Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jul 1949, p. 2

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G REAT BRITA,7N reen cce"s& j»s collap)se whuile makng spechin the o-pen ar s -ocu ftheL suný--of wihBritain hkBite soe coher places l couild men- flou hdsbeengettiu)g more thian , âge, lveim, ite louse of ýLords, icel lsuoaýIl ncwas -T licc iion wth. h speehLor'd Mil- rd pol h a tas takinlg part iný d, "but now I 1find ake'sprgs" nteresting lm i wvvlîen they were at deo ehe enP, My t tough bîat- is melans !!E FAR EAST are croaîn îiicatuins elý selvar" con ltinudes b- ett 112Chnee om mîght fiudiallvdntageu icjeS for huines ndote nl in 1 - s ia il ,Il arrîxed 'Iuist saný,ý,11gs are likeli ,eIl aducO sôme12W, tics, nylon, elop sudn Hecavclon auly., g neeb ci oueral3c Motms. Fan's Favorite--OsaJud Canadian men.ber of t'neapl Leafs, wos'pitch"ï"ig and pinch-hitting have made him a- popular ligure Wththe fNs, devoted to Luke Appling of the othler we c ouldnr't help thilnkinig oCf 4 oe by Some-rset Maugh"lam, a princpal Figure ài which was anl anthior who became thie greaitest figure in heBrih i" teýrary wrd not beaue fthe exýce!llce of biýs work, but sFiiiply bîecause fhc had 4outlîvýcd any ofbisonem porases LWk Appling is a betterthan- faîr balilplayer. Hlis fil7ing it- i nd team play are awa aove diTe average. But lie isr't the sort ,wonid pubiisb, feature articles about xcept for dtuo coqig.He's the oniy 20-eatr nman now eglarly performinig on amy o tire -16 tlams The fraglil of modem j»aîal- ists, al)d 'the -ever lnteiglist ofi playecrs laid tepoarlyonte sheif by seigyplr nuis leads Artfiur Daley of thle N. Y. Times to lmake somleitesin comprisns.As againsýt to-day'ýs stars eminglyas peios on s easy to inijure als JsenCia lic recalîs, freape h l aitinoreO iole, in ýtheea of moe Kefey and the rest of îhem. coZrding t r ]aleythýý at they-, nel/er -got hurt; oir, if they did, theur- miedication' was to opray te injur with tbcojiiice-a cure-al whic-h fOïnCtiOn edprfc Jy'or eeyhn from a slgt bruis'e to a birokenl ThoseoAdimers went 9 innigs ai day, 154 gamles a, year, and twenIty sa ons r or0wth u rwinga dep breýathî. Onc of the most roýck- les stars of aIl tmewas Tyrusý Raynmnd Cobb, who coninuaU3y conrtedijury OnPthe baepatha wVith his darinlg Yýet fthe GeorgVia Peach- spent 24 yesrs in the big te;auld hw; battinig average il- hjfipil ý~i~h as 40th - uwas à pr~e .23. Stili, Ty Cbbs24 years ullthere wasn'5t a reýcor'Td Eddie Collinsws a bg aguer for ex ý-actly a qatr oif a CenmturIy and sowsBoy gap Cfr ail it wswottoc, The first time w evc r aitBae Rultb-he waslapitchierthnw couldn'thel wonderig how soon thocse punyý-lookinig u e nig oidssIap L3 udr the strain ofto4 îng rouind Ithat glant bo'dy. 1lisz idea of traiing mies lwould have neyer gu o hmon eafler-iepat Tommllïiy Baly o n of the the thaln afi-z a t bo, sd wh also thnoghrtbtat trabiig adsoi F1EQADVERTISING cottn battig. Mo przatily live le-ciric therapy udite like,Yt a g1uy ae Dno UTecumiseb- that CyYon did, in bis 22 sa sonIs eofnaJorTing was win a Ipaltry 511 gass-a ark tatwii pro)- babi neyr becvnaprahd Nocrws Cy Youing by any mea,an i sltdcs.Herb Pu nocit aud Sad Sam jues wero in thiere for 22 years. WaI;terJousn Eppa Rixe,'Ted Lyois, RedRut- fg and Waito Hoyî kept oui it oio 21. Amonî-g the 20)-year heaver were suclias Grovr Ciev- iand lexaner ad Uirban Fabejr. Othus on the liatsof old-tmýr hocarriedth' -e burden fOr20o mlore years are Tris Speaker, Fred Clarke, Napoloon Lajoio, Mol Ott, Honus Wagner, .)imimy Foxx, Frankie, Frisch, Gabby Hfartnett, Ai SimnPaul Waner aud cothers tou numero-cus to enio;anýd hic'h oeilio-f those wouIl find il too difi- cuit to chisel i way into anly exsigmajor nup "I sgeneraiy an indication of adacUge," vrîits Mr. Daiey, 'Rhn afeliow siffs scornf-aul iat îýte iodern geneira-tion and ak gioingly about tire Good OId )jy, et havecenyou lgt wa from ài? The imodems getl ouimancy woutsd srpsadtofeve s ervie a dd( a very beartiy "mn"And If %ýce wrasdwhtwe tikl "le reî anfor it il.,v 2e woul'd Iay Che hiaoedirectlyai the fluet0of your modinem b-,asebilmnagrs Ovor-publicized as "atrmus whose vory ctionl is as depyande canniiy hought ot as tho64th miove cf a chess-master, you-tr Dur- oc'sC, ouý>twothsBoudýreaul's , pend se ucitimo juIýggliug iînoups, aud switchiug players that thýeir hiroýd belpDon't a real chanlct e tdevelop itostaýrs posý sssiug, flot ouIly peed, bit fthe pricoioss assets of durab)i)ity and ab)iliI t to"take it." Old Folks Take It Harder Than Junior boos re tig parmetsmore tha IIeyIresupposed ta excite y-ouithtul reiaders. At least there havebeinquIiteý a numbher of irate brecakillg lito Prin't lateiy with chairges that th comie-s are totaiiy bad, sd that theuy are cori-uptiiug muaisad encouraginig crimec. Ectbepeuple feuetyac- cuIsecertin ooDks, magazines, mv icos sud pa$of doin uthesame-, th]-inig ,toaduits. The difference la thlat parenits are inclined to fume a4ý broadside of condemnation at the là-hole field ot comnic books ra;ther thian onenraeon indrividual ofi- fedr.Tis 3approachi, vwe elieve, is wrong 0il thiree oft, asa -a maignauicY that can) spreadL rapdly once àtgeus a M=yt Ilcoplc tes rthejob Of cool- hetaded civic anid parent groups zantI rspmosbepcbiHcers Who are ty- ing to promnotefbbc botter Cmic booksa sud discouryage obe ereaipgý of trasy nes. [t exaggortos the importance M comlicr aan -meV;!force i1in he ie Any kid needs some vcicius ad- etuein bis life. Themc a help fIl that ueed, s he dimie nvi i adventure stories rimsA t simple prlem sovedhy sim l maný. Parenýts are often sbocked whein these solutionls are c, iedwliî thebel offissknives zaud ,gucns. ilouee D)ý-ea, rs Roc. Cl 50.75, igiC Thi-ce week nid 7017e ses ardgrin in der.- Moor Il, eer- -Mc Crici , iDeerin ,I leurs 2-furrow pluh 28' MCrmcDeeins threshing machie. ,; innleunt l ood w orlctng (IALVNIZE stel chain lii tnue o ar oui- -_______________ Bar-d tavis $. 0m "Ci-ati'x" emovs ci-n intefi min- utsaeacSI!es.,..0a Wa t-f l' ie s.ý Top m on ioitîal g business Tenue Road. stck, lMIL 41 cý land, THE Mý4RVH1' Rom1 153 ", St. Nh FOR SL EgeTri, in gond m acani,0t RI.2, ZurlS, (Ont -1a11ni.A mont osef age Paie.C...cag on1 furl'tities. Canadla*s O on cars Haliburîna. Hatiburton. Onlaria. it~ Seandinevian ~l- Catalogue gent 015 * Bezan, 218 Shoe- Ontarlo. (iteprenent- tram accordions 10 Icinds: ioidiog, ad- ouf. Bamiord-Regîs S foi- pioughiog and OPP>RTNITESfor %IEN and WOMM5N BE A HAIRDRESSR à C!N CNDSLAIOSHO ilOy StuIt Ler Pieaao, dignfle 11r-essOtonaw ge logue fies Writeor <7a1 MA IlTEL H iRDE41.N L-EARN SÏ',,È-ýýW -CARD WRTIITINCG -WN 1tcd fv nred lc5 n ,i ,n aier ie e -eut. tu " "" SPL TITANN' KTO retr geuie Iut nid-sfordeveybiseon ze5"1 10". Bartiýett TueTrd orRme-miNr fOIL St.,*Srtir.Tei. 2114 ÀALS-CRALîIERS li 0. t C.coin Buit if a ichildis elîysdyap it ïin't likoly th]at hie is goming to absob enough poisn rom biood- and-hun.ercartoon hbooks o ta Ier blim toward a Career aforie The ýcamiies hv rnbl e sponlsible for juiveulile murders. Pe-r- hiaps the childrcnini ie huh th'at they gat thin ispiration te kill 'lom a comiic ibook.Maybeter parets ud bc athorities tho0ughl so, too.'We don't. uct L)f ponit-uip fusrtin,istd- up rueenns and bottîd.p fears. t is not the product of cartoons and captien,. But'bb , Ccsare, b dy bvionls, uncomplicatod sade against itbem w ýoid Ou ly gel as temdup ove'r uch bsi causats Df dlnuuyand ecruelty, tbey mlght dýicoýver lthatcoc bookýs are no mre oc ýf ia menace thani Traue .ad orjack ithe GatKiier. l'eA -TIVE SC> Ol W7 RT 1535 Wston0oad Toiento l'fl'Et, naine 0f antinsecr. ad alrïcei to MiacS 1. Ba-. Sc rFiytR ion tar 10. LOGS V WANý-TT EDj aprU lce veerad avog. or rie WANTEDpy kUG'USTFIS 1 NIGYHT SPRI 2GENERAL DUTY NRE 1360.00 lee 300 or adlnIero haep'iai Idel cliare, g& e ondSale 5 Wtre o write SpcaiPrhs nIte Slorcgslo amr rep Soep Os rd -i' Bj ' g55 onàýid St Ea ne; or Nies H f'ilde n filUtin le9V i f-curdilsï nil , f oy r, qud riit 1,XI Tm t- ili'd Glame d(,teîdCqilie rin whit unslter-iin. She Liuil ;Pln tets pca aeu ITARPA ULIN atfation b.ssomred [-f avy 15 o7,. WaterprcofEdý 55 meS. s 55 s 10 E If s 12 if 52... 12s1 2.10 0 14-8:2690 1it S 02 ccr. Try This To Clear Up Ilnsightly PIMPLES ele ywbere eat any pr ce thn , sNE' M5JRÂl-D 0f1E. soÜthe and foa] ýe erally..eaused iuns ai gi' Jy lný Sf Von are suiffai-me f rn IyEnv smn UE 29 - 1949 -JWTER thir P& -~ r- y M=:ý=ý

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