Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Apr 1950, p. 2

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-a,~ ~ .11 E, 0yodyknwsofcouse tor on s zome 3rea-l work-schas spring po iî-o'lfn hti bas sOe ov utLike th Not long ago a couple of gni- cullotral eprsto amtrac- ton mbithe n4e 11tys0p. It Sonuded prety good, but Whletl theýy lput il onflcthe sting maýchineJf i egisterol ly 25S nspwr This is bard i',10 blieve ' bt in luss don 30 minutes t;Uyhad shOved thle brepwr ueden tA 31-MUSÉ hy leaning a lot of dm1i 'fand 1dm1 n t f .'thle ai i iller F. Thon, celanng ont thle vradiator pulshed (ltheele uchýlpstlante Iin other worids, they gavetisa ~tractor 9 1rore horsezpowe'r iil Ghan an Auxr A trator egine ili ose somo- ting ike 9,000 imore aloso air for every gallon of fuaýiti con- sumes, Tbat's Wythe ir cle-aner is onle of thle besqt th1ings 10 slow -os0nwI a inyorrategi, or car. W bo"n thte air leaeris cýlogged, the ongine elsshot o breth, ýand lseToio, It ba trouible 'getting air, 80 l scks M"ORE FUEL PROM Tj- 1 jE TA NK, * -', * Your carburetor cao h l joslu.s co-stly. You co eeasumucha a dollar's svor-th of gsln a Jost by being L)ESS THANA TURN O-FF THE "ODA- JUSTMIENT SCREW."ifyo aren'tsue rehst whOrOthtlse e ;s, dig o-)uI orisrcinbo anld find Ont. Thenl, hr' oi set itprpoly Run yýour tractor vide o pe Slosvly turn tho load neeýdle IN nil l the en-ginle stan1ýts 1 i iss Thoner turo il back OUT tîntîl tho enigille 1runs Smoo0tly. No w try pnjlig aloads if il svontquie do 's il. open ho neelcdle unhersi- a(onIs 1of a;i .Then ycu hasr (ho setirg Weems nie l11ic'Iake ums ove ibagl lon Of ful. Yqu con probably keyr b ~ ~ut ildeî' a oh o tny eîth or. Tloo ba a ixture 's ton býot for your egineto andle propery-iî bous and warps(e Valves. * * * Perh1aps \iîlOut youlr eensus- pcctinlg il, ba"d valives can lot a lmch as 5 horsoomvr gyoeouI bb Maeu a lwYU vems groo n eglay, kep tappets admusaedsadyou tvon't îîeed b orr bu at Sr alos of gas a day. Kpngthe val'-ves Cool Cauîs for a radiator tblaî's dlean7, Boy some eae r and l otsh oItheu oleedscale. Rf ol sing sýoft watersuchas ram atr ro waer can; nake your rad lok hike theinsdeOf ataktlýe, PuÎn a -3'ot Of onle Of those rust-preuven- Better ' take aql1ok aItheitfan fra-)yod, il Wubho tgood idea 10 pick op some p0W 000 aI the earl- Poor iming c uls dosvî power and wstoýs fulel. A wornngovernor Cauýo(robyouOof 1wo ortbree horse- oer But )btter)not tinker With thel insîdsOf a miaglieto or gov-, ennr oure ,. iv c hie job 10 a mochaic WOusa specinlist 0on Do yon do your greaiîg in e mornng bforeyou tanWork, or afber you ore nfro0m the fild veinwhoîîbenigoare sîlwris bs;anld the grease air fromseaig n adcasn rosI, as tbéy. crool o1. Ou fil[ers are reacolctos'o iad gIle; -a' vn hyr Ileanitto ;-P'. El t ie fiiter o ie. as tithe iul tR r b' felaîîd loo d' ileobote'Di! 0Wspr elmnson handi, So, beýf(1ro yo gel 10 busy ovhy ont mak tbese-and the- unerai weterth fmos ta- intendd by ith rLues. willfin a esting place, for: thec RexI Wlvemonithisorso, in De troit Olynipia Stadiumn or Nv YoksMadisoni Square Garýdon., in passing wO have of ton svo nder- 11d why il should ho MaJdýisonSquare 'ARIýDEN and Maple Leaf GAR- DENS. Býut we've Ieven botbiered 10 ind ont. With or -ivithoutthe "S, nother 0one of Iller, ever ne- m~ddus of rosesý, liy aciniths or If Iî Cp sîoldlanîd ini New Yor-a ceaI p jossib)ility consider i-g shîDtotwot î$rotîgb, comýpared 1lI te sf iouchi Rangers, founîd iin Les CandieîîI: s-tbere's a Scriptural quotation thiat just about tus lup. Toý wii, "helast shahl hfirst and tofrtls. aîîgers- inside of a mnnth ý 99 out of î100 fansill t il îîdÎak of thon ýîas WrdCbaînpIiÂOn's. We've heard plnt 1o1nch p1ouirer jokes on bighraningconedy air prograîns. 51, imayb)e il w on't happen. PFer- haups, by iithe iIbis appears, Redý Win)gs iUl bave done ighî by >"the WOl'îaste0î spnrit" and oaniagodý The layof sries betsveen- Red igsanld Maple Lýeafs - or at, j.eas t lo or three gaines theteof- proed1îîopoint svhich, for several y 1-s bs been i0 doubt. Jo spite ofi1ie idespread 1belief that -the mdmfan pays toney 10 000 blood, bomips anid attempîped înaybeln, hocke caotill bho playetl cleanly and rovde lentyý, of îhnills. It alI, depenýds on the offidiaIs, w*lo could uenot al the ondue rugh stuff itwnyminutes or less if thoy wate 1. Or were allosted to. For in hockey-miore Iban ii ny othorsportthe ttitude of the paid ofcasis a, direct reflection of thatnz ta filb te top brass. Somedayjý, goDinýg 10o ' a real _dhockey fataliîy, (Itsalready comÏ1e t10 Ic l")cn fot or that 000 on 1w o occa- sis. We and if sncb a thing ocus h esponsibiliîy woI't -ho that f 15,le referee who allosvcd the gne10 got ont Of band-or eveli the 111mnwho oppointed hbu. Tlîe blame wiýývll fal dinectlyon the type ococmanager orowîior Whlo telîs he press aod public, "We're gon o lbave a ceaI hatling tban" -nd \01o send their gladiators on (ho ice in f15 samie spirit as (bat of ïthce fight hiandler yolling, «'Gel in Ihoro andlng, kid-be can't hurt Too ucis roughness killed f ield acos.The boxing gaine is in<o Wor-se p)ligbit Iban ever before, large- lY baue dcenî-miinded figbî fans ar ikof watciag "boxers" whose onl-y -abilitY is that of absorbiîîg pun- isbmenî, and nanseated sith the s-tadify groWiog lîst of ring' fatali- Th aeîof these occurred svhcn yngLvr Roacb died follosvin arcn bout In NOw York- City, CoolHarveY L. Millr-hoîter known eAs"ei-ne"-had soute in- trsngthiùgs 10 say about il, and about the nieed for more atten- i on tla safety in3 the nng-of Wbîch weIl pass aloîîg a fOw. (We moy say that Col. MiilIon is non rasv bond, having been connected withli oxing for almost 50 years as fighter, sec- ond, manager, referce, gpcrts write 1r, and Nationalr Boxing Association "Unless (hoenianîle of intercolleg- iate (safety) mIles is extended over pnize fighting, ils 'existenco ikely wÎIll hoaholisbed by moutîng indig- nation over continued fatalities such as the recent deatb of yotîng Lavero Roaich in New York." Dnmtcsafety, rules will flot hopopular, W appreciato, svith the fellowswho beie've Gettysburg wNo afaepand -i t Iwvo Jima ýsbould hoe reeaedeery Monday night. T y'lprobalydonouncelarge' gloveý,s ao)d propose-(eadharliesses os Sissy equiipmentl. But tie xise onsil prr t ( o veîî et cas- ke ts Wth ilven ade. "At the next NBA meeting, MîJ ciigan swill report on the tests of a90-scondiîîterval, rather thon the ustoal 1 minte, b etweon rounids. st 0f couse,' te exta 30qeoî -iviriIevoke h Ws fron îodtirl fan imatintfor1th1e sigl o sluhe. u lsoulJ d i \'e the; "Duiring hepaI ea, BAbule tinîs, ,Which anre îsod eer30 days, have suspendcd or retired 1ci,close 400 boxeý(rs I wish that we ha su- W(1(ndd Lavverîî Roachmnnhs ac svhen 1 saw in os 1 scod rater and ralized tlîa!:ttebatn hoe hadt!enrom ace era lîad lef' t hiun ahlow hî. e promised m elhon tat Iho would) quît aîndd iid fr asvil onl 10mee death tnt inga ombak "Beyond a doubl, tlvso fe is nespons,,îble for thie sta-ging of bouts thatwol not or should not have been stïaged ai a.Thle prom-ne ter is obligýated by video agrceement to prod)cuce-a howat ia giveýn houa go onee f itfs a mismn-atch or orie of the picpl s' fit to enterý the ring. Il's imie for t1ise "idealists" in box- ing, those dyved-in-the-wvool fans ta wýhom the prime concern afler aq bout is "w wn and how,.-" 1 save the gmef rom ti "ht-a-le Sp c r the 7lack o'f il ill not permt futhercoinmoîît aIt lî itue ,But Wli jth hockeyffth sors a for a f 05v îiihs e opil ih ho al ieafor tosein contro!-j of that garne ol ako a litîletouh as t1 vhther-if proseoittndcis aroni't checked, - itist adn down th.le sainie road that b r ougt dite10boxing. Ascot Metals, To Make Profits Du;iî ( h a rcen xva led 'i soghn n and Wic ecaea anlii imp arsena o 11 lis The sc o ha easwa n In AscotlWShp Qubca -Domioîion Gseîmn elgs discovured a struturKe ihh thought deserved ts adA!lennac Copper Corporation s ubjcted the!l area 10 a gephyic'a'lïsurvy an extenîsive diaui.londdilig iî h resuît that a4edcpe-zn eoi svas ouitlinied. A hatwassuk1 mietallurgical and ining expert 300 feet and threi e levels Wero open- ed s0 successfullIy that a nmilIva built and rtd for about a ya In eltveii lnonths Alderna,ý:c produced n r1y $2,000,000iî mietals but sutdom-i aflo thle tsar bcus floW pricols. Later the niarkeîs forceaz;inc and -copperadacdsapyan th iniewas bouiglît by.,Ascot Mtl Corporation -,,hiich bas proceeded 10 deepen Ili woking 10five jeve, anddto instaîl a moiire nîoderl îî md The ercigpsibliie o 25OCeton i l are ino-' gnealyrCog)ý-j nized. ItLbas bei opue y that 2Ascot conepeî10rdov for ils-cnnceîîî.ratîes, on cr ISe brooke, Qîbc prxmîl $116,000 per imonîh, îv iîoly in - ing and nulling i t~10 h bsorbod These iosts vl ltece 6,0 a rnonth,lein about $3t',000a monith for operaîing profit: This rate of pi ofit, Which is coni-> puted on cornent prîces for lead, zinc, copper, silver and gold in the ore, would inealî $672,000 a year, on af the rate of 25 ýcents per sliare for the issucd capital of 2,700,000 sharos. There may be fluctuations i0l the earnings, due 10 variations in the prices of metals aîîd average content of the one, Hossever, il is nbviouis that substantial profits are prediçet- able. People unfaîsîiliar with nîinin7g operations oftcu du not recognize that there, bas, been immnense im- Provenment in receîît year s in the developinent and production! of base rnetals ores and in the trealment, of tileni to recover high values. New CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. BABIt CHICES FOR SALE MIONKTON CIE-o rmn pr~d ProVER MEtaprvI, V v-,lt 'rs TWEDl, LE - ,F ie hrs a' sur. TaCs at uu u'in bay. chick',-ln- dont iyu aocnolheing, -ntigVt I l u touble,-epenrs bot forts. o- J'aerafed romptdeliverY on day OlM, sa'e e lte te'l weke p oulder pulletur Typ uits. ec Ie ous, ontahlrio. DLj-, ulhO t BUSINESS OPPORYUNITIE S lins and fuit ifrainsn r h RaeSGo.Iegîsiered PteiAttorneys. 277, BP3e nSSre.Ottawea DYEINO AND CLEANING HAVE F'OU anything nooe dr eina or cdean- msg? Write to us o fo rmatin. - re gladtI teanswer yoiun 7nationO. IDepartmýenît H. Parker's Dye Worles Lmts 79, oig Street. Toronto. Otrn EMPLOTIIENT 0TANTED 'XEIE NCED).ceal[oladi ignt avaîlable, riiaso.8;iet .Vn denhburg, Box. 2 rreil.Ot hn 2554 (ater o'oc) 44-ACRE FARM in ilag f'Lndn,15 milesRamiton,40Umiles Toronto.Eclen SolOi'foc vegetahlcie cnig ml cog raspherries and raerisbnlbrn4x 52, ebleken bouse. mlîotee,2grgs boaiuil 7 room trame oue.2 lee ath- rom. Hydre. plenty u ae,2mn test ebuccle. publieoani ihehoriwy bus. Frice $10.500 nilh I ,00 own py mont. Apply Htfnrry' \V:ld, LcLnn. Ont. Tel. 17W. BA RGIN,01.0 31ace,10choice jgar- don land. 70'x2' seelba'I7nbrick bousre, With ydo.modem cnveionces. sonne reel go-odsele.i "ils "r1i ilag n E,-,,ed ro I:could b eu005 S apo cab, Wl liam1) hbyR.R. N 1. Wole on excellent'site; erîs r, ecýle o tc .1, Ung. aso huntina.000 h. J, Jaýck- son, Port Carlins. nt 100 ACRES cday omnlln 6ar acd wood bush. 40 aLcres 1-av1,crs a 4 acres pactune, ai cca rdr, jiltI ced brick- 7,-room bouse. nearly o' ldotlpoe banle bacn. drive ehei. lboa lien. 7 miles romn t*Cuelph, 2 miles from Iayhh,21 miles, north No. 7 1Hiahway, '2'miles fOm erools. on open od.Write on phono Wllfned Fehcenibach, G-uelph, P.R. No. GuO Celph 4082.1l2> kFOR'.SALE MOTORECYCLES Huirile,;Dat idelon-. NetsandI used bough- goid. xhne. ag tc p4tlotiv1e 0f wteesi gonds. Oe vnlg n Rig at S 11"n2. ieOn. UN'.Lagsasortment new n4 ed d emboýugt aold. sxchange.Gaatedrpie Sop0> es. lghs Instat PingTcee u 'prieOentln ntil aer exco, "Wednesa StandCyl. ailton. Saes txJetr.NSWONDOutoardMotrs ailadia Dr. 3, Sgith SaldesC.ngd.L estc s.. 12OLe nIVERoins excoepiWdn o i ure Cyclne, rampton,____ MOCSCDE 0.3., -ail $259 .oi.b Guelph D. ..smrit h ais Go.tild ' , 647 $3 blve5., Guelh, n.HnalOt 18-2 OLIER Hart Fower tracro o ce MCiechsnock.iyJon .as non'. Co[rdo TBox0.tenaraotoOt.R. CorASCAE WREiTepligh impoldngsf Earry strsand Bensaint. Sibýrt. ektin Duc k oa. os" cm1Bac(] Goldn brt Balan tok n\ egc CoiceedstckuJhn .1 Ri 'tole, Gveenilela fing îce inemloingîmro7e procsss fand achiîc. Sch rop erAscast Act dEatSllv Wotln ote n c,"f'efea ag, bs1 offerled mç cane ormoeyînk i uing Wes, toa hc ca rehz smsnt ffvia prits beenopene id t 30ft cth a nstamlldmig equipment, neliiw buildngsperton e les, w arkesup fopl nd tsa*rhigwantotheroor. t miersosly reiredn addiutiontde- veopmn and e incîaltinîî fe large property whîch formerly had two other producing mines on il, closed for years, but n0w of interest because of the high priêo of their mectals. Roses, Ponenn ial o'ocs pi years. Catloue -Ce, qIoj1k .reî', imec, Beautful, ccurae. Fscinating, W l'e-f 1fea psectus 50: UANUACTLERS IERCHANDisiNO (CNADA) LIMITED, 200 Lanley Street, Monutresi IIEAVY rI'RACTOR. liternatonal W30 on loaded rbe.Perfectmcaîcisae Located Wea-E, nal.See lowar Bok. CANVA Taraucis, 6' x O nw. ;6 oz. SPR11A) IT]iIA SIAOO -rayors. fo rsohrdteîIn nd reer ir roieang, ati".payu ndfr ilbiab",aim agos hloe elPesr Stemet "IF" b(aAplicator, ,Prabe Irrigtion ystenSwihlupipe, Bock- Vork St. LondonOntario -OiN pEE i 4 MdelOTrctr itmb ber aso158 mda Aga trdtr.*Rth .DON'T WAIT-Eve-ry sufferer .ofj try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S D)RýUG STORE 335 Elgin, Ottawa 1*11Express Prepaid CEî'5 WAR REMVER-Lavesîîo_7are Jraitss Croess Ingicow n Tueo l Salve. Nnebtter. salve cciiiU 1dspoe u. Sois calîns.2%rnig eczMi, abs rn readlly t tI ti nleesýïýI,,ý, , odores ient. negandboeifossm'îubee rhoees iejy PRmCn $1.611Pen I POST'S REMEflIES Tuy C.C. cA B. TONIC TASILETS fer loxv vitaBetyandgeneai ebiit At duaes n olr OPPOiLTU NiTýliE;S roRmSIEN ADUE Grea Opprtunt LeWinsor W~fde~n alasn dglfedpofsiongodae BIG VALUE$~ Ueansoiltly PrUegdaiey, *oc i,-n rsemeniscýiu, svsd, Pelîslee lssspeetpoid *Gold Pietefd odusliss hme *~~~~f 9-d-rig o fgree decebi!if y *Lens,ý es clseiioio fU .Gv LlFETIýME GUARANTE& iffdd ih 'sy pr ý,f plaise 10-DAY TILeMNY5CX UARAN"TES VICTORIA OPTICAL. CO. , Dpi.G 4 1273 Yonse St., loronlo, ül.i. ID Send d.O.O,. Es Enlosed lintI $Mo.11osp-ind. Noe ............................ .......... Addresss....... ...................................... P-0..... o ...............Ps..... IPPOR i NT iLSFOR 1.E N OE WRIER! Athr o mre Chan00 pb lishd strlesnow"Fierspresonal assac to beine rtefr atiuar.C. V. Tec, . ox 500. Vanouver, HO,. Nt, àSEI Y STOCK 5 BEUVIUL DRLIS-Oly $2.00 oost- pal cah wth rde. Agrand assortment o0 Holland grondhisixr ag uee 5 dlifferent v arieties. 8dif ,en )clûrs. Won. dlerful solectionl. Wl vr. wire thc' once. Holland, Bulb and Nursery iomany, Queen Elizabeth Way., P.O. Port CrodîJt, Ont,, MEONTES. Cioce Exhibition VarletieË Imported t rom I-Iolland. One eachi. Brilliant Reci, Deep 1J'ink, White. Rose. Specliai uffer, 4 arge ro f Ihese GýkjaIden Champions for lan B î3an NIsrîCompany, Qucon DAHLIAS Forexhbiionandth gaele Py Strafght Writ forcatloan CmJohuoneDahlia Garon, R2, Dilwrth Rad. e]otena. B.C EES~VR ow fo Sprug DHivry.-Chiee Elm Rdaewil grw feet irsi year-25 olats uficiet fr 2 fot tec te 2 o 0 loches busy) LSisoeiine 2 loches high M450 Der,100 lant,11 Cincesîpttw -ialExbîi. tlin -Pennies iI Olôr-'(1ed, nle Lor pInk, 3 for 1.05Appl trCS i fot Lg;nb anbeties tesi fcM 11g'hmIn var ltes Rorbanli and Lobad 'fr $258. Fiee olour Gardon Guid wit Evey Oror.Brooldale-Riegs. ,vayNurerie ttowmnvlle.Ontarin. RO0SE tCOLLECTIONSý-S of the ioveiiest IColatIGron ybId CîTea Roses. Big, Whie, ine Sarlt-ranefor only $4.50 postpld. aeh i Order. The fineet roses moneycan oy. olla-ntIBulh and' Nursery Coepan, nee izýabeth Way, Port Credif DO FOU WNT a gon gardon? Thon rt frorf'-,ctaogeofCaads et mot sedeinceacsoe lasaoa LOB O tý ýIüp- ,otlpu -ful ,uý,i nane. TeNit ii SrrrtEgi(ï-nt &Copan Pofn Co etc rtagie, On . 8Ba Sret CHINCHILLAS ai gsup te 5 years; gtve deta i ilrst letr Witc Ce Ontarlo Chýinebila Itnchers, HP. 2 ItanonOntario. SPluTTING And fi,, RELIEF 15 LASTING For rermarkably fast relief fron head- ache get INSTANTINE. For rea l relief get INSTANTINE. For Prolonged relief gel INSTANTINEl Yes, more peopI le eery dlay are finding that INSTANT1NFE il one thing to ease pain fast. For hetadache, for rteurnatic Pain, achesand pains of colds, for neunitic or neuralgic pain. you can depend on LINsTAýNTINE to bring you quick Confort.- INSTANZTINE is made like a doctor's prescriptioýn of three povn edical ingrediets. Asnl t a ble t u Su- all1y b 1îngs ï fast relief. Cet Instoasljestoday ,'sd siesyS 12-TobicA Tin 251é Economilcal 48-Tobief Borne 69~ IS'SUE 16 - 19ý50 Cool in any pipe! . 1 - 1 1 1 1 , FOR SATE

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