ST 0F THE SN rom ttte boulder wbollv, nerson for c, rýiti eokD i e, i "Ail Igel ae utysuspiions,b 1lri. watn eCapue t Ru Virgin fillg oandeca e ,liktl tli."7rubud bysau ecp in bis taciumu wy. "aes tire lieu dgaci plandte-atr tr fi " tte t a î ele ite oltg C4. sir knwsmetit eint bu umeluauuform moe ran dair- tered stsa t 'h a nw it Nexî We~k) trottelý set-1.4 44 that's Aenougb, He ik e huuîils so tir-ed and fnsoei nlv g bildle, t stnt uste go nu bxou rseitl es (,sd w en I fus ic'l etengi ouY pay Is stilli4e keepstbe rea cuîIc, th in (W nye la at aili iýt A buad wotkshis- lea- ures loneý, îaudlavsbr f * asd ljdren ut i o t.aogahet * ~ ~ ~ ~ iI sprt fnarid 1e a H ischetin biselcofare * itrsroeH saloiglt ,11 hb(r. t gcroxs up p'ArIacticallS *e dnmnovn to bMy .r If a tan bas aind bpeft,îtîi, e eshuW * dsrný ad!lulss e w-nslui * alein noîîf(.lenc, lie s, la lomgsatecinou a ose mp ( *ijý lfip ta;Seic lc lieand tir u frumit.dsothlieis se cn.mpensaîin * frtuerspisiblitioffs il oixes *( futîhcliawayufrnm mmian he * iii nonsseîlil-s en ogb , ,arg il (I- m wIitlîbeug SnraefIlfo IF lie doxcpty freeirfs *oa sudclties? It is býI tis wii wb -1 orservo aIltbelcrit for tbesrc *Awie slovwie afor.ber busbaudý *ty ire nouibd, ike aluàny otbr em ned tiaifili apeto biom an be *iruiIe frîdsirl. butofl o it * n ouhse wtactu ie outrs * cliing aimosd vry omet fri * ber)wakng outs. Sire muet fla* nodrsomet'Iîiires wbire e bsand wa011s a yuytbing but a i * ousekeper * toay tesbimelf iýýrucispicture Wnip ~~~ re yen toge teknwmtbose le cbildendaof yonrsaubcme an *W impotatinueneinei rolives * And tee yu wfeasa ersonl * ý needs- a apeiswciryU. * tiueer you rsef Rney yîr * Y certhi, la yurleisure hour tac has pd yen cdwi bave agink usu tirnnsarling jtgir yemarred fo answom ir Iou iIl ti>inis ar * ittleyou ï-mihomug. Yourý I ma hti may benoltgto u epeatet attýemp at friendsbe i becai neah Muy uuutwavne been prepard inîodcet. t wu hd belayfIl saf e ate fin da mual ,aquairne te pent ed îpeparlythusn Ordbinariiysnce yortacqlate- tane bs rgestiwt.u h pselforahitis t muîgt he qut. aIl rgbt t ask erttego io hrcl Trytisaybow. Yen have trel scug tuls. 851 danae e lnsadt iceausnw FAUCETl'SET. Ncnfact e videa ue seaingsurface auld r,- duicetpripnNorn alg f*aucet ffus ýin sand creviCes iný eld tlner'ea uracs Frwae Seaî. Sa adi trshe ae e4ne te sap nîuposiionhi tandardc sizes rofit sa oe rm51 mu o/Ôii e, ors. s tbe Senti TV\ ENTY-FiVE CENTS iii ceins (stansps canîsot be ac- cepîed> for titis liatteen le Box 1, i2.~ F~gI~teesîîli St. New Toroute Ont. irtut plaini PATTtIRN NUM. x ouî NAME aud AflDRESS, V/~-tc-l?,erâ Turn \A1,c 1rdîtý11g t e genlogîs , îs1 , tis, ýe celti- ent luxae àiCuroe s cebeîîom Off prmusininsi er AustwaCodt below zere. mhnàýï Jf ots vwaà ito d Lu is ir oI'a çýOldesî s'pot yro oldhae e"isit! tb* iy ilge1c e.hyasin Norti-Lastru Sieria.Lu -147 tise temeraur thre asmïinus113j dgegr of fres in tis net se Codt asW ba a cier ttdert ttr iroyaplebecause aucuirhe r tian tuec uiris fauce.Tireluîtue freirg iii idair. soe un lik diate(s te etueet 0'tedptr sitrferfea f eugfoznt deatî. nearly draggeti ont isy tisreotsý was deZing.Iciceshuas fom i i At, Lenini'sfuelieaiter sht ypeaSa'1ts ecnally f'rozae àinte icicles as îirey strýeam-Ced frIn thei tiyes. Coid SOseitense thiaIthre ice-latd arfreze lu thfleir lungsiras een tieacihdd by Antaicice exploýù-rsr. One Brilla explomrrWho, alter temporarily loisg i.u1May, droppeti a mitenanti continet 1usd ilfer two inutes, feuntI tiaUt tireex- pe)sure 'cairseti bi.trs eensbling pufïfet n lus ntire I i Snappy- Maýbel wýaS +tîe enly cîld in tisUe cotea who spoke op briskly when, foir theben, tof Sterne viSite, the fi tcâacher asked: ",Caranylitti gir rcite?" yoiS aay for m0', cher.' Qa ofeÉ ur friands sees aInarkëd permnenly at.- Masos Clty Uý ISSUE23r 194 page e orf aytype,. T ia blind cennected (tofibe isrmn.T dsevice "eds"then tîk acs te tbe bliîd by rasmittig senda. TFire second eclecuc,11ie aid develý- Oepdcarriet in hite baud like a flasbligbî, is a subsitte lotith lapping canie. 1Tbe SOutvISwhich vary witb benaree fC beca are ranunitted te tisa bind per- son aîowîg ir te san cene,,ry, detettresrocks and wtr RELFORVACUUM CORD. 'tCrdntaicReel» rchfitZ On e ene e-nd of tan-t-îypa vacum dean an kees leCtniCc crd e ot e p(irý- ater & îiway. %Winds ýai-i aiwindasort like arishngrel. 19eclseii a circuler metaI buin i wîIlltaIlcê up te 20 ft. of Cord AUTO CO1FSCARIR A precisien - toôlad fauvt omnobil clothes crrerwhieis heltis eight gararient. or mre, each on i own haniger, is saidti t kepganmlients frGni be-ing ýcruti or riedoîcn m1,ot tpS, Unit ja matie0o, tain- luas mse; cati beapUdmed te flitb- ùween Itop andi bettom f1axnee ofay carwinosv Coth. aticarrie r ieit wsil net Project mbt car. Dows Pt ~ intet-fere with oer 'Àn ftbhe winidows, ýdoas net bnc is 0e glass. Rnbb~-cushoned ounuting sali te prveuCt damage e tfire inigis. ~iveutions e Seeing J L.DREN'S PAINTS, Chil& ainùng colors, are saîd to tt completely wben spilled oti ~tbs or clothes. Outstaniding 0-Qua,1iýy e De//ciousFlvu sweet Swedish Tee Ringc Redpe Me*enr. 11110 leige bow1~ ~ e. hike- warm water, i tiba. granulated euar~ 51fr Oeil! utigar le dieeelved. Spr!nkta e~ith3 euveloees eisehms~nn's Rtvet ore mzargarime anS iti -lin e. brown sut-gaT (Igghtty preseed dawn), 2tp. oineamuon. Spread ithis mixture n dough antid eprinlkl ie 1CTh eaisins Sr c'urrenta. Begvnnieg ,et a long etige, m'olteacllsW p lac L-> t a jelly e-U; place.ý eacil moli on1a greaset Imlage baking sheet, antishape imb a ing, qseellng ends togelher. Grasse tops. COnt 1" Alies sb'noqt throuigh 1t'Ocentraeit ariseras anti tum e ach i les partly onl itaaid, Cverant lo mIe vunil doubieti in bulk. Ï3ruels wit i egg yolk b ý ieal wth e. mland tt mnodeTate ova,. 35W, 25-30 miii. if -deslmeti ,. ih a plain, renSr v hot, wtýh butter. NEW FAST-ACTiI'4G DRY YEAST, NEEDS NO REFRIGERATION'g esh and full-siren.gth i11 your Lot- weeks! H Iere's ail vyou do: [y specified) ef lukawarm waterdis-. -)01- ,'Uar for- each envelopaye at :count~s as bas we i sir t float mdeofplsi (;Ir, be mdfe btb asinau-sil fising mkerswtatsFor casting, a iil 21nstat .itlonats ipelre, mpct an cee imand, ndaiou fht wibn loat ý n eral ferec ýe. a cat .Iu in, Uneistheted hoghhl L'anI5e Uean talbone anieisiekew i over Cad a aýee MonW'e SlmeadO, rbwer t ix, SaTotbuuthiges aulgetj. illio,, r on)Iligbîl. H w. does l."' .gtânt'a Voi re yen -a ag for tm w, mugit4 hlm a ithinu reine thûiigh semaý nemm fd