Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Dec 1948, p. 2

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<~ T E SYLVESTER DIAMONO By BLANCHE ROBERTS - Synopsis PIoney Nonroe succeeds in, takine eMe ivEs'-ei Diamonid iroui a woaian ln a -.,s Angeles department store and con salna it in lier apartment. But Joe Dan - nes, Profssional thief whom aele as àamjI 'U sins ,mnths, becones sspi- Dous wIhen elle doesn't admit havings the tnen follows lier to the avartment of ra -r rewster, . district attorney, with h'om shi liýn love. When Oie two men e ntu a fig,bt el makes a hurried 1cap. Kowiing tlat Joe wiilelil ber g et the tone.,aseboards'a Plane for an Facso A dense fog rises and the ansih maRing a forceed landlina, crashies la. he sea. CHAPTER VI. Honey did not know where 'sic w al ad she liated to open lier eyes tio finci ont. But lier wliole body e(d and she was coid and very yfut -aId iling lu a most -uncomînet- eble position with lieu head resting ýýn samethiug hard-niot a piliow, to suJre, As ier scaces returned to somlhe becamne awiare of motion 'î a chiug-cliug-ging noise lik9e Ssmza'it boat wouid make. She g'aited sever-ai' minutes,. tryiug -lu !atiu to ideaitify ao6me familiar souad, 4-1en she opened lier eyecs, sowiy, Pea-souipf og ýwas the first thing.r ,h aw above ier. She iowerecjth ~eof lier vision and made out th- forin of a man near by. He was 4-aiuig out té cea and sat vcry Still, unhdover lu dýcp thouglit, a pipe bewcen bs lips. "WTlihere arn 1?" she called, tcetlî aiatteriug,, and lifting lier head from its hard rcctiugplace. lier voice startled the mati ad lie turuaed quickly to face ber. "Tiauk gooduess you're alive," There was downright relief lu lis výoice. "I was af raid ... He did nat fýinishi the sentence. It was thtei-,that realization of wliat liad liappene-,d to ber carne back to lier mînd. The air iner liad crashed. She sbuiddercd 11k-e she bad a chili.' "Are-are the ohrs? She coubid uot go on wiîh lie,ýr questio-n, butj lie guessed wliat she1i, was trying 40 ask. "I ouly found ou,"le said and bis voice was gený,t1ieand- soothuîîg. "Are you alglt? "Yes." Aýt ieast shlefetu pain e1d presume11d sic was not hiur, Trewas nu more conversation unitey madtiland. lie 1ielped ber ot )f 0th boatt at a deserted nId wlar a li ov.ShlookdaMhm tien. ie wasyouîîig an ta, 3tïlitlýy stoo-ped of shoulders atid ver vcu-tanned. "Isiltake you to niy bouse, lie îold lier and there was a softuess to bis voice that betrayed culture. "I know you're cold withi those wet cothes ou. Ma'l l an you corne of hers, She is no more than a mnite herself-just about like you." He smiled down ai lier and Honey Ilked hic face iîstaîtly, so apeti and honest. «'I really ain fi eezing," she said *irnply anid started to -folow »hlm and discovered that lier cquilkbriurn "Was tiot wliat it used 40 lie. lie took liarnand she leaued ou is ebtrengtiý as tliey climbed the rocky cliffs to a littie hbuse sitting aitih udof the trait, ovel;ooking the ocanblow, Even luiiithe f og, Hone(ýy mari eied at the brightly zeolored flowers surrouuding the, bostlie restful atrnosphere eey where thî Iiat spelled peace. "a"thie youtng man calledsu thr a - caress even wlic e1 'Ufted bis voc to hout. Alittie v0h1'tc -laired wornancan CROSS WORD . Wlnd lad CROSWORD 18.Knocks __PUZZLE S.cmgnt ________- . wrltlngs ÂCBSS' 7. rtîi al 22. Fastea IM Olitcefliajýý1 lanigeas 23. Defled .PreVi37t . Hiker 24. The crear Wbt es 9 . Revolve 25.» Matrone 13.Atiospera rapîdly 27. Pander 9.. or'aesat CI. Owne 55. Sunebadt el9. uneif Mri. iublish ~.Prech n erý I 2 al eedfa de- Fn.!onte e4gà te, vhir pat;zl 38. Stlffiv propar 34. Stîppen 31. Pt aim fruIts 39. Bee eniclostun, 40. Put with 41, Tile n 42L Caver 43. Exist 4 4. Alkalg to 47. Leave to th oo aanwi obs un nions. a drowued ittI . "I crtaily a~,"Sm1ile J ne convncîuly, ihavebeeninth lier voice wtl;itu ul efr.'o w ere flsh1ing,wentyu? "Houest, 1 waz ihn.Ihv neyer cauglit one so bg efoeno liaif as pretty." "Core nel, ~oo ay o a any attentinto that o aI mîi Hie likestucate.LtasesQ see that sheaordhl."Li gv you somce dythnstapt h' fore ou caýtch nemni. Inside the bose At raldta take» ber coat off,btjsthe He1,îy remernberedtesonfst eried i'aler pocke, andshhdde deeper iýnto_ the wrap. After ail the danges he 'had bee tlioufor the diamond shli was not goîng, to take a chance of lsn it now, "Not yet,"- she toid hlm, with a srnile, and followed the wonaan into the amail bedroorn. "Art proliabiy didn't tbink t,3 lu troduce himseif," said blier hostcss. "I arn hic mother, Mrs. Hae.le s a nice boy but lie forgets his manuers uow and then." Mrs. Carey looked at Honey îuquiringly. "I am 50 glad to know you. My naine le Honey-ah-Hoîîey Roe." She sriled with -relief wlien she saw thatthe womau did udt notice the hesitation over her naine. She hatcd to lie about anything, but on the moment it seerned the wis- est course to take., She Was not ready to advertise lier true identity. "That' is a riglit pretty naine." Mrs. Carey pulled things f rom the dresser' drawers and put tien on the bed. "Kiud of romantie, toa.1 Well, here is et erything uow. Yau hurry and cliangý," and she ieft the ronin. Honey sliýppd quîckly out of ber wet thiugs. And as sie dressed, cie asked lierself. î woader ho-%Vf ar- we are froir Si Fraucisco? 1 must get there as mn 1a I aii _1liz liglit w'oolen dres s fitted per- fectly. She took the diamoud front the. fur coat and droppedit inta the pocket of the borrowed dres wliose skirt was ratier full and bid the sag to some exteut where tic box weigitcd it down, Wben she camne onit of the ronin, there w as a nice bot cup of coffee, toast ai-d preserves waiting for lier. Art was smoking bis pipe and lookung out of the windoiv,. , He tiurned as she came iu. "I guess ne sbould ride îinto town and uotify the authorities of 3 our -safety," he suggested. Honey shooklier liead quîckly. That was the one thiug slie did not wanit. "Please don't. 1liavec no relativ es to inforin and 1 liate to be bothered by reporters. 1 w ould rather forget the crash for a while-if 1 eau, she' added wistfully, "ihere is no une to -w'orry about wlictlcr 1 was savcd or not." lier heart cried: 0Ecet 11î, and liemay liate you bow for n bat lie thinks you are. A thief." A shldder passed quickly over ber. HANDY IIINTS If a tack rbrdi through, a narro stîpof aid- board, the nail aube hldiiiar to-get-at-place:(s, wtiu agrt fingers, etc. A power emery wbe 1e rte ai est cuttîuig tooi ùone can Usefo sharpening dul egs acigtl grinder, a thicýk baecaib re- duced t uale sapeb1 cai,\ fi! work with a ifile, tkig ff th1eC cess meftal unilit i '±hin enougli Then it is brýoutgliti okee et- ting, edge on htsoe Awy wor-k f imthicl. oad h edge. set!'Teegaeu erl ie crochet Jmake a adiin o n living ro.Easy oo Filet cr-ochIs asimle-o-d new, deI(ý I! Pattera 900 las dire- SOpad-TWENTY-FIV7E CENTS 'n coîins .(tairnps cannt be accpt ed) for thi pten to Box 1 Pr-int piuby ivPATTER'N NUM- BER, yurNME adADDRESS. Q. Wle1n a mu is'vaiggoe anda'et a wonmiin oi hiarqueint- ANo, it is nat aany more nCces- cayto )apologize froe' iv than it wudbe ta ploiefor weariag shoes. Q.When a youngmar aldeagir M.'es, accompaaied by lier AYes. A. Ta lier home. dinr able? , To the beu of the plane, pronge up, tce saiad fork nearet Ce plat, ros bI ext, 11db bisnth A. -rMay you have maay, a ofas I appiuiess." "I -wiSbbt '>f you al te apincsin t -word." "Good luckisnd God bles Yom I By Rue R. Barcta Wren MPhIpius1:1-Il;4189. naine ofthe So o;ity Tii 'mcnty-uc oftirc a'euty seven ooscnLof ïücth0NwPTstamenar piles or a letes i ftercU byitcusby aul. ometim wes be a journcy to some tchcio iB 7 e CeteChurc atPîiipp U cen aW prent omaul uonaie, by ý this ame essnger n e i reîrnc-lexeter tuhe Phorsip plans. Wg b ad prion, and ouble nsriied brisc prison experisewc lef Doyour nre vrget so la ta hysteca? aI4 sn-onanld your natural istoýre bein laheping ym etuaiïea aetrn ervous nry Sa try tstue-rvaremedyý whih ias cpdtouad h joy, confident fiat He 'o hidi bath begun a gond n ork lu you wll~ perfect 't until tic dat' of Jesisa Christ.' Wbile one faces the fact of phys- ~ ical illne~s it is irdîsputable that a considerable ptoportîon of aliments '~s~ arise from nnhealtlifub thinkiug. Worry le the greateet dhcase. Pani - gives us good advice, "Wbatsoever things are true,-lionest,-just,- pure,-loveh,-of good report; if there be an~ vîrtue, and. if there any praîse, think of these thin * ILp£ Au amulane chsin laye L42kd YpA lay hohaibee kMckdAow h aWahigtA Dr.~~~~~ Chs'sNrv Odcotaxns ViaiB, ionan thr eee inera' landi obneiat niter ftngieitt hgmvrn groIng dultr w oaF ...no need to keep it in 's ) ISE ~~fr+~ ICould scre amI Appear Next Weele Moderm Etiquette ~~ I'2By Ro-ertzLe

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