It Came Uipôn The upo te idnighit clear, that glorious song-7fold, rigls endngnear the earth, to touch their harps off on earth, gowl to men, from Heaven's graciona tu a ertain poor shepherds in fiidsas, thy ay; in ields Shern they jl, a-keepingthirsheecp, R acou! winter's Qih t Ota aOdeep; le the Kg in f srel Shoiz ingnthest, bepyond themw so a; A 'd oail the-- yat it gave a great QLigi, Nei, NoelnoelNoei, 0 LITT1L E TOW\,,N CF BEiTHL EM P)W liti town f etîhem, huotîiwe See touelie 0bove th; dep apd dreu ame lee! hesiu'enitsasg sutrinathu dark seet shineth the everlasting light, 151 AopS And fears off ail thenyarsre mt in he oniglit, veor Chritil bornof mar5 au! gahered ailabove, ci mornigstaors togethet, procpain the HolyBirt, Xndprasessin t Go th Kigapnopeeto men on earjiý GOD REST Y'IEl GNLEE God rect %e merr5, gentlemeinlet nothig you dismay, Reu2imber, hrit orSour ur asbon o hrrasDy To0 save sailfrom Satn's pou er when a e were gone aS try, And lad poti a manger upon ths blesed morn The MhichMJ-lMother Mary, i d! othnu k i n w corn. .nvwitJb'tueloernsrthrooeach other nom eurace",- This hol5 tide ofCrsmu.alohr dt eae Av î yin a manger, no crib for His bed, Telittie Lord Jesus iay downý His sweet head, The -stars in the >sky, iooIngown where h-e lay The ltti Lord Jesus, asleep in the hay. The catti are lowing, the poor b..abe awakei. Butýi î,fltieLord jesus, no crying he maakes. I loe Tee, ordJess, lok ownfromthiu y And sta b la les wtchngmy iuilaby. 0 HOLY N1GHT O) Hlol Night, the stars are brightiy shinîng, It is the night of our dear Savioiur's birth; Loglythe world in sin and errpining, TH!la h appeared and the soni feitï His wrh A SAii of hope, the weary woridreies For yondecr breaks a new andt gloriousmoFs Eau:J" on your knes0 hear the -anîge ! voices, O) niht divine,0Onight when ChiPst xasborn; O0 night diine iO ight, O night ivie 1 GOOD KINGO WEFNCES LAS' 1 od Ring Wencesias w ent oent oni the Heast of Strephen. hutesnow iay'oudalbouit, deep and crisp andeen Brigtlys-hone the moon that nightý, tho' the frost wscrnue1» W/ieî po man came in sight, gatbering wne ul "llitFe , ge ad stand by me, If týhou know'st it eiig Yondr peasant, wvho is he?Whr and %vhat his dweiiin-ýg ?' "SCe, he lives a good league henic,Udret the miounàAtai Right agaois the forest fence, By Saýint zAgn-es fountainÀ" Brin me leshand bring mie wine, bigm pine -ýlogschte y peu ard 1ISOPiFoschim dine, wheu we bear he titer Fàeand monarcb forthet-ey went forth t iey went togter;, Fails 4y hear, I knos not how- I cani go nlonger Markmy ootsteps my good pa),ge, tread thon in tin boliy Thousaît feel the w inter's rage freeze thy blood les"?coldly ln bis mastes steps he trod. where the snoira dne Hea was in tbe \ery sod wbich the saint had printed. TheefoeChristian men, be sure weath rtank possesing, Si mio now WiIl bess the poor shahyousei find blessin, 113rp lrtn o -4 vl. j Sll coi 4 s 4 1' 1' 4 s 'i 4 s s s * N SI N s s