A. Rai1way Liite Ru-n By Chien baSIc emore th'an two mniles. Yeti de,,pite 0tesedidvnae iehich wouid baki-rtanote vîsitors from i oer htwold iiok vey dy o tsmain termna-l t'bhtbe eplotyee puater tha tht migt-f ayaout for msippu lariJty.î,patO tiçkts, hichcostone fointaou ,t1;itintnsmsFt ghr ta, la on ber Iugers. hmle wating fo thtuex0t-!train , be per thoug werig isfistupabei ocng, )fusrs ar f srue14 u-ga 'Cihormetap ont esaesio usa teeraersket ute pltorm Iwotbisanmaeste apigtailed blond, sindtetri2 ttat wbicb eed i 197, s en onireltby yougster betafwevtse gso ias id . Boys sud rlsh aUgketbey itbadit vr job-sell iss cetsyl, workIugasofndueorfl, telgrphrs raotten. ates fdueli gloomtiesy u ca,bmd evcu seiln andail soenir pst Ard badt ,ý fthteouycauetsobesde te as 8tgr,arhe clmde wh die h 2iso keepsa ftheiy geyesonth 164plyea ýt~ eea f1 M'et Re sut-Take somne vicil- here and thecre oj-ver aleel rnodel and tlie net resi leibis cocktail tftwtapek- boo bodice-,Prsa dsge AIbouy createýd the ilm o fi, hicliISwonAvr tr- Les lack baai prln tournal ine d lnete HKen Adopts Gujinea Pigs-Betty Jane Ro bl kneels dowýn t feed lier motliErI etinwho ýixia ue ybiddy these dayIs. Thýe lie las ad'opted -A full-,grown ginera pigs and treats tliemas slie woufld lier jnboo îfchcs j TBLETALKS cvae Awd.%Ces Bakin 1907 a man went to 1%/ teaspoons horseradieh Wlasb'ington as, Senator from Min- 1 tablespoon veinegar nesota. His namez was Knute Nel- Y2 teaspoon salt son, aud bis. favorite eating was Few, grains of pepper bean soup. He liked, bean àoup Method:, Rolli lamb shanks in every weekday and Sundays as wel; flour and brown- in hot fat i-n - and when he-found that ýthe Sen- skillet:- Remove to a large casseroleý. ate Restaurant didn't serve this dell- Stir ,1i tablespoon flour into e cacy, he made a terrific squawk. mnaluing fat in skillet, add 1 ciip Se before long it appeared on- the water gradually, and stir until Menliu, What's more, it bas been ap- thickened. Add borseradish, Wor- pjearinig there every single day for cestershîre sauce, vinegar, sait, aud almaost 34 years, just because pepper, Pour over lamb shanks and tho(usands of others, besides Mr. cover casserole.-.Bake at 325 deg. Ned-son, went for it in a. big way, F. for about 2-hours, or until tender, "Famous Senate Restaurant, Bean Four servings. Soup" is the way it's always listed; * I ý' aud it bas probably, been eaten by LIV ER AND ONION PATTIES more noted, people than any other 1 pound beef or pork liver single dish. 1 medium onion Perhapsý you'd like to know how 10 crackers te make it, Here is thee recipe as 2 eggs hade iut),Pu Johunson, the 34ý cup milk retarats ea aittï for haif a i ttaspoon s2ait cenury 34teaspoon pepper FAMOU$ BEAN soup Method: Cover liver with boiliuýg 3 Ibs. small navy pea beans water and allow te stand for 10, Iý/2 ibs. smoked'ham hocks' minutes. Put meatoin ad i onion crackers tbrough fine kuif(eo ma 4 iquarts water grinder. Add sightly beatten egs A little butter milk, and seasoning. Drop by able Sait and pepper spoons ento bot fat. Flatten witb a 1M1T0OD: Take tbree pounds of spatula and fry eac sie unitil s ,iauay beans, wash and run crisply brown. 6 servi-ug1s. tbouh ot water until tbe beans pArewit gan Put on fire w ,ith GROUND BEEF STEAK f"urI), qua'rts of b Iot water. Add l1V, 1 pourd ground beef lbs. sm)oked ham hocks. Boil for 4 cup fine bread crumbis 27 or.Braise one onion, cbop- 1 egg, beaten ped smllnl a littie butter and 1 teaspoon sait when clightýIi brown, put lu tbe soup. Vg teaspoon pepper ean ihsait and pepper, then 3 tabiespoons, minced onion serv, Do no add sait tili ready te Y4 cup chopped celery sre(Serves eight.) 1 car. mushrooui soup :i,'/34,cup water \\hýen LUrtci appetites begin to lag, it's t»t treat tbemn to some- tbig iffreut lu tbhe of fisb re- cies 'm suire yotuî folks wili en- FISH CHOWDER CASSEROLES Cook ., ,.1 cup cbopped onion ln ~i npbuteror margar- ineC Biend in3 tablespoons flour Stiv i?,, 1, cups milk V. cup liquid draiued from vegetables Cook uintil -thick and smooth. A3,.,2 cupa cooked fish (hall-' but, whitefisb, or perch), flaked 1 cnp cooked, diced pots- toes -4 cup cooked, dîced cear- rots 4 cup cooked peas il teaspoon Worcester- sbire sauce IV2 teaspoons sait 3teaspoou pepper Peur mb 6 greased, individuai @as- seroles or one 3-quart e&serole. Tep eah ont ith a irounid ef nnbaked be,isuit->ugh Wkh eatIr-,ceshas htad AjVORY LAMB SHANKS 414wM! ailmb sbauks 3 ftabespoons lard or other fit 1 cup mneat stock or water 2 teaspoons Wo . ,'ic *hIfl(('I Wl THE C,ý--HURCH iIN ROME Romns _i,7 12;Acta .1 4b48 30-31, Golden Tet Ianflot âaraed of thicg0Qspelj of Christ;, for it ie the power of God unto salvation to ever-y onçt that beàiiveth; te the Jew firSt tC, n1aso toý the Greek. -Rom. i ý16. Paulwascommssiuedof Godà to, carr-y telighit of the Gospel te the Geniles IN ist bead- quarters was Antiochi, tht bub of yria. Ten t wasà h~s, thv center oýf operationIs in Ai Miîlor aýnd easter1i Europe; and fnly Romep te metroosof the Woru. Rýom-e wascaital Ioifite iastgreat world ,emipire. Its mighty armnies even conquered Brion. But tbe, po-wer of ýRme did noS dant Pau for- the m essage of tbe Gospel on Cbistws ore powverful yet, 1Lt woid nt destroy buitSave every- onIe whowouiitrutiluCbrist. Pau!l was uas 'mDiofsuch a; Gospel Helouiged for Ythe oppor- tuiyof placiug its, banner at thtl P'aul did înot know thýat he ouldc go to lHome as a prisa0ner. When a2 group oJ Cbristans learned oà is co in itey went dwuthe roadi abouýt frymiles to met hlm: - Wbom ,when Pal lsawý, h bankd Gýod, aud took courýage." 'Tht tborugbtfuluess on the part of tEe, litte baud lu Romle Id uch to belp Paul. If we wouild s re- memer hatlittIe acts of kiudnjtess eau hve reat significau lce, we wonld do more of tbmi. Paul had wiritteu in bins letter- to the Romans, "We knto-w itbat al things work togeýthe(rfor go to tbem tbat lov, God"'. 8:28. Now lie bad a chance to prove k15. eiwls allowed bis own biredoIsevwere he could receive aIJ wh camîue. He preached the Gospel. L-aieýte berote1 from prison to the Chunrch at Pili- ippi, "I would ye sh)ould under- stand, bretheru, thaLt1zth bïiugs which happened unto me bave fallen out- rather, unto'tbe furtherauce of the gospel;- so that my bonds are manifest lu 1aIl thle palace, aud iu ail other places; sud Imauyý of tbe bretheru n lu tLord, wýaxiu)g con- fident by mýy bond,, are miuch more bold to speak the word witbout fear." Cow Towelg BeGreat Part In Flower Pollination FiowersddPltapper i om -eù-000s000dyeas aoA ta tm o .iginlbflowru alut-he ag-. oias sud teir ruesaties.-retili poiiaedb\beies.pTh t ago qOpirli a rane, cirepetasi staens sud see-beaîngorg of trou oneaete oflatPr obabiy thtearliest foeing pls answer laufiintd oon aedsd rb fl o r emedto deýoveiopetal in ctbe f om ilor-,a deep tbeaorcup wstb nO1ectarcsoe ttebs.Ti reIied tht pnt of th brn o pr odciuexcspshpollend sunm- erous s 0 taes, tbe flower'-ý.sulen-J plylantdt flowewenteys nhetarour ater pied befouers lneg hp ocser v as a "adug he cojelor oftfoweswas af- red. M fosý floes tha attac itesu er efe, r oeshd fbu Ifl- pain? And th RELIEF is LASTING Nobdy nrel teicusfofriem; tasm ut w do now herebutn thing toneasetheopain it' Arn weyo t ïvaeiNt mieTbut hreIý rln ef i rlog beas INTfdA TNT c 'ft)inf not heabýct threeh pro edciirdient.f euritis or nuagaas the aiches anale pnsthat fn accoimpany ga cold.4 keti nstaptine t gy *nd asy teph handy lbstani ns onmal48-TaeS Oe ffle 690 N N N N N N N N N N s' N. N. N N N N N N "s s,' N 25 N N N N Ns s 'N N $ N N y N Ns N N .5 Ns Ns s, N N N "s N. .5. 54 .55 N