DROND 7WEEKLY c- aif,"nd lie p-rovided ntiany laughs. [oit The sound effect vas perf£ect, whhch a-4 is scotueting new. The show wil bei r- hereagn th;s, oiriag Saturday,! he -iÂ~ lmyour patronage. oncue R. quired under the Tourisi Establishments Act, 1949 NOTICE TO O9PERATORS ONTARIO onces Expire MAiâRCH 3lst u operate a Tourist Establishment, accommnodating the lling or vacatïotaing public, and if you are flot already ýced uinder the Qame and Fisheries Act as an "outfitter", nder the Liquor Licence Act, you mnust apply before hf 3 1 st for a licence under the Tourist Establishments A Tourist Establishment includes: An Irnq A' Lodge - A Tourist Home renting five or more roomî-s - A Cabin Establishment of -two & ioý rentai maits - A Cottage Estab- lish nient of two or more rentai unîts A 'Trailer or Camping Park. :Lces are issued by munîcipalities, ôr, in that part of a torial district without municipal organization, by the ct lnspector of the Ontario Provincial Police Force. ie fee on first application is $ 5.00 and on each annual wal is 42.50. Fee !;hall accorapaniy application. :ratior, without licence enitails a maximum penalty of .00 on conviction, as does any violation of the regu- SCopy o the egzdaions l beforw arded on r-equest by THE DEVELOPMENT BRANCII 'ARTMENT 0F TRAVEL AND PUBLICITY PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO LOUIS P. CECILE, K.C. TOM C. McCALLI MinterDepýuty Minier nlTourist SerVicE Wek FýM May I ite May th chaiýt business is YOUR business. The Canadian Tourist )ciaiiîig as publîahed an informative booklet "The itor lIftdustry' wbich teils yoeu vwhat you can do to help ,hr this important national programn. Write for your copy. N4AD I AN' ARMY- "I NSURANCE FOR PEACE" the Armiy sare vital to eve-ry phase of Army .nglje messag-e could be thie deciding ordfe. Sponsible for this key operation are eof the mrost adivaniced equipment and css, telegrap)hy, electronics, telephone. ies te learn andadrvance i' the Royal ofSgnl are boundless. The Corps 'ctioni of SPeciahist trades: wireless and "I n lc and aintenanice; lune and cable ard installationi andi operation. AIl (f O-lt with thie Imost advaniced equip- ds. nadian Army cati offer young men gcaecer opruiis For complete r near-est recruitinig office. You are 17 or -over and cai meet Armayrequire- i you certi[ficaýtes, of age andc education. We will. he pleased to pick u'-p DEAD OR CRIPPLEI F.ARM ANIMALS, For ieedae sr l'efflepoae collect Brooklin 62, Co)bourg 1266w, Toronto Adelaide 31636. GORDONYUVN4 Ltd. "I Orono' Electric Ph. 55 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and ITOUSE WIRING Free Estîmates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt ai-d Gu-aranteed Repairs to ail makes of Elecericai Equipseient and Appliances Such as MIotors, Water Heaiters,i Radios, Stovesý, Irons, Etc. Orono Tinshop PLUMBIN ? HOT AIR HOT. WATER AND STEAMHEATING R . E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 JUST COMMON SENSE! Home security aiso means pýro- tection fromt rhsks of loss front fire and theft. Insure! BE ASSURED -BE INSLJRED NEIL F. PORTER Phone 92 r 16- ORONO, Ont ]Real Estate Good farms for sale are not plentiful, butha my ýoffice I have iisted a $aiy wide seiec- thon whhch varies in price from $1,500 to $2,,600, according to size,ý5 location and general quai- ity. .-The majority are availabie for immediate possession. If you have any land for sale, either improved or the poorer type, I would be giad te know about it. There isa ready market for ail classes of land. Leroy' Hamiton BROKER Phone: Office 32 r 10,' Res. 1 r 16 Oroito, Ontario INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES CLASSE elED COMING EVENTS- ~Phrewilbea Sca Eveninig of Leskarïid W. A. Turda, aroh 23, ait 8 00 p.s. Progrýamme op f music. Lunch eb rved. ELverýyione welcome. Adlmission 2k5. Proceedls in aid of C]hurch Funds. a-9-c COMING EVENTS A bDas ket s)ciafl wlilii'ne helid- at Clarke Union Scloo)]Il tis Fliday, Marclh2Ë11h, miecn t 8K15 p.11. liadies binghnskç't- late .lunch whll be soi Prga e and d-anWc. CARD oF THANKS The ~nhvof tfie late Roben-t Pat- t'i'onw'is to e~rt1wthir de,ýpest raiueto the maay ,vfrhendýs and neih1~ous.Ileather Rebek-li Lodge(, Oronoand,.0,!,. No. 405 Kendal, for ~ 4) tlerexrsin farnah nd floral tbt' extended durhvilg 'tlheir rn~et s<l ereaenintand t Vli- !rg Dr. MrKeazie. YOUR 'MEMBER REPORTS (Conitilued fr-omn-ageonrl) -% w. - w 1 FOR SALE 1ý49 FOIm riginal ines good cýondiLioni. lhone'E2. r 11, Orono. WANTED TO BUY Dead oir crippled stock, renmoved free of charg1e. One hour service. Hlig,,ýest pi-lce. for oldi horses.-Mar- gili Fur Farmn. Cal Collect Bow- WREATHS FOR SALE Ian110W 111a position lto supply ariiiiwreaths at different prices. hey ny be scen at the hone of H. Pre'tscott's, or 0. W. Knapp's, phone 62 r 1, Or-ono. Ap 29-p FARM Hl FELP Experieaced, re.Iiabie Holland f ar- iest availabl-e. Arrivinig o. Write te S. Ruina, R. R. l-, Nestieton, Ont., Phone 225-24, Port -Perry. Ju,-n i-p. FOR SALE WodCo. conbnation fariii free- zer and reirigerator, $4715; freezers onily,, $370; milkers, $20;atrhet enis, electricste, $170; Rolbey Tractor icuit-vators $170); fertilizer prinitinýg vwas cerntainly a-- boon 'Voliin-! attachmienits for anly drill $65; Fleury inanity. With theni we couldn't Icon- Bissel fi-frtilizer spreiadens $150; duct a war, a g-overnmiien~t or a busi-' tndeým discs $1G69. inanure spread- ness. Somietinies, 1 t'hink -we'd lie C 7;as -'rt c-OaoLm btterý off lu ma1uy ways if they edCalod,520<are tad't been bo'rn. iePhone cl od,1 -20la-p. Thia e week at Par1ianent 1Hi111bas' seca thé conclusion of the Reply to th-e Speechfrn the Throne. 'You may be interested in how titis oper- faes A couple of young menibers of Parliameut, eue in Eng1lsb aii euie in Frencli, more that the speech bce adopted. Prom then iuntil every- one ha exhausteýd it is a free for al lan that ever-foae eu speaýk on any- hing they please so long, as they use paiqeimentaiy lauguage. This bas been contlinuingl for a unth with niea,,ili 100 of the 9-62 meimbers iu- fiicthuîg their weird anid womdenful idfeas u pon the chanber. The ouily otler o ppor-tunîity when such freedoeni is aliloîwed is we the budget is pre- ýsen1ted. It lias takein a moutbI to dis- pose 'or the SpIe-chi fronmtlthe Tbroue, iuding tjj11- hreeauedes made by t1he ConiiservaLthvs the CCP antI the Socil Crediters. Dach of these is actually a vote of, confidence iii the goverinent se govermenpt support- ers remain s~olid ilu hacltiing thehi. ad- lulinistviation,. Tlihe iolitical trick for opoiinparties la to word their amenidmenits iii such awa thatsoe Liberals wi'l'l nprpea,,r to lie bacIdiig down on pr-electi(m pleqges by vot- hnýg againsit the preporsed 'cll<lgesý. H-Tppi1y, I dori't remnember iiaking- any 6lfeion ploiinisefs other than Vo( act the matr 1 feit the nmo'ity of tlhe piipole 01 ]DurlialufCounitywol ike nie te retpresent theni se it ¶iasni't there are any cmlitplease le I been too embarrasing te date. If me know. We Liberal niembers have teken q uÀte- a bit of kIddhng fironi the Op- SPosition ilorces following a jstudy wâ!h officials of the CndinConi- mtirchal- CorporatÀin whhch does the ,pLurdbasîng for Oihe Departmnent of National Defence. A Mvl)itrp-al ne- jponter pnodiced a story to the effect thiat this was a secret mneeting of 6û Liberails who were distussintg ways andI means of obtaInEhng patronage. jfor their lown 'idings. t m'ade a Igood story excepit that it conypiete'ly avoided the t'ruth. We've been hold- ing study gnoups sinoe the opesiing o&f Panihament, as many as two or +h ree a week, Vo leara, more about the government departimeuits, how thé-y funetion' andI whet ýthey deý. Pat- noriage., doggone it, seents te ho sneligwhich is bnimost a thing lof the fl>a5 in federal goveram-menîit or- clos. In faiet, since this nileg-ed ex- pose found its way into- pint live heard dozens-f ef nioscompainiing that they have practicalfly ne'Say -11 mendations for _scattered appoint- their Towun idings other thauneCloin- meints. They cite lecident where top- rankin'g Oonsorvttives, are doing the work, for tihe governmentwbl Lib- eral workers have been on thic out- side- unùhle to obtain anyw work from Crnwni Corporations or dprmns It seeTnts to bei patronage in reversel at thfe moment, BUY YOUR FEEDS FOR LIESSI We have in stock CHICK STARTER LAYING MASII, and 110G rGROWER at the LOW MARKET PRICES We have ail types of Poultry Equilment in stockç. RICHARDS ONS I~ Phone 81 r 17 - - Ponitypool FOR SALE A DeLuxe Foldig Carniage. De- tachable Foolt Weil Lo couiver-t to' go- cart, wvine withi bone coloured lhning, LChrome accessories. Mrs. W. Tom - linson, ehone S3 r 4, Orono. c-9-p. FOR SALE Gartier Oats, Registened No,. 1, a gisod eartly oat on ihigh dry laad, aogntreated ag'alin:st smut and roo dieass.Colini Smi(h, R. R. 4, Bowm-ranville; plione Onono 5G v*6 FOR SALE ElcreRanieitte, ecllnuondi- tion. Alpply to H. Souchi, Oreno. We, are ep~tu a catlioad, of cemnent the first week of Aprilý. Leave your order with ORONO COAL & LUMBER See McLaren Phone 48 r 1 -Oroino NOTICE Cane dýhii, reciaaned like new. 512 Shen-br-ok Slt., Peterboro, dial 4/782l. F. C.RiddelI. d12 *TE-NDERS WANTED Tendiers will be received by thie un- dersigned up >to andI inrilhdin ýg MarcthI 8OIth,,19,50, for drivînig pupils o-f S.S. No. 18, Cltarke,,to KXirby Sioo.aJ idistance ýof about 10, miles. Duities- to commence Apnil list. R. J. BURGESS, Sec., 01ron0o, nt. FAUCTION SALE Mvr. Stuart S. Morton &,,Son, Lot 19, Con. 1, Darliagton Towliship, l1V2 mile-s west oýf Bowmauville on the so-uth sido of No. 2 Hlighway, ha gir- ing- Up farin'ng an' wiill selI hy pb lic auctien on Vednre-sdaýy, Apnhl Dth ait, 12.30 p.m.. s'harp, a fullI lime of nearly ,iew- tractor mnachiuery, sucb as M.-1T. 44 tract or, Fanyral A trac- ter, clipper combine, iek-up baler, s;tationary baler, powver side nake, l.-way disc, tractor ploýw, tracto-r cul- tiaecern hinder, silo filler, fertil- izer dili1, mbikiug imachine, rublier- tired wagon, traotor trailer, dozenis of eteîtemis. This is ), sale ro farner eau ufford te is Lunch wiil] be served tbronighot thesae For further informiationreadg this large sale contact - Jackl Reid, Auctioneer, Orono, Onitanho. I have receired instr-uctioýns fronti Mn. R. S. Johnts+oiri te sleil by pub- lic auction at; Lot 3, Con. 1, Clarlie Townsbip, 2 miles east of Newton- Ville on the Scautl side of No. 2 Higli- wmay, on Saturd'ay, Aipnil 81h, at 160 p.ni. shaiip, I matched teaii- of Per- cherons, cows, iheifers audcav, swine, machinery and some furnii- ture. Mr. Jahriston is giving up fart- ing soe everyti hÀý. wifl be sold witb-, eut reserrýe. 'Termsq Cash.' Jaek Reid Auctioneer. .Auotion sale of farmu stock andI iupleýments of Mr. Robert Eley, Lot 5, Concessîion 7, ClarkeTosl, wilil be IIdat the tDurham County Sales - Arean on Thursda, Mach 3Ob, at: 14 p.i. Teri-s Cash. No Reserve. Jack Reid, Auothoneer. MEDiCAL A. F. MceKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGFMN -- Office Hours: 2.00 t. 4.0",.m.; 6.30 tn, 8.00 p.m. Sundays and Wednesdays---by appointment only PHONE 47rl ORONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Address: South Main St., Office Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 t0 8.00 pj.là Sundays and Holidays- by Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 OROND LEGAL Lawrence C. Miason, B.A. Barrister and Soicitor BOWMIANVILLE, ONT. Phonies: Office 688 Homle 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Office 825 Residence 4* BOWMWANVILLE. ONT. -AUCTIONEERS TED JACKrSONýW Auctioneer and Valuator Conduets Auction Sales of al ame Iand at, reasoiiable rates Coinmunicate with hlm at P«2 Perry, Ontario, or se hlm Clerk. L. E. Morton, nt Orono, for date. JAÀCK REIDT Orono's Licensed Auctioneer wand Valuater Specialize ini Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for termi and dates Phone -î r iP - ,-w LIFE INSUR ANCE Pension Plans; Educational Policies; Protection and Savings Plans ter Children and Aduits; Mortgage xI-. surance Plans. F. E. LYC ETT ORONO, Ont. .Phone ý29 r j@ Thie RUTTER GRANITR * COMPANY Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontarlo Monuments, Gravemarkers STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 318~ Dundas St. E., Whitby FiNE ,QUALITY. MONUý'fMENTS AMP MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dîg- aifled monument over the rest- ig place of your ioved orles, It's not expeasive. And seehng this last tribute -IîlI give you c-ndless cermfort ORIONO Furuituire Hospital Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Boughit and qo;d Se#,Our 3inie of DrApery Material Kitehen Units made t. ord'er C- F. Duncan Phone 79-16 ORO N 'I' "1