Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Mar 1950, p. 2

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Till FAIN ROIT Ariiilprice sopport-that is'3 V' say ovsrmeutsupo rt-may bc, aIlvey wlli?, theory. Býut every- bod wib eena fewyears 0of practcal eperiees kows very ,well ih-at, so f'ar ais footd products are cnceued liug are bDound tao lae.Adif you arein the poiitr y tics fal. It takes arouud '200)eg ebn tht BEED;JNG-- STOC K B- SHOULD B AT LFBAST THA LokaIil (b,)is wy fg(ood, etraigh)t-ruuehck csîyou ouly Irscusapiece moretan odn ,lry oues, (heu ak-good put-llet cbiek' £01 ou only alitP t versix cents more han acomnin on. That haeslier bo-tb for ithe exta cot of (e cckeel hatcoies wtb er, sud (be igher 'price of eheks(ba fegsaeseliiîg for ionly bry sxcents adu n-(be et extnia eggs ta more thiain cover ber ixracost. AL SHELAY-S BE- 1)O11,ThEE FIST lTURRpE AR E AlMOXf0sTFC LECA pPROFI0T. Anoiher thiu-g 10Iser )iu uiid -bs i' ot ouly 1HOW MN Kggs yuget, bhut YWHEN youii gel hethat makels muyfryou, lite re oi arks wel v5ot sbooIâtiug for- M4oth Egga -pet, Eggs per 'Sepîînher- Marc) 'Apri Total Hon 12 10 8 g h Il 14 15 16 16 15 14 150 * -ýUIlet- 14 Q 6 17 17 170 LitieAtom .Buster-Eilght-ycar-oild Stefan Oeýlsen gets an eaýrl hsigt nt temysteries ,of atommiierg,, ,using this itoy Htmi aboratory. Thoulgh i;t includes radioactive miner.ais- and awra bI Giercouniiter, thie stisharmnle;ss ad tresses the peaceful possibîlities o-f inuClear research. A ,)O lo*fcbrvent ou, of s'be Natona Hckey League,wheu big Y-e rat skidded or, was sbuuted -yupays your money and takes yor choice whicb-to tbe iminors, mas'iws born 10 or 15 .eaýrs'lotG lse. sbeevdthat hockeýywas fouraîer bapbig busiess. He ~hogbt(ba dicipinewas R ý,word in(bdîtoay and (bat h-ome or Porboe rnoom waý somewbere to go wh-en every theýr place waa e8osed, ean say, for a wholt heap 'of bligbly^ pîtblicized modemn stars. So it will be good uews te tbou'- £sands wbio slill bave fond em nOrieS of Tht Babe to eaýru tIat bis sý3 tili iî bockey 10 alagexntadno dtoing any tO balyat thapt. Vsheu OuerKennyMceia of the New Westminster Royals, annouîîiccd av tile start of ýthe pi-es eut seasol, tbt b was going taý take a eb-an)ce on iPratt as coach4, ther w~ ousderale ead-sbak- ing, 1ï0 put 1 t nrly. Even ,bisý best fniuks aud sý;iinctrtst amrr doubtd tyetî rite fun-loviuig rert silrtool Paîi jot1- e Nees 1 ad hi clu int fi- ace ring th Pcifi ostHce îleyvbeii n u ibeisareevato vins Naot as l oetboalseof tt Y ork Rangers, ini Ibeir balmy days,, as' you are 1hable 10 see any where. Babe a alwvays a bit of a gambler, sud rîgbt from the start of tbe seasont, he bas badunusual suecess in pulling bis goalie out of the nets in tbe closing moments-of a tight 'game. But a couplie of bis ebauee-taking stunts in receut cou- tests had tht fans really t-lking te tl'emselves. For .instanee, uin a game witb Portland not so long a go, the Newt Westminster goal tender mas bit bv *be pttek, and bad (o retire to the dressing room for minor repaira. The final peniod stili b ad seven nA~nutes to ruu at the time, - SîN OfdAIhl BOOKCASE FASTEN ER PREVENï CHILOREN FPROM, tP0KIN& BOOKS FROM $I4ELVES WIT'H IECi 0F LIGI-iTWEIGHT ý NAIN I*LD ACRO$S FRONT 0F BOOK CASE WIýTH SN>AP r5$ee-eil K>, CLASSII Its almost that simple. Fear ntrya e coumon1 ý- s a"d old,' who boy Twedlechie3,r tel, us thal thes' actuals'rcie oeeg and biaiser profits with thiese ý11famos lny Makers, The secret , 26 years 0ofcaeo hreediug for btter chicko. Otans hreecsar headed with R.O.P. pedinreefineleDaid, started, two weeks ta six wees, older pullots.ý turkeY Pouits. !1'ree catalogue, Tweddçt hicit Ilntcherles Limitofi, Pergus, Otario. DONT miss tise boat, anis' about 50% of the cisicks have hotu hactrd lu Canada up outil nuow. This will ieau a sh orts geo f eggs audi poulfrs' ment thie sommer, and faIt. Tise neuiisn ocs. Dnt1 mis out. QOrder your cisîi snow, 125inoie 1)ro, s, 13 cross broofzlu cis.se.f.o.. Mostof 1o11 pure brefi R PSird.Da jai, aaro,,lder Noe iiek Sals. GueiCS, Outnlo speto,khecked hylpedigee oudtit stoc. Ne Hame; usso; Sssol Ne I C U M R WEKS011 aO p Owek od d bo v' reede Oder fofan cloeCi a O. 10' ep s t b l ncO . 4(. e DAgOLD & SarEO BA'd old,4", -"ii ' k , O e; ek d Oc, 4 'FW, ksoldCapons 10'e. 1,iON th£L bTtter pHAW it Èy. LONn. 000oNTAiO.- osseble lc etIn Write forances freala relge ouon Puitgfrs.' armsMonsLOn. IOVEISNMENt approveTop- uityuFo STchummor' s QuaLETs' ,tcer, LnC«d Ot Ibe ser o arflsletton_. and bree ad h ; O.B. Tsy hvelt sgod ecueF Faut ht ï ionry. stSmO0f chioka fr cor ng. W stres s 1gsite nd ucformh1cksare. r ,,, Roks i, Le2gors SOg-at H asrrest - ampd aRockcrosbrsd Ho U.S.LA.r crosshreds-, n,sfor frs litd fuTbl Oxfrd Fîuamrs C oeattre Prodoce Cnmpan,1 LimTitsd,4ON3TAIO. PReONYWndtî8. On There was the sual "time-out' called to await the ýreturu of thi goaie-but Prattcodnteeay rao for sucbi a deIay,.(Mab h'e ba abeay dte ndwas al- ready lte for l," neEasteru-j servr comentD, ut (bat, of curse, 18s !neey umie So, ont to gtmrd the nets lie S*eIt ismore-,I, hego)t away wih ilt>Éhe subtitte oldng hePortadof bh cr het for the baance . 0ore inceibe tn.Midway hada 2led.When aVncue player reie a five-minîîte peu, alty, i-att sent bis goalie to die bench Rnd brought in an extra for- warwd. New Westminster scored once, and Vancouver didu't get a single sbot at the open Royal net. Witb two and a baîf îminutes to g., Royals were stili behind, 5-3 Once again Pratt told his goalie tb go take' a sitdown, ai-d Vancouveî pi'omptly'banged one into tbe un- gttarded twine, making it 6-3. Babe and bis pals took the re- verse in stride. The goalte stayed off. With ouly 49 seconds remain ing, Royals scored 10 make it 6-4. With 23 seconds- left, tbey scored again, making it 6-5. And wîth but five seconds remainiug, thbey notcbed still another, salvaging u 6-6 tie ouI of a game wbich ap peared 10 be hopelessly blà. Iu other woî de, iu the apace oý just 44 secouds, the Royalo scorec1 tlîree times agaluot ouf of tlîe besi clubs on the Pacifie Coast More tban that, thcy did it with Prati himself aud Keîî Ullyot, one of bis star forwards, sithiug ot iniseoîî duel penalties, Soiîîds as thotigh the Bab-e- v,tien lîe's ially washed np iitîs liockey-migbt do weli to niove. soulh and try bis baud atdii ectiup some of those movie thrillers,. And -e'd be williug to beSt hat be'o show tîxose Hall> wood follks a loi of swift actioîî--aîîd even speedici funii-even if he ucyc idit ciiii ani \cadeiiiy -\ctard. 'ED ADVERT1SING BABY CHICIIS »E!@lIVERY 50 Mardi2'7th -G3e; 0April lOth rl5e; to April llth68c;Toi April 24th-7$8c. iBiOOk your order ;ow andLake deiivery early. Late March or eariy April !0 a good time to, sta," pouits. t. They cost less. 2, Egejer raised la cooler weather. 3, Fou have three goofi cýhances to seli: Canadian Thanksgiving, Amnerican Thnksgiviug, or the Christmas Market. This year eariY turkeys might easily bc, higher ln ponce. Sn 1946 the Price was- 10o ie >und hjgher early than for th, Christ- m ïas m,'Let 4j Fou eu ue your equiome'nt twie n oe easn.1950 culibe aroeti tion 0f14,fui, profits ýain theuir y usiness. Send f jo, our once ilet and tive aectlge 'tAs We See It For 190. ihb fuil informa- tion bdetail about mret.f,-efi nces -and t'irke angmet As loth bulletins ni uriey managment, o t Ille minuteý tunîkey uews a eiw lit re the ichoice, of large,'-' gnwers ;luCanada anfthe U.S.A.- Mn HroldMcDonarld 011 Cliy,bought Lake- lie, pouits foi sIeanyar.S 1948 he mariote 1,00 urle tms weighing 29;, pouns, eu 7$ pund.lie bas an order w10)usfoi 1950 for- .0.ies is a great bost" rloi,,w F,, onîtsz. Sudaariï todayý te:LAEFEWTUIOKET ANH & AJXI TURI4EY H LATCHEIK EETRONTARIO, HamalC.' eise iPatenï Atinres. -à279 DYEINUO ARDCLtAI HÂVE ,FOU anyth;!),-ïii. ne neefs yeting ou7r dean- 'Îg? W Ite to usfi iformat11ion. 'We are glud e aswn ou oesm os Department' HL, Paiir' Be Works imte.791 Yoiige avalabe: rriinssuo. Witeto J, Va.n- l',ïS M OR SALE wjtbbauiulbic house and large barn. FUI. SLE,90Acres oSlai. (0000 brick hous ao ote buldigs.1 ilie fromâ chocheef, Sactors' and biaLckemith shop., Ai3l)Iowlngou.AppIs to ifowaro Bethune. Dun vegan, Ont R. R. FOR, SALE GUNýýS-Large aeeortmenî new and -osed. Bougbt, solel, 'xchanged. Guaraýnteed repaire. Beopes. oigbts lnitailed. Fishinu Tackle, Hunt- as HouIPment Sporting Goode. Spe,. lTeam PnIces Open util aiine except Wednesday. Stsdcycle, Hamîlton NURSERY' STOCK R.ESEUVE flowfoSr Spring Dellveryý- filnene Hlm edge-wli grow 2 test first year-26 piynts sufficient for 25 tet (12 lu 20 incises busby) $2.98-seedlings i2 inches higis $4.80 ver 100 (plant 6 incises apart)--Giaut Exhibi- tion Feons in colore red. white or Pink, 8 for $1.89-Apple trees 8 teet higs ln varieties MeIntosis. Spy. Delicious, 8 for $1.98-Plum trees 3 feet higbh in arieties Burbank and Lombard, 4 for $2,98., Free Colour Garden Guide ocith' Every Order. Brookdaie.-Kinge- waY Nurseries, Bnwmanvîiie, Ontarlo. 9MORCYCLES Hantss' Davi-dion. Newe and ueed bongh' sold. etcauged. Large stock 0S guargnteed used mnotorcycles. Repaire by taclory-trained mecbanisicles. and comn pias lins of teheel gooda. Open ev;eninge util 1111e excePt Wzdnesidas' Strand Cycle &, Sports. King aI Santon. iHamilton COTTON BAGS_ BLEACRÎ)Sugar and Floonbgescbrç toweW semdatl 17" '_- s14- -18c each; 2c ever ba exra o ererof jestn 2 dose,,.IDepti. VW-Bv-Produeta, qa Ontao'i DOORS Pauei o Coîîntion, Il taises.Atrctv p ). B eEN,2779, oneSt.Tor- TJNPAS.NTED pate eat.Fgrnsbok onde,, animais. noveltieig. 00 srmet Liste avaliablo. Box 18. 128-lOtisStee. eF Toronto. --jzsan t SNOWSHOES: Aliesad tys.Bes 'Mumrane", suFhe ana paL., No mors bliatened tsiFolder. Spehsn ln Conifont.' on eo p. ates' > nïsneoes. Metagama (vIa..PR) N ntre NEW .SOISOIN tbar aMto, CenadS a Canon Co. Peteeýjro Boats1,Cnes Trail- ers, beught.soQI ,hatd ageeodtk Uaed motene. Repaire by fcoytandmeehaniea. Openutl nine sxî-st odseay Strand Cycle.,SHamilton.- BAGS, BARR ELS & DRUMS COTTON sonar bans, 23C esacs; cotton fleur bags. 21.e. Bleachefi sugaran fleur bage. 27e each. Emplty wood molasýses barnelýs. -2.76 sach. 45 gallons, dean drum. $8 80 sacis, F.O.B. Montreal, C.O.D. du moues' orders accepted. Jos. LeBel Ren'd Dept, A. 540 Villeras'. Motroal 10, TRACTOR OWNERS PARTS for al Fondeon and Fond Trctors 1917-1950. Fast Service, Prices are right, Ws tan suppiy Parts, and, acceseories for al Ford Products. Ros' Davis timited. 23 Corks St., Guelph, Ont.- SPRAY WTHA SPEAMNOTOR SPRAYEItS for orchard (onni,'ne and tractor- driver). now crope (tracijon). weed. disin- fectin, wiiteAivsing, cttIe - sornylnand tinefilnhtiug; fim wgn.Shio sl Pres- sure Systema,; *"TIF". (FonApp1icatoni; Por- table Irrigation Ssiema ýit1i imn pipe, Buckuer Sprinklers , MDowell 11 Couplinge. 1'ree catalIogues. Write odas'. Siprmoton Ltd 1150 York St.. London ntnl 11ORtQUICII SALE -- - Ne;W Holand Baie,.slîgisciy eoiied, 1ý 0500. I New Rollanid Baler, BobO 81000 Bales 01.500.00;: 1 Johu Deene A« R. Tractor liSe new-$1,000.00. R. Len Black, Masses' Harris Deaier. Essex. ont. 13ROAD 1rensed Bàronze pootte for sale. Aul from Govorument approvtd Puilonuni tested breedens. Steve Szuch, Jr..,lHarrow, Ont. PATHNTS - - O'ET}fERSTON RA I7GIî &7i 'opns Pateni Soîjeitore Eetshliseeo 180 5 Ba> Street tomulîs itokiîiutal umtznsrOQuctt A M LAIDLAW sîS., Patent Attorney' Patents of tuvrntion 80ý Sparks St.; Ottawa - 1 - plumS, $5; ans' valiety iteS OFr , rcm plýets illîiseratsdc ýLaalgu. û'Orut n O- naetistock. Send to a fi- Lie heel. CHIEAP OLADIOLI W71,138 EN MIXTUYRE $2.75 per I1, Su sepa rate $:'rs0325 per 100. MaIlefiCOD.Mps bacS l, tsatiefi.d. Vlly r cec/ S S. Mvayer, Beamesvilie, Ont. TtJRKEY SADDLES HEAVY white ducS, strongis' sewn acrev br.Cobe laundered. IQ cb.Deivee4 don, Otro BE A HAIRDRESSER Great- Olportoinis' L,-anj Hairdresoinia tbousande s3uccesful Mre rdae Amerlan greatest eyslem. cisrse ait, [G9ne fres. Write or. Cal MApRVEi HASRD8tE8SMNG 'SCHOOLS 800bdon rst. W., ruten Brances. 4 RngSt, lamîltolo & 7e PRideau Street Otawa. WANTED 5202?us trs. ikcs t s'4500Was- taike tows ekî' nices Fit aoso)-er fes. rappery.s ascatbns$140 evileplat "fU minen&(ace.EceleA iR, Fer hiaese ARisenher Suc., 48o 1,'t ,ninio St.. Elonpteal,CQure. nt ahIGHeS foASHr PRSepel196 ta, JueAf 95.ALDhoypital iuattrac te nhfnlOn tario rytoFu eirbseiscrrnuse o Apîs:Slutende f ISurtehd it Dr.spotais' chane, n at.3 e ,D WOPreitoestaeth teacre orldFopulroia partîcureduoiglqdmdcation stpeed t 10 Mrs arry Fairbaro, ScrelchinT eusR. Waice, pOuee, rseaheesfo Wnd Id Frithrobesribtch -35e Dvr. Bennlic'atinecs esthreief - i.tB.sB Proscription (- did tisoetr tk Wnd p ou*a. LI NI MENfT 32;C >Rubon--; s, nd noite ,iuick ilig.reaselest. 5555t SCGNOMiCAL Fast-drs'în. 0betrong site 65e odon. 18-46 ISSUE 12 - 1950 Rich in, flavour! '1 7.. WANTED-Every suitftLer rof rheu. matic pains ore neurilis tte try v o' Remedy, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1,25 ExpresPrepaid. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torme-ant DI dry sozents i aell and Feepings kin troublwe. Posep mezecd& Salve will net disapp)oint Yeou tchlng. scaling. buring eca, acbe, rln- worm, pimples and aheesfoot, wlll osopOiL d readis' tethis talilese.orlees oie Imeýnt. r.egardiss oe stohhrn or oosîp ese Sent PosI Frson 1co n i-'t POST' REMEIES BOILS, IPECRUC USeEllîot't's Oinïtme'nt. r dried al~ remeýdy. StdUaw and eaiWonderfol Q handscomau, !piles, hed srssorsmuce feet, lgow ros-nails. ,huokldbe onha ln every homes.Jar ,-)c seuni postoaid. Original maker, Murray D, flliott.Mit. Ontario. JNAMELESS Colfi Remnedy, le NrW ( those who have neyer userIt-. Cule triai, 0. Addrese Pnrity Prodlucte, Botter, Ont. CATALIW4 ut Ffarme c"unt' pry , MoOtj treal area, neady for delivery. Towen à Country Realties, Wertmount, Motreal, Quehec. CHOW CHOW fn- ported hlood lnsrgeee il Fieden FrnteacAI,-,,roWnto, olsGrdn, rcelOdn ntre colors. F-e Spectal ixtr,$5vrB ltnby Davis OJakldî1Ont.

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