Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jul 1949, p. 4

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imes Sub s oitin-$ J )rning at the Times office L A. Forrester, Publisher îuary, 1937. lions vs is 2ae n et or the fi.? le year rnow tol ~viren driven ~asure, howE raIes ansi mass mia beeni mnpro-vide us th by tire DeVai-rmnt oHighwýaysý learly nïarkilintreci, c an'tibtter are fhe manydrvr ~ommon g Wheeî cf tire od also eB eB le B A Poor Remnedy F tirwiý aes eau Sini tiero con- 'u-gir tOe i f Dr- ft Dýmey. Whyv Wat t - B 40 ie, wh er ») npurse. ~ssionaI Director CAIN dea~ p~3 S Noithiii TV,. bered by Berxtira, Mrs, Howard Wal'sh is a few weeks at Victoria Georgian Bay FacsCowa, s iz fMrsmros.Cwn e' e lt I 4LLU lit ij5lflU~ i of Mr ai of kiudes hmad bis filngersi pty tire hyakA. E. Eust, on irs fater's ord's in he the los d $atuyJuly M'- 9 a.m.--Red Cians siwimning les- 2 ~m.-id~t O B.A.,Neweas- fte vs Onono. 180 -- Marred wwomen vs single 9.W0, .m-,Fre Movig jPicturjes. Suna, iJuly17i, 3.00 p..-Boys'Train-jingScol Mbnai), July t HcpS Married Women ûrVs Single WVeil at luatt ire mris oe are coriinrg into their 6wn. Afer a nami{er ofscrt-pracices boul be - hnd closed ddloor-s or ouf the cun- t-ry son place wbiere ,no one- could wartt hem. te a-vechlees the snge girs around àtwn to a sflalgame tinatur-duy ight at ar, o.uItàrfniig sports eventý, with the star-s of forer eus shwrgth~e yourger genievrtioýn Tewythre. game' in plyesi. Tire Oronobatat ofirîlteaim was tirnpnned sourdly by tireScar- bore be'y Scouts ta tire tune af Il f0 6, ini a five innings ae but tire, local nrldgert oftbail boys turnesi fh ables mu tre nightcýap, defeatig tue Scarliorc boys '17 to 8. .AIter a lot af blowing and fïeth1- Lng ~ ~ing a n t tine mentr, tire ruw Oro)no mrerebuants wt-re defeated by! Iûica] juinior filne în a very fost soffbui agae on Moiiday eveniug, JaIy, MUltir y a score e 4t 0 T'ire mrercirant-s not, eni[y aving the bl-ïggest rootecr in thre local league1 a parieel aztre s 1 mporting players. Fefr tis sense 0 pîayg under tire nante f Lord Cal- ssngef vi, a oacui-dfrnttire ForýeStry7 or geod tean~ hat -we w anttoko is ??e - ae tire mrhn'us ge-ttingtire mweare capî!I al te eerp uyngup all' firese a.muons? alY ntoktire on asf'thre few- tive foirrederj Tere la S'on- lieni a-- wpae Real Estate souh o Potypool near No. 3l Highwy su80acres werkable. 2 .Jiarus, 3 Cïx5 Cta d 16ix32. Drivinig shed 16x32, Steel roef. ed e, 1/U2storey 6roxdbrickh výeneer bouse. Driled WeIll AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS ARE lNCREAS]NG7 Statisticsý prove that more pea-1 pie are being killed and inýjur- ed as a reWi of automobie ac- c-idents cèvery year. This màeansý1, that peopie who drivecarsIl impy cannot afod tje b wito t atomoable insurance. Mayconpnnies wrietè its type o-f insurance for your rteiobut only one CÉon- panay, remiember ndy ione, oný this coinent Pays a dividend on, automnobile israc.Why auf take Advantage of this geherous offer eî1 1save15 on y1uîr preminni? îinsýure now wt1heth Lumber- t es bec retl-y openly and" EERS le forý the Oooaecrnsand pre-veil irm~fa wriry l huler. -If the manage;meýnt iradfied other poýý-i- tioý.ns equally ns w.ell,, if <4orild have beenx a wý,in for theuo. Eveni thouigii Bill eaimos Ider -men possess the best talenif ansd experience, mny are beco-ning qu-te bte-fnee ansi helpcd cnt Éot f m1any err wh*,-ich ost tUhe game ýofor fireni.This gamie brinIgs Vo acle the regulari schedule wlth the playo)ffesf arting tVisa Frida1y evenîing, wiîth the For- c estry meeting tire K iity ,nnei Tis; prom1iseïs to linauoutsfan1dà1n ganie. Next w'edresday wiIl 'eethe mr &ýaiiîs meigthe fat ening "Jus1- 1er cliii>,With ,ýthemriat rn ners of the rglrsclirdule, tire iihree remnaining teantu are goinlg to be in there fighiting to defirrone- the Armistrong - West -t Winteils aggre- gation junior Last Thrursda-,y occer Club weree illen at',tire local to 1. Tire greati even'. A numniber ofJ tl&. Orono showed their istea dfas-:tries s wliere quite willing Vo' talke an eout liard checks. However, d St he h >ck oi serinpg drive tirey 'unahie ta s'uNu-e tireïr oppci fTrese 1boyGs are providinig a tv sport whicir is precving quite tainling towatch, ewate14; Orono 10 The lave rival teama scf New, girls andi Oronio gÏrls fougblit 1asf FriaY wat t.Tire castie siquas held tire lead Via out the entire _grite ta finish a' fors wth'b a scoýre of 14 tfqIl couper On tire m olun dfor at owed three wailk.-a and struc! s4x; Vire Newcastle pitchler a.] nio walk1S and sti1uck out four. gaine put Oro.9no in tirrd p1iace eaýgu-e and are now sqatesi lx off itrcouitice binheVireàearfi ORONO AB Dean, L...............------ Tennant, E.-.-........4 i Coods, M...............-4 Tenn-iant, J..............--4 zobnes, C..............4 CoeJ........4 MeenM.--- ..4 'Gar byK..........4 -NE-WCASTL9,E AB Al----d---... ..... ....5 Ponatha,-n....... .4 -s----- --. 4 shp---ton...--- ..- ..---.4 qGrey . . . . . . . ---- --- 4 FOR SALE One heay duty lectric e gte y uigtyvsed, for'nny 5.0ô0 p Py, Rolph Har-dwýre, Phone 48 r- Il joro)nto. FOR SALE FOR SALE Red Rasuper' ; asà qani of millt sed. plyteo saad Sari- FOR SJE Que -portable iece4 plyer ex- cel-lent coadit iln.. I1'eV 2 r 1, CEr)onoGE. V . arid tIre Wate-r Pr-oçf Wallpapers <Original White Rose,>. £ee niy prf]oof lovely tifppr.Ee. ig.Yuwill be stsld If You Have ýAnything Te *SeliL *Buy *Trade *Renlt *Announce ïse the Glassifled inl of the Times i t 22 21 10 115 RH 21 82 SE * B Orono senior feated Zion ut Wednesday evet 1 ta 0. SALE REGI: Havin.g had iris bari- ire, 1 have benfa, ,et 1!15, Conceession i2 tructions frolntMr, ýf Newc 'nleouNo. MEDICAL ýN ZI1E, -Mi.D, office Hojurs: - 20to4-00 p.u. .30 te 8.00 p. Smndays aýnd Wednesdays b a.ppointment only PHOINE 47r1 ORONO LECA L Lawrence C. -mason, B.A.. Bnarrister and' Solicitor 1 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones:- Offic'e 688 Home 563 "W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR Office %25 Rezidence,4 BOWIMANVILLE, ONT. U0RQNO'S INSURANCE MAN' lm.anufac.'tulera eLu~Ae Isuace Ce DmnORo Canada Genersi Hlaytford Frire Inauranfe Watrlo utuai Fire Insrue WawanAa mutualInuac la eprsenedn thim district by IANE FOUIND 0 RO(PNO0 1i>hene S r 1 ïtIf lta urance, riqo Dune a traL LIFE INSURANCE ProtectionadSavings Plana fîer' suraue Plans. F. E'.L'YCETT ORONO, Ont.,-Phonke 20 r 10' AUCTIONE ERS TE D JACKON Auctioneer and Valuat*r iConductoaue~tion Sale. of ail dwb and et réaaoet(able rat,. Commanicayte with him et Fm$t FerTry, Onîtarlo, or *e. hla Cleerk. A.. E. Morton, at Orou., for date, JACK LREIDY Seer and Valuater Iize la Farm and gniture Sales ilt me for term and dates 5 r Ie Free Estîiates will be Given Cheer-fu-lly on Rock Wool Home Insulatiox, By Blâwer Sçystem, Four luches thlck, GILPIN & Co. Inaatin Cntrctea,57 Bloor St. West, Toronto DLatrlct Representative for Dur-hem Counity GEOGEWADDELL Phono 23 r 22 - BETHANY The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phono ie501 - p.O.Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monumnents, Gravemarkeaq STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works PhIono Whitby 552 31S Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE Q'UALTY M1ONUAMENTS ANI" * B **

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