Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 26 May 1949, p. 5

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ia-n Onious, firin, 2 E) g e, newv and gCIreen, lb. Florida Oranges, 20O's npt to It' you to the 1 knlow candi- of this rolumni' le cus- n . "' 1semlaneof the tru-Lith of the arumnt.Th is, in- my opinion, Iowers thne prestige of governinent aýnd gives people a very p(oor opinion, of the politicians. So, if you don't mmid,we1 do our- best to present the selling points of the produet we are trying to ~pesuade you to accPpt, fame- y, the Liberal goverinent and Liberalismn. ..Unlinubtedly, we shali be tempted to lash out at the opposition who, from bteir statemients, uldd hase you helieebtat the government's one objeet in life is-, to rob the public while holdig you in the un"cmpronùsig grip of d ïcta,-tors hip . But, 4nless they beconie tood nasty, we shall stick to Our saues poliy. We feel that the peopl"e off this county are suffil- cienty intellient to knowv a good produet when they see one and will Iscardi anything which doesn't quite nsure up to their3 stand- ards. If you were huying a wnshing mnachine or- a car or at tractor, you'd. look, foi, several thîings. You'd waait one that hias a good namie ndreputation; that has been thoroughly tested over a long pro ojf tune; one that has been used by your frciends and found to hbe sat- isfac»T'. You'd refuse Ao buy one Hat has been tried andt proven a failure andrwas nom- coming on the nrket again &iY s e modi- fications which miake it look much the samne nsthe good joduct but with' the sanie old inner workings. A few suckers i ft be taken ia by the super sales tali of teowsales nmanag\% bqVmost people would sec thrÔugh the c noufig&and stick ta the preen produot. The prod pt I'n seljing, the ilberal govermen hïas been the bfest sellersi 1915 when it too'1ç offlice dutringe depressin. it led this country lut of ythose bad tfres and then eai n smck inito a wvar, the toughes ropositi-on any, ,ý:,uernrei)t tlias had to fac--e, Backed by the peoQ f Cnada it cýr,,e throughMat owar -withth hest reputatino f prnneof an-ý- ýoý7r t la the wor';d. I too< caye of the vetok-swîtb the mot gnerJusand effective ire-. establishmnixt in thie oil It learned roni ti Great Wair thait de- pression always foutsd jch an affa!it so it took stepýs to prevent it andl fice yas a ti, lt 11)eaus tu haïe acdmplishcd what it set ejut to . ILtt bas qso ep Vup-to-date in fe renlization that it must iniprove fts se ices., s ciitemis s qd age pensions, unero- pioyrneiit însuran<e- ýfaiila1 o(wances, h cisinig assistance, farn IQans and a gigant heaitft Pliaîhave liee aiîugur'ated until today, the soeïal services ý Canada are >head oýf ot any cou-ntry of t)ihe wvorl4. While dol ail th 'is, the ecst to te peopfle of Caýnada has been less th~ an n ay other majoi èeuntry the world. The iÂberal governnent lias aiso kept its personnel reliewed by bringing young blood into its execuVive s«an sd by acquiing the services of une of Canada's outstai-din-g men as its leader. canu you People of Dùrharip county sec any reaso)n for changing th.is goverument for soinething which was given, a thorovigl tcsting during and following th~e Gireat War and again in 1900> with dIsas- trous results? The comdtry is in better coindition to-day than. at any tine ia its histovy aad futurepln for îimpr.ovemienýt certainlýy look goocd. Wliy take a chance'? Would it not be wiser to mnake certain tat Durhaimlias a rep-resentative in the govcrnmnent wý,ho is a sales- mnan for the goiod product. TNe representative at present is a mnem- ber of the Conservative party wMeih ha nover .howvn itself capable of running the econorny ofe this couitr'y with any- succeess. AIl he's bo'n aUmeto do is to provide you wvith the products of the Liberal Think it oser, rend al the avilb ateriail and look aon yoju at the prosperity which it las been our good fortune to have, both on the farm and lanthe urhan centres. We know that youll mne to fD~e oehisin Mt t he Tihera,1 ,'vev nmnt lias d<lnwF , 2 (nna place la wli MACHINES INSTALL V FENCI Woven and 'I' Day and hrhas lmade,ýl Mi'ss agrtMiilso edi homer1r afew -d New Yr iy Mr. nd rs.Eg stfor. a-n eateMndd b in towvn this week. MrS. . WzJlsh' is visiting h b niee, rs.Jam sSimpson, at Wa Mrs. Fani-ny Jcsn of Newcýi fIe, and Ms.C.Gasof Rend, visited Miiss F.M.obeik recei ~pple Juice, Puimpkîn, 2 28-oz tins 'ls Pure Grape Juice, z bottie. .... visitee ove coliday witn Mrs. Roy A. Fretr Employees ofthBltC tion Co)-may icft here ls end after completiag an e,- a ddition to, the Ref'orestatLioni MrRHaroiýd Luxton, son-j Mn. a-nd Mr-s. Hi-Merecer painfull inijuies whiat w Thursýday, ees atabiis to Oshawa Hospital. The 24th of MWay passed c ouir village. The children s have usýed all their iv r -aaawe The Ikeworks la dg was also lakg. Little Brenda -,Mitchell, of Mry and s. nGeorgelm: hnprovinlahealh follwir longèd ilnews, and the s remoT-gvaI of -tonsils and aden, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Renneam yýounz chiuld, of Briglritoni, spent the 9,4thfi May hoýidaày with the form- er's parents, Mr-. and Mrsý. A. H. Renne. Mr, a-nd Mrsý. Gordlon Hamln and IViolaý Lynur, iof Grecen River, Mrs. iRuth Middlcton and sonr George,)1of Cleemotvisited at Mr. and Ms. .las. Micldietoan's on Sundny. Bey1,. W. W. ateron f Nw eastle, lad charge of the services nt Park St. Churli fast Sundny mornming aned evenîin, and of 'th!e Sunday Schoiol anvrayser,,vices ntKrb in the atron Presdidet W. C. H. Mitchell aaid a large nmnhur nei )fellow mmesof the Bowmvinnrville L'ranch of thle Canadian Legion, atteaded a Ds t-lct meeting and melioial service Mr. Franik VWals1h ùf Watrous, RANGES RANGETTES I 4 Phone I remo "TwÔ. Cuildren'.,s Shorts, iassort.. cd colors, sizes- 4 to 7. Ginghams by the yard, i check and plaids. 85c. to $1.50 Floweredl Merricord, in al colors. Priced.........--- -95C. Lingerie Crepe, coters wvhite, pink, , yeilow, priccd per yard...........---- .75 Nighitgowi-, li Crepe and 511k, pniced .--. $2.65 to $501ê Cotton SipAilsizes.---$M.5 WhidcepsuWhie Snd Slippers, pniced. Crepe So4le, and Briown, pki-g ... 5c. ... .32e .23c rd, lb. ,21c qxter Pork& tins fotr . ...... rpni Ieas, .~19C J3eans, 2 . .. . 21l -e Lifehuoy So-ap, bar. 15c n Jam, 4 lb tin..... . 48c in Gea n lighit Weil per lb. 1 20c- .MACARONI 2 11b 25C PICKLES 3M oz jar I-j me 782 lI INGI1

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