Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Jun 1949, p. 6

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The s.r ol, he eope i thde igeon'f Crek 8ttentntdecided to bUild a shooisose , k as lmuehfJ like ally other. log cabnTh'le doorï was at One endf; aind on cithier side there w -%as a sm'all sqoureid Neary tie whle of he othereM astaken up iby dts ieic- hueaifair, buclit of blue da nd Ona svones.Bencises made of logs *pflit ini hares wer'e plaiced r,'"iounid 01ensd of tlie rootu for - seats. A eu esbef wvs PItic icnart L!e > alune ng couild tiic ol neo floor. Batrclay Warren cold et cf 1 eter. wa il oslared r Girl - Added to act- rginia Myosalready us týItiesconsSw te istow-,ed on lier by the ion inidtstny lu Caifor- e~ candy cane icame witl the title. Lips From Tîisre làonýc t½'ught in vey. ou&.s immd fthese days; ee tpi tht aesie sp)otligbýt b al4 u ,es -n ..tise dou hTiat i, iitsofai as -ountry people ar cou- cýernedJ.Wi ethr iy folk are eqai- 1 wofidis a question - actualiy it appears ilot to conceIcr;4 them- rlist at thse mmnSne tg c'en grumible if ;.t ralued asud spofit a piciç. How' we wou01ld welcomie k. supposiug it sporit a deozen Pieniesý - but à-, preseut tlIcnsereI ne igu ofabreakl tis le weatiserLt is hetbrakugte o outaï ugs wateriug .,pl,4iansd thiiugs luan effort te kee-p thein ali, We gt ive tisent9 real ,dretlchiiff, aud yet ,)Y ise ient eveniiig tisey are wltdand weary again. (One woudjmers , what is it that nrakes ram m;lore beneficial t3 Plants tsatwater front thse welI or cisternt We sili have our tofuato pant, caishage, peppers endi some anaIs ilu baskets just as toey =me fdon tie grenisous eW find tisn e r te care for, that way than if we set týisent out lu tise garden Tise wiseat às out jin b-eatibut withoIseut3r1 wh'ai l Here be lun ie kna? Y.esterdýay Partuier muvr Que of tie fencs wàti a iWN te future repaira wlien Jho saw quitet a nme of dans objects isauging on1 a tree. 0On close ;ius:pectioi-nhe fotund tisey werje wlld plUntIs - undrsiedpreniature, yid dead ripe.,fMe pickced anc Or itxso sad Split ktisent.open. Except for tise tones tisey ee ,hw -abso- làtely 11o flesis or juice lu tisent at ail. hat makecs 1mc wonder fwile ýe au a-wful lot for Eteuglis we work, sud Once lu a vWhile we oýur heels suid forced landcias cofltpared wîth ou,- lansd Ot pleuty, mll',-Itiik,beas CiceIy isad ine wvorries about lbouse- kepiîlg. She ba'adlber noon m jeal as SCIs0ooN-bichis iselped ber at i oning prolNMs conideraby ,asud bie holusekeeper looked alter tiings aM hoime. Btbaterssse as 2usd it ail te do, and> un'til a e "ar ago, aul iuvahid mother te ooS ýafter as -7ell, Now shlo is alone sud owe are hopîig ja holiday in) Canada will do ber a lot e'f good. At tiia ntbntu Bob)iè away te Toronto o bing her baçk te tise fart llwhich site bas noI sQen fortwNity--twe ý>years. Iucidentally s amt hikiqg SAe wvil wonder wsat site bas struek Mosn csse urnfront step Tby are pale grcee - sud ioiy prl flnis)Ied ant that! Tile othler day, when J was. iookng tisem over I asthinking is ey' er Ye gcru)g te lek p au awfu! lot ocf pains he t did get arouurd te givîng tiseàm a upaIntjoh. So XI got Bob te égasher trp sîf the odds sud euds of paint that bappced te be areuud sud mix tiseIntaltoge"tiser t) e 215 .£5a1 first coat. Tisecogeurte entierge(d as tie c-olomur Ihave mîen- tioiied - pale green. But fer.aïfir deaýt wlýat did tise7 colour matter? Seý that âtme zveniuig I wenýt at it 11A tuet O!é >f tIse tepafinshe su uas strtiug on iselirst ise t rrth-Deptlties -a-t PoIk City, la., id by fHarold Wicker, whule lhunlt- r turued the aérrmasin l for -tise wolves, T'hev wP]l le destrov ed. Partner called p-cte t look at a eaui Wha lad suddenly become very blosated. Sc) 1 wetnt anud we workedô wits hat MaUfuntil mmnea.m img- ine we saved ils ihufo-e orwhichil 1 appeared tô he v>er" griateful. Wotuld it bave buen, f 1 ndrisd g kpiownislat we savýed il Only soOta it ilighit beseýnt te nmarket iiu a fW, weekçs tinie, Aya it was tise eaAf that interrupted nty step-paint- ing 0oh - aud 1 havenit got back te it yet. Feuny tiing bow it is often se hiard to ket back te a jobi once il bas been interrupted. Well, vwe hear qieoftçsa about ca-ts suid birds, but onl Ginger farmii we do thmigs dîiffer-eutly. Hecre ït isn't ise daçt that gets tise birds, ;Cs our HonegTise otisr night i fmoui noc less tisan five fledgling starligs on tise back lawn. Ne";t one of ttiem was esten 5ScI1knlewi. tise Cata nlot rsosil.Later, by bier tac- tics 1 discovered the, cuiprt. Houy by smnoig arouud e sisubeie found tise young bids widhici ad been taken tisere for protectio)n. Partuer says slie aise gets up into tlic b1symow and fînids tisen11t therý, just as tbey are learning to f ly, Il they -erC any other hirds tisan star- iings Hcntîey wAould get a scoldIli,!g ,..but starlings . . . well. you kuow wbstI mandou-'t you?- Ruying A Tréactor? If yoýu are thinkin'g about oJuying atractor, bere are Ioule quiestionsý ypu inay watil-to ans-wer isefore yen dose a trad 1. Is nty farmi large enougis to suppIort a tractor? Can 1 keep 15 issCnouiglis doinig rafart work to rnakv is psyf 2. CanI replace enough 0ttorses; with a tractor to makn h2p3yf rom tmat angle? 3. Are my fielis lar-gte eougis te use a tractor, or can 1I make tisent -14. Wouid a tre;cter fit in witis rnay s'ystem of farrniing? 1 JWud ike farmiing witly. a tracter? Arn 1 thse type of man who eau change over from work stock faring to tractoitâfrrintg sud do a good job of ië 6CanI enilar-ge my farm ienough -l ùow crops, pastures, Ce-to dory farming enougis beitterte rnae a tracterpsy? A mail witis a S1iantafam intsy buy .a traçotor and nsake money sudl spread overbead Ooý'ss wliitb 1ly deiuig custont p)Oloipg aud cotier work for nigiors. Abilttp e bisOwu rush jous don ounte Sanetlsr asvautge. Mally ood. farmrers who perhaps couldsi net afford a. tracter for row cr-Ops aloue nttke it psy by doin'g otlier jobs. They use thie tracterý to saw wood, tisresb graýin, griud feed, streteis wreasd many sulcis farmn. jobs. ,Au,)Agicultural Experinuent Sta- ton fonnd ila rcu study tisat tractoris Lused les& tissu 400 bours a yercost 9,5 cents anis, our to oper- ate. Tisose tsed froml 400 ta 800 bours cost64 cents; frontS00 t i,200 isours, 531 centls,.aud over 1,200 hours, tise colt W55 37 centsan ecis tractoris ad rp a ;,danaver- a)ge ocf-4.5 work stock. The stildy s-eemedtidiJcate thlat eaCb tracte)r shudbave replaced about five bcad o)f work stocýk. WVitb axmu ulse of poCwer su equipment t was îiguri -dthat cacb tractor coliàbave re'plaCed Up ite sixworkaiaIs. If yen decide net to huy a tracter now or,-if you. cauk't get one, peijtaps yen 1woukld ikCete do tiissetwo thngs: 1. Keep accuraýte rcodsfor onle year te tee ws i osayopte kep sud luse cach horse, how mu-tc-is tinte eacis herse worked, and how, utucis clear oneca tc!) isorse made for you. 2. 1ncrease yourcshrseies5 thnat auy purjchase 1next arcan be ýon a cash, or large)>' cash, bas'i The Sýongboo1k of thse Bible Gýoldentei t:Scierve te Lord with gýlaidness; corne before Hlý presenlce wihsinigîng. Pa'n 00: 2, Duringlths qui awe are tostndy tise Bsals of Arient srel The are a group oflria poernis el vtlil hhsenttire reacucedited to) Daithe swýeet sinýger I srael. Som11ePsl have been) the objeeCt of sarp ritcism bec u f the ample ý,is s. 13:9. 'Happy shlah hie he that taketis sud dashcti)h tylti onsagamintt0tons. 1uit sbould! be noted that the anlatsnias are uuawtllyprophectic sud flot ncess>ari- ]y thie prsua enitiien( lit the wrlerNeiherdoes the psaisn hint' approval of the beastly actioný pic- ttiied in- the forccaîti. l'ise first psajlm l rali apre- face. Here tlise hue betwýýee thie r-igisteouis and Ithe ce is ciearly drawni. The rigisteouis is hap[jpy. Sinte lhe does nlot walk as the uni- godly advise, he docs corne to stand iile the ay of lipr or take his seat w, ith tise scorniers. H-e is dif- ferenit. B1p-t fis rîghteotisness- is positive, 200, He deliglits in G(od's ialw anid chetsnl is life bs fruitfl.How differnm" tt e unui- godly who are ike tde chsff wICb- thse ýid drivetb h .The differ- enice will be mlaulifest te aliil)hitise d"y MfJudgrnen. From' Ps, ýp it is evident that mt wr-iter- coniceived of God as net onily Israel's God b-' Onie who ould goveru tlhe nation)s. "Alise 2ends of tise earth shial fear Hlm." Tise Gosi or tise Psahnis is a great God. Al iieni are called to serve Hinh< wiîth galduess aud cornec before Bis prez- enice witi giiug. May we tisrpugh conlfession oSof silis alld faith Ùn His Son ha)ývC that omelody je Our biearta thlat willvibrate il)ul:uison1 with tise mIusic çof tise Psalrns as wýe study tiîc hOok of peentis thsîs quarter. TABLE BAS MANY USES Novel curvedi table feattsriug tweQ extenlsion lea ves ýisictiscan bei reached flotn a swivel Chair is of- feredl for wýork,. hobby or play, Leaves mIIay 1be stsed for iaye-ut orpatterris wbich hlave te dry, pasting or typ)iing ma-cip Work cani be ef t on stid2s alid puisised inlside table, sutail mit 0on wsl)eels ith draweirs 'for fting - " for hobby equpmen my be Mits unrOc table if desired., hirt]is fa naie of Induj is' 2 years,Go ruet f ni at- aries report L- New Gadgets and Inventio You'lI Probably* Be Seei KITCH-EN COVER RIM'S AlnminLum Irints ld ilposition b', flexible steel spr-iïngs, are offered for kitchenl use. Use pacesset o)f wax paper oveur .jar, gla-ss. disi or howiý, and slips )fim 0on.Eai rim a5djusta<bie to seveCrL sizes of Containers. C-orne in sets for spiail, mledilum or large bw-sand dihe ranýginlg f rom 1""i 1luces to lO/a FOR THE KIDDIES Ircozeil fruit- juice on a stick Cau be made iai hoýme by pse of îsoly- ethylele plastie nol4,s s0oon w be initroduced to thse Caniadianmak. Molds corne vith suppiy of woe sticks. Stick is iuiserted thirough, hole in end of mold îhc s ùthen fled with fruiit julice sund put iv, ice omatue T o ergrtr Whnfrozein pusl' dïown on stick to) release frolm mold. Mol&d is waishable, 5m1ay -y b0sed o eint.y FOAM P~UB-BER PILLOW Fe ru tbber piilom curv-ed to fit t1je body la offeresd for use as iseadrest and hackrest. Originally mlade f p-r airpianles, is înowVavailale forauoolsbss trains, homes. hosp.Iitals and ambulances. Pillow is U-slsaped -31]d t1bout oliches thick, 20 in-ches long and five inclies QUICK-DYIYIN. COATING Quick,-drYing satin-like Coafin& is neithler ena-mel nior painit, but is said to withistand harshest- treat- nment. "New Mode", applied withs brush, is said te be adapta;ble for ail boulsehold uses on wooýGd eas weil as meta. Gives app,-earaince Gf fine hanld-rubbed finiish whoien appied te fitrniturt. makfr state#. !Leaves m; brttsl,.marks; or ridges, reqtircs >no unlder-CoAt or prier fctr new wo,4 wall bo)îard, etc. Cornes l,- W Coimr and %aid to retain ifs srneeth sur- face despite k s pratching. cipnfruit .iuices, hot grease cor DOQX KNOB Deer kp-ib that 4ocsn't býave to bc turnied; tbiat's what they-ai n0w. Conlsists et a, plasticeade gcreeuemd ,o door qt top aud bottomn audcotaining a pusis-button andi stanardsis k-yboe. usli button is ïtide of eentrast-ing color plastic sud seÉ ftttshin lucentre of thîe handie. Bu i tton i ýs al ig ned w it tthe lateli) case so ,;bàt wher rssdh e leases tfli atch boits aîtd ise icdoer can bec opened. Closinýg dor riet cocks latch). Set of handýIeS -7r corresponding latch anod catch pI0te mayi Ise insitalled irle door G!r il- lcecess of an iod lock, makers; claimï. Answeî te Crossword iPuzzle TARPAULIN "Cover it witb a Tarp" SatIteIn sue Heavy 15 ozý Waterproofedl ltoped and GaTometed szI Pricc Size )Feie x8. 5.15 10 M e824.00 9K9 6.50 12K11 23.16 7 x15 12.80 12 le10. 22. 00 S x 10 9.00 11 P.Iý 5,6 5x8 11.50 12 10 o .. 9 s15 1205 14 K18e 2.9 10 r 1,2 14-40 14 x1 86 1.4 1 O10.)0t5 ir 50 30.60 1~0 r,16*..",19.20 1 ,,KP5 ...45.» Mor Bise,5 M ade p jCMe, oitReQut s8end 82.00 rDoposit For luimiatt Délivory rI.O. . 0. ». oot Supertor- Tarpaulin Co. 2HUR02N BTTORONTO P, 0tn Fiery Itching SÉ-KI1N R AS H ES etingN Quick, Blessed Relief From Misery - Distresa le Yeu pald ton tImov th* prïct tlcr&'oi nlting botte r euywlhethai% MONK'ê F12E2tALD 0M, and dug<gt, who knlw. tblc recfimou& 8PSEIU.LD oiL Iseca.ý 0aurÉerera es't zeat rooe.4 . I o 4eW tram ojiy Itehn<Brn» 2rtato or, ottier Su rface Sklz in jer tit SCMIy Bsap o2> tchinsT""; andIFeet - try StMRfLD~l-aiÈ In«ir tord Gr monIey btk. kil Arusrjsto, 44;qk ~n Rav~or J,~ovi jr> Go~ Mugit THU FIRST HU-MANStî. eit iceresis raises dlie grain near their primIptive awelllngs ond groeund it uip fir fcod. 1Today thia delicieus vrlspIy apeihs eres) treat -poa9t't 4rai>e Nui', Fiakes - î5 yours aï any grsccry Rtc>oeý reidy te forv... easy 10 digea... whelesssmne nossbolbig . . god Iw a tie fnliy. glU lig aevelop "cave» pe.'Nuls Flake.. rvidea heIIpful TN GRAINS - (1 barley - . - rates. orotein. GF- lOt 1

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