Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jun 1949, p. 4

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E Orono WeeklyTme sSýcond Gas ail,ot Office DprmnOt r Rates on request Subscription $ very Plirsday mo-ring at th eWmes ù R.A.Forrester, Publiý Est.abllished Jaiuary, 1937. about the saine as i other e kniows how th.1eyar goinig t quietly toe sees s Ontn week-enm vilsit Éto Ail it ~olorii il will cni tiS time tbel ývhq hove to as not a bill supply Sthe richer, while aumierous at- iay be made by people wh0ro ca.n, p to the deceased. iround, al f us, mustsumto ront alIl, whether w'e ha-ve ieysafe platce, or wbethei we bamd iV ' ta uý,e a -iang f(71-111Once ill seems to be one of thbe tragedies of 1 pr-ofe.ssionsj ail shadies of toulght, ar'e is inedan- oversight because a rop- enablea persani to extend is or bler- his motiveil of tears. possessions of smevalue. The ws o xnak se bequos"t, sonie sort of ar- noyiies adgoods may ho iutly and jiu- your fionds end beor then,+ the posi- aand ioby staing nowwhat -you -wisb g fl ours- in tilïe event of death. It WasÎin 93 il roo' o'nfpreen tationi of tbec Withtis camgof this fin-e en- 'ron, an an ccoutheof "The Su?- O. WV. Rolph was direýtrePss of thce peetta, wtth i, Bro-w i charge aof the m.si. e feel juIstifled ini ta our way oýf thinig ie performrance of thie Os- was quiite on apr ithtat of ur onyoýung peopie(. shIoulld sythtours was akin ,ta the onle fOsaa appear a littie i!essý boasýtfui. In any cas, othinig but eePn hleard w-ith- regar-d ta the effort's of the OhaaAI- Young Pol.Couple witb tattbe r-ecoýllection ofau hre ppearaco b-efore a cr7,owdved bose'n Orono, and king of thse Operetr t t te town hallla owmanville, s,s Bui BI".raent ana lei- Appam-rntiy al e eqir1i sucb fitriul-cpbs. S 5 S 8 A Lad 0O Parts onversation the ther day itb aà yaung, keen, taivce fro a neighboring outny. Ho bad as- rticiar day in canduAng a Junior Fanoncs titon jl the vicinity of Oronno.Cneraion day status- of thre average up-to-date frmer, e farmer of this present generatian is prtty twýide vaniýety' of subjec(tSa, lIe bas ýta ho la or- the tiaies. eame very camiox lanits nature. Rt requies silIs, an idea of(>"chemiristry, an rlappreciation of and bondlig of machiarily, anuaestada jut e one of theý Maycitizens hi with hielpfui si-ugg- that Ji-i ad Ivis thleiik ,wagona route. Thisiscn that batht Harry aind do, ail towing jobs by1 not only good xoris the -,overhead, Wheri Allen was aIshed if h wý,ould ho a g-ood anclho 1'I don't kow1. 1ne' my breath very Ilongl So11'etli.ng ,vill have abou "Ft".Nîp C( ho -wouid be a gooda GIVES YOU 'lhle Durbi-il ç,fnnprs' corn11e forward tionist ton is, sc asEntent Tamblyn pll ent. u d thle milk ered a, finle way IMa ud(e ,lek. No t thlat oe bat lither'ho h acbut evely- Cla improvment."et tb, SATISFAM IN Water Heal The tank eimiaates rusi co)rrosion prevai 10years gua iNewcastle quarnente auppîy1rlg 1l ýen for msieî at the evenîng servicýe. On ra>liva-l Wednesday evening, June l15th, a mnllïecre-am ýsupper wiil ho held,1 fol- ! fu Ioed by pïectures by M.Creh id oid Adnissïon 50c. and 25c. b-20)-c. bingo, d and etbingSTRAWBERRY BUTYERS ioliday IwiIll11-1y 1949 Premier straw- viâb a berry crop by eontraet. If îînterest-1 ed, see R. Maning, Sixth i U e, Kenidal, phono Orono ,2~3 r 8. c-20-c. ýs' and il bold G7,EORGE YORK ,r. Gor rient l sm Mreffce, must bho ate W~ figuares and able o)ver, telephonýe. Typ- anrd an sset but not. ly to Dra Farm- -o'p, Ono ntarjo, ducation, business ex- giving phono nmber. W. R. GILBART, GnrlManager could holdtu-watemgi er water". ho b doue FOOTBALL rY thought The Orono jun-ior- r berause opened the season i O l9th, . be .hey visi Orono boys lackimig playing against a st outscored 1 to 0 in Hlowever, tbey cm the second haîf v? fIamsore as m te On1 onayevenir CTION senior. footballI tear Sauna whets they onrt defeat of the :e s lna took the decisi of à to 0. The played throughout. sl.aoc Mfromnping, to their best form Ornowll et aIt the local par1o june fth. This shoi 4, and Sgaute.cCourtice mas lent in rship team of Ithe I and r( e leadng thý thi yer.Corne ai ranteed boys Wk of the fi As Low- as $10.00, Puts Oein your Hm Arrang-e NýOw for Isalto Different Sizes to Meet Yokur Needs ORONO ELECTRIC Phono 55 r 1 ORONO Real Estate i$10,0 0 (. General Store on No. 2 Hlighwvay, west of Port Hop, ":3,04 icshl, on building pur. chaýse plus stocý-k at inyvoice. $9,000. Fana on01 No. 2 11gb- way betwveenBomavleand 1Port Hop'. M7a cr -es, 10 workable, balance pasturie, bush and crohard. Barn and driving shed in good coniditio,, steel roofed. Iluse has 7 oosand large snnroom, modem -11YPiece bath, cella, hardwýetd floors in 2 rooms. Electricity fit alUidns $2 0.Near Orono, 100 acres godpasture hld, includes 10 crsbush. 02,'0. 50 acres near Orono. Ba,ýrn 20 x 40. metal roof. 4- rboomed fame bouse, cernent fotndation. Garag-e, cistera. puimp in hbouse. ECnquiries and istings 1ýinvited. (mono and istrictLeague1 ORONO 1l4 FORESTRY 12 The flrt lagegame aof softbal of, the tawn laugat -under wayý oni Thursday, evenIng of iast week, wben O Irono toak th1e Porestry touasi ia towv, dfaîgthem .]by theclose scoreaf14rus - 2. 'The gam was full of spectacular plays, and a usual, years aIgo, thfýe-,vas great ex- iemn amoag tihe playe-ýrs and fans! alike. Beinig afraid off riots and wa nlots, Bill Armstronig, man;1-ager of thie Orano team, bad Provincial Polic-e Rus.ellJ Pollard on hand fta s-top anry figbits thait might get start- ed. Tbougb I 'Ce rivialry mn hig at timon, te police forceas not ned- Pd duiag tbe ganse. Nip Coolper -was ont tbe round for- tho oretryteaiii, pitching his old Sfruof othýer years for the flrst two innings, holding Orono scoreless putting out the first six batters ila, rorder. 1The Farsetry, teani, which was; plaaked in the flîrst ininings by thie masterfufl pitvbing of Cassdy, scored onle run in thie s.conýd, w Bui Hooper seored on Car Finof' it. Orono came back strang in the third by saarîng five ruas by J. Tain- blyn1, Vance C"ooper, R., Winiter, C, Corniish ad a horner by Pollard. Nat, to be otdonle by thie snuroee.the Fr Brick building, km dleace Chur-ch, located teaým Lot 3, Concession JMay Purochaser tor-V roon, I ard, et< sdition. WAi as Poi ding f res Professional Directory A. F. MeKENZIE, M.D. PHYSIÇIA-N Dmd SURGEON Office ous Sundays and Wednlesdays by appoýîinment onily PHONE 47rl ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAINVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARDA BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Office 825 Resideace 40!,~ BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 4NSURANCE J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobile and Liability ORIONO . ONTARJO O0RONO'S INSURANCE MAN Domnio ofCanada G;entxal HatodFire IfnÊurance a elMutual re Insoraue WawanesaaMutuaï Insurance& DAINE FOUND orioNo Phone. a r £ If lt's Insurajice, give Dan. a triaL LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans> Educatonal Ice 1'iotedtion and Savin-gs Planis for' ChiIdren and AduIts; MIortgage In.~ riif ler F. E. LYCETT no -1-. ORZONO, Ont. - Phon(e 20 r adTED JACKSO-(ýN lJpAuctioneer and Valuaý,tor I. 3136 Condct~Auction Sales of ail ulesa Commuient with him at Poet g LtL Per.yOntaloor cehis Clerk, A- E. orton, at Orpoo.forî date. Ph. 55 r 1 CONRACORSFOR FARM .1andi HOU1.SE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Proimpt aad Gu-aranteed Repairs to alil aes of Electrical Equýipmet and ,Apiliances, SuchasMoorWater 1Heaters, RioStOvesý, onss, Etc, t. ORONO Ren] ~I. Antiques. See aüur Thne seven ta thse Fai ICooper tlh S -I*or faeed ~Ity' I vas good .,A C.lf fltwi-.q 1 - N JACK REID O)rono'os Licenîsed Auctioneer and Valuator Speciaize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates F'ree Estimïa tes will be Given CheerfuIlly on Rock Wool Homne Insulationi B7 Blower Syst;em, Four in ches thîck, GILPIN & Cb. InuainContractors, 57 Bloor St West, Toronto IJi.stric e prseiat- enfr Durhamn ÇÔunty GEORGE .WAIDELL Phone 23 r 22 BETHANY STAFFORD BROS Mlonuimental Works Phonc Whiitby '552 318 »undas St. E., Wbitby ~ MONUMENTS AN&j ~Andson~ Vvill give s C, * xr!eu ýo f ,( Dýp ter -1

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