Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 26 May 1949, p. 3

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-< .1 At thc z'aker CA ey nLood ther is rhanifcentl~spa- f old'. war ae wuuedexaplefýs of de- au ndcra ftsnan1S'ip.fiRunniiing rigig canbeworkedl, Sails cao bc' hadeand iu some ,ýcases tht guins, maefrom icopper Or brass, aobet tn i n- ëand out-boatrd. For flhe, hulîs, thle pils ued piees f vor, r ail boneis savd fom htprison ra2tions andïl aawn in~o timnbers." hpswr )ltd n igged withayhnga- ý'zged ff i camp refuise hetaps. Often tuhe ntrae rigggmasç erctd tthe exense f the crafts- uen's p;gtais; god cr-rings and Gor pesonal trikets being beten qOu to ser-ve as stralppings for the mats r ihinges for tht crueflderan 0thermetal parts. Ofle siip 1bas her ilsdlct soeldf rom ioywhiittled downvý un de thines fo paper. Liti did those old-timc mowdellers vealizet hat theýsexaplsof their aay be sold 'Pr many unT so povnds. 6C-2 ehif. ae ouîtches the0gayest tius 5psx6 luches Send TWETYFIECENTS iiins (staupa anotbea- tcpted) for thiis pattemu t !,BOX 1 123 Egtct t e oot Why DGon't They Tc-il The Foik2? Onie fndmet rîincilpie bat0fl i good ýbusiness and aI oood_"ubli relations is ta keep your cuistamers or public infomed in Advance of any grnge lunpouicies or charges whidi mosny affet theni. Here'swhat happencd ta anc sas- ins anIk dpsîo,says a vriteî ýnluIeFnnca at Mystified y I 2-cntchrg i his janlk book for eacb ",f tht last tiwoImonlthaý, this dpstrakdth( atik ta-,xplain it Iast xeek. Thtlieac- conatinformkcd hilm tat Il the -anadian ba"nks Ihad agmee(d t a ia' arrngmet or the sece chrge !i9,lu bis case thie chiarge wAs, be Aus wose nc cheqe ovr the frec l, imiit alo ieiin ea4ch on Hadheknwnhe cuî hvi avid eetivred any ntifi[catïi n no enan ,.sï nuounlý,icinig tnechn No ne ilM.dny tttt ebak3 sboud he able ta make a resoable. barge uor tei services.But surely i i theychanige tt "rle"-i.tht basis lu Doa-Sargs~i:y shout nwify tercustmers at che >tIsn and osttheIiw Cbedlè ro ~~"~ha 'Theytrietc( wsli'pan -iliPe c, ilt L 0, i u ces ucre wc1 chage - fw dayscan akl tlot of iflerencal,.gNiw,ltetre How wolul t si o îbave trees! You kn ;m, an Otario heat waýVtl sun - andlor iles an i lni I ~dt gforatree - juot l ïte -vv -r'oe coildlit for a fe mnue eicig tesaeand thecoo gs1, fwndrsln btM'otbei Natre e e, a ke 'iThe iewvly sow1 n riig graHin c:ame ulp befoie it lwashadyith groud areCerrytrees aîmoiýst re ady just a eha iise h alsomanged'tog~tour garden in .ourgade cu av gnei mn wrd ihruh*,'il. hys 1 ,?o'ild h1ve oueItfmi sc, eNcept, sirîîîg lit , to guide meinevbe iti ibecýauSe thtIrow sre sotlog. hepme w iththWjb, we tegardeuncmsnpIw'tba "Crooked a sae-al ec how Cani you hopc e ta cît rows ike thlat ...i ohntpuit ina gade srigbiter tanl "dat I'dta Sayou set wbatImen ,.f couseI asoprefer tagtrï 2, garen llbuittiwhen Iget holdaii a,ýiC bot tscoop oiit thtsend rw ha oplougb a str-aigbt fu-nrrow! .incidenitally,1Ar oneyCwas wa ýS Scoopeid (outHoney wouild lt teni herself onit in ttmid, f And ten, tnosoonrer -was shie fhaSed onit of iiit ha Ijouý1d turn ind pC ketCof.eCdslz rovd a;3gan n îCuh s o sy "elI watcaný ai f elow do?" Prbably atthat mo thencbaingtheC at vwoutld sol-ve ing. Ontle , lol; puttînig ilugarden as a nCici!b%. .ont bais aly ta"ý look up to sec a 4ýclar-cuit view ivu "thle muti"-tesandpits at thebrikyads reaingand îinten-si- fyi ciledes, green uf fthe bl and leld. fIw weslioid iss l and swallo'w ar"mutin r~ bC give it whlat b1 iveis its tu geagrphicldescription - theý Ni- ,ara Escairpiitnt. AmIthen0ci, in tht garden w hve tIse smonjg of tht birds.- We bave soC,.1i anilyvbirds arud ee iothint-g vcry rare ý perhps -butbcase lany of our benl, c ',ýlngoacomon speciesdloes of Pilaite's Sall4y Annes Get a New Look- won't be a ring those qu longer The army redently hat, left fiThe tiffod-ah big-ar1, :,ch ýili back tri fit h1 nae f henck U-t-At h)-011i fiinte festival aI the air, 'A Oedy a I lubutoa!ir edI ae bdetoabdsome plac and ry -it bs snb a itng sad lie fe p ihfamliea tms ythe on I hv rnc o - Th Mistakee Other Folks Have PMade Leavig thtfarm25yerao iý- -D mving t ml onwa n mitkFarm life at the time was a fdrludger, epeialyforth aam if, andther waslittie con- fensattop for thethard ork H1-inu teer rght atit th irt cew Ased thr iga of th neghbursanld lth ekayget-ogethes or friends t Oics ur ýltet in i dmet art ad te ike Nw wthbette-r1 iachier forthefarm3, -an1d"dreamu hossÀn reatonfor the am Ïoen Ilook back ith regrets that ehaid'lot stay mi th elountryj tle ontthIsj, and the odso ssfyingthan2anthiing he towvnha taý oýffer, Nihe of nmy twso boys a IanrTheyhane missd tht joys 1)f cnltivaýted frls ndgaren,,ea ofc tte nd theccls notw of pou&try.1Ibeliev te cosr un stay to the sil(he doser r e to Wàhcn o<ur snwa ichre frmtheArmy and hrught bhis c Answee ta Crossward EPuzit -jLL abotcu passe Pnous wweeun delihtdu year mal ont I1lMst ami saud some very, bis &WifEvei nuhou àa tu , t o-Lld lb MTe if I had lufti -l sn as gone ba and wilî neyer bIl TI had beenmore pati, ab)out utý ,we vold Onteroutildings I coa't ofpint on ther put ou anotler coat, ting off tht d (ay. Nom Ihad applid Iwo wc tht bcg,'-ïlinning 1tey i Yccded attenion foi yer,11and tht prote, ey iiosg?, aied K ~ Tue,£ b hmn jhosCthcs fr haingl Svcingd pA. Teltc.he how n joyepdatt ev eningf Q Sbould thýae Ph dinapded deck tf - abou tht snie4a J-4 I ~- i a sbrewmd shopper but a she'd get for begr ýday yon tan geLthaim vou la antities o Per ,y ~,rthUT Poii~ter 't Ne dull days with me ý, ý , t alwav-S have a NUGGET CýX--LLOODAýWDALL SHADES OF LIPCýV zý z e E 'q RIT m 'N ï7 [e P 0 P E Le -Z-1 te

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