Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jun 1949, p. 7

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i'nent thlan youJ wolild ~ pak ad eeaniy of Wwenei nr roo playe Wc- s KIRBY 1;ORONO JRS. 5 irhey -won terfirsd gaire in the! r Lt baillne isef scorea ftur with Four tripe bt he plate, uthe gunm for Kryswn ie Orono J-unior-s wee-ni abl e ~ôe n woof the seven inin-rgsi d, fwoilte firet by Gramnp1 an; olard, and threE *nth , flramp We-st, Dean and Jr. ssCaneton, started on thet fid for the Oroo Juior ,gn KART.LEY H. BARLOW FUITNERAL DIRECTOR & 110OME FUR7,(NISIIINGS MODERN EQUIPMENT Aty YO-tr Serviice in Time .çof Nleed FOLJRTEE'N YEARS' EXPERLINCE Phone 18 r,7 (Dà'y or Ngt The gaine ealled for Fr-iday, even- ing between the Juniors and Orono has been cancelled uantil some f utu-re date on accou-nt of the- Sundaymr- ing gir' l hb itng omaile Tuesdayv evQingi the Townvi Leagute resumes its selhedule vwhenth Kirby teains wil!i pt, lày osts to the Forestry i ne. Ayod t wants b cee rel action, should be on haindl as thris le- gue hansraction Plus, SCIIE DULà, 7 ForestiryvsKfy 10 Forestry vs nor 13S Oronoc vs Kirby. 14 Jnosvs -Forestry.' 17 Kirby vs Foirestry. 20 Forestr vs Orno., 24 Orono vs' Juniors, 27 Kirbyvs ono Jufly 4 Junfiors vs Kry Playoffs --Firet and third teams, andi second! and futini a 2 out o 3 series. Winner-s of theü firFt roundt to play off for championship. Three gains out of Acxe ln the two gaines played, Orono and Kîirby are leading the eaguie withl- a \vin apiece Barn . -.,Factory Buîl 11 Homes :-. ,. a"il i w!hein roofed to, resist You get tis protectie,ý endukre, when you us Roofings. onr Ne-,v ORN ;CUT~ Monday evening; the loGcal senior The Oronoý gils wýielded the whipfo fotball entry are at honme tLo th e on Tuesday niglit at Couritice whvlen -oCourtice te ftin a beague fixtuite in1 they scored 8 rune for teeletelélpr.TeOootaila aloigCourtice onfly three. The Censrigbr peaigfrti brillint pitch-iing o-f Joane -Coop)er ipratgie wýas the prevalenit feafturehic gave Orono this -itoy. Jolnano-1 Wednesday begininin.g at 9 a.m. the taied eight strie outs to lier credit park will be a hive of the YOunIygerl adalowiing aý- very few %ihits. The generartion, whlen the district public gamne progresedvery swifly with echool field day -%il! be staged. Thlere nIeither side reevn arge gains ini will be approximatelly (i00iebde uny one innngs. The batting was comipeting for their honours. ______I - YOU'SECUITY nd, OURSTABILITY ARE AT STAKI! You Can Defeat Your Big,,gest Tax Problem e. , .That'i is the 8%,I sales tax. T'he one the budget miis5ed.,The onie that 1-its you bade.This q otain * ý ,This taxcoýsts the Canadian taxpaye,ýrs30) Cents for eve-ry dollar of processedmaeil fr'm a Liberal mnember o'f Parliamet shos wha the gvrmn is doing tof keep 1 xe hgh. esiethe-, ribr reductions in t1he budget. So ha yo my hvea ureý, aeut icmh rgessive COnServative Party moil 0 Reduce sales taxes. *~~~U- Reuc iconeta rts and incrase exeptos * End theadiitaiepreuino farmeSby tLxColetos Foryou potetin te PogessveConservatiePat wil ae thUese steps * A def7linità orua2nte amPrices S3upport Act fo-rariigtfloprcs eThe formula w1 alwfor variations in prouctonand dem3anfofer individuail *D FloriCesw e Sail0oIlncewell eIn a'dvaunce of productionprod *Th flor pnice formula wvill be arr-ived at ini con-sultation with representat4ve; Retorati of th Canadian Wheat Board xo serve its oriinal purpose as a Marketing Agenc-y fo.IIr w1he-at proýducecrs . and its extensi)n to inclu,-de thie handling of coarse grains. Inclýusion- of representati-ves of farmo's corganIzations on ail Boards Iealiiigvwitii farm mtes Aggressive and immediate action to re ltr ost narkets-, the development of new markets; to achienve securirty of export markets through foresighted negotiations. Dominion 'marketing l egisiation base;,d on the principle of deý-mocratic producer controt. Recamatîon and consýervaition oýf existing sou resources;delomn of new producinglnd throughirgaon greater accessibility to domiesti-c markezs by im-proved transportation VOT E FOR OHARLES E. STEPHE".NSON YOUR4 PROGRESSIVE CONSIERVATIVE CANDI DATE r ~ ither siate S . . will Oblems for le dealers maný recoxD 049-3 NE WTON VILLE (Intendfed for aet week) Mis. Raymond Brucfe is in T-l'rn-i ton visiting ber daughter anldsn in-law, Mr. aid Mrs. Chas, Watters. MIr. -Edgar Whittaker, of 1{amil- Whittaker. Rev. AMV. Nicholson ofBo an ville, preached a fine sermonto large appreciative congregaiL a the W.N A.Anvrar service on Sunday Pevening. 'rhe fioýer's wr beautifully arraânged in the front of the churrchi. Thie nmsetaken- care ofL by aur owar, choir under the leader- ship of MreU. Ross laIwlwas we'lledrd We ale glad to sýee litlîeKnn Stapleton n after his ciet Rev. and mr.-. . Buit! eure J Mr. an I Oshaw a, SHEAÎHINGs t 8wlI.uP Rft01G DOýmîINiON Allk District N pire of unknown oni' thfe far1,111honte occupiec bert Paynimimediate o'f the village of ffan-i frire help could arrive , garage, together &Yt contents were destroyei Fred Brer , 7 Ao was arrested in f Thursday of last week ca! police andaetOI Torono to face four th.'e ftÉ. LD(et s. Johin Mo MAk(Cauer rturned er " rier echarged $10froin .Ho Torno oey t lfred IRedknap parente. Laing andl Falls, ile ýwen ste [5 Wh se-hool a]lso to the 1'resbyterIian Chunrch Board for, Permission to gain acceesa, to the field througph a portioni of theiir fence; also t the ho boardfor he bn ofa gate, and to r.Frankl Gilmner for poste for b-ack stop. Tt i,3s erprising hlow commun-1 ity projecte mlove along when al woi* to that, end. O'RDEiRS TAKE N tIurnea in anotner mnetosr ter a trip to a lieighoning tav Whnen are yvou gadingagiStn Y. P. U. Park ýSt. Uited Church Biullei of Coming Eveats Junec 21-Pebtey icc Orono Park at 6.30 pal. Comne and hielp to wnthe Spai Sh;id for aur Unioni D»ARLINGTON A-BAITTOlIR HamuptonOnao PHONE 2836b OPEN FOR CUSTOMI KILLING - PICKLING AND SMOKJING Wýholesa!e end Reta.il M. 'd j âý f C.-iý,

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