Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Dec 1948, p. 5

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Wat< cx hesýe ;; ïThat Last a Lifetime Choose Frein) C cLM PRIC*D FIROM Hockey& Fancy Skates SA Present that tics iin with $95to $54-50J the coming sao $6.75 tO $17ý.5O Carving Sets Admiri -tewart-Wre Rangmg suinP;iefo $2. 50 to.$315. Où LUNN HARDWARE Phone 66 r 1 For the most thriljhn, u pracical cf GIFTS tis year Give excitilig, timie-sav- ing Eectrical Appiances. L AN S( Frin our laump fcoter will find a present wýiiha acter One lwhich shinesl thoughtfuluess throughout, year. TRI-LIGIIT and FLOOR LAMPS $19.95 Cosplete vith Shades a Bulbs TABLE LAMPS $9595 and up char- its the Xafls Lig-hts to $1.50 a ncw look lete line of ORONO D)URHIAM ýFEDERAýTION 0F AGRICULTURE SUPPER (Conitiniued from page cone) shot snopis of thir t'wo weeks' courseat t Cherryvlie Farm Folk Sch'ool. Miss WVilson and Mr. Car- ley epreented Duhamat thre Fol1k Sohool, i 'h-ei.ng the fist1ifits kind in Ontario. Ilere tliey lern crafts çiod modela, weaving a moideling, etc), held discussîins, re- ceation aind lectures. Bothi were eli- thum ser vith the type of tahn and the 1atmosphere whi R mS ratdby thlose whjoaten.e the! scho L). At this sclioool ten -ounies wer presna. Mr. Cariley tho)ught thatths type' of school would sipread icrosl, tintecount-,ry and that a ideail situantion for eue",wPuld 14e at thle Fedlerationi canapsite. M2ýr. E. A. Su11îirs to gv bried' taik, Conmpliinaeuing t1ie Duo- ham lo Junior B oys >, uit h eirn fine nho-ing etuthe Royal [Wner Fair, also on [the hetp that has been 0h-i tained fronua theFeeain Mr. F1ordes Hyndthen itro duiced tho speaker f or the evbrg- Professor C. E. 1{nniled'f Socil Stdynit the University 'Of Toronto'. Prof essor Heri et mny rcrlefacta with hsowi hadl the 'potnt to hea -hm. He claimed thati t ma' is desire to leroil tirit as possible in rainai life. It mals bis. opinion tJhat tlie fîiyUnit of rur-al coumnties hve a ehariacter tia is down +te ea'rt, andtMe peopl e sLvet.Coi parinig lfe in Canada with that of the State, ,ire slaid ta life heire wýaF lie thou.ght, confrots a ltPtr pros- pet han tl tof Canada h prset bbtieof word affoir hihnom exisits shoid hew -akzen aclvantage of %y Canada Yo shape heri ntoalpo1icy-. T(mig g i o rura lhf e, ha efit thafire Io eineýss w rc sever presn iii.etrpolyin cetrs'do'snot ais l hecon try. Pmrfessor Hedri lrimed tha< sel- dom m-ýas siofia sienee ever asse- citdwit'h thre mord science. Sciene ire said' woulie cnneco' y thoý people to su'h discoveies as atomi Qnerge7. In compaing Social Scinc top'yia sone he stited that sýciil' Science did not have thne ack-ý ing,-ndthus lias irad to e'b iisi-ý Self the hiardi way. iSociil SciierC shonid, he clainaîed, lie givon a prom- meant place in thre worldto-day for Mhe sandawds of omauity life could be groatl-y huit up hy its ,videh scoipo. if physilasecienîce is left So race fer ahead of socual ciîene thern, ho could 0oulY sec humaiio and utter disaser for thoe'wor.Idfo tire pe la~re not edlucated tai pro-. :perly use tihe nomdsovne of tbe phrysiecail scientsf. ho Stated mas necessairy so Was whPeu the s udents gradu'a1ted tihey could deal realis'tica1lly with prob- lems tmat anise cand thusymakg thel)i mýore U'seful io tlie cç'o'm1Unity hidi. they serve.IlThe approch 'sed bY by SocilSciene rworkes inerto- oianareas' 'was not suitnibl,'e for smiall commitunity ceintre:ýs. To over- cornie thui t iudents na're nw he- inig srce on ide"as btine friathe snaallrc'îmutis It wst~ snkrsdas i ta sonne (day ewabir oild ha vital for all :those (wh live. IHe claim'ed liat avhen eth i been acconaPilsh- 6d litrwould ho on e of the bi'gges't spaever ta-ein in hiroigour lives. The sucîce oWf .aisy orgaý'nization, he Said, tied in 'with a cnmpete grou~p deoiçhaen. By illustratio:ns 'he bronL1ght' this pei"ntout and ( proved thiat befttr resul1bs arec tiale whna group of penle througzh dis- cu,,sien arrive liy themý,selivesî at a definfte and fInal dclîision. Letures end pac t redsusions have, he saïd, inflerkir o 0ibcono to hat ofa grouip Mr'. Men omnthen thanced the speaker an'd iwas certain that many thos aluhni had the great liotne of heaiing such a ïtaenred speaker. Mr. C. Oshorna wp s ha cairrafor thnis oustaidng ya t ha life of the Purhqir Couny Federation of Agricultre. Welyvilte Farmn Forum The Farm Forum mas h Ïeld t the hom11e of iMrs, V'r O'Neill on Mn da vnig YIh e y discý e te farina and ity 7papers n , m rv<et hat could Ihe inmad h- Porý Hfope Gide is ire - 1id r paper in Canada i atàavmn téhz 4e of Port Hope. A coii-iii'"tée -mas ap- pjainted te look after fThe problmeroofi the 'sk irnk. Th e oni.uittee iWlas Messns. Caîr-roP-l Nicholla, MWaur- ice îO'Neill, KPn. As ,hb y, Hlarold ReeVe aniWilredi Bee. A N DS A' ON TA RIOIS pout world and the capacity te predw welfareý of evîery man, womani and e-very artvicle produved in Onîtari br moeéaSs-Ured ef job Security.,, better things in life. -BuAtot proý l'abour is vital. That is wh"ry cevery are colistantly .eing trained te p- They receive ON TRE JOB tr factories, This traîniug, ýprvired -threugh i Affai'rs, the Federal Dcpartmenit4- tion, starts the veteran oun ther business machines5, for examule. Y (ORK...fèor ONTARIO LEARNING MACHINE ASSEMBLY red and puirchased by people al over the goo-ds largely determnines the economiie withlin ber borders. Because the sale ef ýuable dollars jute this Province, wte A are and oiur childran cau have more ,of the ch goodis ini sufficieut quantities, skzilled ae of us shoeuld bei glad that war veterans Ic skilled bands se neevdedt by iuduistry. mader expert instruictors in ousr Ontario of thé el tet of Veteran' tmuent of Educa. fil assembliuig hkD0WIede O f ........................................ MLAC1UNE ASSEIMBLY : John IN. West, 25, of Toronto, a Royal : : Catiadian Navy veteran, is shown here : mak:ing an adjustment teo eue of the S 10,000 p arts in a busjiness machine : : designiea for a New zealaud firmn. : Varieu5 types of business machines are produced in Ontario fac.. tories. Because of theîr in- tricate meclhanisms it is es- ~ THsentlial thiat tlaese machines-8 be checkea hy expert ~542 ~,1~-~. SomDnebOdy's heat is going to be singing on Christmas morning, and beating iM through the year with thoughts of you. Because somnebody's go,-ing to be excited, thrilled and almnost breathless over that* trea-sured gift you've chosen at your GRUEN jeweller's. See our display of Gruen watches now, while. selections* are complete. *1 MARR'SBowmanville- phone 463 f 'q Gieyour Spirit Nwith Sets, $1 Complote t' 1 ý . . . . . . . . . . %&-ý ý, j 'IL

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