to hiý' horsý "ývr îad tait been fa uched I u. She tnt. Fac ndant h 's t- fer jtli ta at. Lite know t to his warse, alon'e was for a wi Se, ti woollen But h~s In the over bis t!e cltense -,c"l ha'd started ta g ' in tad ton late ten staius, andvhs o dtld~ a coat I shrewd the jnro~ The inn dangiing warm wi OSCK, It tiat His rnother~ a~4 blond JlTTEI [liii g ~ wife.fTi-t - - --Wi; desIXdte k 'c idelit lier. YoiIf la n cedat Ch, he"'s a do tô.sten' back table, sat. eve- head, ooth- Ilishanld, of Des (rs said 1 r