Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Dec 1948, p. 1

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- Fair Farn-i Improvementi th£, home of l"Very tra cele-. 'Du e tÉa i r daui)îe ,Uose te, home- d ïaroa o f 'y reatize the tho "511-e Rolling Log Breaks Lei 01 Mr._George lIr. GeorQge Butteius 'ast Sa December llth. Wifhth ie aýid of Ms' horse, 'M VersWaý-s Ihau1ling 'ogs from-r., erty be'iow ýthe west slopes villag-e. A taingiog strue' obstcle s'wungupon (tihe- end haI, andcrashed again'st 1'A ter's leg. Unable 'oa summcin mmeda. tec plucky nman got The ilhorse ed taite Waga, pulled blir Hc seat and drove haine,ý quentaetio 'yDIr MaRcen car n .shwa oaitaI tw'ofrat~tr~soft'itleg * Tlue many frîlends and nreî -Mf , Mr dMs utesexte cre sYmwpalthy, Iparti;cil'al[y ci inshp ici ameso Ineý7 Ctsmsseason. meMr. ad Iy Royal I heatr cplace sltig T!iis theatre ilias "Gontin"al!il ts patrons, anrdC ~~~~ Vhaýkdte ona o othes 1t0, and est , [eligI-ttfulluh Te rcsef rie a chilir ýýlh ,i 15<1 v-er bcd(y it. S-je ,re id tis, ,0 Figure u'd henýrre trie any other cha--1 to secure buyers. ity for- sale, we bhe toC your ad-. in ý'the bands 01 W.A. ide 1949 Officers sAssSoiation cf Park c7ur hILeldtfi te ir ir leit, with a gucd io Saturday ,he gethier to aur oer f Ï) ofse oatd1 cf steaer i p Af ter b co no1,,pl ~ pnthe b t~the groomi e sc was rea'd P stmasTi lý the fol'ig mdes by Mrs. VItn amln The inaovement is beini Dear Mma and Wi.dil: We, your dilxasoVon'e1 nearet relaties antl fHrends areldifferent erganizations, g$ e hae Ibis e intglayour Vo put 'th&ir shOitÔul&rS honour ta eangr5îtuiaýte you at this miovelieuit o 'help brur t4ne cf Vie 45th anin4vcesar-y cf your hpiesta the childi, wedng, and to wsh you snary .g r Teraesi] 1mare years cd married Ihpnes aI d ngllng in ihe hail, aIon, 1eath nPiry-flve yearc ns a long godentertainmient.'Pl tinte ta hýock ed but te llo>k 'bac rcinfar the ahidren Tansure im rnst seernt npoeil. Milbe t alvh Yhtat so many years have heau joll'y round faec- ed gra craowdied into the ie sivIce yo'ýi1c Sauta Clas, wha v hgï niariiage. Since that tinte you. have goodies ;ta'c> C.,1the gooa preves yourselve- plnddcitizens. dren that abaumdiin Vils WHie on te faim and also since you baN'e made your hoîme in Oro oU,u ,oNw cudedoqit Alena and' Mill, have always kept ttnte and plcUe for 'ii cpen houes.No one acould b oe Orna e' Hail, on hositabh1. Yau lhivep al'ways hbnd i 11Qhpt __ -- ji rig sponsOTmej if Commeee, os tJhe towi) behind Via rg joy alld 1er 'ofau P acarol 'lie min riat- M, Of Course, th-a)til happy, [Gtiemar. alled givie outte s commuity. forget bte f 'mqll be as ýfolo.. nithy, $2.00; for e'had- ýbr, 50e.; frachpa-. ciel gi-ve iep m tîii pï,ijctt îroao Air,; ,u o e piaced lnaa ke frst pesson gati eu eurtI noV-. iper titan Mh. This memaie hpi dil enr ta ftha cang Atisietia Associa ou for gure ska bi ilg lessaus aged fo)r. Tisay 'xiii bea heurs ok-r 6 ant8 pu Pm,. mrentibeas,'iip ad r tMm. . Gam-cstby or Bus hels t n day. Crtfea o f ateire pro-. 1-77 vided' for i- l grow,ýers reacrliing bier Seed obectveof 500 lIltsh is per aýcre o an- IVais reportAd Vitlgrewers have 'mes been iquite iprsediy iapeisaibil-. ts of ities' of incýreasing ..cp yaid y pro-. 1948 per cara, togetýihar with lowering of cost par acre. TIhes;ereutshv chuob&s lsada very 'makciafetin s,,the ecýonom--iaalprdaan of succeedling aoscrops on 'ite sanie land. c 1lub s lTwen t 4hree !g-rowcajrs weiae-. ceýnt- tered la itbue OntarioChapioshp ittp e.-by' aacit exhi itng oua bushel aet 2reive lte Ro0yal WVi n ier CF a ir-,.. e 1 were wýereC basee On': ytild per acici. ri-rai- etee ketate poter espr acre; and ex-. eraga' ihit iand ,coakig qnIy titi- n Thle O ra lm in llte cn- h ia- patiis Erie aluirEaet leSst of Soutit SilCoe. H riewas iii ~ucaslh, a traplty ad anai-. eing expense tulaTaronita. 'tilier 'm-. t'heir! ners ilaýh aider f tliteir standin-rg alhiV1 fohiws :Gordion iaichat uiar.e un a M nd ux',hnol clLua 1 paned by dite sIging of '40 Cen-. aafOPlowcVd bity tthe Lord'a Prayer. Thie iminutes cf ¶ie he st imeinz 'mre read andI approved. After tih e eribuissle heccucuddMr-Ulonte aButeok toot the ch.air antI called onAre Rairiey, Vwhmeýr of tise siÀVer ipedaL1 at >roo, or er raciý-tatien "'Christ-. ma,,s E-ve 'la Mrtin's Lad". The,ý na-xt item ýon tVie progrvrmewrisa rdainby J'ane Me mue oaa tiefour t4,e) eetClre no in e V ,itectesit, hemr recitation ettlt "A Bess nl isue" Thseau- ian-e vva.,-,hnnfaveuvred awitlh a by Oàrs. Gole atn 'S f lte F~as ," acempa iattis'e plana y11- Mils. BestlM1. Cnei hnso- mor07e pý,'aItraS, fllw ty Vit Ol1ure gvlg"'Saved rby ea ym" and Jean Buliock, Man Ange! ini the brouglit te) a clsewitLi Mr. avt 1nhowiyg mret picture. îMr. UlmCnte! Eu Loc ten uovda iearty voe of hti,sn t ail' those tVýa -,iin g part1 in m-aking VieprohgrammneVtise sec-. ceas tal t 'as. Theientcating closed by the singl of CIGa S ,V e biteKingioll"wdby Hite MipiBedciu.Lunch 1--and a social hour folowe. 0___ Fox Hunters Taum Ivirs. cf the f the ra'tnioit i at-e -Mm. TM.i nt - Mrs. Mellor. -- Mus. -e-aIy - haa.cr -iai- solo, 'ûCi theme veel ami Miss was1 ;he cisurchi. îintie. Ms veiy -Vocal vite ý Mizs scipturme nakiig i-. e alose "cf No. 9 Tisa ce A hurried up !ar iuit mas hae ietool OtWedaiesdlay etronlast undar hapipy ca Vise ausices of tie Orono Fisi taid Titae'pe Huait lub.tue ai hi, Trucks tboa the entiitu-siasti(c un-. ta,,iespef ers many aroulad 1.8ý0 tate Ve is cake, wh around i te .sîxth ien. Twenty hbrin- ,-tebe luý ers ot advauVaeacf Cie ou'tng, Gibsana andi 'wh grat expaoeialins et Universit sitoctng a fox bafore darlenesa. SAS. No.ý Mlfer travllig Vite meuntysida Tise cel for miles, ltaeiunta'rs gave up in1 At 500 digst-Mr. Fo-x, ttat'mary EtIele iy Bruiý anial - nas caspicuotis ity bispizM aibenla. iii o fo-xae (ýshoot tha loit' Prize huniters spent aportion cf lieh Oruom; 'tite shee ftin g pigen bringing wood, 0 s ici .ck: ,l orwn Satuir-. atsocd 'hy Na. 59 'augitI forth qa iad enthusaeatsl renty tables, faf-. Eucdred andI five n~cookred, 'meut odeC. Leslie t te Toronto iie ain ltVeý mar-e as falns mrize, ýMis7ýslSur- ie; conus ol ation SI Orono. Gants 2'Mrs. Uurclr- ona ,ùhüose-plates. Yenbae 'lay tiniete, ohisit or pas-,theitâ,i-ne cf day NOSt those y'ou .m'edt, or te go anîd hel¶p a neljgltlýhbor thl sout aetdm jcdb. Yiou It i have tiikenP your pluce in churdh andihlàid mary offce îhere. neyer being indifferent ta the IntPWUtinc cf the twork carie'd an ini G'edC's hanse. Your fine fantiy cfi tiw'o sons antI titwo dauiglatair are al crdtto yau, -,iii:cf i n waeNestaib- .ýiisled îhia buinsscftheirown an e aeh xmti a fine ta ,vytaearyo l'ite traditions odf the Staimt ci-.Ta m- b-lyn alliance of forty-.flve year-s ago Now ime fihve gatitered f'Vhsaeun Vo have a ItIte social 'tinttoethar,I and te aisk you te accaipt this gift net ùhait IR egins ta represent Vi love aNt respt et m ae for P.4, but1 hapd'ng tîhat you 0i11 spend ànun; houass'tuit tets sweet 1m-usie, y7ouU iîay rreember l tiiS eveniag sepe with -your fmd&antIfriand. Li;ilian, Taiilitylu andI Vah-ta Staintoni. Jrs. . P.Brownri presenfed thi gýIft, a riiamidDorthy Stintn anl arinfli af O IIntemn.sae 'er 'mIicli each moade suitable rply. S Anin- yblronmaefolilow- &ren, alnd bring yotur parents. Old~ ai youing WPi ejyit alilee. Thisa eivenlt only -ýcas onece a yieaa, iso wt wil] 4lbeIokn for you AIl in Oe"ono on the dute and t.irilni en-rti-ned For iatGchistilnas Gi*±'t this vyar give the Orono WVeeldy Wirîes, ,Fer a.ly $1.50 you ean pgive a pres"ent whilh isje ecmed by tine reade-r fifty-une -weelns cof the year. Al> appreiate blhe loc-ali paper as a gift- ed, consisting of vi-lin scos 6iy iY. alaeSbainton of Tçoronto, voc-al Aïois by -Mrs. J. T. ~mwnaud lrF.~ Lloyci Ajshton, relaiS bry Mr. ChulsStailnton, iIs. M. J arl b-Lyn -id Dornthi-y Stainiton, ne solo 'by Mr. Carieos Tainlyr, p4ain sofaos by lMrs. E. tBoj.loriunity sining wasF dctdby Ivrs. Se-y- ntor Ilirs. M.L Staintoýn et 'hei Adeicious lunch waýýs erve, ,the bride cufting -t1he rw'ed«hn cae.A vei-y phoasant sociai tinme was eii- joyedl by al. Oddfellows -Service Club Dance- Friday, Deceni ber I 7th STARK VILLE Mmr. andiMrs. eCecii Rabinsion, ~r at Mrs. WV. A. Hialioweill, of Neý,w- tov vI,ýisited wdý.th Mr. andI Mrs. Elwart ons. ALr. 'nt Mnt. ýRusse! Savel' ryild Betty 'wiiI r. and Mrs. Mlrw ofEliaehIle Mr. and mlIs. Percy Farrow hd Sun day dinner çwith rs. E arw of Garden fHill. Mr. andl Mme. IlarakI Littie and- souis, aof Osiiawa, Mr. ami '-Mrs. Tises. F alla, af Knal iuieIon Sna 'mitlh'Mr. anti vdMrs. Le Hl'wal Tite Shloit W.A. héltItarDc 0Dil"t forgt Vo tata in te Odd. îiImý flowsService Club dancee 'mitiCi wi,1l b'lie ted In Orono Towa .nHall (oi Fn,(ide vei, Deceter 17t1b. Titis is 't1heir a-umi event - a dauce andI draw - Vo secure 'm-o-ties 'ta carry on their beeol.n mrk iç rui Vite district du'ring tisa aonting year. Titeýy have donc g1rat 'mark in the panýt nd, we just kwtisaut tiis 'mill bDe canîie-d on. There cwll 'Ite a dr-aw for fiften o 5 turkeys, 5 g-e esýe and five Chiakens (dress.ed>. Wh at a prize te 'win just baera lte CGhrist- meas seeson, Buy youir Vicircs on titis draw acw. Tiera 'mii I ,se lita adraw for tint[ beaýutiful dell, MIiiss BetVyý with i n$am~1.O04 bill' at-tacýhe&- Waaprize ta 'la ï,nte 4onate ta your littie dauglilVer. ~Y ycur tick- ets bcfori, 1V lips yDur ndcL Yen subscription $1 .50 oper Year oS Sat u rda Y, Dec1 ta 'T Visit Children "bies Saturday, Deceniber'18 d mrs. stajaton jOn S-,,,'frdu, aýternrcoll, D»nebe mrd On Fortyfifth 1 atfliat p.m., aCDeï,.n,~ity Wedding Anniversary pe ei al bieme. p2,e,,,ofar aivsdtocesure ind~ ~~~e1 --f M1 nd n.~ children ifor 'thic- great 'Enis~ik1w, xna te set, avery happy gatheringogOU Thlis e7,ent J eforz te vae ara ,evening, 1)eenilber lth rsa 1ya yra a e it rfifty gu'tieata-;atlllered ta- eidrnpre,,e!at frrýp. the -Whole 3o,1uat r. anid Mr, -c'nuu-unity. fluig ihe -aryecr md wvishi them i rïi a re tihjis s i alevet lid t~o hý is hinppy wedled life. pcnsaed Ith wigto thelai SyorWirmaa master <of cntyfru-it e tc. o -0, th Vtite' wai adushlered th,- bride 1 f aý~eeiyhngTgadu,ýally li into the '!IV ifuuyd-.ý~ g ar to nra, wta oilgroont weea 1soe Pleasure itwas ot ifferu a- ýake rwas the c-entre or pink sciaÎons h te town to get togéth.- reacthinsg ta te clig er and aâuspon's'oc this gretda rsage of imuis a .,s phinýred! of al 'days - the emsufyChrist- riue ard -a bouttüeinîerp, for mals Tiree. lest Augu audit that V. Râb- istiarkvilaE ,ol last 1 1

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