Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Oct 1948, p. 6

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Ouitstanding Qaality - Delicious Fl'avour ':HRONKCLES am at last IVe's, alter seven,ýi wseeks with h ardIy a sprinie weýv have actually' been blessed witis a )eea! ramn. We' began te bearid doub»tinig Thomiases that wve are, tis.at aitisQuglis ram was aleon uis it was gaing to ipass uis by. Voin <5ce,ftisat foirÏnch traàiintaýt rncis- cd Toronto SatuirdIay niglit didnî't camne oLr way at aIl. It wvas Sun- -lay nigist beforeý on-tturn camle, anId believe me, it was lîke mutsîc ior cars to wake up anidisear thiat stead-y dawniponrhintting tise roof, the wn dows and the frontdortp.S e o)f it (ame tin ise1C house to,bu tbat was nieithier bere northr. t also ffied tise cistern taovxoin se aw for a monis yay w sisal! have lots of nlice soft ýwater. 0f course t ise ramis too late te, hip itise pastures nincisbtit wii certainily salve tise fal whecat prab- Iern for a good rniany farmners. It 'isl suquite bot buit I imlagine a day or two wilt clear away ise un comifortabI l humidity and tenwe .nay have some n-ýfie a!w hr wisicb will add ta tise EnrJoymnit of thiose wgha areresedinat- tenýdîng local Faîl Pairs. Ves, and liet week wertmn te gaod old standard timne S sat111 I l anly ways we -tre gettingp bacli ta; a regnlar rotine following tise usual suilnier upiseaa,Ands'peaýk- ing of summner tinte, Partimer amutsed mne tise otlser day by saying: 4"You kniow Iwoudn1t m d daylgIit sa-v- ing tine 'al 1if webl i iiLtise winter instead oif tise summ.iier. Seels te nse we go b;ýck ta standard tun just wheIl fast tise wndIse sonie âdvantage ta uis." And Ironi fast and slow tïiseý pFobIemns we juiir ta isw te save Din Iydre power. Cý-ine solution is 'Very -impIe but it will neyer he akdoptedl. We ýoudgo bau c, -ta. sgelf inposedcrfw We could try goinig ta, bed at 10 o'clock. Man1-,y of those nintise sixty-ish î'lass pros-. ably do that afiyway but, what tbey î ave in electric lig'mlthtie lyaung falk burn upit in haîf tise timne. Iiagim suggesting ta youingsters of this- day and age that thecy be hiom--e by Answer te Lest Week',s Puzzle E DE fi V A Beginning Soon Dont Miss A Word 0f t Great New Seial The- Sylvester By Blanche Roberts The thrlà sosrt hi the very first paragraph ,- with a pretty y0limg redhlead lifting the famions Sylvester diampond fron a wvo- mnai's handbag in a Los Angeleb departmecnt store-and continues ight te the exiting and un- expeCted. finish. .1Look for the opeu-ing instailm-ýen)t nextwek its ale you muýLst 1flotmis ,mih Wh'yfor them aýt 12 'Clýck thei( nighit is jast beýginniing I mcy fatr istant1- youth it was a late nigh-t if wewere out to mnid- night And yst I really believe - had mores fun becuaus e wne flot saiatedmwith pleasure at twenty. jThere was always somethinig new and diffrent toulcok forward to; a show wýýas an evenjt; a dance some- tfhing pIPinned torseverai weeýks 1ahead.eA Sunay School Concert -was oftený lots Of funt-especiallyth waik hiotie ate vrd cith fliiker- nig gasigh-t fromi the streýet Lamips casting a shadowy glow. Neither night îghs nor brightlights wce necessary to enjoymrent in thos- diare I say itoegood old days. NIairi afraid curtailmnt Of nighit life will flot be hinvolved to anly grea tet in planls to save our rprecigots hydro power. nta we mua11t have ee-edshifts in" iIqdUstry; shot off the heacters, turil off thse radio, put ont tise lights.. Save ta tle otp)Iates, stoves, heaters and ironinig-save 1p, eyery way pos- Mibe just so long as it does fo initerfere ith aiyt 'speaue And while the housewife fecîs ai- mest a crimnalif se shouldare, toghave îtsecondpiece o'f toast she knOws that yn the towns and cities nighrt hf e goes on1 rach as ulsual, wih maybe a lïiht dinxmîled hecre and there as a special Con- cession tA hydro conservation. Now 1 have hl amyseif wideOpen to be labelled as anuoAd crcA, but isn-'t teesoeie ftho(d ii in m nad- nes3, or at least somie reason for it, when the need to save power i impre-s.sed vpon u rs hy radio and pesand yet fromi towns and cities the-re is ail kindis of evidenice t'hat hydro is being ulsed in) so mn ways exýchisivreiy forpeaue And now heres a Iaugh against myef. had the ke01onto mk a culp of tea. A fenvinuittes ag thîn'ikinig thewae should be boil- ing, I went 0o1t 10thie ictchlen, The ketie -was -oni aIlright buýt 'I bati forgoitten to turu on,1the hat. ow wvho dares to say thiat I don 't practice Whjat I prea-ch! Wasn'7t I saving the litdro?- 4, 1l l . - j c Iqor46 1. Iuro ildpoet 2;. i Icb. 4l.PLv >n M brick 9. Aýe Dû 4eGe>tl ,l ba 18. 1,eaeVst rib-k 12. TC1oue1s la1t 5C.7. NNFrsher or f4o j 1 . M o v e r e d i t h a Isru sursace Su. My Umen Wb Theaterbomea 2A. Meles lace p0rFench Mrte 3-owo<'a boat Ïf Golf Mtoka du I sts wMell witli tisecft 4 ~Ar, a.Pot(, 4.Ade1te issadand I are very isapp'y pd very muiilo (ve. Ju it th:e maonltis ago a baby was born ta nis, winichsmd lis - * > Bt vithIlim- -- c aanwand lobg - rsponsibi- 'iy - and tex- vMy huband wage , bt iwet sa-e '1ny. lHe gives ilme about tre fUIfds o! lis csekfor hoiuehold expenses. Wen is part is gone, he cer «gts rnoney frmmeor writes a Checck, 've aiwaýy,;been one to Save. BuLt irny lbusband doesnî eemuita kCnnw hlow t tamna'ge bis rnoncey. Most nI his rnoney goes lor little 'thiligs whîcb bie cndes e alnng wîtlisont., " 1 d 5Znt s ymu1cil to Ihum aýboult tniis.becanse Ifgueh1sn realize bis rvcspoibiit b)y nnw. bothelýr Ibii, .He says tisi just cornes with 1mar11ried ilife! Mrs. D. %W."1 No Debts, No Waories * For a mnan ta saiytiades *camle witb mniai'ge is uât1 ilsort of aiidiculous- Marriage is a busi- * ness, too, and if Onie dousnit pay *aslise gos, r establisisanld ra *tain good credit, tise rnariale bas *no Simeefoundatin, *No sanemai runws a busine'ss *l ith ie idea of io nat making it paly. *lc He keps bis books> beknow * uber vrydollargcs nd * behi-or fot it is jgsifadis *buisiness 1musu mlake a poior *there is no business. * l requires sm.sr of oper- *ating buidgeýtndif tisai boudget *is nitwatched 7and, !clceckedl, *trouible cornles and stays. A mai *is resp)onsible for spendling tise *farni l inarn. *M'ake lup a btIdýï-t. Go over it * witb your lissband, ask bIis ad- *vice. Tagetiser decide whaîi lf * ver aller expenses and savýinIgs Iare paid, and snge-sî tisaibe keecp "out a certain sum to Spend asec *plcases. (Van sb<uId do tise *Saile.) Thc1n if thtisii nm mus ont *befare bis neuxi check arrives, be *(and youi) do withouut. Exýpenses Increase *Vour baby will cosî milore ta *raise and educate cvts-y ye-ar, ui!i *lbe is On bis ws~Wiscre is tise * manley caimîig fromn, tnle>s il is *i put sidle CacIs p)ayda1y.? our * isusbanld will admit ibis trutis if *il is brougliu befor-ehiim. Von and *Ibath hop'e h(. will facebisre-. * ps'mbltS Ssnrland ples- *Debi canl drain tise Spirit nf anry monife It is usmuly Je Who bas ta *face tise andlord and bilI calleu *u ors s is e mwhnoCes tiese orry- * ls. To plaibiAs burdn on iser * iolesis -nai.lotfair. Vor us- * band wiIi admit tisai, ion. * Figures will convinice ;-.aila t' ice)n ar-gument iican. Get ta- *geiher on ibis vital point, andc * work singaoi tguhr camle is one of teise o.si frequiti reasols for divorce. 'Don' t Icit tiss gist bant yoir bus.Talir t ,Is o ver tagetiber, and scecwiat's ta be doue, Annie 1Hirst can bIleipý, if yon jwrite ber ai 123-l8ibSret New Toronrn. By Anne Ashley leatise? A. Give it several ceats a)f water- celer paint, aelectlnjg, efcorstii. sisade of thleatPriserAtris -Easi estL t11i ng n rtise word ta Se w ! )ONE "p iCe, plusý a floiunce or r-uffle to flirt l't ise lhem of) for botis looks aInd fit! aermn 4"9,tison1, lu, lu18, 2;4.Size- 16 takeCs yds. 9m Trnfrincludied. Secnd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (c)in, coins (stamlps caninot b1)e accýepted) ,fori. I) patternta Bo1, 123ists Sree, Nw TronIto.Prilit plainl SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMTýiBER. Bv Rev PR Barda7 -Warren -Biography in the Bible Genesis 11:31 to 12, 5; M7. 1-S, Golden Text-In iil'y wysac knowledge isim and hecsisal! diredt thly patiss. -Proverba 3:6 11n every nation tsere have ben IiÀjviduals wio helped te £hape t!ie coQurse of history. Ao know tise, sto)ry of these pcrsons is-,tI kumowtde biograpy of the nm~on. ise chôsig of Abram ta illus- trae biagnapy intuseBokib sa happy one. Few lnies iniiitr are respýected by so mlanly. He was thre fatheur and foulnder of ie Jew,ýish naâtion. Mohiammiedans ac- dam hi because he wasts father of Ishmalýei froin whih tue trib)es of Arabs are decendrd. To Chrýistians h[e is the "fathecr of the failfui." Bile iographies are frank. Tiser is, no attemlpt to caýver faulta. Abrami's refereu]ce to bis wife Sara as hos sste, -even iough sheas his isl-itr- aianattemipt to decive.This wa one instane 0f hlis Jack of faith. HIowever in, othecr acsAbram siso e îat faits.Iiil response to od'scal lie ieft Um' of thle Chaldees, jaurneying to Cao- aao.nn-w called Palestne. This land was prmsdto Armanld 1bis seed for an everlaming PosssmonR. But greCater thanýl this wmas the proml- ise, To shaîlt be aD. sin-n in teslisal! al i ch famlilies of the earthb ýe biessed." Thbis is heu :i fulilld tsrogh esu ChistwUfio isadescendant of Abrain accordî(ing to fise flesli. Abraisammas cled ta be perfLt It was apreto according t Gad'sostadard and not nmn's. was not aPerfection of mmîrd but: af mtv.It is sinslilar7 to jesus'statme- met"BlessedI are thle pure in hcart, for tbley shal scesG. Answer to Tht. Puzzle Wil Appear Next WeelrISE4i-14 TI 811?ABP TALKs Wbèt ber plese-vel, fresb cilýooki- cd,)apJs are a most valuabie ad- ditinti is ï)f e ail ýl y di et. Altu is they contain anmeof fthencssr mlinera,AS their greatest nmenit s founid in tise fibrle contet- il~ aidsinormlliriiainand in isei ted. Iiis a s Is l p - 1)s n-,ultraiz e tise 'icid effeetLs of -1,oo(ýd snicb asegs If tisy aei taiwith aipe f may be kept i m (tisenturai s. Tate- 51lsisoldlbe umatureý b'ut stili isard maid stor-ed in acol sih1 y 1mo(ist place. Mosi ccl- !ls are idea'l f oý thi"s purpnJ-,.Tise fruit sisouIld be ornprborrestnrjpilg. ',ow blere are some a îfppie recipes l'u sre nul enjiv; but first --doni't forget that an apple for dessert in scliool-ciidrcn's lunches is juat about tise Most effective baoth cleanser and breatis sweetenler you cani include. Apple-Cariot Conserve Two cups rappies, 2 cnp-)s icarrais, 1Icleno, '/2 icup -water, 3/3 clips Suigar, / teaspoon saIjt. Peel, cre and chonp apples. Orate- or grin arriSlice or grnd lein- an-. Add water, sugar, and sait. Cook ail ageheruntil tise fruit is trans- par-ent and bias a cleair, tisick syrup,. it takes aibouit 45 minuites toauan iour. Pour, mua baht, cdean jars, anid seal. Apple Tomiate Conserve Two cups apples,2 cups tamat- oeilernonj, 22/3 cups sugar, '/2 easoonsali, '2cnp broken- Peel cane and cis.op appie(-s. PeLC and c1iopi ripe tamaiees. Grate rind of lemon ,anýd remalve îui;ce, Cook apples anýd tomlatoes unitil tenîder. Tis1en add Ugar, lmnjuice, anid rinid.akuti ri is clear. Ad-', nuts if desircd. 'arinto bat, ean, jars aznd scal. Apple-Picirles Onle pounid apples, 3 pounil sugar, 2/ý up vinegar, 1 cup wate, icinnmonstick,!I table- sonclaves, 3 slices lmn Peel aid cr apples, anid cnt in quarters and ble.Mix suigar, water, andl vimegar, Tic' apicecs à l4ag aud place in mixtLvre. Rail f5ve minutes; add apples and lemoni slices. Cook slowly mmtil apples arc clear and tender. Rýem1ove spice a and pourn pickles inito bot, dleanl jars, anid seal. Apple Chutney One guant tart apples, 2 mcd- îum onionis, 2 reýd peppers, 1 cnpraiin ,A cnp vineanr, i cup water, Icu,,p su jr, papr-ikat, %taonsait. Pe el, rea4 ehop apples; co O1oniùns mmd peppe, Cmiei gredieits. Cok raidyutil appli-' are tener andthe 'm*'itre is h' and clear (abOt "10 minutes> ba ecessary-tead more watý« if the a'aplre not juicy. Pour1 int htdenjarsÏ. Seal anid pr- cess inwterbath f imntes. The arg'e tart ape,6oar ese sugaýr ,and waterj, 3l 011s. - Peel, core, an! chop apfflns Grid oanges or chlop fîn1ely. Com- binef fruiits and cook slowly in 3> qurt 'f water for 30 inues Mecasuire fruit ndwateýr. ,Wdd 1clqp sugar for each cup fruit and jie Cook until thiick. Then pour inqto hlotdajr, and seal. RE LIEF f romn 'jHenedache? For fa1st re- lief et INSTANTINE. For' sure relief getINT- 'rïwx. For prolonjed relief get. Ytes, mort people cvery a !lnidmzg tlat Irntwms m Éhing ta taire to stop ah I'AST!1 For INSTAN1T1NZ threc provemi medicai r that bring relief mlmost et ,W' And the relief lestai, For faestpain relief get IsMrr todayl I'q'sux

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