Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Apr 1950, p. 1

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OwRONO WEEKeLYiMrdES VOL. 14 No 13 OROMO, ONT.,. THUR-SDAY. AP~R. 2tji. 1950 Subscription $1.50 per Yea.r United LCnhurch, B-elitz. C'4ampaign Wednesday, ApIjril 26th Have Your Contribution Or Pledge Ready For The Canvassers Clarke Township Hall To Be, -Centre 0fBitz Campaign ,)ur Ohurch Blitz 'Canipaigi- will 5ia held on Wedaesday, April 26th, al da.We -would knl ask that o)ur people lan to be at home this day %or he convenieice of the vounteer caneaissers. If it isunvdbe that' yumuist be waoudyou be kinid en-ough te notif\ vMr. ,W. Rolph, traueor W T . Riddeil, chair- maand leaive your conjtr-ibutioni wth them. Tis wonl save thel a:-1)nsser mIluclite The Towill will be, open fromi cav ssrs' returans areiaat ighti. If unatble to w-ait forv the voluint(eer canvassers to eaUu ou may eaat the Town Hll earl1y. This i1S very im- otatas we desire ail our. peofflei t be catctd rand ubscibedoni 'hs2t'ilda y of Arl Arrangmentsare binýg made Yo nt l te«town,- hall ail daiy on thec day cf the canva, aMd asthe returs. -fin in ey viii be, taulated, anid a thermomecter set up to show the' naensreoorded. la the eveniaig mme ntetaliinn~tuill be ipriovided towhich al are invited. Éleorts of he progress cf the camupaiga will be genfrointime Luto the. Yeur ooprtin plealse. Be, reay iti our contibution or jArdge on WNednesd'ay, Apri 26th. President 0f Bay 0f Quinte Conlference Sends Best Wishes I am ilso glad to kaow that peu ,are gag -forWard ith ifisncb h lope cand couarage "jto tansfom-na a' great css ilato a giloricus gain. I1 asgrleaiy impnressed wiVthI -e fline spirit cf loy- alty mad weehare ooprtc thaýt n-a mo;t manlifest wha Ivisit- ed yoir io"veiy dhcturch aýtËthe i- prssveddication s ýerv-ice ")t ne wekbfoetedîsaýstrouls frWith,'I aî spirit like tatand God's ýhelp, aand evepee pttaghic shoucllder to thel ~hei, ar mue tiîî ancnfieattha yen wii besuccesfuiin pour l a e-,ffotfora new uclurc. Yexiii thbe work i iogt te'a successfnlj May God's ri ches t ibessing rest! u-pfl on yenail is iny earniest prayer Yonrs mct sneey J.E. Anidersonl, lresdentBn c Quinte Confe-renýe. Message From Pastor 0f Park Street United Church ~eoewe were bora c01arChuarch oave te cia' parentsioels of Ife and love Chuit made otirhencaplaces of erngti and heauty. Our Church hoac nrched oc dbdood and adol- esec ith the romtan-ce and reli-ý ginand lesços off life that; have tbýeen weven ut the texture cf our, nos.Soxethe ese to hv ~ Lorotte, nn th1en, ý'wenwe had menmt swmrndered t fooishand fu- 11ev. A. E. Euistace1 teideais cf lfe, t'eitrlthsocfour Chrhbecame radiantË, insistenitad Wheucr hearts wr seamied with n r uOw, and it appeaired as thonghi uh! su would nieyer chiine aguain, the bhrc as d[raýwn us te h Friead 1-~ c i the way and ,vhispered te <.tstehope cf aniother mlf'oringi eteral annd tea irless. Whien our Special Commttee Appeals Te Former (hong Residcnts Atthe inaugur'al meetinig c h F itiance Commililit teu e- ýssrs.M. . TabyJohan Am ProgAndIH.E. MiIIsoýmin ere appoiiited as -a specia "Nines Cemmiiiiittes" i edent avake a seilappeal te il forme The lwor-k cf cl atnadreev inIg nae)f interested perýsens is far fo beinig compietedl. Areîa dy telist cf prospe1)ctivecnribtr totals over 2'510. It is surporisingl to note'the wideqand frracigdis- tr-ibuLtion cf(d our friend's for approxi-' mat ,, elyv 25%, cf thnem iowv live be- yolind adistnlce cf 200)9 miles frein r o. Seme (-persoas have araydonat-1 cd whie others are auiîg al for. îinomation Conýernîni1g orbid ing fiun d. Oiia etrtgte with teresýting 1 informaion con crîgourplnaetbe aid tu al living past mem1Iers cfOro no 11Utd hurh uiag the monith cf MaLy. We-solit ycur suUp"1Ort. steps hv lipdand v e have knîown thebitenesof ia, the C'harich hais beieedla usand bas caled nis 1backe! ilv\e on the heights. And ai ow our cýiLdr en, dearer te us _than ife itself, are ,looking te the Churich f!or' trainingIla aIl that is jyusand clean and Christlike. Quri Chnrch la Orone calîs us te- da.She asks our service and our IoyaityL. She has a right to ask it! We munst help bpre that she may do for thiers,; what she bas donc for ns. 1 an tis, place ia whch we live, we must helpi our -Church te, keep allame aind aLoýft the. torch cfia living faith. 1ev. Andrew E. eustace. ODfficiai Receipt For Church Campaign i3 PARK STREET UNTTEDP CHTURCII BUILDING FUND Date...----April 26, 1950 1 th u ni cf .... ---- On llnndred --............ .......... Dollars U 13 PRZOMISE TO PAY THE FOLLOWING, AMOUNTS: 1 13 $0.0on June lat, 1950 $100.00 oni July lct, 195,2 c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o oo' intr..Jh .... fi The nb'edonations are exempt frein Income Tax h Please miake cheques payable to Park Street United Church BuligFunVd =, = ,ý-> 0c- c c Congregation Accepts Plcan 0f New Park Street United Cburch .ni architectural featuires of the new chutruch. which will cost about $70,009l. The building wili ýodatimn for 375 persolins, and wil also) have a moidem kà itelieni and provision for ainle class rom~ construet the cliurch cif stone as shown vovl for this woý4uld add sorne-$8,0009! Ao $10,00 to used für. the exterior of thebcIit 4res)f thé OshiianTim~es Gùzette. o the Finiance Commliittee of Park Street UnitedChc, by thie Oronio Weekly Times, Oshawa Centre St. S. S. T. MIake Oronio S. S, Presentation An uttndn experience in thie 1f e of orschfool xiii happen nexti Sunrday, prl23, when w-e wil]l be thie recipientds of very generous aindi gracions gift-s, The boys oIf Centre Street Uited Ohurclih o, Oshlawa, have bufit esÊecialiy, for uýs a wrhpcnr and also havemaeferg plates, which they wiil briýii ag t tCeMaS oie Hall, Qrono, to pronlypresent teo orSehool, eea.alas o young people will be acmaidby terminister Rev. Whitely their S. S. Supeintendent and a men-ber of the Session of Centre St. Church-. For tfieir- accommodation our- Suni-ý day School time has been changedý frore the regýýul-ar 110 o'celock to 2 3 for this one day only. The wholec hour will be taken uDn -aopen ses- sion, so there wlll 'be nQ separate classes. We are eagerly aaticipating this act of Christian lo,;re and en- couragement, and hiope 'Our accemmno- dation will be taxed to the limit. The attendance has been sedl increasing until Iast Sunday 96, ani ali-time high for this year, was reached So children, be there in good time to receive our guests; and parents, please remember.the change in hour, 230 for April 23rd only. Cernerstone Reveals Contents Secrets of the cornerstdne laid inl the Park St. United Church, in thel year 1862, revealedc itself on Tuesdayý- .of this week, when a nimbero workers removed it. A small jbottie, containiang five coins, ýail over. a -hundred year11s 01,d was !found,' being a small five cent piece, twenty ,cent, coin, a tea ceat' coin, a1so a large cent. The mont valuable coin was a tiey U. S. dolla-rI gold piece datcf 1Si Vaînable paupers wr lofound, such as the Metho(disýtEpsoa pub- lications of "Thie CrsinGuiardian"i dated June ISth, 1862, anid "Th'le Christian Advýocate date(d June 18, 1862. 'Two Toronto pprThie Globe (wêekIly) amd The Larot oth (dat- ed Jane182 The pln f thie ab- bath appointmentsfor the somme of 186, rned by the2 Orono Jobo Office. The i-ha-nonening t1he laiy-' ing cf the c(orner stone on Wednes- Iday, June 25tfh, 1862, to b(, laid by Bishîop Smiith, assiisted by Bishop tiemer-n. Signded by J. L. Tucker tleieardsnead other.Reveread en- Secretary of Oomrtitee. The Cilurcix Building isthe centrel cf orship, cf Christian duiaio and cf the service express-ionis cf the, Christian Fellowsip laourmii s. R is important, pea, ilmos- essential to the on-geiag life cf the chrcliahad comi-,mulÉty. To prov)ýide -again a building th'at wili be adequat t O thie phy,,sical needs nrrd the siiulas- pirations cf a people cf God yeni now aLddress yonrselves. As yen accept the discipline cf sacrifice whîch the 11ev. W. W. Patterson chlegof this heur demaind*s, niay pou bue eneouraged te knowý that we f the Pre yteiiyare be ar-iig pouup before the throne cf Grace la pray- er, that we are e (ad1, with hemrt and hamnd te share xith p\ou a ithewrk antd best cof ail, that God himself viii, build with yeu. May the Grace e)f the, Lord Jesus Christ be with yen. Onrunay, Fbruary l9th, 1950, at 3.40 pc. , Monr aaiMonnauoned thtour recenitly rnvtdand re- decorated chlurcbwa on f"irei, and in a fe bours wns eud to rubleï and achles. G-one w Islte )(l1d,11n(l Mark cf olur piolleers, pluiourlabori and finanes.It as a severe shock to Our people. 0crm uch enjoyed and beautiful Chuch HIome wvas une miore. I loriefwetuato Isia,11 éhrapter 632, verse(s 2an 3, "To comn- fort ail ttl monur, to fn ipoïïd unto them that moura la ion, iýto givýe un- to thnem a garland for achjes-, th-e cil of joy for m nnthýe garl.nent cf priefor. the spirit 'cf haees Durinlg 1the wee-k fooing mn symathticletters wer-e received wihdontionselsedalso wordsl cf encoura'gemlent te face thle chal- leng'e adrebuîld the ouseof God la ono. aimeigwas cl for in the own ha,1l l xhich ws verýylreyated At ti eetïing it was unaiýnimousîy decared by-stnding vote te rebuild the Church. Two -cuOmmittees were set up by the congregation. Firsfy -a building cmitetoinetae and, study the type or kîof Chur-ch required, and bring lan theirfaig at a540ther corgioncal meetingý for approval. Seondly - a finaflce coMMIUtte te studiy ways and mlenasl cf rlisinig the ncssrcinanmces for, tje work îwNved. The buildling cmitc isited many churches uand found one which they reaiy liked, and eagaged an ar- chitect to, copyý sainecf our desires. This xvas donte, ,-,id the commoittee, âfter severialmeetings, brought te spectuscf OUr: proýposedý new churcli . On Mondlay, April lOnt, een cong-regational m-eeting xvas lheld wali the p ommaitte recomm iendation,, weeapprovcd and accepffed nlanai- m sl.The former à i metree, hav-ing finished their- work, resigned, and a new cena-nittee waclectedt carry onut the pasas adopte . heInrance avl- vas ahbie---------$in !W SymAthic19donaglsAIý tAYIult io 9,000 o i uOtersfourcs ..* 4,00 mati-btions t o sprad oer thre-yea perod. oi'Éxami: If alonijbuo wnest sberh -$600 00,but bas fohereaycc he may gith anvaCeam-J. cashipede$20.0in 154,an 110009ovr i hre-ea re d c,,or - hel mav geiecheuahwihee xvycitstîhe'ocon iuo; ri a merosehp egetyices r 1

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