Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jul 1949, p. 7

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4cil ow, but there tsey areý by ~th lunresas free from «i2ýntrcl .f's dsr wupark aqirreis. A lIaW j~moe ail sentieniceor l f.ileo anoewho mýaltreats a îmoînkey, Durbau ig divided i-ntr those whoi ithinp fthat mloukeys are js o eiite asud others who lOk n e s agents of the <evil. The lattr îi e peio live witlh the s-mon- keys in tle sulburbs and-o the edge~ 4>f tcmin. Tbey knovw from s Jtùr, pcersonal experienice that <lie mi-ori- keys are- row"dy, impudent .and( im- moral - deadJ-eu'd kids wh wil stei evercytiug rot iocked 'OP 4or viveted dowli. If a ' reideut leaves a wVindow or door openl, i ýcorne baifal- <loren -e unonks, They eat eve-rythingiý4 yftg 'round teysnia s h eggs and kh r ow glaýsses againsf the waiI. They open the ice boxes, eat 'what they cani and strew the rest ou <ilie 4!oor. Thev ftin arhage nails and ot a stack snd id gthem ag a ,LtCe OutdIors, thet monkeys cibts frit treýes and eat tht pean gos and voas.Thley tear down grape- vinles byý 0wngngo tisefI. if yJou paint your bouse tde m es dabl- b1e ini the wet pait, walk on tIse lroof; b'eyV li'kf itsý stickiness aind One irate housewife calIed l.up ith )Durbanè city ci :~What do you tiik I arn - a monkteytae" 'Have yoki t)ried a dog?" the mail asketd. "Yefs, l"ve tried a dlog!" she- glied. "Hie was a big, brave dog, The[ý mnirkeys hiave madeý a sulivel- ývig. errde wretch ofhm. i'i Te dogs doD their bfst. They leajp s-d bak, but whiat's '30 agile as- a monikcy? A mniky raid aroc"iss *veýry 4kg for aý -pile arouss and<li inonkeys loveL it. 1-'subu,,i and pandemonium. "T he mýoxikeys atre bad ecus *hey doii>t gel, enouigl <o e-at," said talmnbe of cle City Coinicl one day, "Lees feed thepi." Thse m"ucil eïgued a lo'ng lime but fInaliy voted The-Sýociety for- dth PreventIion1 c0 Cru eo Anmais cad ouft scnp"- lios e-isofcarrots, cuumYrs ~sdtcntatoes. Hlitherto, tie mnoui- <~bys -hzd been content me.rely tco %proot garder eeais and scat- er Olhem ab-ouý -Novv they hiad al i2s-te for flhem. INo f ence, scàrCrowý" or cther devie of Mme mn could &"ep thern out of GIe gardens. SThe cit eiders wete shocked by Swhat tIse' littie aligels were doing leG tihe gardIen& A piize of $50 waq *fered te anyone wh~o eould wOrk oit a wdy of riddir.g Diurban of Jts gangsters - withouti huirtiug thle ealigsters. 'Gi've themnky brandy and Ce them duu,' wrote olle rnan. 'Wheu thley're sleepinig it off, tai<e Mieni a co ol f hundred muiles away." A second proposed tear gas ànd netts; anlother, so'aking f ood iný mjorphine. Oe man, camle aiong with a trap bai;ttd with banianas. It worked the * fAe day, catchig 20 nonkeysr The seodday <ýlie b'ag was eýxactly onip wlüoikey. Af ter <liat, it cauight nloue. Lettes by JIe pound were llood- tmg intati he newspapers. "They >ave ripped ail thse clothes off my %nse twe wveeks la succession nýOw." "The- monkeys have stolen. five x9;iel,eu teaspoons tliat camie <o m,:e my great-grandmiother liu LngIandýL" . , . They have alrtady eaused $75 worth of da'mage. Whe tpayS for il?" One man-. announced that, iaw or no law, lie lwas gocing te shoot the uext mnonkey that dami- aged his property. "I live at pnrga- tory's dor," wrote one "Distraeted Ir~osewie."That's fairly typical. MeItnwhiie, each Suuiday on one ef thie city's iovely drives, youi set Smonkey-iovers iined up, hiudrcds; 'J thiein, with peanuits and Corn, chunks of puimpk'in, lunch-les ci bananlas, The monkeys arce ut( ljttle feilows the Ikiud we cali oiý %an-brinder mioiikeys, aund they taýke thie food riht out cf yonr hand. Let yQour hand daugle empty, Ilda mronkey will bite it. Everywne 'Bult evenl the moInst Saccharirit monkhey adieshave hadl ko ad'mit that the peope Who hmv on the Om- shirt have a case. The COMnIl en- gaged a biggam cu.r Capoan G L. Joues, as officai monkey- tcher. For an experimentai period 131 five monthe, bce was to uch at hat150 a mýonth,' and catch theI» alive But bce maniaged <o catch CQt and won 0 off oa sdm~i C tl Afric a, Ts -ior s~~ What's New At The C.N.E. Hear abot tat ba,113and eggd competition Inthis yer's .N , Every campire cook and Sunday nmorig brekfstarmise lu te curyis inited f0 orne lonig rud ilýtry teir fuck !,with saine hlan surd cupe ohegs.The Ex_. wiIi protIde pou cWit ainand eggs, <heu sppiy thestovethe inlg pan andthie fipeAnd just ike î,l hepanicake mlakinlg conteat lait year, flot eenthe wîuuer wii be fürced <o ,at fl ov anat eggsl Couteat talces pIacc in die C:ol ieiAugossî JI, th$50 for thec top winuer-, $40 for whoevercornesc, scn,$30 to ith <ird prize win ueûr, and $20 forfot.Gtyor enltry sul)ow< the women'sdi- adnittane tcetfo tlIe big dy yeaëýr Nocoree 11a u ore the',,fea')o' tisln No-r ttliefurlouswintr'srages; Thon thy ordl tskhat oue, Hoeare gone, and( ta'en îh 'Nages; Godenlads and gil almor As cbiruney-sweeperscornee dust. &Marnu Mme dutf"owu o'the great Th1on art pasit<lie tyrt'il"s stroke; Care no morme toclothitsid est, To thet tde reed i as dbe oak. Tht sceptùe, Iearning, physic, nluit Ail folow th0is, anîdcorne to dust. Fi r no Mme ix e sgîung flash, N'or tht sll-dIread1edibud Stone; Fear 'nol siandetr,cesreasb Thn ast ftinished (tjoy aïlInd oauiý Ail kvers yug ail loe)vrs imus- (con4ito t"Isep, 2sud1corne tco 1 dust. S a s er. Fair Enougk, cliool teacher haýd z review o0'the l 1 01 ie da' f lite tuglrÎcu'W*U- dîCt'Ile atenIlti onl and (1i: Sir, 1 arnmr, tedtuo announce <bat yor dau'g1cýr bas cep myproposa il tmairriatge.Hoer Sil ice ïmarriagýe vla sucb an imlportnt sýte'p, ' to proceed witb cau- tin Ah, er, may ssjM Tean rgre h on iai a momen1Ict in gave silenlce, then lrepIiýId, quietl: Yes cs i Really Nothing Eut A Name wtota tliing 18 tbe British Con1- stttin verýi year scores aI meetins, hudredsof oraiOrs, ml vere, etol ahdgiorify thie C stitutioni. At lie momnent a rosi' ist going on hecause tbe Hoe Secre- t-ary is acs dof ilatingth Coünstitution. Ou-ly last year a uerw threc-voilune work on our Consti- tuýtin acciaimed ,Iit as the e ist Coni- Aýctuafiy, Brita;inlbas ino Custitu- tion. There is uothin)g wrîten âny,- wbiere tosayv<thâ<itre sboüuldlbe at King, peers, -orëa Housýe of 'Loin- m1ous-. Tserules of goverimnt are! laid dfown, wbý,en tbey, are laid downl A,- al, in ia massfci'awms pased at v7ariois turnes 0o1 varionýbssubjcts. At anîy inie, Parliamient :oid, b y a, simple majirity, abojish the mîyon'- arChy,) make ail Weil'meul into -,laves, or restriet the vote <o imen iti rd hir. No hialloweddou nient, rio Supreme Co-'urt protecîs tht Constitution. 1lu fact, it is raier suirpris;ing thiat we have net set up a bodyv of keepers of tht Consttuti n iice it dots not eit writes a weli-known Brîtish authior. In everyday life, '<00, we use ;-Il related tnames.We ply ouir rent, or bny our ciothes and furniiture, il, gïlineas, ding Suns in Ourhas te translatte 65 gin-eas ;into £68 sud ,5 -hllngBlt Ibere is nlo sli coýin as 14 guinea. W£ refer <o two, sýhillings aud ixpenlcgas ?a ha2f ciownj, but there ià ne sncbco'ýin a,, a ercswn. Rut here we tcan retort t-o the expostuiatinîg Cmaadin that haf rown is as ý-senl, eas-x aboti. I wa ceeed i ilhlete the 'ra rcilize goilig <o ihe t dtoubt abot i i:, a decadei take a poor Y( grumibling a speslking, we cropDs year -aif<t cones ouýr bai weil fiied; r beais lwith bl- cattît conltet 0t tht good fg Actualiy rig <lý e W orry 18s s0 litle feý poor tbhnigs ni ribly. Fortsina o-f shady sp sonietimies, ros, e ste ficids wbtret sbadle-ailosl = another visý (CCcely wai vileti i thn() M i Il Wite rIriag qal

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