Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Oct 1948, p. 4

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STimels ývertising Rates on request . Subseriptiocn $1.50 Try our up-to-date e'-Job Plant. O}ur prices are sure to pleaýse, and our work is of the best blished every Thursday morning at the Times office R. A. Forrester,Pbis r Established January., 1937. Baby Bye Moderr science per to have accoiiiplished mucli d-G1rnýg th t year or two in the control ,anoiination of he commo hous SAt any rate, there have 'been much fewer flies aonD.D T. 3. kindrod prepar ations nay have contriibuted te this buon, i erapparenitly 'iooked upon the house fly as ýone oi sunmmrer' nes which must nieed go witfi the blssng. e are toidà of ai Sonsl a former school reader 'wh,*cihp-raticaly extolled te fy. peetie fori, a c.hild invites the infant mem-Pber 'of the famiiy 4to dy the capers of a fiy hy. repeating the ines, "BabýIy bye, here'-S ly, let a s watch hiîm, you and IL" The intervening y-ears have carried a graowing des-ire onD the t of olidreni and grfow11-up to not 'Oly wVatclh the fly, but to sa n as wel, Growin'g kniowledg-e of the dange-r M disease as caied fies 'han iponpted this attitude. Alil of thne rmeans at our dîisposai-' d been usned in the -figlit. Ser-een doors, stîcky capers -and ceilingý- ngerts. poison, spray and finally D.D.T. iit wouid appear 1that DD. le far more fatal 1te fles than ihe FD T's are tohuasbeue V'er cYf the former, are coiming hack for a ý,econd pl1 ain In !this reg-ard we are iir(enedof the story 7of anioldamn, onel lso a ake*d 'how he withsýtood' th61nig'htiy ag aino îquitees in acetitopical ooulitry, Wi.,said the 11ýColonel finth fîiret part of the n 1htIarn se drunk that the mosquito)eý net a.nnioy me. Later on, they are so drtun)k.he evetat e --Idetbohe me 1anyway, Whethe(r said inseetsstgdufien oenccfor a scon(jd ight's foray we d0 oct no - ehp :y -succw)ied e the D 1 T's. If thiey dîid not, then D Fi T ma-ry ],-ave- ounted for thei. in ail serniusness, the prepac1atien a bpersa s * s s 0f Comminunity Interest The Port Hlope Guide a short time ago prblished au finerest- s 1rycfo t Marký'sAnglican Chur1ch luft chat toma. Standing summ,îit of -athigh b Iil, thje centur'y and aartroidedfc evideuce cf tJe prýeervat n d cure providerd y succeeing ste. ehveatedddivine srvc'lu St. Mr',mkn cen t tete Church hy the proverbial way of "Jaeoh'sLadder". nîide pints eut thie syielie appeal cf thispatuarlcef p, wit its senec- f vanitage over the towux. Right now our oncustitueucy is h)eing seve y ti ea thea Orono Times, wHihun iiemtie oresc'rice el th Park Se. Churh inu(Oman. Cwila bete te bereit cf ea, t us if we eutak indle tatsirit cf devotion WhWipelle oeathers t e eet Pork St. Church No greater edaamiy bffl a teain and coumunty than thativhich makeas for co- indff~ o the local Charch aud al!il orwhilcb 14stands. True, a LÉo f peeople tner darkenits deocyYt i renaim Mci beefit and pactetioni, just as, much as itee forihs how conisent devetiýn. The oaftcfte matterp lteeer- shouldCcenlt1ib1te ln seme mjanlner te tle spec ftheloa 'ifhy re 1larianr luiits beýnefits nnyway. When they (dodige fel'ew -tecarry Ithe la.This amountis te atye cf chritiy ech self espeting people ill net ieli to e b cue These jwasi few ocf te thoughs entering our mnd as we rend cf JAk luPort1Hopq E, fPark St. Chuarch kere, nsud oýF the' mymi-ad plaqces c f rhpwhich rfeally seek to stand ihetwewven us n o f Civ e auld net want, but whieh we mweud hae ilu he CARD 0F THA Th-.e fa i fy the 1a edetheïs"~ dne fo(r thne manyý fl J- rii recen t nt, IPORT v Hi( Frn. & Sat., 0( iiinAlun -) trIf1eUioy1 uge1V t Ve~Ki.g-G es7 amd 8, oye' lerock ef on Mdonday, 1w e,ýd, Alox. D-ramai,ýnendjC, EHaro[ld '~f f ý, David Phas-ýy. Grades 7 amid8 _________ chlde wcor'k apro Ný"orma Al, un, NKS ixDu ouEenrRoisn Ke;ý(an Grades 7 ami 8, girl's liNorma fu iT Alun.-1 ' ~rundt 12 Yeams ampi UnderC ~/eds nd Pair Of ptodrquilted, Haol tvacete', f.Moýffat.Three kCuit loke, June Gor-i tbnem ne- don, No. 21, Hlen loy, No.21., Aa' Mm.'"- Animald.r.tp, Aex.Drumond, ofy OfwaAlbertSith, eskard. ird houFy, er Reeah ade Of Wood, Alex, Druurinond, Carly Jn Ebrold Mcfat. - 16 Years ani Uuder Samlple cf ny c aft , brt Sruth, ANKS 'arolyn jones, Hampten pqpil. ct has. F Wntepaper basket, Alex. Driu- 1y ac4ot odLeekard pupil,aold Moffat. ~sorîeds hild'sstuffed doli, Patsy MofYt, ~a~rciaionMarie Leswics. ~s intheir 18 Years and VUuder fvts. wd, Kîtt.dsocsPatszy iot. Girl's Fancýy Apron, Patsy';Moffat. Emii- 'crodevd a~ci Jnu Tannant, Le hard. Book heli' oy Ca miero, Leshard. GCOUP objechncnt mae y n group, ppisOfNO. 2l', J04isOf lampteM. Exhbit Of bandreaIono Jun- jor UoSi'hLne. SothDarlng- PE ton Sihool Amen. ing Faim n fteruoon, Omono Senioir Croom Oono Itmeit om n ~t. 8-9 ampton. "6ROBIN HOOD"I Wih Erro)l Flynn audm( OivLa Dellavillau-d iii Technicoler After-Sunday Mlidntghi DOULE SPOK"sgow WdThulr,, Oct, 13-1H Whh Jonc ay SALE REGMSThRS The u drsgnd uctioneer AS Taor.tsel bYpulcatint %e 3, CMLo 10. Clarke Township. aee 0i11yonFridaciy, cee.2d hie hoses -tilk cos, wine, feed aind mach--inenSle te ommece at Raserve, ns the farm lesoLd.Jack Reid. Arctionreer. I Iav eceivedisrctoste seil liypblic uctýicuf o te xco Sf th saec h aeW .Kines- -an. , Lt 4,Con. 2,MaerTwn hçrss, flkorm, fad.poirlry 'and mnchiery.Terms ýCas.N e struLctions from H Ier-. 1Byers at sliu ferts. The fumuiture lea Pinlugood, condiion.Teom CnWJnck Raid IlOne CuisIomer Teils Another Aboutil OUR BETTER KIND 0F DRY afCLEANING * * * * The LagagOf Our Day A speaker upon a Sunday radi e bodcst recently, made th0 -vatieu'LI that "too many peo-ple piidetemeespnterred f tUe léococf the nronth".Hu many cf us pay suffcient atte- to the Bock cf the Ages?. be aked. Apm artfrrsit itinie virtues, tne 1ubie prevideLýsasing pIc cfithe fille languge cY an e-rrer day, iam ltough thS met the ppoýinýt prma istesed Iby tne radieoadn eitle thing We %AI de adi tekep in mndnc iVioeru te nduies rwu ec ac tcwýard "opla" nd silovenl"y frena, c. ic is are vehIioles byw1lithoughts nd'areeprsdcrhugi, Mh amidflnaly car actions are lu ueed cf sfgadn gis t.ant of car timne. Perflrps wie sloulý nt eperioet(,toc gret analm for th-e et day' "Kiug'e ngfsh vien me eali that nay aceeptod s and phrases t-day are porba.bly fairly me-ent adepions of t prevïous gepelations had regaYded as eMrreneousanndaue le. t is tdc,tfil though, whether any previcue period in cu Saxcn history witnessed such a delibemate iuse ef car lu ae es bas the present. Coie strips anid imevie commi-leutators aË te!et« en nstNin ante ndecf the ycuug a distorted senýse prds andmteir meauing. Hemw consienticas teacher anud educau- comiat thes:e t 4gel a mystery te as. Likevise, we fre 11Y wouder huai meh cf the prevaiiiin ag oneau be saffely pomated %nccurlanguage, Te1% g yof spceech handed dw hs entury te the next may eas'ly be ragerded by fuure tu- s as, s eti t t aent suad lyary L E ham hies fat, 100 ils.;3 a ba U0stees.,;00 .;4D7ra edld 2 îfat calves. Swine 5 fat ifogs. tHay and Grain ship22 Abu4ton of baied hay mx ) n d); icut C600 L'bahels cof ix edý ngstrawcalr121u 1 Wagon;11 mcwer, g;1separator ('Rau-., 1 21 ineh ch cellar. STRAYEI> Al Url! V Lot 8 onq~inICak Towshi, on ra~Ot 2r 2nd, on-e Durhan-mcow. Ano l' nowlîngr ofis whýereabou, b 1oi- 1,y...ov i îF~ Dunan ura ~bi JphOno Lorne Bel, pone6 r12, Orono, 'a -3'-c WILL BUY Up to 100 acr es of land, not neea- saýïry to '-e -olfamigsoli, net in- teetedi uidns. If price ils right vvil buy imniteiateiy. Ali cashA~pI-1y Lte Box 107, O ron o FOR RENT Farm, 10lD acres, ýS '/ Lot 24, Con. 6, Tojwnslr$p of' Clarke. Apply te Rp, R. Waddeil, Orono. , FOR SA LE il o~ ve 15 n' tlis 01Ld, lu goud oondl, $,10too. s0 S2-Volt D.C enierat,$ 00 Apply A. Hf Stevns, en ~~ Orono29r8. FRSALE Oine '32 Ford ~ea~Vingýa Inew motraisocone -'38Xo)rd Coaicfi ln gold condtioni. j ply to tGeorige, Onie tà<u~ lae. Phaone 74 r2., on.of\ -3 c WORIK WAN H ldo ail]ri'lworl Can drive ùtruck, car and t wtor~ Further nora tion aýt Y eiiieuilen, ecare UI- oneBufllo R.2Ooo.c3 SALIE REGISTERS I h1ave been anh~i ~ yM r.1W. I. Bll toir, l by !publlic nuotienUat Lot 2 , o. , Hope Twsihl mle eaýs4 of Oak Hill, on Tesy y horsesý; 17 head of cows, s -ees ad caives; io-icand10 feeder hogsý 16 bredin ,ees, À7 imsaniui irm; feed, nda1fll ne of uarmr ma- ciney.Termns Cs.No PReseýrve. Mir. Ws.Falýs, Lotd 8, Coicesi b5, Clarke TonsiI, a Srille,b pnli actonon Turda , Oc0ber 7th, at 13 p.m., '25 ton c"f haly, codof, s4ove vwood, furiture, hed- ding andrmany oIthe articls.Terms Cash. Jack Re id, ucilneer 340-Corn Fed VFeeder tte30 Ai-l'cattie are Beef Type, uhas Ileefrd ad Pol Anus iav been pastur-iing on a-Ilcornfield for sorne tinie and arle l grea4t cordition. Why not ,Ic rnead get csineof thesýe top eedersý at t3ie righlt price. Sale wlIl be held(i -t' Homie Farmn, ut 1.00 Lt17 anid 1,, Con, 8, Dar]iingtoni Townlsh-ip, 1ml n'thor Enn-iskii- len, V 1 les noth f Bwman]ville. E. A. WerrySles Mngr e acso , Auct'Ioneer. ORONO Furnliture Hospital Afilqu See 0 Phone Let Us. Settý etder eswill be kfu1Iy on CONfiE OSHAWA LAUNDRY DRY & CLEANING Co. ILtd. AýGENT A. F. NMcKENZIE, M.D. PHYSiCIAN and SURGEON Suràdays and -Wednesdays hy appoiiincea oiy PHONE 471iRON LEGAL Lawrence IC. Magon, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILL., ONT. Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARIUTER SOLICITOIR NOTARY Office 825 Residence 449 BOjWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR- W. W. SIIERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office Mlain St. on Phone 6s r 7, orono J. C. GAMEY INSURAN CE Fire, Casualty, Automobifr and 1Liahillty ORONO - ONTARIO Domsinioa of Canadiea General Harti-foird Pire Insurancez WaerooMtual Frire 1Inaurancoe Wa-wanlesa Mutualineuýrance lei pesne n tis district by *DANE FOUND I V Insurauce, giv. Dan. a ztrît LEROY IHAMILTON~ INSIJRANCE EN ALL ITS BRAINCHES Fire, Automnobile, Liability, ýLife, H11ospitaliszation, Plate 1Glass, Burglary, Casualty Rzep-e!senîtiug tihe Leadilig CANAMAN BRIISHAnd A.MERICAýN COMPANIES 10ffice, Main St. - ORONO- SPholnes: office 32 r 10; Res. 1 r 16 1Phonoe me and I wiIl cail to sui.t you_ Estunates freely given, n110obligation INFORMATIOe"N ou likete know )more aFbemê )îw to weil to your family .Qa dollars that& you have't le ow ta guarantee a oalary, ýo your family ever-y montfr Sor 20 years shou).d you b& it of thse piture ? >w to hv a salary Chequo antis for yourself aS lon g az ýc(aunenciuig at age a5-6e ow to guarantee that your aughIter will have the monieY locatiOn beyond high School? h ave a chat about it sonue- I ____________ KERS Bloor St. The RI Au s Lction sales of al at reasentable rates cate with hlm ai irio, or see his Clerh at Orone?, far date LCK REIAD )no's Licensed eer and Valuator lize- in Earm and terme (:D . O'ror eý

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