'"Table Manners I ThneMIddle Agea ;emiA t,.. he roben o wsb no plaes. Iîsîeadar tic icea tranhe)ni7cefd is a laid brtoe cad tguu, u lî its tienmeut ivu pluer udthe gravyliosoaneddw'n itîo th ï a[ Te lacilabe tbc wcil-fed ook cure 10le au c~t nitheniAsi. It nus therusec- tby id NoV ra inus i, rum e, po\-tor IIlripdgale.e pt arr,-sayd oi-oolus culyas îLe sec-- psia fryiug pan, a grid-icott, a ptitor saucepan, a saucer (that is7a(vesel'for iing sauce), a band- mla pepper-inill, aîud anit tstru- meu(-tt for prodnciîîg breaderumis. Hec also mntions a special table fr clîpiug and mixîug herbs and setaiuIl s plain that even ut , Ibis retîtole period bbe culinacy artwu ,cpaliie ofi many elabora- Thes poîpswer'e îîaturahîy con- î in t teouses ni tbbc aistor- cr, but tîte burgiers who grew weu Lîbtoîvards the euid ni the medlieval period, if tbey iarkcd somctlîino n igbtly cercmnomy, certaiuly kncw bow 10 iurnisluibeir tables, In tLe Cent nou.velles Nou- velles (whichi nay be takeiho ce- lIdmanniers common 10 boîli Enlutduud Erance) w'e read ni h i ofnia'merchaut uetîiug before a sinîgle gucst a dinner con- uiiîî oboup, bacon, tripe, and a roauýtedC ox-touîgîuc, ollowed by a piece of saIt bcdf and some choice mutiiton. As lier guest devoîîccd alI îibýeesie calîrd for a bain, and 'bnIbiis lîud svanisîtec, for clucese and a disb ni tacts audc applcs. To our odert "ctiond" ppelibes Ibis wond ern 1 osiuea very It w'u, slom c b sashbebre bicgiuiiing anîa,.and favoured guesîs Lhad a cite% r ni svter, a bosvi* auîd a toweî br-,onglit to tbem by two servanîts. Lstinuporlaul people -uve1C evepecîerd 10 vas bebrore Sitting dow'm n cd f- 4Ibis-purpose lavours or lvatrie w-re rovdedSorte- nieiii tue hal ilseIf, sometinies ~utsdc. frc. ni te5e lavatories bave suit iii ii Iecloisters oi catîtedal. V/bruIteSgsuw'ere ove îe ubie, puc it IbenIt Icîtit ci. Spoouetîsus pried wil c l tialuc e ni îe fnd sherý nt l edrat b Iiciiu îcssofary. t Ones-eycrios eaure of te-t olîvi inthe eahomanes Ibat ot ivuimeu3t Buuryerc obepce Wayward "Oscai' Aiccrait ixochet, Bruce Ixiernuan, 20, is tue liolcier ni an "Oscai," but lic didmil w iii il for actiîîg. Kiecinan fouîîd the cas eted sta'uette about îîine yeaîs ago. Despite deînands of flic Aca- demy of Motioti Pictuce Arts and Sciences to surretîdet the stattuette, Kiecuisan lîeld otîlo ut, "~~' and ever? vear around Aca- denîy Ais ard tinie lie wonislers '..s,.~ ss'bo boeî or thresv awav lus "Oscar." The Manassa Mauler Shows 'Em How---jack Dempsey, former world's heavy\eight o.,ýîng champion, is keenly interested in al lae work. During his recent sisit to Torontto lie called at Variety Village, vocatioiial training schoôl for crippled children,. The School isý operated by the Toronto VarietyClub; the work is one of the activities - of the Onîtario Soçîety, for Crippled Children svhich, is conducting it alnnual Easter Seals campaigu for funds march 13.- April .9. The boys %vitis Demnpsey are,, frorn left: Wilfred Dombroskçie, Renfreîv; Bob Ken- nredy, Toronto; Dônald Brelinaîî, Ottaîva and Donald On;, Satit Ste. Marie. Donations inîy be sent toTinîniv, Toronto. Ice That Drives Strong Men Mad Tui rcool nf bire wocid is perta- ancntly clud iin ice. The 1 c Cap ni Greenu'îlnd, iin places 9,000 fet îîirk. covers a bigger accu than Wrsîrn Europe and is coîîîiuually spcwiug glaciers mb itte irozenusaue bcrgs byIthe ltoiisnd. Soîtzbergen and the waters ni ArchýLe Silcria add 10 tbis profusiotiniofire, mmcli ni ts Irich drifts in teNorthi At-, lautir. Mid-Ortobersces ail ti ypulp iorîîiig ou îLe fjords ni Northerrî S'beria. Then, suiddcuiy, flue mccc- try drops ho 70 beloîs' uîd-bang! -uan ic3' covrritug is wbisked ucros thc occan. Ilttiekeuis ciery sec- ond numbil, un balE au hunur, ïtit Na font deep, \Vbcrc curretîts arc srnIbie movernt ftth e -alc- deiaîs lie coud. But notfor àlong, 'C( liehbuiiiels oh open wulcc mmmcid by ite cxrreiibx gradual.' narcosu anid idisuppear. Roar Like 1,000 Grias Inside 12 bours,the ire, is four fret îbick. And wbeu tic hide bc- g:ins ho risc, a cour like a tl-ousuuîd ghîns booms arrioissthe Arctir. Surît, ut least, is JIe c ase inilte Newv Si- berian fulatudu, off Northcrr Siberia. Hece the> ide ciscs ai-id lalîs au mniias 40 rect, andi wlîcîî îbriscs afbertic "frecze-up" bite ssorld sernis to go muad. 1The sca pres.ses benttathîe ire îs'icli resists ut first-Iben snddcuiy gives svay. Wth a brenîctîdous tbnderclup, the air couuprcssed be- twecu tbe'scuau ad ils kv cînst bursts ont, fliiuging inho tic uirc locks ni icc bbe ize ni -s bouse, Jet clunisea xi alec ifoliow bie escup- iug a', pounitîg a cross lie surface o-f the cie, uddîutg fret te, ý- lbick- urss. Once ugain, ilhe tide 1,dis simd ruses. As il drnsps, lte i-e is left sî'speudefi across tute fjords tîintîl, tnable 10 support utsd1, ih crashes iuîto lte mca svliclu, cxposed ho lte aiîr, freezes uguiiîtume nid ire aîîd tLe ins' fornting a coutorted imass peiau20 fret thick. Then lie bde begin t10ru e agaiu, pres-ing hpvrslarder anîdbaurdecrtunt cure ugain il bursîs Ibrought, fluuîg- îuîg mmîuîreîmse blocks of »ce, ouiI o tIseý sitore ivit'htblie upi oui ni a vi- cs e rneutcîsgo uuîad aI sîclu hites, sa s ait 'iVrzel, a trader 'sL ives ituhe New fSigriiauîs. 'Sert tîte Ilîunalongthue ushore ix î1 vitigi tuernîts and 3'dliimig wth h r til blici' flufiroui , xliatist- F or set ru uutithble s-ui Nbut at di( utuiouy. Buti'itt 'th ie etîirii ni ui, 5 ts su uthîbinmeltsItie ire sufîe iuty foc tide, cir,' ut uad xi :Iîd to break ih up> Labe lait centlry, expl,,u ci, de- ri"-d tLat tue cuuiet, 'htcarry tLe fines ni Silîccia, Spitzbergen Pud Giretiaiid ito the Northt At- laiittie couid b ieud 10 rcrry a uîîp xcx close lelte Foie. fhe Anuer- irat xporrCommuander G. de LoIî, ivustire first 10 teshttis tor.For bu o yrars, hi-, ulip, the ,1 caucte rifured towards brie North an [ ut lutts w'ili park-ire pilcd ugiut ir ohoeiclevel of the dccks. BnblIe uek i-riuulmed ber, leaviîug hier ccv1 ie -,omnthe brozen sea 15f)uîilî moti Iue Nw Sienia sLip, the Frani, to bc iroz.m-in itot fac froini whlre, tie jeannrette bad pcrisli cd. 1Du3 uft er day, tbe Fraiii drifted toit acds tlîe Northi Pole. Wbeni she lîad cearbed d'e most nortlîerly init of tlie curcent, Nanîsenî bn- Ccý-d sledges and dogs on to the fines anîd st ont witb a companion, J olanissen. Fle wus a braiýe man. Hie knew lie could not hope to find blis slip agaili, for she n as diiting j- i an unknown directiotn. Ife le nw le vould busve to mau-Le bis wuy t10 Land as best lie could. -Sbips Lifled Forty Feet 'beii fiîîally focced to tuiti b"e-k, lie lieadred for Frinîz Josef Island, a siedge-jouniex w icb oilly cue of lis linslies survil cd, There, lic and Iii' coîîpaîîioîî ulsowould liaver ded if tbey lîad not met mn-, beirs nf a Bîisb cxpedition. Buck inIi l\ or:,,,, aguiliý, Nauisen lcarned th' îe Fran'i Lad rvived. She, -%vas lncky, fir lie pow er oi the finesis scb tat thîey bave lifted a slip 10 fe-et ont of the vt'.aer. Sncb was l ite experîince 'of the lîstccpid onue of the ships Ibat seacclîrd foc Sic John Franklinî',- Erebus, and Tercor. The icc, con- vcrging on lier hlnl. piled beneatli lier uîîtil she ivas 39 i cci "aliove sea les'el." lnge loose blocks top- pied to lier deeks. Fin cccxv thouigbttfice end lîud conic-iven thie pressuce snddeîîly reiaxed, and the ice feu anay, ail but tivo p il- lars,onue uiider lier bow, tte ollier indcc thec stecîî. Tlîeîî nr skipper, Caro, Cutor, nid somcllîiîîg that n scamun lîad c nuie beince-or n iii da aguin. 5w iîging oce lhiisiîhip's side, lie n ulked the lengtb of tbe sbip uiidci the lkecl. lien mnutles later, lie clunibercd board aiain to report tliat suc bad suffered little damage, ;ust before lie cwo ire pîhlars col- lapsed anudthie slîîp felI ilîto lier ratur ai ecili cul! Evcry MVan Perishei T11lie 'c bus and thie Terror (in wbiclu Franklini tcied ho find the North-WVest Passage) bad fides 17 inihes Ihiiel. Eveit so, wlîeu ice trapped tlîeiîî in a fjord ni tbe cx- trenie iocthi of Canada, it crusbed jtlîenî. i cry man omu bord-there %vcre 10ý.--perÎslied, but thie two shipîs w ccc et tlu muke anther moure. W ýii n nlimatelx' the ice broke np, il carried thenri 'nearly c, 000 tmiles aloîg tie ni tL couit nI Catiada, doin mb the N orthi At- Jantir. 11 îceelicy wece sceeîîby Ile conîuîaluy of the Reiovaî7lon, hcclcd over o thie parkir e, tlieir sides gaîiiig, Siîîilai taiesliai e conic ont oi the Aric lic duri iug reccîmt vears. The lic ussis l t six slips ini six îioii [is liEefbe i ast star. A -orsi egîaîî scaer, ranghu ini the sritzbei "cii flocs, w as carricd riglîl cciuîd tleie slaîîd befoné, aller' 10 miolus in thi griip nofie pack, uic fourndercd ivitb all lail.Lust spriîig, Mix sculers %n ccc crusbed n bile sealiug off Labrador, New- fieuudlund and Grcenlalid,, Durnîg nue period oi 10 ycars, 7sbips-Rulssian, Nocsvegiau, Ca- nudian, Anierirun-îî cc destroyed il, hlîc grind of packic ien.' i in col- lisioni w iti 'bcrgs. Life Amongst AMillion Seals Charles Milvcy, a Cunadiati cx- b)arrister îvbo bus lcavelled îidely îi. Norîth VWest Caîtuda receenîl' gave a BBC tulk on bis expeniences on the Pribolofs, a group of islunds i thicfac Nortb Paci fie. These isluiids arc the oliliiiîîtiug grouinds ci the greal fur beacing seul berd, Tbey are alniost fogbouind in sui mer and, one inorîiug us Mulvey gropcd uleng the bure, boulder bsLres' i shîore lue lîcard 'a decp- tnmoatefi cour and tliicoughth le fog sz.w a gialît seul, six feet long and weigbing about seven bundred pounds, luîinberiîîg by. b'rom a suie distanîcelie w'tclied thie grt:.-st creut- rire swviig liii lîad t10 and iro, gmbwling aiid sîîarling i idicively and tlîrcatcîîing uany îîrurbv seuls. ln thîe second îvcek ni May tîund- reds of btili seuls couic lu the is. hindi ai-id ecd adopîs a tccritocy viicli becomes hi8 harenii during the uiatiîg scason. Tbe best posi- tions, ucai est to hie witer', are thie prnpertyoniflite fiecest fighIers and wbeîî the log lited, Mulvey nwalcbed mauy of lueurcîtwesome- territorial bailles. A seul nonld îake nup a positionî, anîlie. would Eancy it anîd charge ivihý ,rnuring cbullenge, 10 be nid by Ilie first seul w illi tcclhbabred aîîd towecitîl reck tbrust ont. Muivey dcscribed- îlese figbts as the inost vicions b5i bad ever secm and ut tinies lie îrucrid unay ini lorror prayiîîg tiat soîuctlîiîîg înigbt intervertc1 top Ibein. But thLencud mes ouilyn itî cotîplete s ictors' for the stroiýger seul. Duutng te batîle nerid lte le- i s.ales have beti comnîg froni thie Southi Pacifie, us brr i v bastc fiappils' duirig the iiter. lu May t iiry leed ait irrestibie ucge 10 go buek 10 îîmate on lte islauds wbere thîcy ix cccboni. The sea is dotîrd for mies witlî Ib i ads a-stiiese lovely ittîr seal , ons'lx to and a hlaIt 10liiice leci long and 7w cigbing about cightx pouuids, coule gently hi. wlat Mulvey~ decrîibed as "twio u'oitlis of 'tbe lmost lîlisît mcm. cf doîîîesticity liai the ierniale nif any species bas ever cxpe,iruced." As tLe fetutles un ii iithie buIl, arc raîîgrd aloîîg tbe ulhoce 10 mee llim, aooitsg 10 ultrat t thcni. A fe- imule approaclies ltebull ni ber coeand is pickred up as tLonigl site w ccc a kilteut and carcird to hie hiaremt. Sue is lefi. lthec î liîlt lier husbaîîd goes tb coliecl othter wi S, for althougb the yOung bul seal akes or ne o twandb matre ibll ns*vay tea unre sealslie alsaai matui ty at. seven, but mate fon th ]eiage of four, the seathy dcvlopa ae l"ils t y,)eellsi. For Ie twana beal oths of matînrseason the neyer eutg tnd seildon e, Te sp'end theirtr e f!-tini n h ren is iiand Crben t h aveCt, ilands arte ewaîtd rckco ,tedhhte yul nsty g1 iýints the viere ii nîidMay, Yung hchlor saceals l uaynfronci tbr -n hae tsea Wtlgh specmial- li leesbe twen tbem, rtr espasers are tod to pices. Mlvcy sp ienbt a rad dal ound tinei the'rentrallae sTdyingtelsels ane thiug ny othe motheasdartig forterabies- frwithn atverymshrtcimvle.n 'adigthe females gie bitb to, thre 3aong oncc- ilelinthe pe- weinuslyar.lieuched t'i.i Il youngfr citbelors inaing togthecr in thber swi iyahusandiabilit that leave tin w heutesbecoi mtue and gcowmiain "tbugs, wie-beaiers aî'd ail diun d'toîeslc trt din onthe s su' pelisparmniseiany nîes r e Ibd io soî and eus trumil geto c.ommerncialaue nube th eaaerd um ed.bewee tbeear ad ifîe ve m-illyb eals city and in fl fyyers tei nubsM are scontoedby itueiUiîieiStts cogar etfrctesesot'ebd on moiga iiiun weu t s rnedneatreeol 'e surrouksding othe is'andes wiebol prmsin pe rte t o aîl. l certin fiumbec of selsarlcakid ab "Th c grladteer ar ah ttbre ea od" bahe ýlors fo d bis kn "Bre scarre b thelgblgad eîiile avre cpI fo bc reredi s"ig.s the dustry amazedt e urmos ock i b valle mn r he was sta'irig, "\viheve ordo t, byu1 ome ý fîrof, îe s cd a octale inhai doegn"te assurancedfcol. lvn haBut îvbleresm .["ehglanci ( Couldn'"-tue Heaven awo arearai hb i foîbe Led aud iugly, "I'îii still with you. Belgium's RLerý? Pic Baudotini, 11), acv, o f King 1Leopold -!III, woudbc- Corne king of Bluii h Suggestion of formerPreniie Paul-Henri Spaaklede o the powerfnlSoiisPati followed. Spaaiýk nrged e i in an openlttrttrnoe the'trn ott rnet restore order and nn1ýitv.Atn Aril rmSewe co ered tatiodinccul e x tcacted frombritsaedsïu tisîs lhave beenputiluhs hml plant under a-1 osad ud on tests' tofind otwbtother uses il has for niankiudI. Latestdicxrytofrnî- donsbefi-ataslbewl cau bce'imade fronýIMsaxe o ueîin d enti stLr y.' Hae, rbaeafe auextraction wa-nue o Ibos tbilîgs yon boped yon nePer bad b ut tbis new soluiblewollasv, lually over»Foje depsiiivo tItis. The inventive gcliiius belidbi Idiscovery is Franik Bnikn is still trying to find otherappica lionis for seaw'red. "I uai[ocn Jle bas been uit hi'sa,' d an for twenty yrars, audii tatte bch bas coinvcrlet we d intobir cream as weillasint ice renà powdcr, Aritifical wo isas been made froni tbe aît I!kba been copied, an-d t-a o a have your food wrappe i acrti ty pe of traiispareuit wap ae tbat originally nus ageebstr planit at the bottoi n f thesea