c Barîîe. i~e Orange W~ k ~ay. the ithine rai of er oJ Ner castie ce Joeues spent ~ la Pete 'bor- ey and Joe Mar- lai spent the cth country. so. Kunhail are eidasittO. We are e anti Kav from Mer coandi- .ciarn CeAl fre Mes Ddly os. who Ie owI ew resiin~'th er on Mcreor u)s, were ecliedi pontemi aur lSit re Cteri former w oheidcets i.Gidi- snd eatingheaueo tesric UnitetiOhurchi n 7 unda ai ýMIt theg Cneto ot We ham i agate. On the ~ picniC EVE rein were Ornai Mr, sKa-thlleen- Ard visit(eti Sn ehomýî-e of Mri.aniM.Brsn V . Griaham andi Merll h Wmn-. Wanan. ani Mrs. Ti. Lowery attenided )iantge ser-vice ait Bakokon are glati to sýee Mr. Fred fa .s ipoedandi ebl tobe eut eryo-ne sure enijoyedtlnheïoe1 oni Saturday niglit, evýe2-. sm-3 enjey-ing tenevs ai-th ge walk etOsa. aIMrs. P. J. Bigelew an 14U1s t l 1 V V . C, Cl'I a supper the lat of Ju1. Wetch1 for, pariticuler ater. Thle Oranîgemenef ýd Carke Pý is- tiet heiti their annual pari-ý,--ade ant church service at Kirby on July 3Srd, Rev. Eustace preachýeti a ;ve r ,y1 ine Orneservice, ni thechoi r en- de red pecial music. in the evei the, cuhurch heit d Tak-fean service, but hati e very email t tendance. Rev. Ciessw l tT- -rone, was th-e guest spe-aker. Mr. Ceiflnraylor, oftOoo sitt h Choir. WESLEY VILLE for cÇY3 ir LJaJ/S Maire m ~wenorie.% * . iake an make bhide and gr7oom-" 8'! Anâý -d iou're bein;Tg VatP-e ma'aof Psacoc ian-grrni in14-Kt,gld DO!D Th-ursdîay, July 14th Richard Widniark ai Lionlel Barrymore "1DOWIN TO THE SEA IN SlIPS' Frl. & Satï, July 15, 1f; Dennis Mo rgDrothy Ma Janis Paine "ONE SUN DAY AFTERNOnON" IN TECHINICOLOR WlVaterm"kaùi ' NEW CRUSADER TRIO $10,53 An alproest-grand toa ,l perfeCt o iv!W4eran Crusade Taerne3aanhngpnil n airs. uaoe of Lng a few days a- Percy SWil. M-r. SilaOft spent the week-el Ibs. CarrolikNi M3s F. Telfor spedîg iew di er, Mr. ictor TI Air. anti Mrs. famiiy spent sur Ml 'S.Percy Snell Mr. andi Mrs, E Pf Pot Hope, call Edgar Barroeci ing. Conigratuiatiens Laura Binstdil sncesstully pasis exams. lu. and M of M"iliFIrook, ýMr; Port Hope, andi Thorpdyke on TI rrel FLIOWERIS i,y aýndwilbon oUstandinm pr G. Duiqv ail "ON ANl ISLAND WITII YOU" IN TECHNICOLOR Movietone New-, TECHNICOLOR ,CAURTOONl' Iôw-Bu redoule you0 rswhen h u' oedw ~ tniht. Remember-yout had- After SUNDOWN ... Soi~O DOWN. M iEN T 0F I4p 14A YS cow. Everyne wý main onStu Aliber' a iwhere, Calgary ,,Stami, ('hurcýh serv" edi on Sunla'y twheilairen were hÎ,oî1uayinI wkatth latter'7s brother's, The W. A. AnniVerseryA'm ip Cream 1Supper w-as a eUCCeSss ceedis aere sfficient tefnisli lgfer eeltricity iniithe ohrCI hnm ati Ruh Merii -y their eniai~s atNew High b ooWe nIso congrui NMagrt Getlc andi Keneh ýon passing their, Entrance ex,ý KENDAL (-Conitialuedfroni page one) Ev\ans, of -onMr. aidM! Came-ron andi littile grsSue, andi Eiaehof LndnMrs. MrI s. Bil VenIldeerhl i ancm Bimaa of Toronto. Keiadel L. O, L. No. 4qi5 are cogrtlateion'thirwon music (andi shoînîg) as they ni Ad àn tbe Orange Parade % OFshnaa on Seaturdey. We f<ylks e wre &deiteil to iai 1. tO 3 years, e, grey, peaxl. )cQt,,.95 Whllite Palint 29C 18e 95e ~, ox,.36e 30c bottie...29C lb i.. ... . . iake M s, 6o ibb-y's C i ng. Vvellaoego I omlw e rn . E e h haýd wieifor this il mloath',s ai whkh d 'Iecýi thet daesfaLdi to dm] thsamof the Ortang 0 -- BUTTER STOCKS ments foorprice Poli and production ofit Canada is show a 1 eau oit Staisocis repoi stoc!ks 'at Juiy 8 vere per cent higher than turye iast yveer. July 8 cmreiwith i 1,540,( tiefstymr ,,P 24 o)z bottie.. 40e 24 oz bottie .,. . 35e wvith Pork and To- r..........35C Soap) for le -wIh both fori- .,.36e Lnerý, 15 oýz tn..22,e P.0O STORE PIGCENTRE .Pri7%t, muae Smieth ,e Dealerà SER-V ICE at the meat it and B.