........ $150.0 Ruus Like a Clock . -Not a Dent on' the Fenders 19.38 International Stake- This one bas seen a lot of roug-I use. Makeus an offer ÉO"RSSO" 'NS"e'1GA R AGEr PHONE 86 r 2 - -ORONO LOST Auto liconse plate No. 2 Y 945,1 Finldèr please notiify Leroy 'H arMil ton,ý Oron-o; phones 3,2 r t!Ù, or 1 r16 FOR B~UILDING anid REPAIRS- ROOFING, - PAINTING and DECOATTG -SPRAY PAINTINGf ete. / GilmonCota n Co0. ïIt Port Hope Ê >'ai 2589 We trav e' anywhere, fully equippod and insured>. Oûrono Tinshopj P ED L AR WATER BOWLS ON HAND R. E.,LOGAN Phone 18-10 j p- r ýî for any OLASSIF1ED OOLUMNS CO-MVNG EVENTS The ïannual meeting o41,rno (ýWo- men's Institute will be held on PFn- day, April 21st, ut 230 pan., in thec- Couneil Cabr e t fsad inlg comteS wl a aa decision wili'bc, be m dd nthe Co- operatve prg-am. h eeting is in charge of M rýs. - l m n istri- cal Research. A hîis o oý ur-local Inatitute will be given. l mesu.(-bers ,are u7rged to attenda and aIl ladies of the comrnmunity are cui-dially invited. A musical concert wiill ho held in lIe Orôno Town' Hall oni Friday, M&ay 5th, at 8.15 p ni, Tie High Park United Chuirch Choir of Toronto with forty-four mlixed voices will provide a splendid progr-am, The Oronoý Unit- ed Church Choir, are spotisoring this Childfren, 25c. Tickets wllil be avail- ablle from any choir xnember. ANNIJAL MEETING-' Thie annual meeting oif Orono 'Lawn liowling Club will 'be held in t'he 'of- fice of M1r. Leiroy Hamitoni, or, Thurs- day ovelngle" Apniil 2rlth, at 8.00 p.m. shiarp. Ail those inte-reFsted in this summer sport are urgently invited to attend. WETHS FOR SALE 1 am now in a positionl to supply artificial wreaths at different prices. They may be seen at the 'hom,-e f H. Precott's, or 0. W. Knaipp's. phone 62 r 1, OJrono. A.p 29-P FARM HELP Experienced, relia'be Ho)llantd f ar- ilies availahIe. Arrlving soona. Write to S. Brama, R. R. 1, Nestieton. Ont.. Phione 225-24, Port Penrry. Juil 1-.p. FOR SALEI 19fl30 Ford Coach -bi eooý con iti on. 5 good tires.- SealedybeaiA.pp'ly to Gord Sim'pson, 0-rdno-. " a-13-p. 1-IME-MADE CANDY FSALEL TIc Orono GiGides are hl.ding FR1AL a hoine-made candy sale on Satur- 1934 Chev. Standard. Four nearly day, Apîil 22nd, ait 2,10 pan., in front new tires. Rocent xnotor job,. Re'a- of the O,0rono Town H fall. a - 11-,p. sonable pnico. Apply Orono Times: -after 700-Pan. CHANG E IN ORONO- POST OFFICE HlOURS "ýST A1RRIVED Commencing MeY lut, 1950ý, tihe New Guirney Co,-electnie Rang.- Post Office will be open as fo1lows'ý:i Most practical stope wlier i-thi 8.30i a.m, to 5.30 p.m.., daily except' req'red and the cle4eofc- Wednesday. 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m '. tnicity foi-(r okmig 'e ~900 ____________________OTINO ELEfTRIC Phono 55 r 1f \OWN AUCTION SALE OF 200 - HEAD -- 200 Stockers and Feeder Cattie The Property of E. A. WERRY Ilaydond aie Farnms i Y--miles 'East of Ennýiskillen, Dar- lington Towr4ip, 10 milesý North of/Bo03ýnanVille onono MOND4ý", APVIý24th 25 Sprin/C\ws a ,dHeifers some C I1ves, 7,5 2-year-old Steers,.;2 2yeMrok eif- ers, 75 Yearlin.g Steers and 25 Yearling, Heifers. Above Cattie wel wintered in On-1 tario feed lots and of the best beef breeds Be sure to attend this sprni ng roun"d. up sale and get our ca ttle toturn right out on grass. TERMJ11S CASH Sale to commence at 1.30 p.m. Ted Jacksonî, Auctioneer. SALE REGISTERS The undersi.gned lias received i n- Str-uctiion1s from the executors of tLhe estate of the late Mar-ia ,sith, to sel! 'by pu1blc auction at the late reiecFront S-treet, Oro-no, on Saturday,, April 2lhi t 1.00 p.mi., lier. entire ouehl ffctFor fui- ther partîeci4ars see bilis. Terims Cash; No 'Rerser-ve. -Jack Reid, Aucionerorono. 1 have beenisitrtod by MrFred Brow-n, Lot 27, Con. 3, Hope Tow-n- ship, ,j_,mile -west nal I1 mile inorth of Morrish, to sou b- ubi acto on Fi, April '2lst, lis lvsok cnstn of 2 h-orsý(, 5 co'ws-, 3 fat. hogca, invlements'ý, inicludîig an 1~ Interntional4-tonti uclk inexlet co-ndition, andl somet'urnituîre. Termis Cash.ý No TReserv'e. Jack Rid Auc-1 tion1eer. I have rcio instructions from Mr. Fred Fergu'sni, Lot 10, Conces- sion 4, Darlingtioa Townrs.hip, .1iles north ofBomnle on the Marivers Road, to s-el] by Public auction on Saturday, Apnil 22ifd, lis liorses. milk (ows. swin1t. machinlerv and hans.Tevms Cash. No Reserve. Sale to commnence at 1.00 p.mn.-J1ck Orono Electrie Ph.5â r 1 COINTRACTORS FOR FARM and BOUSE WIRINGC APPLIANCE SALES P-rompt and Guaranteed Repairs to alil akes of Electrical Equipmeit and Appliances Such as Motor.., Wator Heaters, Rastree, Irons, Etc.- We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farmi animaIs and lpay highest prevaiing prices. For imimediate service telephone collect BroQklill 62, Cobourg 1266w, Toronto Adelaide 3636i. CORDON YOUNC Ltd. v any~ In every size, GMC leads-witli top per- formance at Iowest cost ... with ail the features thcat matter... .with more safety, end convenience ... longer life and less servicingl And, to top it ail, GMC gîves you improvedi, more powerfuI, valve- in-head eingines-engineered for peck performance! Cati on your GMC dealer! ROY W. NICHOLS -m Ontarllo ,Prof ei nil Directory MEDICAL1 A. F. NMCKENZiE, KRD PHYSICIAIN aind SURGEON Office Houri,: 2.00 t. 4.00 pm;6.30 to 8.00 P.M.. Sulndays and Wedlnesdý,ays Iby apcpoîinent only PRONE 47FI ORONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Address: South Main t %O1iee Hourz: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6-30 to 8.00 Pam> Suindays and Holidays 1w Appointment M¶ON E 74 'r 19 ORONOD Lawrence C. mason, B.A. Barrister andi Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office 688 Home 5"3 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phonea: Office 8S25 Reaidence»4 BOWMJANVILLB, ONT. AUCTI04NEERS TED JACKSON Aucioneer and Valuator Conducts A-action 'Rale. of alli usn and, at reasen#able ratei -Comimunicate with hlm at Poil Perry, Ontarilo, or see h% 0Cerký, E. Morton, at Oromo, for date. JACK ,'rREID Oron'o's Licensed Autitoneer andi Vatuattr Specialize lu Farm sud Furniture Sales Consuit mne for ternms anti dates Ph,!ne 5rlP19 LIFE INSURANCE' Pension Plans; Eduicaionaal Policles, Protection and Savings Piansa for C'hildreir and Aduits; Mortg-ago Ila- surance Plans. F. ER LYCETT OROINO, Ont. - Phone 20 r le TPhe RUTTER GRANITE 50h1e ê - P.O. Box 63 Port Hope,Onao m4onuments, rvmres ST.AEFORD BROS Monumental VWorks Phoine Whitby 552 318 »undas St. E., Whitbv FI-NE QUALITY Let us ereet a hanidsomne, dig- nified mionumlent over the reut- igplace of your lov:ed ones. it's not expensive. And' seelng this last tribute will givo yoýu endloss comifort ORONO Furniture IHospital- Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Bought and Sold See oùr fine of Drapery Kitches-n Unit.-made te Or4er C. F. Dunican Phono 79-16 - OIRONO GMSOLERE oR DEES19L w f v

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