Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jul 1949, p. 4

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an~ Th~r son MalcoilI I Qttawa, Mix Carm~n Patti , , intyne1 n, - oruîtc , i lý1rýie itr r.M lo Robeet rit tht nd Mrs, un Il-,is pendin arCi1dpartns, M1 X en of Mn£ ,ANNOt aler for Pavaîl aad aIl i ard fanîily ~ Go Save and Mr. A. I WORK FARMS 'Ibis à mesg addresscdpriclryt iebt-sm woe iecao bc asedl, Crops are ripening enrlier than asual ail over Ontario ' Abl-boiedmers wvilling te djo Faoprvestwork, are WaJges and workin)g \dtosrgod $750 oki4J àly with reooi and board froc.ý Paid te lc zmlyietayleei POP FOR Ontlr, INFORMATION -i PIes~chck it tt ereet (Office cof' tht N~tioni Epsy'met Service, Labour l~gnd shlli hen avenotice. FRED J. B'R1SMAComBE, OrnOnt., 'E:xecutor Real Estate est residentîai ,section, 0on i (ehoice corner, grand old solid brick home of 1à rouai, Owner -occu3pied, good state- of repair. Very sýuitable for apartwit dlividing or reeni renting. Very i fine greunds. Reasonable termis te respoinsible purchas- er. S2,1 00. Building suitable for general "tore in village ont main highway between. Bow- inanville and Poýrt perry. 2- -torey frame building in good condition,. 4 rcouais fsuitable for living acmodtohydre. Barn 20ý x 20. Driving shed ý 12 x 20, Large lot providing j plenty room fier expansion. Ideal cotage ites. 50 foot lots for saleutLake SCU-gg near Nstet ni sroud ing to fne u erhms lake Nr th fom Bo wmnanl- IIAILTOIN and OfiePh, 32.10; RPes. - INSURANCE MN ALL 1TS BRANC~HES P tous Patt0mo Teosirontaleopver Mîcu pra ndMr. S.Paatîon sin und s.. Tom Faous pette Te fmC 7fhe 1'ý_e teWi1îllF .; teahor o Mnda wthMr, andCama is o presas hcîr s- mir.Fred Warren, und aiso cledce 'e thiM and eCiadftin Votheirî on, otherfrielnds MrS and ic, Paul eaiefi .n egios o Mereran fmil, f uepli ae her ao 30 dneSs and for at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ M' -rsn iiigwt . n r.ttieuiu lrl tes and mesge fmatyr-ec Adur-î Warren. inlgth iîn anid passing of ade'ar Miss Mytrie loy was married to John Sarchuck on tfhe iawn of tht brd'home on $traJuflly Zd Notice to C reditorsl the ofliiigpastor be'ing theRpev. R. A. Bunt Tht bride wore a 'bl1ue: dress witili ittomch Te IN THE EST'ATE OF ROBERT brdesai ws te sister ofTht BURC-ESS, Late of the Village of groom, Miss M1aryv Sarchuý, ck an tht OreGno, ln the Couuity Of Durbani, hesi manwas ht rothr ofThe Retired Farmer, Deceased: býirde, Stanfley H1oy.Reesmnt we-e served i o nehtawn by Misses .Iipersons havirng disagainet Christine lsoJ'uanita BEaCrnes thie Estate of the- said Robert Buv-j and Ruby Cllete. mm elaives gen, wo died on or aboust the First of the famîly from Os'awa, Peter-lday Af November, 1948, are herebyl borughandCoatie atened henotifled to send to the andersigned wed g oictrno rbeo the th day W. A. anrd W . I etn of July, 119491 teir nmes and ad- ThttwoAsscitios, ie Adressesz and f ail parficulars of their T'h 7>o AsoC'îtondaimsV A, arnd tenat4re of tht ecui anrd W . I. et at the hoie of Mrs. poy ý-1C-r'ýej- oerafied hy -lta iry d eclaration., noJune 39 h, ý Mmr. AMeruer havîng mniy trth sadOl kinly nv~edthtW. . or jontday of J'l,1049,, assets of the meeting. Mter the S oic~g hyma o.theMW. A. meeting the Bey. H. A.sadecsewlb ditbtd Bunt iled 1 n pirayer. snA.Lwaogte rosett teeo rendthe eritareloson TerehaUi,n rgadonly to tLhe c ims of read ha disssonontIe ossibilîty ýich the #ýxcutr rte dr of building n Woodsed Vo the church signed Solfdtor shaou then havêe n- to~~~~~~~~~ maebearoni h ic en ce anhvn ipoeets mad la _,Dted nt Orono ths Oth day ol 'thektce.Mrs-.Brtgae mtJne14. îerest ing p pero foln, R GOREFpENESN tindustry, geoýgra,,ply andpepeOofo Ot an it made one fee! L they wuliike JOII-HN BURGESS, Vo ak a ist V tisnew Provine8 eroan v. of Caada nd exple its hateoetOt forthmelvs.M". But gave a Eectos Netovileiud Sio o h a-Sctrfor the xctr teifr or on Auustt10ofatOlieysum-g- merhom bya ic Le.eWe wml was giv à laI n te ci e AGLEON~la elontheVillag n T.iar cfuOronoClAuthulConntyof Dur p n w ht osegaren hic su- MrreWmn osecasd.9 raies M. vtC ak t i Soy îper ianm! etJe oft e saÎ' l Jn lo ns re s vAntif w Se d il i sebv s o i ' d 10sAdVothecander-f jins &v f , 149.oternaes nd A. F. eEZIMD PHYSICIANadS URGEOIN office IHeurs: 2.00 te 4.00 pm; .0to 8.00 P.M. Surdays annd Wednesday b 1 PHN~ 4r1 - ORONG r LEGAL Lawrence C. Ma, B.A. Barrister aned Solicitor BOWMANVIlLEF, ONT. Phones: Office 688 Honme 553 U'. F. WARD ~RISï;TER SOLICITOR NloTiARY e825 Resiîd ence M* BOWMýiAN VIL,I ONT. ~'s ne ipeni-air or Iast ill be -gi, t scone b rit.- tizre WiIJITE - inJI' iiavel'u Wemdneda, June 29th liasiGeorge'White, band of Rose Ann ' hi' 83rd year. Servi, at lis late residenice5 cesin ,Mayrvers Tc Satarday, JaIy 2n.d, a Intermnent Or'ono Cecnu JONES -- At hiere Kilng St. Eai-st,Bov Monday, July 4tli, 1 jones, beloved husbai M. Patîters'on'. service tht -Morris Funerâil ( manvile on Wednesd; nt 2.10 p.m. Inten, Cernetery. BRERETON -. At N Mdonday, July 4, 1949, Brereton, belo)ved wifi Brereton, aged 55 yei at the Morris Fan Bowmavibleurmîil 'W ternoon, thence A tt 1Newcastle. Ser-vice in Anglican Charcl i o Jaly q7h, nt 2.30 p. St. George's Cemfifterý CARD 0F TH-, Mr. and Mrs. Jakema e etenincerethl-nk -ee and -afff tw ~ntal, wîth'at n friends for thi, r ijy thu hospît and at hem ----- ---- a t a-t Oui Mîudwycvefling tind 0r,.n cateqioIndil. hi ty oam.lias have addej1d aget amount of'; rp tilo teirgao. Wo feel that tie for alid elagerness are titselsagrea ipintsWiurlg ýand lso a lenty for the spectators.c Kiit fr by 0,tJeior-surn3 Jn Lits rhais lftt ht o aid aboth sal pomrhtsve Kiorby andth Yanîor, forthtBJniors w er1 tot ly noda undor Ilby- tht Kiýrhy boysP-w. WDneSdaim tht ijuuesyopra ions, et., wasrslain cai i fo K rbad Orono show oaly Promp anGunteefD Rpai te~~-r>t madaksofEeticlo'umtr Sueb as MengWr ets Raio, S10ç, 15rons, E FtiDownitue ioo.ta âiReair ingD Ref oofLÉU l«Inishini mniqubor5I'e esuo ugtnd ld-elWÉl one 79t.16 !n O 4k,60C Ske'ýi'nyý blVT eR V wonen kýï The local senior footb again suffered a, decfeat at Park on Wedntsdaly even Enniskiliendrove hoýme a 2 Tht Oroiio ea las lost a playe-rs anid only a ftv Sb r.(a] plnying ability during tica-largme GIRLS'SFTA OreOno 9z Newtoenvili On Tasdy ight the 0 tonville by a, score of- 9 t( ame provedt ont of tht laytd nolmnoone smoigi nv more thoni 2 runs ither .team Joan C(ooni- ondfor Ooo er thw game. These tw-;o te tde scleduleand no WoWe in the playof o r ilii Orono ABi FSint-------------4 DWa, L.--- ----- Tennant, E.-........ 4 laDder---------.--4 Stipew, A. ......4 Goode,, Ed.na- --- ýTennamPt,J-- --- Cooper, J.---......... i9cKenna, M----- ORONO'S INSURANCE MANI Hartford Fire li-wuranice WateirlooMutual Fire Insuramce Wawaniega àMutual lasurance ie represented n' this district by DANE FOUND If it'a Insurancre, give Dant a tïiaL LIFE INSURANCE Preeqtonand Savinigs Plans for Cli fid ren andAdtsMogaeI. F. E. LYCEiTT AUCTIONEERS TEf~AKO Auctioicneer and Valuator Cun1ducte -Azuctien hlSales of al sz and ai reasonmable rates Perry, 0Onta-rie, or see hi. C2lerk, k, E. MrIon at rono, for date. JA CKIR EfID Aucionerand, Valuator Spcilie n Farm snd Furniture Sales, ConmsUl me for termie and dates Phone 5ri18 - (1.ws FPree Estimates wiIl be Given Cheerfully on Rock Woo>jI home InSIllatiSn By Blewer Systemr. Four inchff thiek. f GILPIN & Ce In~4~In C~atscîrs,57Bleer St. SWet, Toronto Dîstriet Representat1ve for Durhasm County GEORGE WADDELL, Monuments The RUTTER GRANITE C 'NPANY' Fjhone 501 - F.O. Box 623 Fort Hope, Ont.arle M,,,onumnents, Gravemarkers STAFFORD BROS j 3M8 DPunas St. E", Whitby $fARKERS Let us erect , areusoiye, Ig- nii »q0mcuni'2*over the resït- i ~a~eêfyonr i"evd ones. nt's mno expenisive. Alielseeling this last tribute will gîve Orono Elýectric- Pli. 5a, r 1 CONRACORSFOR FAIRMlanidHUS w IRINGC -Most of the Ov, tnas tihrplaying wayf ro 'a h gaines tisweek 4or-Liavngaay. TI!e foiotbalfl eIams r botii miges nd gils p'layed(1 out t,-n iBt hesýe î Ims, ov u the loalprko T-aes--dayight

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